David Ascendant

Six Giant Assassins. Goliath Was Only the First.Everyone knows the story of King David. Or so you think. No one has heard it told this way before. In the days of Samuel the Seer, the Philistines are at the climax of a long war with Israel over the land of Canaan. There are still giants in Philistia left from Joshua’s search and destroy mission of holy war generations earlier. Their numbers have grown. The young Philistine giant warrior Goliath steals the sacred ark of the covenant from Israel. But Yahweh’s curse upon Goliath’s people for that deed sets in motion an obsession of revenge and the creation of an elite warrior cult of giants, The Sons of Rapha, whose sole ambition is to kill the promised messiah king of Israel. The only problem is, Israel’s King Saul is not that chosen one, because he is possessed by the evil spirit of an ancient malevolent ruler who seeks to kill that same unknown and spiritually anointed king. They both discover it is David, son of Jesse, a young insignificant shepherd musician who woos the girls, and who miraculously slays Goliath in a battle contest. But now David is running for his life from both family and foe, gathering outlaws as allies, and eventually hiding in the one place no one would ever dream of: Goliath’s home town, the Philistine city of Gath. With David in the Serpent’s lair, the queen of Gath trying to seduce him, King Saul and the Philistine giants trying to assassinate him, and David’s three wives all vying for his attention, this gritty romantic action adventure story will take you places in the Bible you’ve never seen before. You think you know how it ends. But there is so much more to the story than you ever realized. The War of the Seed continues with the Philistines vs. the Messiah King of Israel. Part of the Biblical Fantasy Series *Chronicles of the Nephilim*David Ascendant is the seventh book of the Biblical Fantasy Series Chronicles of the Nephilim, an epic story that begins with Enoch and Noah and tells the Biblical storyline of the Genesis 6 Nephilim giants, hybrid offspring of the angelic Watchers mating with human women. In David Ascendant, you’ll discover: • David through new eyes that captures his spiritual zeal for God, but his passionate earthiness and nature as a man of bloodshed who also had a weakness for women. • David’s torrid love affairs with his polygamous wives Michal, Abigail and Ahinoam. • Details of a secret group of Rephaim giants called the Sons of Rapha, who were devoted to hunting down King David and killing him. • Stories of David’s “Mighty Men,” or warriors of great feats like Benaiah, Joab, Abishai, and Ittai the Gittite who fought the giants seeking David. • The strange hybrid warriors the Bible calls the Lion Men of Moab. **Learn About the Historical and Biblical Research Behind the Novel Author Godawa shares the scholarly research that undergirds the fictional adventure. David Ascendant as an appendix that explores the Biblical background of Goliath and the five other giants mentioned in the Bible who were after David of Judah. He also takes a look at King Agag of Amalek, who might have been a giant, as well as the infamous Lion Men of Moab spoken of in 1 Samuel. In this Biblical story truth is stranger than fiction. A NOTE ON THE AGE APPROPRIATENESS OF THE NOVELSSome Christians have asked what “rating” the novels have in terms of the portrayal of sex and violence. I would say the series is rated PG-13. The Chronicles do deal with evil behaviors that would be appropriate for mature teens and above. The violence in the Chronicles is like the book of Judges. The sexuality is like Song of Solomon, alluded to poetically, but obviously. The description of sexual evil is like Ezekiel 16, sometimes shocking, but never glorified. There is an occasional profane word or vulgarity like in Ezekiel 23,**
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The Christmas Quilt (Quilts of Love Series)

Annie's life is deliciously full as the Christmas season approaches. She helps her husband, Samuel, attend to the community's minor medical needs.
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The Lightning Cage

In the tradition of Graham Swift and Patrick McGrath—-Alan Wall's The Lightning Cage is a gothic, metaphysical novel given the speed and strength of a thriller.A former seminarian, Christopher Bayliss abandons his studies in Rome and returns to England determined to be cleansed forever of the contagion of religion and to leave behind his angels as well as his demons. But then something curious starts to happen: his research into an obscure eighteenth-century poet, Richard Pelham, reintroduces into his life those same ghostly whispers and rumors he thought he silenced for good.And so he flees once more, into a different type of life entirely—-he escapes into worldly success. But even still, it seems he cannot escape the mysteries of Richard Pelham. Soon these dark secrets begin to take over his life as insidiously and completely as they took over the poet over two centuries before.
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02 Thunder of Heaven: A Joshua Jordan Novel

