An Older Man (Bundle) Read online

Page 4

  It was adorable the way she nibbled on her lower lip while considering. Gib tried to quash the thought of how it would feel to run his tongue over her full lips.

  After a brief hesitation, she nodded, and he closed the door behind her as she stepped fully into the living room. When she shivered, he turned toward the hallway. “Let me get you a towel. I’m sure Becca wouldn’t mind if you borrowed some of her clothes.”

  Candy trailed behind him, laughing softly. “Thanks, Mr. Olsen, but I don’t think I could squeeze into anything Becca wears. Too fat,” she said matter-of-factly.

  He frowned. “You aren’t fat.” Gib handed her a towel. Luscious was one way to describe her full curves. Divine was another adjective he could pull out of his stash to label those huge tits. She’d be the kind of woman that was soft and sweet to fuck, with her curves cushioning a man’s harder planes. His cheeks heated with the beginnings of a flush, and he added, rather lamely, “You’re healthy.”

  She smiled, seeming at-ease, though her expression betrayed her discomfort. “Thanks for the effort, Mr. Olsen, but you’re a dad. You have to say that.”

  “I’m not your dad, Candy.” He cleared his throat, discomfited by the husky note in his tone. “Let me see what I can find for you.”

  He moved past her as she slipped into the bathroom, praying his daughter’s friend couldn’t see the hard-on pressing against the seam of his zipper with a pressure guaranteed to leave marks. Gib went into his stepson’s room. Danny was out doing who knew what tonight, but he didn’t think the kid would begrudge Candy a shirt, so he helped himself to one without bothering trying to track him down via cell phone to ask.

  He knocked on the door and passed the shirt through when she extended her hand. Gib’s mind insisted on conjuring images of the buxom young lady in Danny’s shirt. He took refuge in the kitchen, to order a pizza, and discovered his imagination couldn’t compare to the real thing when she came in a few minutes later. The worn cotton clung to her curves, caressing her bust as thoroughly as he longed to. The light gray color obscured her areolas, but a dusky pink still showed through.

  In an attempt to distract himself, he fumbled for the cordless phone, sending it spinning across the counter and onto the floor. Gib couldn’t bite back a stifled groan when she knelt to pick it up, displaying her rounded bottom and pink panties—rendered slightly translucent from the rainwater that had soaked her clothes. The sight of her puffy pussy lips made his cock jerk. Muttering a hasty excuse, and shoving the stack of coupons across the counter toward the object of his lust, he rushed from the kitchen.


  Mr. Olsen’s sudden departure surprised Candy, until she caught a glimpse of his raging erection as he hurried past her. Eyes wide, she made an effort to look at the pizza coupons, but couldn’t get her mind off the thought that her best friend’s dad was hard—for her. It had to be, right? Glancing down at her attire, she knew Danny’s shirt highlighted her best assets.

  Moved by a compulsion she couldn’t ignore, Candy pushed aside the coupons, left the phone untouched, and padded silently down the hallway. The door to his room was open, but the bathroom door was closed. She hesitated outside, slowly squatting down to peek in through the keyhole. Unfortunately, her vantage point revealed nothing except Mr. Olsen’s back.

  Candy hesitated, unsure what to do. Common sense dictated she should return to the kitchen, order a pizza, and pretend she had never noticed the effect she’d had on him. Another part of her wanted to seize the opportunity, to see if she could spur Mr. Olsen to act on his physical response. Three years of crushing on the man had left her frustrated in more ways than one. Would there ever be another chance again?

  As though fate had made the choice for her, Candy swayed in her precarious position just enough to brush against the door, causing it to swing open a few inches. She stared up, feeling exposed and guilty for her spying, as Mr. Olsen came into view. He’d turned toward her, cursing as he reached for the door. He blocked it from opening fully, but there was enough space for her to see what he’d been doing.

  His cock jutted from his unzipped pants, glistening with his own arousal. Without thought, she licked her lips, wondering what he would taste like. She had sucked a few cocks the past year, but none had belonged to the object of her long-time youthful lust.

  “Candy, what the hell?”

