An Older Man (Bundle) Read online

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  As she leaned against the wall, her back to me, I couldn’t help admiring the way the red dress clung to her ass, tight and firm, as I expected it to be. At nineteen, attending university on a tennis scholarship, although she had no financial need for one, Lori was lithe and toned, with pert breasts, enough curves to fill any outfit, and ebony hair that fell to her waist when she freed it from the clip binding it currently.

  I had wanted her for the past year, ever since I saw her sunbathing by the pool one weekend, a pink bikini molding her curves, with her tits straining to escape the squares of triangles confining them, and realized she was a woman, no longer a little girl. Thirty-seven then, and involved with a woman I was supposed to marry, I tried to push aside my lustful thoughts centered on my friend’s daughter.

  Tonight, drunk on too much Scotch, and bitter about the passing of the first anniversary of what should have been my wedding to the faithless Anna, I decided to fuck being honorable and go after what I wanted—Lori.

  I set the half-empty Scotch on the desk as I passed by it. Her head jerked in my direction with surprise as I bore down on her. “Michael?” I watched her pink lips, outlined with some shiny substance, form my name, and my cock hardened, imagining those lips around my shaft, leaving a glossy pink mark behind.

  I didn’t give her a chance to turn to face me when I stepped up behind her, pushing her body against the unyielding wall, bringing my hand down to her ass to cup one of her cheeks.

  Her voice was fearful, but held more than a trace of excitement. “What are you doing?”

  “Touching you.” I squeezed her ass in my hand hard enough to make her gasp. My cock jerked in my pants, begging to be freed so it could plunge inside her tight pussy. Would she be a virgin? I didn’t care.

  “Why?” She trembled under my hand when I slipped it from her ass to the hem of her dress, caressing her thigh, as I slid up the dress.

  Buy Fool No More

  Spanking Stacia

  Carnal Publishers and Tina Parker reserve all rights to SPANKING STACIA. Please obtain permission before copying any part of this ebook. Resemblances to any person, living or dead, are coincidental. All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

  ©Tina Parker, 2011

  After seeing the large red “F” on her copy of the most recent pop quiz, Stacia was unsurprised when Professor Drake called to her as she tried to exit the college classroom. Stifling a sigh, she trudged over to the podium, where he was stacking papers neatly in a leather satchel. Mr. Drake’s hands moved with precision, his long fingers nimbly sorting papers into folders and folders into his bag.

  Her thoughts were still on how it might feel to have those same fingers moving across her skin, so it took her a second to realize the professor was speaking.

  “You simply have to grasp the basics, Stacia, or you won’t be able to understand anything in this class.”

  Forcing her gaze from his hands to his equally appealing blue eyes, she nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “I’d like to see you in my office tomorrow afternoon. I’ve reserved you a spot for three p.m. Do not be late.”

  Stacia nodded, mentally checking tomorrow’s schedule. She would have to skip a sociology lecture, but her grades were good in that class. Physics 101 was the killer class, and she wasn’t foolish enough to reject Professor Drake’s offer of assistance.


  “I’m telling you, it will work. Just try for a few more classes,” said Maria before slurping on her milkshake.

  Glumly, Stacia dragged a French fry through a pile of ketchup. “It won’t. I’ve dressed sexy for the past few classes.” She dipped her head and lowered her voice before adding, “I even wore a short skirt and no underwear the day of the pop quiz. I definitely sat high enough that he couldn’t miss the fact, but I never saw him even glance my way. Professor Drake doesn’t care about how sexy I can look. He wants me to actually know the topics.”

  It was only fair that she earn the grade by knowing the material, and she couldn’t blame the professor for not picking up on her clumsy attempts at seduction. Maria had been the one to suggest the strategy, but she had embraced it—and not to pass the class. She’d never admit it to her roommate and best friend, because Maria thought dating the college professors was gross, but Stacia wanted more than a passing grade from Professor Drake. A lot more. From her visual inspections during class, she would guess at least seven inches more.

  “Just try once more. You’ll have him all to yourself in his office. Wear a short skirt, a thong, and a low-cut shirt.” Maria grinned. “He might have invited you to his office so he can take you up on what you’ve been offering.”

  Stacia set down the fry without trying to eat it, her stomach churning with nervous tension. The professor was definitely hot, and the girls flocked around him despite his seeming obliviousness. He was probably in his mid-thirties and must have had experienced lovers. She hardly qualified. With her small breasts and quiet demeanor, no wonder he hadn’t noticed her short skirts and flirty shirts. Her wheat-blond hair and light-blue eyes were more farm-girl than stripper. With the exception of one boyfriend last semester, even guys her own age hadn’t noticed her, with or without sexy clothes, so why would he?


  Stacia knocked on Professor Drake’s door four minutes before three p.m. the next day. She might not know anything about physics, but she could impress him with her punctuality. And maybe her state-of-dress? With Maria’s badgering, she had chosen a plaid skirt reminiscent of Catholic schoolgirls. The suggested thong was the next piece in her arsenal—though it felt more like it was in her ass. She resisted the urge to dig it out of her crevice. To avoid a total cliché, she had worn a red sleeveless shirt with the navy and red skirt instead of a white button-down.

