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- Seducing Her Brother's Best Friend [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (mobi)
Seducing Her Brother's Best Friend
Seducing Her Brother's Best Friend Read online
Evernight Publishing
Copyright© 2013 Jenika Snow
ISBN: 978-1-77130-572-3
Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs
Editor: Karyn White
WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.
This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
It's just a little harmless fun.
As always, thank you so much to my readers and friends that have shown me support along this journey. I want to say thank you to my mom for always being there for me. You have always been my number one cheerleader, even when we butted heads. You always tell me how proud you are of me, and for that you really are the World's Greatest Mom. I love you.
Wickedly Taboo, 5
Jenika Snow
Copyright © 2013
Chapter One
She was lying out again. Fucking sunbathing wearing the skimpiest bathing suit they probably made. Her skin was golden brown from doing this exact thing almost every day, and here was Kane watching her like a creep with his cock harder than fucking steel. It was bad enough that he was twenty-eight and she was only eighteen, but she was also the younger sister of his best friend, Andre.
Fucking hell.
Cayla reached behind her and slowly undid the little knot that held the tiny triangles of material over her tits. His dick jerked in his jeans, and he clenched his hands into fists. He should turn around and do something that didn’t have him wanting to walk over there, flip her around, and fuck her senseless. If he didn’t know any better he could have sworn she did this shit to him on purpose. What he needed to do was quit coming over to his parents’ house, but they were in Europe for the summer and he’d promised to housesit for them.
Now here he was, wanting to grab his cock and strangle the damn thing while he memorized every fucking curve of her lush body. She was thick in all the right places, with an ass that was round and ripe, and tits that would surely overflow in his hands. You’re a sick fuck, Kane. A sick motherfucker for wanting your best friend’s little sister. It would be so easy to jerk off while he let his eyes travel up and down her tanned, curvy and oil-slicked body, but he wasn’t that much of a nasty fuck. He’d do it when he was alone and not peeking at her like a pervert.
The rumble of Andre’s Mustang pulling into the driveway had Kane jerking his gaze away from Cayla. Andre climbed out of the car and was about to head over to Kane’s parents’ house when he stopped. The scowl on Andre’s face was clear, even from where Kane sat. Andre stalked over to Cayla, and although he couldn’t hear what was being said, he could hear the raised, deep voice of his friend. Andre grabbed a towel and tossed it over Cayla while waving his hand around. She flipped him off, tossed the towel away, and turned her head so she wasn’t looking at him. After a second he headed toward Kane and pounded on the front door. His hard-on had deflated as soon as he heard the rumble from Andre’s car, so there was no need for that embarrassment to make itself known.
Kane opened the front door, and his best friend shoved past him, steam practically coming from his ears.
“Can you believe Cayla?” Andre shoved a hand through his thick black hair and stalked into the kitchen. Kane followed him, not wanting to say anything until he knew for sure what the hell Andre was pissed about, although he had a pretty damn good guess. Andre opened the fridge and grabbed two beers. Tossing one to Kane, he opened his bottle and leaned against the counter. “You would think she would have a little more common sense. I mean who the fuck dresses like that?”
Kane opened his beer and took a long pull. He certainly didn’t want to admit he knew what Andre was talking about. That was grounds for an ass-kicking of the worst kind. Kane shrugged, but Andre wasn’t paying attention.
“This is the third time in the last two weeks I’ve come over for a visit and found Cayla practically laying out in the yard fucking naked.” He drank the rest of his beer in two swallows and went for a second bottle.
“I…” Shit, what in the hell should he say? “Dude, that fucking sucks.”
“You’re damn right it fucking sucks. You know how many asses I am going to have to beat when the punks realize Cayla is all but giving them a free fucking peepshow? Hell, who knows what the little douchebags are already seeing when I’m not here.”
He exhaled, and Kane felt a moment of guilt for the filthy thoughts he had about Andre’s little sister.
“Hey, since you’ll be here the majority of the summer, would you mind keeping an eye out for any assholes creeping around Cayla?”
For a moment all Kane could do was stare at Andre.
“Well? Can you or what?”
Kane blinked a few times, brought his beer bottle to his lips, and sucked down the rest of it. The images of Cayla’s scantily clad body played through his mind, but he pushed them away as soon as they entered.
Don’t be a bastard, man. Andre is standing right here. “I mean, I don’t know how often I’ll be here.”
“Kane, man, please. You know the little pricks that run around here. Talking to her doesn’t do any good.” Andre ran his hand through his hair again and shook his head. “I mean, I honestly don’t know what has gotten into her. Since she turned eighteen and graduated she’s been acting different—wearing revealing clothing, and now this bullshit. I don’t know if she’s rebelling or what, but I’m going to end up killing someone.”
Kane looked away and rubbed his jaw. “All right man. Just don’t go killing anyone.” He attempted to joke, but he was feeling anything but humorous. It wasn’t like he was doing anything different. He had been watching her, hard and long to be honest, but this somehow seemed wrong, as strange as that actually was.