  Lifting her gaze to meet his, she asked, “Is that for me, Mr. Olsen?” His cheeks flamed scarlet, and she knew hers must match, judging from how hot they felt.

  “I…” He ran a hand through his dark hair, just lightly dusted with gray at the temples. “Why don’t you go order the pizza?”

  She licked her lips again. “I’m not hungry for pizza, Mr. Olsen.”

  He groaned, and his cock visibly jerked. “You’d better leave.”

  Still crouching before him, she asked, “Or what?” It was part challenge, but also part genuine innocence. What would happen if she stayed? She could imagine and hope, but unless she remained glued to the spot, she would never know for sure.

  He cursed. “Candy, I’m trying to do the right thing here, but it’s hard. I haven’t had sex since Becca’s mom died. My control isn’t that great, and with you sitting there, your mouth so close—” Mr. Olsen broke off with an audible groan.

  Tentatively, Candy changed position, to rest on her knees before him. It brought her mouth even closer, and he was easily within touching distance when she reached out a trembling hand to feel his thigh. She stroked the skin with one of her nails, enjoying the crisp spring of hair under her fingers. Perhaps the trembling was contagious, because Mr. Olsen’s body quivered under her hand.

  She drank in the sight of his full cock, impressed by the size and captivated by the drip of pre-cum hanging from the tip. It seemed suspended in time, defying gravity with impunity. Her attention didn’t waver from the drop as she studied it. The focus of her world shrank to that small trickle of arousal, and she leaned forward to intercept it as time suddenly resumed and the dab yielded to the inevitable to cascade from his cock. It was warm on her tongue, a fleeting taste before disappearing.

  After one more second, giving Mr. Olsen a chance to protest again, or push her away, Candy leaned closer to put her mouth around the head of his cock. He moaned and stepped closer, surrendering to her seduction as she engulfed the length of him. Her eyes watered as the tip hit the back of her throat, but she refused to give in to the urge to cough or withdraw, sensing any lack of confidence on her part would cause him to break away.

  Instead, she followed instinct and began sucking his shaft, slowly rocking back before surging forward again to work the length of him. All the while, she sucked him, wanting more of the elusive drops of pre-cum and teasing them from him a bit at a time. Soon, his flavor bloomed in her mouth and filled her senses. Feeling obsessed, she sucked harder, bringing him in deeper, in her quest to drain every drop of fluid from his rigid cock.

  Mr. Olsen wasn’t a passive bystander, by any means. He was thrusting into her mouth, his hand twined in her hair to anchor her head against him. She matched his thrusts, taking every bit he offered. As his cock spasmed, she sucked harder, concentrating her efforts on the head as she tongued the sensitive nerves on the underside. With a harsh cry, he released a torrent of satisfaction inside her mouth, offering more than she could take, though she made a valiant effort to swallow every last drop.

  She lessened the suction, but held him gently in her mouth as the throbbing in his cock slowly subsided. His hand in her hair slackened, and he began stroking her strands instead of holding her against him. Her heart raced in her ears, and she suddenly became aware of the cinnamon vanilla scent from the air freshener as the focal point of her world expanded to include more than just Mr. Olsen’s cock.

  As though controlled by an outside force, they moved as one, with her releasing his cock as he stepped back. Pain in her knees made itself known, and she grimaced slightly, hoping he wouldn’t see the expression and think he
was the cause.

  Candy leaned back on her calves, looking up at him through the veil of her lashes, finding the ability to speak crushed by shyness. Perhaps he felt the same, because he didn’t say anything. Instead, he just stroked her cheek before offering her a hand so she could get to her feet.

  It was the most natural thing in the world to snuggle against him when he enfolded her in a hug. Candy lifted her head to say something, but he intercepted her mouth in a deep kiss that prevented any conversation. The sensual caress of his lips against hers made it hard to think, and she groaned as she snuggled closer. Her head was reeling by the time he broke the kiss, and she followed him in a bit of a stupor as he took her hand, leading her slowly across the hall to his room.

  She waited for a sense of panic or uncertainty to grip her as they crossed the threshold into his bedroom, but it never came. This was right. She wanted him, and he definitely wanted her. Becca would never know, so whom would it hurt? No one.