  “Come in.”

  She opened the door, fighting her inherent shyness. Stacia closed it behind her without being asked and walked toward the desk. She stood in front of him for a long moment as the professor finished the last bite of his apparently late lunch.


  She sat, disheartened that his expression didn’t change at all when he glanced up at her. For all the awareness he’d given, she might as well be another chair. Stacia crossed her legs, swinging her foot slightly, as Maria had shown her. Paired with lacy white socks, the naughty shoes were deceptively innocent maryjanes, but the platform heel elevated them to something more. They were Maria’s, since her sexiest shoes were a pair of open-toed flats.

  “Did you take physics in high school, Stacia?” asked Professor Drake. He pushed a strand of black hair off his forehead as he leaned back in the executive chair.

  Her gaze flickered to his hand in his hair, but she forced it back to the professor, almost meeting his eyes. “Yes, sir.”

  “Did you pass?”

  She nodded. “Barely,” she said in a whisper.

  “Yes, I’m sure.” He lifted a stack of papers from a tray on his desk. “I’ve reviewed your work, and you seem to have the most trouble with Newton’s Laws of Motion.”

  She nodded. “I can recite them, but I don’t really understand them.”

  “I’ve devised a lesson for you. I think it will help you understand the principles.”

  “Thank you, Professor Drake.” She let her gaze sweep his desk, relieved not to find any family photos on display. He didn’t wear a wedding ring and had never mentioned having kids, but he must be involved with someone. She was probably a sophisticated woman near his age. No doubt an intellectual, who had never needed a demonstration of Newton’s laws.

  “Come here, please.”

  Stacia stood up and walked over to stand beside his desk, where he had indicated.

  “Tell me the first law.”

  “’Every body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it.’”

  Professor Drake nodded. “Tell it to
me in another way.”

  She frowned, struggling to remember. “Oh, yeah. Bodies at rest or in motion tend to stay at rest or in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.”

  “Very good.” He pointed to a large paperweight on his desk. “Would you agree the paperweight is at rest?”

  Stacia nodded.

  “Pick it up and drop it gently.”

  She frowned. “But—”

  Professor Drake waved at it. “You won’t break it.”

  Stacia lifted the paperweight with caution, surprised at how heavy it was. She brought it about a foot from the floor and dropped it. “Me dropping it was the outside force, right?”

  He gave her a hint of a small smile. “Good girl.”

  She tried not to be too pleased by the faint praise.

  “Tell me the second law, and another way to phrase it.”

  She reeled it off without hesitation, since memorization had never been the problem. “’The acceleration produced by a particular force acting on a body is directly proportional to the magnitude of the force and inversely proportional to the mass of the body.’” Taking a deep breath, she added, “’The acceleration of an object is dependent upon the force acting upon the object and the mass of the object.’” Wringing her hands, she said, “I don’t understand that.”

  The professor nodded. “Pick up the paperweight again.” After she had done so, he said, “Throw it down.”

  Stacia shook her head. “It might break.”

  “It won’t.” He sounded impatient.

  Eager to avoid his displeasure, she lifted it higher and put some force into dropping the paperweight. This time, it hit the floor, bounced, and rolled over, landing a few feet farther than the first time she had dropped it.

  Professor Drake leaned forward slightly. “Do you understand? The speed, or velocity, of the outside force affects how fast or forcefully the object moves.”

  Blinking, Stacia nodded. “I get it. I mean, I actually understand it, sir.”

  He rewarded her with another smile. “I’m glad.”

  She walked over to get the paperweight, returning it to his desk. At his request, she recited the third law. “To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction; or, the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts.’”

  “Do you understand what that means?”

  “I think so. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction?”

  His smile widened. “That’s right. I think a hands-on demonstration is still in order.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Drop the paperweight again.”

  With a frown, Stacia did as he asked, wondering how this would be applicable to Newton’s Third Law.

  “Now, pick it up please.”

  She bent down to lift it and yelped when he put his arm around her waist. In a second, she found herself on his lap, butt up, and head close to the floor. “What are you doing?” she screeched.

  “For the action of running around half-dressed, here is my reaction.” His palm slapped against her buttocks with a resounding crack.

  Crying out from mingled shock and pain, she struggled to free herself.

  The professor continued holding her, seemingly without effort. His hand came down on her cheeks in a precise rhythm, each slap accompanied by the sharp sound of flesh against flesh. Her skin burned and ached under his hand, but her pussy tingled. Was this really turning her on?

  After a few more strokes, he stopped, resting his palm across her stinging bottom and rubbing in small circles.

  “Are you done?” she asked timidly, voice trembling as she fought to suppress tears. He didn’t answer. She heard him rummaging through his desk and braced herself for something else.

  “Your action yesterday was sitting in the third row, legs splayed, so I could see you weren’t wearing panties.”

  Her cheeks burned with humiliation, and she made no attempt to deny his charge.

  “My reaction is this.”