“Thanks, Kane. I know I can always count on you.”
They sat for another hour shooting the shit before Andre headed out. Cayla had since gone inside, Kane was sure to Andre’s relief. If he could just think with his mind instead of his dick he’d be good to go, but that was easier said than done. Cayla Reinhart used to be this lanky little raven-haired girl with braces and glasses. Over the course of one summer she had completely done a one-eighty. He had always seen her as Andre’s little sister and nothing more, but it was as if this past summer had something inside of him snapping. He wanted her bad, but there was no way in hell he could ever have her.
For one thing, she was just too damn young. A ten year age gap didn’t seem like it would be that big of a deal, but when the other person had just turned eighteen, like a few fucking months ago, it was a pretty big deal to him. Despite feeling like the worst friend in the world for the totally inappropriate thoughts he had about Cayla, he still found himself watching her through the blinds, wanting her like he had never wanted another female before. He was pretty good at predicting outcomes, and he knew that he would most likely fuck-up where Cayla and Andre were concerned, and that would mean a whole lot of shit would go down.
Chapter Two
Cayla ran a fresh coat of gloss over her lips and watched Kane Montgomery take off his shirt and proceed to wipe the sweat off his face and chest. There was nothing better than looking at a man who didn’t realize what he did to women, and Kan
e was certainly one of those men. With his short dark hair and dark eyes, he looked like a fallen angel come to do some serious destruction on the female population.
“I don’t know how you live next door to that and still function,” Holly, her friend from school, said dreamily. The two of them had been watching Kane work on his Harley for the past hour, although she doubted he was even aware.
“Well, I’ve been trying to do everything in my power to get him to notice me, but I swear he has super powers. I mean, what man doesn’t at least come outside and pretend to be doing something when a half naked girl is lying just feet from him?”
Holly made a small grunting noise of acknowledgment, but otherwise kept her sights on Kane. Cayla couldn’t blame her though. He was gorgeous in every way, and the only guy she had loved since she even knew what in the hell that emotion was.
The problem: he was her brother’s best friend and ten years older than she was. Of course the latter was the least of her worries, but the whole Andre thing did put a crimp on her plans in seducing Kane.
“Why don’t you just walk over there?”
Cayla turned to Holly. “Are you insane? And say what?”
Holly shrugged. “I don’t know, but really who cares? You leave for college at the end of the summer. Even if he does turn you down, which I sincerely doubt he will, you won’t have to be mortified for that long. Besides, haven’t you been trying all summer to get with him? You can’t have no balls now that an actual opportunity presents itself.”
Cayla shook her head, even though Holly made a great point.
“I want him, like desperately, but the idea that it is just a one-night stand feels so dirty.”
Holly faced her and made sure Cayla’s full attention was on her.“Honey, that is exactly what you need. Who in the hell wouldn’t want to get dirty with that? Anyways, you said yourself you want to get rid of your V-Card before you hit college. What better way than to give it to the guy you’ve been lusting after for years?” Holly looked at Kane again and sighed. “I hate to break it to you, but if you want more from a man like Kane, you’ll most likely be disappointed. We both have heard the rumors of him and the women he sleeps with, like doing it with them only once and not looking back. You can’t act like he’d give you more.”
Holly was right even if Cayla wanted to picture Kane walking up to her and professing his undying love. She knew the truth, though. He wasn’t a one woman kind of man, and probably never would be. If she really wanted him, or at least a sampling, she would only have one night.
They both turned and looked at Kane again. His muscular chest flexed as he worked on his bike. The tattoos that covered his back were intricate and dark against his flesh. Cayla wanted to run her tongue along the swirling lines and memorize every hard inch of him.
“I can see your mind is already in the gutter.” Holly nudged her with her shoulder. “Go on.”
Normally Cayla wouldn’t have been peer-pressured so easily, not that Holly was putting much pressure on her to begin with.
Holly was right of course, but she was suddenly so scared at the prospect of actually going over there. Lying out in her backyard seemed easy enough, because she pictured him coming over to her and initiating everything. But this scenario had her going over to him. She had come up with the idea to try to seduce him when she found out from Andre that he’d be house-sitting for his parents for the summer. She knew this was her only chance to be with him. Rejection was at the forefront of her mind, but she pushed that deep down inside of her, pulled out her inner seductress, and tried like hell to make him notice her.
He either had no attraction for her, or he was gay. The latter was easy enough to disregard since she knew for a fact he had been with more girls than she cared to count. Yes, she did love him, but did he see her as something more? She wanted him to notice her as a sexual object, not the geeky younger sister of Andre. Just thinking of her overprotective brother made her almost rethink doing any of this.
“Yeah, okay.” Holly was right, what did she have to lose? Even if he said no—which would most likely be his response—she was leaving in less than two months. She stood and smoothed her hands down her tank top and jean shorts.
