Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Primo Levi, vingt-quatre ans, juif, lutte auxcotes des maquisards antifascistes du Piemont. Capture en 1943, il se retrouvepeu apres a Auschwitz, ou il demeurera plus d'un an avant d'etre libere par l'armeerusse en janvier 1945.Au camp, il observe tout. Il se souviendra de tout, racontera tout: la promiscuitedes blocks-dortoirs, les camarades qu'on y decouvre a l'aube, morts de froid et defaim; les humiliations et le travail quotidiens, sous les coups de trique des kapos;les selections periodiques ou l'on separe les malades des bien-portants pourles envoyer a la mort; les pendaisons pour l'exemple; les trains, bourres de juifset de tziganes, qu'on dirige des leur arrivee vers les crematoires...Et pourtant, dans ce recit, la dignite la plus impressionnante; aucune haine, aucunexces, aucune exploitation des souffrances personnelles, mais une reflexionmorale sur la douleur, sublimee en une vision de la vie.
Paru en 1946, Si c'est un homme est considere comme un des livres les plusimportants du XXe siecle.
Parce qu'il est familier des grands textes philosophiques, Raphael Enthoven resout avec une talentueuse sobriete la difficile equation que pose le texte de Primo Levi: comment nommer l'innommable ?
Remerciements a Benoit Peeters, ecrivain, pour sa lecture de l'interview de Primo Levi par Philippe Roth.
Avec le soutien de la Fondation pour la Memoire de la Shoah Views: 406
Has Anyone Here Seen Kelly? is presented here in a high quality paperback edition. This popular classic work by Bryce Walton is in the English language, and may not include graphics or images from the original edition. If you enjoy the works of Bryce Walton then we highly recommend this publication for your book collection. Views: 405
A small collection of my poems which I have written from time to time about Essential Tremor, pets, animals and such.Online dating is all fun and games...until somebody dies. Karen Mills finally has it all—great kids, divorced from her horrible ex, a successful writing career, fabulous apartment. Only her loneliness makes the perfect package feel incomplete. Lured into the world of online dating in search of her happily ever after, Karen despairs at finding anyone she can connect with. That is, until she meets Jack. He’s charming. Funny. Wealthy. And he sweeps her off her feet while making her feel special and loved. Her perfect partner. Problem is, Jack’s story is starting to fall apart. His excuses and explanations don’t always add up and Karen’s concerns grow as fast as her attraction first did. With her safety--and that of her children--at stake, Karen must discover who he really is and if she's found Mr. Right... or Mr. Psychopath. But she’s about to discover some secrets are better left hidden. Views: 402
DOOMED PLANET They called him 'Crazy Rik' - but only he knew that the planet was doomed with all its people. The only key to the vital information that could save it was locked in the subconscious memory of this strange, child-minded man. . . a memory obliterated by a psychic probe! Views: 399
Ms. Monahan's AP Literature Class compilied a book or college entrance essays and tips for the college application process.Jeremy Chikalto claimed for years he can look behind the air. When an angel delivers a cryptic message about the Apocalypse, a series of strange events draws Jeremy closer and closer to the core of things. What if a third entity was vying for power with God and the Devil? Why are Earth and the distant planet Watico so similar? When Jeremy crosses over to the Haze, the line between light and dark blurs. Who is he? What is he? Can a crude prince become a cosmic martyr? Enter a world where angels, demons, ghosts, aliens, and volcanoes are bound together by prophesy. Views: 398
This third book in the series mixes accounts of early explorations in west and attempts to reach the Pacific through the “Wall” of Rocky Mountains, with an ongoing description of the breakdown of Canada into northern and southern sections.This third book in the series mixes accounts of early explorations in west and attempts to reach the Pacific through the “Wall” of Rocky Mountains, with an ongoing description of the breakdown of Canada into northern and southern sections. While the government in Green Bay attempts to win friends in the south, an American agent opens a new front in the conflict by bringing a band of men to attack Sioux villages in the west. Shawn Murphy happens to be in the west researching early French attempts to push past the “Wall” of mountains to reach the Pacific. His confrontation with the American agent and his “angry-men” nearly costs him his life. Views: 398
A short story about a vivacious young physicist and mathematician named Kristine, who has devoted her life to science. Hallucinations cause her to seek help from a social worker named Paul and she's terrified when she hears a questionable diagnosis of schizophrenia. Her path leads her to a place where perspective is all that's real, and sanity is nothing more than the limit of what we believe.A short story about a vivacious young physicist and mathematician named Kristine, who has devoted her life to science. Her newly found love for meditation and yoga bring hallucinations that frighten her enough to seek the help of a social worker named Paul Ghent. She fears the worst when she is handed a possible diagnosis of schizophrenia, but the diagnosis as with all things in life, is uncertain. Kristine's scientific mind drives her personal need to find a definite answer that ends in what seems to be the impossible. Taking her therapist on her journey into what could only be her delusion, they both find out the truth about her. It's the lesson that perspective is all that's real, and sanity is nothing more than the limit of what we believe. Views: 398
"My family name is Yugano. My given name is Yuuki. I have no redeeming qualities." So begins this light novel of a girl corrupted by the Internet, and then summoned to another world. She's jaded from having already read many stories like that - but will that prepare her for what awaits in this world? Of course not! But she's going to plunge ahead anyway, and not slow down for anything!
