The Deep Range is a 1957 Arthur C. Clarke science fiction novel concerning a future sub-mariner who helps farm the seas. The story includes the capture of a sea monster similar to a kraken.
It is based on a short story of the same name that was published in April 1954, in Argosy magazine. The short story was later featured in Tales from Planet Earth and Frederik Pohl's Star Science Fiction No.3.
Tuck, Donald H. (1974). The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Chicago: Advent, 101. ISBN 0-911682-20-1. Views: 581
Kira Warner is a seer who doesn't know how to "see." The one man who holds the answers to her powers is her father: kidnapped by lycans. If she wants to find him and protect herself, she'll have to trust the beast who can't stay away...Jace Bana has denied his lycan heritage, including being the alpha of his clan. He's content to live a human life as a private investigator--until he imprints on a beautiful woman. Now, he can no longer deny the beast within...Kira Warner is a seer who doesn't know how to "see." The one man who holds the answers to her powers is her father: kidnapped by lycans. If she wants to find him and protect herself, she'll have to trust the beast who can't stay away...This story is part of a serial and it includes a cliffhanger.Lycan Wars SeriesImprintImpulse Coming August 2015 Invade Coming September 2015 Views: 580
The question is, how can you tell the President's brain is missing? And are we sure we need it back? Views: 578
After Q and Angela help foil a Ghost Cell plot in San Antonio, they head to Chicago, the next stop on the Match tour. Since they've been busy fighting international terrorism, they're behind on their school assignments. Their parents tell them if they don't get caught up, it's off to boarding school. But who can concentrate on homework when there is a mystery to solve and international terrorism to thwart? Angela is obsessed with finding out more about the mysterious Boone. Q is more interested in not going to boarding school. But when Boone and his SOS crew are ambushed on their way to Chicago, it becomes abundantly clear. Someone inside their inner circle is feeding the Ghost Cell information. As they dig ever deeper to learn the identity of the mole, Angela and Q uncover the Ghost Cell's next plot. And it's much, much worse than a car bomb. They plan to unleash a chemical weapon over the skies of Chicago. And it's up to Angela and Q, along with Boone and Croc, to stop them. Views: 578
In this fourth volume, unknown attackers begin launching assaults in Green Bay and nearly kill Claude Jolliet. But the biggest problems arise from a flood on the Mississippi that inundates the primary shipping and supply center of Canada. Elise and Shawn have 14 days to get systems there running again before the economy of the country collapses.In this fourth volume, unknown attackers begin launching assaults in Green Bay and nearly kill Claude Jolliet. A business war also erupts between the Murphy family and Tilden Foster’s family. But the biggest problems arise from a flood on the Mississippi that inundates the primary shipping and supply center of Canada. Elise and Shawn have 14 days to get systems there running again before the economy of the country collapses. In the process they discover friends and foes as the conflict between the Catholic north and Protestant south escalates. Views: 578
God does not play dice with the universe.” So said Albert Einstein in response to the first discoveries that launched quantum physics, as they suggested a random universe that seemed to violate the laws of common sense. This 20th-century scientific revolution completely shattered Newtonian laws, inciting a crisis of thought that challenged scientists to think differently about matter and subatomic particles.The Dreams That Stuff Is Made Of compiles the essential works from the scientists who sparked the paradigm shift that changed the face of physics forever, pushing our understanding of the universe on to an entirely new level of comprehension. Gathered in this anthology is the scholarship that shocked and befuddled the scientific world, including works by Niels Bohr, Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, Erwin Schrodinger, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Richard Feynman, as well as an introduction by today’s most celebrated scientist, Stephen Hawking. Views: 577
Go behind the scenes at Amner Hall. Take a glimpse into the everyday lives of William and Kate, The Duke and Duchess of Chambridge.美雨は猫であり、ボーンチャイナの陶芸家でもある。美しい磁器を作るために、美雨はいかがわしい仕業で怪しげな素材を仕入れる。チュラはたまたま来日した難民キャンプのNPOボランティアであり、蛙でもある。美雨が錯乱状態を克服する手助けができるのはチュラだけだ。一方、ネズミの大群はよからぬことを企んでいて、相反する利害関係の争いは直に始まる。ネズミ団の親分は美雨の心を解く鍵を握っているが、戦うことなくそれを譲るつもりはないだろう。Mew is a cat and a bone china artisan. She makes beautiful china with suspicious materials using questionable methods. Chura is an NPO volunteer and a frog of a refugee camp who happened to come to Japan. He is the only one who can help Mew overcome her psychotic illness. Meanwhile, hordes of rats are plotting shady things, and a battle of conflicting interests ensues. The leader of the rats holds the key to Mew's sanity but won't give it up without a fight. Views: 573
From the bestselling author of "Einstein's Dreams "comes this harrowing tale of one man's struggle to cope in a wired world, even as his own biological wiring short-circuits. As Boston's Red Line shuttles Bill Chalmers to work one summer morning, something extraordinary happens. Suddenly, he can't remember which stop is his, where he works, or even who he is. The only thing he can remember is his corporate motto: the maximum information in the minimum time.
