Cannibal Lake

Summer finally arrived and Ben, Susan and Mike were excited to close their textbooks and spend the summer at the lake. Their little fun filled summer camp was about to turn into a bloody summer camp full flesh eating Zombie Cannibal People.Summer finally arrived and Ben, Susan and Mike were excited to close their textbooks and spend the summer at the lake. Their parents were glad their kids loved spending the summer at the lake because it gave them some time to themselves to not worry about what their kids were up to. Their parent's dropped off their kids, waved goodbye for the last time. The camp had been closed for a couple of years because of a secret governmental experiment that went horribly wrong. But since the new owner of the camp got clearance from government officials that deemed it safe for the public. The owner was able to reopen the camp. But the government forgot to dispose of the cannibal people that were sealed in the barrels. Since no reports of any deaths at the lake were reported. The government just put the file on the lake experiment in a filing cabinet. Shut the drawer to never be heard from again. So they hoped, but that's one file that's not going to stay buried for long. Ben, Susan and Mike's fun filled summer at the lake would be the last fun they would ever get to spend together.
Views: 939

Numero zero

Una redazione raccogliticcia che prepara un quotidiano destinato, più che all’informazione, al ricatto, alla macchina del fango, a bassi servizi per il suo editore. Un redattore paranoico che, aggirandosi per una Milano allucinata (o allucinato per una Milano normale), ricostruisce la storia di cinquant’anni sullo sfondo di un piano sulfureo costruito intorno al cadavere putrefatto di uno pseudo Mussolini. E nell’ombra Gladio, la P2, l’assassinio di papa Luciani, il colpo di stato di Junio Valerio Borghese, la Cia, i terroristi rossi manovrati dagli uffici affari riservati, vent’anni di stragi e di depistaggi, un insieme di fatti inspiegabili che paiono inventati sino a che una trasmissione della BBC non prova che sono veri, o almeno che sono ormai confessati dai loro autori. E poi un cadavere che entra in scena all’improvviso nella più stretta e malfamata via di Milano. Un’esile storia d’amore tra due protagonisti perdenti per natura, un ghost writer fallito e una ragazza inquietante che per aiutare la famiglia ha abbandonato l’università e si è specializzata nel gossip su affettuose amicizie, ma ancora piange sul secondo movimento della Settima di Beethoven. Un perfetto manuale per il cattivo giornalismo che il lettore via via non sa se inventato o semplicemente ripreso dal vivo. Una storia che si svolge nel 1992 in cui si prefigurano tanti misteri e follie del ventennio successivo, proprio mentre i due protagonisti pensano che l’incubo sia finito. Una vicenda amara e grottesca che si svolge in Europa dalla fine della guerra ai giorni nostri.
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Marked, Soul Guardians Book 1

***READERS’ FAVORITE AWARD WINNER***Sixteen-year-old Kara Nightingale is unpopular, awkward and positively ordinary—that is until one day she is struck by a bus and dies...Within moments her life changes from ordinary to extraordinary as she wakes up in a mysterious world with a new career—as a rookie for the Guardian Angel Legion.***READERS’ FAVORITE AWARD WINNER***The Mortal Instruments meets Supernatural. Sixteen-year-old Kara Nightingale is unpopular, awkward and positively ordinary—that is until one day she is struck by a bus and dies...Within moments her life changes from ordinary to extraordinary as she wakes up in a mysterious world with a new career—as a rookie for the Guardian Angel Legion. Kara is pulled into the supernatural where monkeys drive the elevators, oracles scurry above giant crystal balls and where demons feed on the souls of mortals. When an Elemental child is kidnapped, Kara is sent on a danger-filled quest and plunges into a situation more dangerous and deadly than anything she could ever imagine. Don't miss this thrilling, action-packed fantasy adventure and first of the Soul Guardians series. Discover the world of Soul Guardians:Marked, Book # 1Elemental, Book # 2 Horizon, Book # 3 Netherworld, Book # 4 Seirs Book, # 5 Mortal Book, # 6 Reapers Book # 7 Seals Book # 8
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Dirty Business (The First Acer Sansom Novel)

Acer Sansom is back from the dead. He's looking for people. He's looking for revenge.Acer Sansom, a British soldier believed long dead, resurfaces, shot in the guts in the home of a still-warm dead man.With the help of a high-profile British politician, Acer becomes embroiled in a mission for retribution and justice for the loved ones and the life he has lost.Acer’s search takes him from the south of England to the teeming metropolis of Istanbul and beyond where the action twists and turns as the story builds to an explosive climax.
Views: 938

The Letters of Dorothy L. Sayers. Vol. 2, 1937-1943: From Novelist to Playwright

Spanning the years 1937-1943, the second volume of The Letters of Dorothy L. Sayers, edited by Barbara Reynolds, covers the seven years in which the greatest detective novelist of the golden age turns away from mystery writing to become a playwright and, in turn, a controversial figure. As such, it bears little mention of Lord Peter but further illumination into the inspirations of his creator. There is some coverage of the Wimsey family papers and the play version of Busman's Honeymoon, but the bulk of this second volume deals with the groundbreaking set of religious plays that Sayers wrote for the BBC, including a fascinating contretemps over the BBC's attempts to edit her. This volume provides considerable insight into a formidable intellect and a sparkling writer.
Views: 935