Eliezer Yudkowsky is the author of "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality" and "Rationality: From AI to Zombies". He is a decision theorist specializing in self-reference and reflection, a fact which unstoppably infects his writing no matter how frivolous. Views: 397
Les symptômes assemblés créent des figures saisies par la symptomatologie. La symptomatologie permet de construire des tableaux, les tableaux cliniques. M.F.In The Fourth Man, Brian Parker explores one of the most powerful mental health issues we can all face - repressed trauma. Four men go to lunch, but for one of them, a benign conversation resurrects an inner turmoil for which he has never forgiven himself. It raises the question of how do we move on? How do we let go of the past, and our guilt, yet still remember someone with the warmth and respect we had for them while they were still alive? Views: 396
An amateur entomologist takes over a backwater public house and is trusted with a secret that must go no further.An amateur entomologist takes over a backwater public house and is trusted with a secret that must go no further. From the moment pub landlord and keen amateur entomologist, Arnold Matson, arrives in Blinkington-on-the-Treacle to take over his new hostelry, we are led through a colourful collection of vignettes and poignant flashbacks that are both comically funny and disturbingly familiar, as well as a bolt from the blue confession which tests Matson’s resolve and discretion to the limit. Following the loss of his fiancée several years earlier, Arnold Matson’s mind set can be described as confused and fragile, but as he slowly settles into his new routine in unfamiliar surroundings, the fragility and guarded secrets of other parishioners give him an insight into his own fallibility and unforeseen strength of character. Views: 392
The Star Trails Compendium includes a glossary of terms as well as additional information pertaining to the four novels which comprise the Star Trails Tetralogy. Further explanation of the political structure, weather patterns and Cyraria's indigenous race, the bnolar, are likewise included plus topical discussion guides with more in-depth information for book club members and educators.The Star Trails Tetralogy, i.e. "Beyond the Hidden Sky;" "A Dark of Endless Days;" "A Psilent Place Below;" and "Refractions of Frozen Time," takes place in a fictitious universe which includes unfamiliar vocabulary, aliens races, and numerous planets. This compendium was compiled for readers who requested more detail, such as a glossary of terms as well as descriptions of the political structure, weather patterns, and Cyraria's indigenous race, the bnolar. Topical discussion guides at the chapter level are included as well for those who want to delve even deeper, including educators who could use the stories to stimulate interest in numerous scientific or sociological topics. Views: 391
A science fiction adventure for readers of all ages, from a winner of multiple Nebula and Hugo Awards.
In the near future, a cargo hovership makes an emergency landing in a rural part of the Midwest. An adventurous teenager, Johnny Clinton, sneaks on board—only to survive a second crash a few hours later, this time into the Pacific Ocean . . .
The crew escapes, but Johnny is left on board, adrift in the wreckage of the ship—until he is rescued by a pod of dolphins, who bring him to a remote island hidden in the heart of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. There, Johnny meets the brilliant and eccentric Professor Kazan, who has dedicated his life to the study of dolphin communication. Here in this new world, Johnny will find his courage tested once again . . . Views: 389
Deepak Chopra presents ten lessons to help build awareness and change the distorted energy patterns that are the root cause of aging, infirmity, and disease.
Fifteen years after his #1 New York Times bestseller, Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Deepak Chopra revisits "the forgotten miracle"–the body's infinite capacity for change and renewal. You cannot take advantage of this miracle, Chopra says, unless you are willing to completely reinvent your body, transforming it from a material object to a dynamic, flowing process. "Your physical body is a fiction," Chopra contends. Every cell is made up of two invisible ingredients: awareness and energy.
Transformation can't stop with the body, however; it must involve the soul. The soul–seemingly invisible, aloof, and apart from the material world–actually creates the body. Only by going to the level of the soul will you access your full potential, bringing more intelligence, creativity, and awareness into every aspect of your life.
Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul delivers ten breakthroughs–five for the body, five for the soul–that lead to self-transformation. In clear, accessible terms, Chopra shows us how to commit ourselves to deeper awareness, focus on relationships instead of consumption, embrace every day as a new world, and transcend the obstacles that afflict body and mind.
Deepak Chopra has inspired millions with his profound teachings over the years. His bestselling books have explored the mind/body connection and the power of spirit. With his latest book, he invites you to experience with him the miracles that unfold when we connect the body directly to the awesome mysteries that give life meaning–directly to the soul. When you have completed this journey, after reinventing your body and resurrecting your soul, the ecstasy of true wholeness becomes possible for the very first time.
From the Hardcover edition. Views: 389