Bill's memory returns, but a strange numbness afflicts him. As he attempts to find a diagnosis for his deteriorating illness, he descends into a nightmarish tangle of inconclusive results, his company's manic frenzy, and his family's disbelief. Ultimately, Bill discovers that he is fighting not just for his body but also for his soul. "From the Trade Paperback edition." Views: 572
The computer and the internet are among the most important innovations of our era, but few people know who created them. They were not conjured up in a garret or garage by solo inventors suitable to be singled out on magazine covers or put into a pantheon with Edison, Bell, and Morse. Instead, most of the innovations of the digital age were done collaboratively. There were a lot of fascinating people involved, some ingenious and a few even geniuses. This is the story of these pioneers, hackers, inventors, and entrepreneurs—who they were, how their minds worked, and what made them so creative. It’s also a narrative of how they collaborated and why their ability to work as teams made them even more creative.” Views: 572
A little girl finds the resin figures in her garden have come to live.Follow up to the original "Planet Me". Very little to do with Whisky, or even the Scottish. Simply "a book with some more stuff in it". A large glass of red should make the words go down easier. A humorous philosophical look at life in general and incompetence in particular. Check out the full original book Planet Me. Views: 572
Monsters of legend come to life! The third thrilling title in Roland Smith's popular Cryptid Hunters series.
A mysterious creature, a missing girl, and danger at every turn . . .
CHUPACABRA, the riveting sequel to TENTACLES and CRYPTID HUNTERS, reunites Marty and his unusual uncle, cryptozoologist Travis Wolfe, as they search the world for Wolfe's daughter, Grace. Grace has been kidnapped by her grandfather, the ruthless and dangerous Noah Blackwood, who has also stolen the two dinosaur hatchlings Wolfe was raising in secrecy. Now, with word that the mysterious creature known as Chupacabra has been sighted again, Wolfe is torn between his obsession with finding cryptids and his desperate need to rescue his daughter. With trouble at every turn and a dangerous journey ahead, will Marty and Wolfe come face-to-face with the mythic monster? Even more frightening, will they reach Grace before it's too late? Views: 572
Spanning millions of years and the breadth of the universe, The Sigil Trilogy is an epic tale that explores the nature of humanity, belief, and love.From Nature Editor Henry Gee comes a story of breathtaking scope and beloved characters. Spanning millions of years and the breadth of the universe, The Sigil Trilogy is an epic tale that explores the nature of humanity, belief, and love.The Universe is dying from within. No one knows how to save it, so the Elders give a young Drover a last ditch chance to stop the rot. If only she knew where to begin.Unaware of the threat to the universe, Ruxhana Fengen Kraa, Admiral of the 17th Rigel Fleet, is about to be cashiered for a stupendous tactical error. But Special Ops has an important and most bizarre job for him.Eons away in time, Jack Corstophine is an archaeologist on Earth with an intuition about the land that he can't put into words—until the beautiful and brilliant Jadis Markham comes into his life. Together, they discover that the landscape of Europe is far from natural. The Earth bears the scars of an ancient civilization that goes back millions of years — and has terrible implications for the future of mankind.The Sigil Trilogy traces the lives of compelling characters — people... entities... and... species... — through time and space. It's magnificent in background, beautifully written, and with the most memorable characters. The Sigil Trilogy is spellbinding, funny, thoughtful, and touching all at the same time. Complete with complex mysteries, massive battles, romance, hot aliens, steampunk cities, good scotch, armageddon, it's all here — you won't be able to put it down.Siege of Stars is the first volume of The Sigil Trilogy, Henry Gee's incredible opus.The second and third volumes, SCOURGE OF STARS and RAGE OF STARS, are all now available as individual volumes as well as in an collected, omnibus edition, all in both ebook and print — see the sidebar for links.Praise for THE SIGIL TRILOGY: "Henry Gee stakes his claim to excellence with these startling, beautifully written tales of