2009-June-29 | Converted on 2010-September-12 | Catholic Resources for Kindle project | Text - Source URL: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/encyclicals/documents/hf_ben-xvi_enc_20090629_caritas-in-veritate_en/ | Cover Image - Source URL: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/img/index_benxvi.jpg Views: 24
A must-read for any devotee of Jane Austen, Janet Todd’s bodice-ripping reimagining of Austen’s epistolary novel Lady Susan will capture your literary imagination and get your heart racing.Austen’s only anti-heroine, Lady Susan, is a beautiful, charming widow who has found herself, after the death of her husband, in a position of financial instability and saddled with an unmarried, clumsy and over-sensitive daughter. Faced with the unpalatable prospect of having to spend her widowed life in the countryside, Lady Susan embarks on a serious of manipulative games to ensure she can stay in town with her first passion — the card tables. Scandal inevitably ensues as she negotiates the politics of her late husband’s family, the identity of a mysterious benefactor and a passionate affair with a married man.Accurate and true to Jane Austen’s style, as befits Todd’s position as a leading Austen scholar, this second coming of Lady Susan is as shocking, manipulative and hilarious as when Jane Austen first imagined her. Views: 24
NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHEDIn print for the first time ever, author and philosopher Ayn Rand's novel Ideal.Originally conceived as a novel, but then transformed into a play by Ayn Rand, Ideal is the story of beautiful but tormented actress Kay Gonda. Accused of murder, she is on the run and turns for help to six fans who have written letters to her, each telling her that she represents their ideal—a respectable family man, a far-left activist, a cynical artist, an evangelist, a playboy, and a lost soul. Each reacts to her plight in his own way, their reactions a glimpse into their secret selves and their true values. In the end their responses to her pleas give Kay the answers she has been seeking.Ideal was written in 1934 as a novel, but Ayn Rand thought the theme of the piece would be better realized as a play and put the novel aside. Now, both versions of Ideal are available for the first time ever to the millions of Ayn Rand fans... Views: 24
The Western tradition of philosophy began in Greece with a cluster of thinkers often called the Presocratics, whose influence has been incalculable. They include the early Ionian cosmologists, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, the Eleatics (Parmenides, Melissus, and Zeno), Empedocles, Anaxagoras, the atomists and the sophists. All these thinkers are discussed in this volume both as individuals and collectively in chapters on rational theology, epistemology, psychology, rhetoric and relativism, justice, and poetics. A chapter on causality extends the focus to include historians and medical writers. Views: 23
ARISEN*Hope Never Dies.*With over 175,000 copies sold, the world's most thrilling and best-loved military ZA series returns to the fall of man - and the war after the fall. Readers call the ARISEN series: "the wildest and best rollercoaster I've ever been on" ... "Pulse-pounding action at a relentless pace" ... "THE ABSOLUTE BEST FREAKING SERIES IN THIS GENRE" ... "the most unputdownable military zombie apocalypse arc ever" ... "for adrenaline junkies only" ... "A full-on express elevator to hell!!!" ... "A one-of-a-kind ZA opus. The indomitable warrior spirit shines through from start to finish" ... "the best I have ever read in apocalypse fiction of any kind" ... "Riveting. Full of horror and beauty" ... "These guys are the juggernauts of their genre" ... "the best of the best! Sweeping, epic, engaging, and thrilling" ... "keeps on delivering action, thrills & destruction at every turn" ... "Just one more page, I say, then it's 2am again" ... "Another literary heart attack" Africa Wasn't Ready. Between the fall of man and the arrival of the JFK, the Horn of Africa is a battleground. Salvation. Vengeance. Vanity.NEMESIS**** Views: 23