In the hallowed halls of one of New England's most prestigious colleges, a young woman finds new and unexpected life as professor while a scandal brews just on the periphery On the train north from New York City, Lucy Winter takes inventory of her life. Twenty-seven and newly single, Lucy is headed toward a fate she never anticipated: professorship at a women's college in New England. Her doctorate degree, obtained from Harvard, was more of a hobby than a professional aspiration—something to occupy her time while her fiancé completed his medical studies nearby. But at Appleton College she finds new enthusiasm in academia, teaching young women to be brilliant in a society that does not yet value their intellect. When Lucy discovers a scandal involving a star student, she ignites controversy on the campus. Many in the faculty rush to either defend or condemn the student, who is carrying the burden that often accompanies excellence. At the... Views: 32
I chose Jessica. I married her. She saved me. Me — Jonathan Drazen. What would happen if the wind shifted direction? If I made new suggestions? I changed my line of sight. I started to focus on the unattainable because nothing was out of my reach. Nothing. Children. Happiness. Success. I had the universe by a string. A yo-yo. I could bring it up or down. I could fit it inside my pocket and carry it anywhere I pleased. Then why did I have an uneasy feeling? The kind of sensation an animal feels just before a storm or an earthquake? It was subtle enough to ignore, yet strong enough to prick me, reminding me that denial would result in severe repercussions to my psyche or my marriage. Suffer now or suffer later. I had a choice. Fly away from the clouds or dive head first into the nebula. ** Views: 32
"Santos-Febres and 13 other contributors of Puerto Rican heritage take full advantage of San Juan's wide range of disparities between rich and poor, weak and powerful, tourists and residents, in this fine addition to Akashic's noir anthology series."—Publisher's Weekly"I have never been to San Juan, Puerto Rico, but I traveled some of its streets in these stories. Of course, the city is more than noir. That's what I love about the Akashic Noir stories, these are not the Tourist Bureau stories of the city. They are gritty, sometimes nasty, sometimes gross, but always interesting."— Tonstant Weader Reviews"San Juan Noir is a brilliantly polished literary gem that showcases life on the fringes of society. Every tale glows in its own darkness, piercingly tugging at the remnants of human decency. We must do better, it screams. Yes, we must. Highly recommended."— Jamaica GleanerAkashic Books continues... Views: 32