cosmic adventure. Brisk, funny, triumphant--and utterly compelling." —Greg Bear, award-winning author of Darwin's Radio "Great stuff. Touches of Douglas Adams, Barrington Bayley, David Britton and Steve Aylett only emphasise the splendid originality of this book. Henry Gee is thoughtful, funny, original. And pretty thoroughly mind-expanding in the tradition of Wells, David Lindsay, Stapledon and Clarke. In fact everything you yearn to find in a very good contemporary SF novel. Really enjoyed it!" —SFWA Grandmaster Michael Moorcock "Coming to a science fiction novel by Henry Gee I was expecting a work knowledgeable about the world and all its ways, but who would have guessed it would also reveal Henry to be a visionary space voyager of the first order? The Sigil is in the grand tradition of Stapledonian space opera, and provides not only an explanation for why this universe is the way it is, but gives us the many vivid wild adventures on the part of some (very appealing) conscious characters acting to make it that way. Awesome stuff, and a true pleasure to read page by page." —Kim Stanley Robinson, award-winning author of Red Mars "Fast-moving, insanely inventive science fiction in the grand manner—seldom has the fate of the galaxy been handled on such a large scale. Gee draws on archeology, geology, physics, and biology to create a rich tapestry with surprises woven into every thread." —Nancy Kress, award-winning author of Beggars in SpainDr. Henry Gee is senior editor at the renowned science journal Nature and editor of the award-winning Nature Futures science fiction short story series. He has written over a dozen books, including The Science of Middle Earth and A Field Guide to Dinosaurs. He lists his recreations as playing blues organ, supporting Norwich City FC and falling asleep. His blog 'The End Of The Pier Show' continues to delight its three regular readers. He lives in Cromer, Norfolk, England, with his family and numerous pets. Views: 571
Delorean Harper's past catches up with him when the body of the man who killed Delorean's parents is found in a shallow grave. Soon Delorean's the prime suspect, and the investigating detective is relentless. As if that wasn't enough trouble, Delorean agrees to protect an unstable woman in the witness protection program who's sure she's being stalked. Delorean's the one who should be worried.Delorean Harper would like to sit on the deck of his beach house and watch the surf, but the body of the man who murdered Delorean's parents is found in a shallow grave in Oklahoma City, and the police finally have the chance to solve the crime that made Delorean an orphan. Evidence in the grave points to an Oklahoma City loan shark who's since become a powerful casino developer on the Oregon coast, and also to a twelve year old named Delorean Harper. It isn't clear who's going to go to jail or who's going to die in the cat and mouse game between a relentless police detective, Delorean, and the casino developer. As if that wasn't enough trouble, Delorean is asked to babysit an unstable woman in the witness protection program who's sure that she's being stalked. With her movie star good looks it's not an unreasonable fear, but Delorean can't find any evidence that anyone's following her and he starts to fall for her himself. As time passes he realizes that she's tougher than she looks and that her favorite toy is a loaded gun. This time Delorean's got a target on his back and nowhere to hide. He's going to need all the help he can get if he wants to survive. Views: 569
How the principles of biological innovation can help us overcome creative challenges in art, business, and scienceIn Life Finds a Way, biologist Andreas Wagner reveals the deep symmetry between innovation in biological evolution and human cultural creativity. Rarely is either a linear climb to perfection—instead, "progress" is typically marked by a sequence of peaks, plateaus, and pitfalls. For instance, in Picasso's forty-some iterations of Guernica, we see the same combination of small steps, incessant reshuffling, and large, almost reckless, leaps that characterize the way evolution transformed a dinosaur's grasping claw into a condor's soaring wing. By understanding these principles, we can also better realize our own creative potential to find new solutions to adversity.Ultimately, Life Finds a Way offers a new framework for the nature of creativity, enabling us to better adapt, grow, and change in art, business, or... Views: 569