In Too Deep

Could Amy and Dan's biggest enemy be . . . a friend? The 39 Clues Book 6 challenges everything you thought you knew about the Clue race. IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO JOIN THE HUNT! The 39 Clues gets treacherous. Book 6 takes Amy and Dan ac
Views: 935

The Poisoned Meal

Wilkie Collins was an English novelist and playwright. Collins was also a lifelong friend of the legendary writer Charles Dickens with whom he worked with on some plays and other fictional works. In total Collins was the author of 30 novels, 14 plays and more than 60 short stories with his best known works being The Woman in White and The Moonstone. This edition of Collins’ The Poisoned Meal includes a Table of Contents.
Views: 934

Underground Guardians Box Set

About Protector: Mason Alexander is the leader of the elite Black Knights, a special forces unit that have all been genetically enhanced. He must lead his team to stop a rogue group of Knights lead by his brother. Holly Hart, a beautiful doctor who has devoted her life to genetic research, is the woman who can help achieve his goal of capturing his brother. Dark danger and hot passion will bring them together, but will Mason's secrets, drive them apart, before love can save them? About Healer: The genetically enhanced elite Special Forces Unit The Black Knights continues to battle to save the world from a rogue group of their own men who wish to rule the world. Marcella Alexander, a woman considered myth by most, is named the Witch Doctor for her unique healing powers that the enemy wishes to use for evil. Diego, doctor of the Knights, is enlisted to find Marcella and bring her to safety before she can be captured. Marcella doesn't know who to trust and she will not go with Diego freely. Diego will have to become her captor to save her life, and now, on the run through a danger infested territory inside Mexico, they will find both obstacles, and burning hot passion. But Diego must earn more than Marcella's passion. He must earn her heart and her trust, and do so quickly if he is to save her from a madman who is determined to possess her himself.
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Whispers of the Dead

The victim has been bound and tortured, the body decomposed beyond recognition... A second body is found. A nightmare is about to begin... A serial killer is at work and the death toll is rising... A brutal abduction - a helpless victim is taken... And for forensics expert David Hunter, it's become a terrifying race against time.
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The Hound of Death

Twelve unexplained phenomena with no apparent earthly explanation, including a dog-shaped gunpowder mark; an omen from the "other side"; a haunted house; a chillng seance; an ederly lady's hold over a ypung man; and a mysterious SOS.
Views: 933

Progressive Dinner Deadly

Octogenarian Myrtle Clover is fit to be tied when her book club votes to change to a supper club. Who wants chips and dip when they can have Dickens and Twain?But when a body is discovered during the first supper club dinner, the evening quickly gets interesting. Myrtle pits her sleuthing skills against her police chief son's to find the killer....if the killer doesn't find her first.Retired octogenarian schoolteacher Myrtle Clover is fit to be tied when her book club votes to change to a supper club. Who wants chips and dip when they can have Dickens and Twain?The first supper club is a progressive dinner...where Myrtle loses interest during the hors d'oeuvres. But when a body is discovered during the main course, the evening quickly gets interesting. Myrtle pits her sleuthing skills against her police chief son's to find the killer....if the killer doesn't find her first.
Views: 933

Clouds of Witness

Rustic old Riddlesdale Lodge was a Wimsey family retreat filled with country pleasures and the thrill of the hunt -- until the game turned up human and quite dead. He lay among the chrysanthemums, wore slippers and a dinner jacket and was Lord Peter's brother-in-law-to-be. His accused murderer was Wimsey's own brother, and if murder set all in the family wasn't enough to boggle the unflappable Lord Wimsey, perhaps a few twists of fate would be -- a mysterious vanishing midnight letter from Egypt...a grieving fiancee with suitcase in hand...and a bullet destined for one very special Wimsey.
Views: 932

High Octane

Well-known newspaper journalist Sabrina Cameron has arrived in Austin, Texas, to reinvent herself. Besides a new job and new friends, what better cure for her control-freak tendencies than to skydive for the first time in her life?Supersexy jumpmaster Ryan "Cowboy" Walker is just the wild man to push Sabrina to her limits—both of them know it on sight. The high-octane experiences that follow, meanwhile, have nothing to do with leaping from a plane. Talk about losing control! But when Sabrina's suddenly forced to choose between new loyalties and old…it'll not only force her to choose who she's going to be…but who she's going to be with.
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The Tell-Tale Heart

Edgar Allan Poe remains the unsurpassed master of works of mystery and madness in this outstanding collection of Poe's prose and poetry are sixteen of his finest tales, including "The Tell-Tale Heart", "The Murders in the Rue Morgue", "The Fall of the House of Usher," "The Pit and the Pendulum," "William Wilson," "The Black Cat," "The Cask of Amontillado," and "Eleonora". Here too is a major selection of what Poe characterized as the passion of his life, his poems - "The Raven," "Annabel Lee," Ulalume," "Lenore," "The Bells," and more, plus his glorious prose poem "Silence - A Fable" and only full-length novel, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym. From the Paperback edition.
Views: 932

The Lion's Game

Detective John Corey, last seen in Plum Island, now faces his toughest assignment yet: the pursuit and capture of the world's most dangerous terrorist -- a young Arab known as "The Lion" who has baffled a federal task force and shows no sign of stopping in his quest for revenge against the American pilots who bombed Libya and killed his family. Filled with unrelenting suspense and surprising plot twists at every terrifying turn, THE LION'S GAME is a heartstopping race against time and one of Nelson DeMille's most riveting thrillers.
Views: 929