  Something thin and painful slapped her bottom. Within a few hits, she had tentatively identified it as a ruler. He uniformly spanked her, alternating cheeks and spots. “Please stop.” But did she really want him to? It hurt much worse than his hand, but it felt so good in such a wicked way.

  The ruler disappeared, and he rubbed her ass again. “A sore bottom is your reaction to my action.”

  “I understand now, sir. Please, can we stop the lesson?” To her surprise, he pulled her up, changing her position so that she was lying mostly on her side across his lap, their heads only a few inches apart. Tears streaked down her cheeks, and he leaned forward to lick them away. She shuddered at the contact, her pussy creaming as the sharp pain faded to a duller ache.

  He must have decided to ignore her plea to end the lesson. “What is my reaction to having you across my knee, your shapely ass barely covered by that little black thong?”

  Stacia shook her head. “I…I don’t know, sir.”

  “Stop calling me sir, or professor. My name is Gideon. Say it.” He worded the request in a tone that made it more of a command.

  Confused, she said, “Gideon.”

  He shifted her slightly, so that his cock pressed against her hip. “What is my reaction, Stacia?”

  Could her cheeks get any redder? Fighting the blush, she said, “You’re hard, sir.”

  He slapped her on the hip, close to her buttocks. “What’s my name?”


  “Good girl. What are you going to do about my throbbing hard cock? What is your reaction to my action?”

  Stacia licked her lips as desire coursed through her. “What do you want me to do, Gideon?”

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  “Okay.” She sounded so calm, as though this sort of thing happened to her every day. Inside, she was still reeling, trying to process how she had ended up on his knee and then on his lap, her ass stinging and her pussy pulsing.

  He assisted her to straddle him, his hand venturing between their bodies to push aside her thong and slip inside her pussy. Gideon chuckled. “Wet. Do you like being spanked, Stacia?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  He pressed a finger inside her dripping cunt. “Really, you aren’t sure?”

  She closed her eyes as he pushed deep inside her, trying to remember the question. “I’d never thought about it, but I would have thought I didn’t.”

  “What do you think now?” He plunged a second finger into her sheath, pumping them in and out of her with maddening slowness. “Do you like being spanked?”

  “Yes, oh, yes, sir.” She yelped when he swatted her tender ass with his free hand. “I’m sorry. Gideon.”

  “Good girl.” The professor continued his leisurely exploration, making her writhe and squirm against his hand.

  “Please, I want to come.”

  His reaction was another sharp slap to her buttocks. “When I tell you to, and not before. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Gideon.” Why was it so delicious to be submissive to him? And why did she have the urge to provoke him into another spanking? As it was, her butt was so sensitive she didn’t know if she would be able to sit on it for hours.

  He circled her clit with his thumb, pressing lightly against the hood, while she tried not to move or speak. Her body had a mind of its own, and she couldn’t resist the urge to thrust to meet him.


  “Now?” she asked, dazed and so lost in sensation that she had no idea what he meant.

  “Come now, Stacia.”

  She let loose, almost collapsing under the weight of her release. Her body trembled, and convulsions tightened her pussy. At some point, his fingers left her, and she whimpered in protest, but couldn’t find the ability to form words as she surrendered to the onslaught of her orgasm.

  As she started to come down from the sexual high, he nudged her thighs farther apart. Stacia’s eyes widened when his cock nestled against the entra
nce to her pussy. He must have freed himself in the time it took her to come.

  “Do you want this, Stacia?”

  She nodded.

  Gideon circled his hips, teasing her. “Say it.”

  “Please fuck me, Professor Drake.”

  “Minx.” It sounded like a growl. In one motion, he thrust upward while his hands on her hips pulled her down to meet him. His cock overfilled her, making her moan. Her professor was definitely seven inches, and maybe more. The hardest part to take was his girth, but his cock stretched her in a magnificent way. He held her still, not allowing her to move when she tried to ride him. “Say my name.”


  His grip slackened, allowing her to arch against him. Gideon set the pace, moving her hips as he thrust upward inside her. Each time he buried himself to the hilt, she cried out, arching downward to rub her clit against his cock through the walls of her cunt. When he commanded her to come, it was like her body had been waiting for permission. Waves of pleasure washed over her as his cock spasmed inside her, filling her with his hot cum. He was breathing as hard as she was, and he seemed to have finally lost a measure of his phenomenal control. Resting her forehead against his, she allowed herself a small smile and a surge of satisfaction, knowing she had made him come undone—literally.

  He kissed her cheek, and he cupped her chin to position her mouth for his possession. His tongue swept inside, conquering her, though she offered no resistance. Finally, when she was on the verge of passing out from lack of oxygen, and debating whether she could die happily instead of breaking the kiss, he pulled back.

  “What is your reaction to that, Gideon?” she asked with cheeky confidence.

  “Spectacular. If you continue to do this well on your lessons, I’m sure you will learn everything you need to know to pass my class on your own merits.”

  Stacia shifted slightly so she could rub her pussy against his semi-stiff cock, still lodged inside her. “I think I’ll learn a lot more than that, sir.”

  He grinned. “You are just begging for another spanking, Stacia.”