“You look good, especially in those Daisy Dukes. Damn, Cayla, if you bend over I bet you could flash him your vajayjay.”
She normally didn’t wear such revealing clothing, not when her thighs were a bit too thick for her liking, and she didn’t have the tall, willowy body frame a lot of the girls in town had, but she was trying to make him notice her. Sweats and a t-shirt wouldn’t cut it. So, pushing her self-conscious attitude aside, she squeezed her size sixteen body into these clothes and tried to feel confident. Before she could chicken out she headed toward him.
Telling herself over and over again that this was the right decision, Cayla made her feet continue to move. She was so close to him that she could smell the scent of motor oil, cologne, and clean sweat that surrounded him. She was instantly wet. A quick glance down showed her nipples were rocked hard beneath the thin material of her tank. But her seductress attitude couldn’t falter now, not if she planned on being under Kane before she left for college. The sound of metal clanging against metal as he threw his tools back in the red box by his feet wasn’t nearly as loud as her erratic heartbeat. Tempting him from afar was a hell of a lot easier than what she was about to do right now. Licking her suddenly dry as sand lips, she opened her mouth and spoke.
“Hi, Kane.”
The sound of her saying his name had his fucking dick springing to life, and wasn’t that some shit. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath in and exhaled, trying to will the damn thing to go limp. Of course his dick wouldn’t listen. He turned around and nearly choked. There she stood, only a foot away from him, and looking too damn tempting for her own good. Her white tank top was damn near transparent, and her fucking nipples were hard as rock. He didn’t even think she was wearing a bra for fuck’s sake. The shorts she wore, if they could even be called that, were so tiny he could practically see the outline of her cunt.
“Hey, Cayla.” It took all his strength just to get those two words out, but he heard how low and harsh he sounded. He wanted to stand, and not seem strange still kneeling by his bike, but if he did that his erection would no doubt be noticeable, and he didn’t want to scare the poor girl away.
“So, uh, what are you doing?”
If Kane didn’t know any better he would think she was nervous, but why she would be was beyond him. It wasn’t like she hadn’t seen him around countless times while growing up. It had seemed like he lived there for how often he was at her and Andre’s house. But looking at her now, with her waist length black hair let free and brushing her hips, her alabaster skin, and her full pink lips, did funny things not only to his cock, but his chest as well.
“Just tweaking a few things. There really isn’t anything wrong. I just needed something to do.” If not all I’d do is think about you. He cleared his throat a few times. He had no idea what was wrong with him, but since talking with Andre nearly two weeks ago, and agreeing to keep an eye on Cayla, Kane noticed something had shifted inside of him. He had no idea what it was, but Cayla was all he could think about, all he could imagine when he saw himself lying in bed with a female. Those thoughts were dangerous, but unavoidable. Reminding himself that she was far too innocent and sweet, that he would only ruin her, should have had him putting as much distance between them as possible, but he couldn’t. She was the taboo that he wanted, and the younger sister of the man he thought of as a brother. She nodded, but he knew she could give two shits about any of this. “What’s up?” He stood after his cock went down enough that it wouldn’t look like he was smuggling anything behind his fly. Even if she was curvy and round, everything a woman should be, and not the anorexic size he despised, Kane still towered over her. He had to be a foot taller than her five foot three inch frame.
She looked behind her, and the friend who sat
on her porch waved with a huge grin on her face. Cayla turned back around and licked her lips, her cheeks now a pretty shade of red. It took everything inside of him not to groan at the sight. She took another step forward, and he forced himself to hold his ground. The scent of sweetness came from her, like cotton candy and sugar. It was an aroma that had his mouth watering, and the need to run his tongue over every inch of her tanned flesh just to see if she tasted the way she smelled.
“What is it?” He started to get a bit worried when it was clear she was nervous as hell. “Did something happen? Someone messing with you?” He clenched his fists at the thought of one of the little pricks around the neighborhood thinking they had some kind of claim on her. Of course he told himself he only felt this way because he was keeping his promise to Andre and that he cared about Cayla as he would a sister. But as he stared at her, he knew damn well that wasn’t why he felt like ripping a set of nuts off.
“No.” She shook her head, and all that thick, lustrous hair moved around her face. “Everything is good.” Kane could picture himself gripping the strands in his fist, pulling her head back, and possessing every part of her body. She looked down at her feet—feet with the hottest little red-painted toenails he had ever seen. Dammit, they matched the blush she had, and if that didn’t make it all the hotter. “I want you, Kane.”
And just like that everything else faded away until he had tunnel vision and could only see Cayla. The words had been spoken softly and slowly, as if she wasn’t sure exactly how to say them. Her straight white teeth pulled at her bottom lip, and if he wasn’t already hard as fuck for her right now, that sight would have had his dick bursting right through his jeans.