  As he paused near the bed, Candy reached for the hem of her shirt, lifting it with shaking hands that impeded the task. By the time she had shed the pale gray cotton and thin pink panties, Mr. Olsen had rid himself of the rest of his clothes as well. His hungry gaze examined her from head to foot, and she resisted the urge to cover her chubby stomach and thighs. From his expression, he found nothing objectionable about her body, and she didn’t want to ruin the moment with her own insecurities.

  “You’re a sexy woman, Candy.” He blinked. “When did you become a woman? Why didn’t I notice before?”

  She shrugged, having no answer.

  With another rake of his hand through his hair, Mr. Olsen said, “I want to taste your tits. I’ll bet they’re even more delicious than they look.”

  Her cheeks were hot with embarrassment and arousal as she arched her back. He guided her to the bed, where Mr. Olsen sat on the edge and positioned her in front of him, still standing. His mouth was level with her breasts, and she closed her eyes as he leaned forward. His lips were soft and wet as they took possession of one of her large nipples. Sparks of electricity seemed to emanate from the tip when he tongued one. He cupped the other breast in his hand, and she moaned when he tugged gently on the taut bud.

  As Mr. Olsen sucked and squeezed her tits, her pussy pulsed in time with the motion of his mouth, weeping fluid that made her thighs slick and had her tightening them in a futile attempt to find relief from the ache building inside. As though he sensed her need, his fingers parted the light dusting of curls shielding her moist folds, seeking out her clit to stroke in time with the movement of his hand on her nipple. “Mr. Olsen,” she said in a husky voice, unable to articulate exactly what she wanted.

  He paused from sucking her breast just long enough to say, “Gib,” before resuming his self-appointed tasks.

  “Gib.” It was more a breath than a sound. Candy tossed back her head as he slid a finger inside her, while his thumb worked small circles around her clit. His mouth and other hand never ceased, turning her into a pile of sensation, incapable of rational thought. She was vaguely aware of mewls of pleasure escaping her, but was too consumed with need to be self-conscious about the sounds. As her orgasm approached, she arched against him, taking his finger deep inside her. A pinch of pain served to heighten her release instead of diminishing her ecstasy, and Candy cried out as she came hard, her thighs squeezing his hand as her pussy milked his digit.

  Lost in a haze of arousal and satiation, Candy collapsed against Gib, allowing him to guide her to the bed, until they were lying side by side. She gazed into his caramel-brown eyes, finding it all too easy to lose herself in the depths.

  He placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. “You’re sweet, Candy.”

  She smiled at the silly endearment and the likely unintended pun. “That was amazing, Mr.—Gib.”

  “Yeah.” He exhaled heavily. “I wish this moment never had to end.”

  She frowned, not liking the note of finality in his tone. “What do you mean?”

  “You need to get dressed. Becca will be home soon, and we have to forget this happened.”

  Candy shook her head. “No. I want to fuck you.”

  Gib blinked. “You don’t mean that.”

  “The hell I don’t.” She glared at him. “I’ve wanted you to fuck me for three years, Gib. I’m not going to suddenly change my mind.”

  He frowned. “You’re a virgin.”

  She blushed. “How do you know?”

  A tender smile curved his lips. “I could feel the resistance when I was fingering you, sweetie.”

  Her flush deepened. “So what if I am? I’m asking you to change that.”

  He hesitated, but eventually shook his head. “I can’t. It’s not for me to be the one. I’m too old, you’re too young, and there is no future for us.”

  Annoyed, Candy sat up. “Don’t you care what I want?”

  He sighed. “Of course I do, but I know this is a bad idea. You’ll realize it too, when you’ve had time to think it over.”

  Feeling sulky, and hating the immature emotions welling up in her, Candy took several deep breaths to stave off the urge to cry. “What’s so damned important about being a virgin? This is the twenty-first century.”

  Gib ran a hand through his hair, further tousling it. “I’m not saying you need to wait ‘til you’re married, but you really will regret it if you give up your cherry in the equivalent of a one-night stand. You’d feel that way whether it’s to me or some guy you’ve just met in a bar.”