Review"Tim LaHaye's books always entertain, educate and thrill but THUNDER OF HEAVEN takes it to a new level. I never thought the End of Days would cost me so much sleep!" ---#1 NYT bestselling author Glenn Beck"Dr. Tim LaHaye writes about the future with the kind of gripping detail that others would use to describe the past. I've been reading Tim LaHaye's books for over thirty years, but Thunder of Heaven may be his best yet!" --Mike Huckabee, Former Governor of Arkansas"Tim LaHaye writes about the prophetic future with such accuracy and passion that once you get started reading what he has written, you do not put the book away until it is finished! In our generation, he has led the way back to a proper appreciation of the prophetic writings of Scripture. Everywhere I go, I meet someone who has read one of Tim's books and been blessed by it. This book will continue that tradition!" --Dr. David Jeremiah, senior pastor, Shadow Mountain Community Church, founder & CEO, Turning Point Product DescriptionThe End Series by New York Times bestselling author Tim LaHaye and Craig Parshall is an epic thrill ride ripped from today's headlines and filtered through Scriptural prophecy. As world events begin setting the stage for the 'end of days' foretold in Revelation, Joshua Jordan must weigh the personal price he must pay to save the nation he loves.This eBook will appeal to the tens of millions of fans who have already made Tim LaHaye a household name and one of the best selling authors of all time. Thunder of Heaven is a return to form for Tim LaHaye, whose previous prophetic fiction series, Left Behind, has sold roughly 70 million copies.Those who have read Left Behind and who are eager for more highly charged fiction based on biblical prophesies will embrace Thunder of Heaven for the same reasons that turned Left Behind into the world's most celebrated publishing phenomenons of the last two decades.
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On Stories

A repackaged edition of the revered author's collection of essays on writing fiction.C. S. Lewis—the great British writer, scholar, lay theologian, broadcaster, Christian apologist, and bestselling author of Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, The Chronicles of Narnia, and many other beloved classics—was a professor of literature at Oxford University, where he was known for his insightful and often witty presentations on the nature of stories. This collection assembles nine essays that encapsulate his ideas about fiction, including "On Stories," "The Death of Words," and "On Three Ways of Writing for Children," as well as eleven pieces that were unpublished during his lifetime.
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The Place of the Lion

One man must save the human race from total destruction when a small British village is invaded by a terrifying host of archetypal creatures released from the spiritual world In the small English town of Smetham on the outskirts of London, a wall separating two worlds has broken down. The meddling and meditations of a local mage, Mr. Berringer, has caused a rift in the barrier between the corporeal and the spiritual, and now all hell has broken loose. Strange creatures are descending on Smethem—terrifying supernatural archetypes wreaking wholesale havoc, destruction, and death. Some residents, like the evil, power-hungry Mr. Foster, welcome the horrific onslaught. Others, like the cool and intellectual Damaris, refuse to accept what her eyes and heart tell her until it is far too late. Only a student named Anthony, emboldened by his unwavering love for Damaris, has the courage to face the horror head on. But if he alone cannot somehow restore balance to the...
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The Mark: The Beast Rules the World

His Excellency Global Community Potentate Nicolae Carpathia is back, this time as Satan. Resurrected and indwelt by the devil himself, the beast tightens his grip as ruler of the world. Terror comes to believers in Greece as they are among the first to face a GC loyalty mark application site. The gloves are off, as the forces of good and evil begin a battle for the very souls of men and women around the globe. A repackage of the eighth book in the New York Times best-selling Left Behind series.
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150 Quotes About Success And Life

“Failure can destroy you if you are weak, but if you are strong you can destroy failure.” –Wael El-Manzalawy One quote may summarize the idea of a whole chapter. This book contains about 150 quotes by many international thinkers.
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For Sale in Palm Springs: The Henry Wright Mystery Series

A murdered real estate agent. Unsatisfied home buyers. A possible celebrity scam. A secret society! Join retired police chief Henry Wright in figuring out who killed Palm Springs real estate mogul Rex Thornbird in this page turning thriller that will keep you guessing. This first book in the Henry Wright Mystery Series takes our detective from Palm Springs to the Silicon Valley. Newly revised!
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