  He was wrong. She knew his words made sense, but they felt wrong on an instinctual level. But looking at his determined face told her he had decided and was going to be noble. Damn him. “Fine, so put it in another way.”

  With a scowl, he said, “You don’t really mean that.”

  Candy nodded. “I do. I’m not an anal virgin, Gib. I’ve been in college for a year, you know? It’s not a big deal.”

  His mouth seemed permanently ajar before he managed to close it. “Why in the world would you pick the back way when you could have had sex with any of the guys you’ve met?”

  She shrugged. “I didn’t want any of them to be the first. You don’t want to be, so I’m offering a compromise.”

  Gib cursed softly. “I should send you away right now.” He shook his head. “This is a bad idea.”

  “No, it feels good. Probably not as good as your cock in my pussy, but I like it in the backdoor. If that’s all I’m going to get from you, I want it.”

  With a groan, he got off the bed in one motion.

  Candy frowned. “What are you doing?”

  “Making a complete ass of myself.” He gave her a weak grin. “I don’t have anything in here, but there’s some baby oil in the bathroom. Wait right here.”

  While he was gone, Candy considered several ways to get him to change his mind, but reluctantly conceded Gib would not be the one to take her virginity. At least, not tonight, she thought with a wicked grin as he returned. She had all summer to wear away his resistance.

  She flipped over on her stomach, wriggling into a position that left her ass in the air, cheeks open in offering. Candy squealed at the first splatter of oil as the greasy substance trickled down her buttocks and into her waiting hole. The squeal turned to a moan when Gib began massaging the oil around the puckered bud, slowly parting the sphincter to prepare her for his invasion. First a finger sank into her, before another joined it, as Gib corkscrewed them in and out of her, leaving her loose and welcoming for his thick cock.

  Candy grasped handfuls of the coverlet when he cupped her hips, bringing the head of his cock against the relaxed opening. She concentrated on remaining loose as Gib penetrated her, a bit at a time. She lifted her hips, arching back to meet him, as he slid his full length inside her.

  She gasped when one of his oiled hands moved around to search between her thighs, finding the needy little clit begging for his touch. His fingers were slippery against the already lubricated bud, soaking wet with her own
juices. Candy cried out his name as he finger fucked her while pistoning his hips to enter her back passage as deeply as possible, before withdrawing to plunge into her again. With frantic lifts of her hips, she met his cock and fingers eagerly, eager for another orgasm.

  Forcing herself to focus, she gently massaged his cock by clenching her buttocks as she thrust against him, while he continued driving her wild by stroking her clit in rhythmic circles. She came with a small scream, but he continued arching into her, his only concession to her release a lightening of his touch on her clit, to allow for the increased sensitivity. Twice more, Gib made her come before he finally surrendered to his own need, filling her insides with an explosion of cum that made her clench her rear muscles around him in a vain attempt to keep him inside her. Another orgasm stole over her, leaving her gasping, face pressed against the comforter, as tears rolled from her eyes.

  At some point, he withdrew from her, joining her on the bed to hold her for an indeterminate time before Candy finally forced herself to return to full awareness. They stared into each other’s eyes for a long moment, and she became more determined that sometime in the next few months, before returning to college, Gib would be the one to take her virginity. In the meantime, this was enough. For now.


  If you enjoyed “Sweet Candy,” please continue reading for an excerpt of “Fool No More,” also by Kris Kollins.

  Michael wants Lori. It doesn't matter that she's 19 and he's 38. He doesn't care that her father is his business partner. He couldn't care less that they're at a cocktail party in his partner's home. All that matters is if she wants him too. And Lori does. Tonight, she's going to show Michael how much.

  I followed her into the study where she had disappeared during the peak of her father’s party, closing the door quietly behind me, and engaging the lock. I couldn’t blame Lori for seeking refuge from the boring business discussions circulating through the opulent house. Due to my partnership with Richard, her father, I had no choice about attending them either, but I preferred to let him handle the schmoozing, while I dealt with the behind-the-scenes business in the office.