Third Warning

Flaming Island: “Look, Dave. See those strange clouds?” Florence Huyler shaded her eyes to look away toward the horizon. Her face wore an expression of bewildered curiosity. “Yes, I see them. They are queer!” young “Captain Davie,” as everyone called him, replied as he wrinkled his brow. After giving the wheel of his motor-driven craft a turn, he studied those clouds. “Scurrying along the horizon,” he murmured, “they roll quite a bit, don’t they?” “Yes, and such a peculiar shade of yellow,” Florence added. “Oh well, clouds are different up here on Lake Superior.” “Nothing to worry about, I guess,” said Dave, as once again he gave his attention to the wheel. As for Florence, at the moment she had nothing to do but think. And such bitter-sweet thoughts as they were! She was cruising on Lake Superior. That was grand! She had always loved the water. What was still more magnificent, she was landing twice a week on the shores of that place of great enchantment—Isle Royale. Once, you will recall from reading The Phantom Violin, Florence with two companions had made her summer home on a huge wrecked ship off the rocky shores of this very island. What a summer that had been! Adventure? Plenty of it. The ship had at last been completely destroyed during a storm. They had barely escaped with their lives. The girl shuddered a little even now at the thought of it. Florence was large, strong, fearless. A marvelous swimmer and a grand athlete, she had little to fear on land or water. And yet, as her eyes swept the deck of the Wanderer, the sixty-foot motor-boat on which she rode, a troubled look came into her fine blue eyes. Nor were those low, circling clouds the cause of her worry. She and her cousin Dave, quite as courageous and venturesome as she, had embarked upon an enterprise that promised to be a failure. “Grandfather will lose his money. He can’t afford to lose, and it’s not all our fault,” she told herself a little bitterly. But now her thoughts were broken by a short, stout, bronze-faced man, an Indian who appeared at the cabin door. “Look, John!” she pointed, speaking to the Indian. “Look at those strange clouds!” “Huh!” he grunted. “Smoke!” “Sm-smoke!” the girl stared. Then she breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, from Canada! Forest fires. I’ve heard—”
Views: 317

Travails with the Alien

Satyajit Ray was a master of science fiction writing. Through his Professor Shonku stories and other fiction and non-fiction pieces, he explored the genre from various angles. In the 1960s, Ray wrote a screenplay for what would have been the first-of-its-kind sci-fi film to be made in India. It was called The Alien and was based on his own short story "Bonkubabur Bandhu". On being prompted by Arthur C. Clarke, who found the screenplay promising, Ray sent the script to Columbia Pictures in Hollywood, who agreed to back it, and Peter Sellers was approached to play a prominent role. Then started the "Ordeals of the Alien" as Ray calls it, as even after a series of trips to the US, UK and France, the film was never made, and more shockingly, some fifteen years later, Ray watched Steven Spielberg's film Close Encounters of the Third Kind and later E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial, and realized these bore uncanny resemblances to his script The Alien, including the way the ET...
Views: 317


With a wedding on the horizon and her father tucked safely away in prison, the future is looking bright for Lily Locke. Unfortunately, life on The Isle is never calm for long… and when a Ranger is killed brutally in plain sight, Lily and her fiancé—the renowned Ranger X—find themselves hunting a murderer more ruthless than any they've ever encountered before.However, unraveling the killer's intricate plot isn't Lily's only problem. She has a cousin who is nowhere to be found. A dangerous hunter has escaped from prison. Ranger X is all but obsessed with his latest case, and Lily worries it's consuming him entirely. Despite it all, Lily must make a decision that will affect not only her life, but the life of the man she loves more than anything else—and once it's done, there's no turning back…
Views: 316

The Royal Wedding from Hell

Relive the Royal Wedding of Kate and Wills, but this time, with demons, swordfights and car chases. All of the romance, all of the pageantry, all of the flesh hungry beasts of the abyss. Join Kate, Wills, Harry and Pippa as they take on ancient forces of darkness, hordes of monsters and a plethora of possessed celebrities. It's the Royal Wedding from Hell!The greatest show of British pageantry is about to take place. Wills and Kate are getting married, and two billion people will be celebrating.And an ancient evil is rising...It is 2011. The world is in the grip of the worst global economic meltdown since the 1930s. Millions have lost their jobs and struggle to make ends meet.Goddamnit, the world needs a party.And as luck would have it, there’s a big one coming.On Friday, April 29th, Prince William, eldest son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana and second in line to the British throne, will get married to his long-standing girlfriend, Kate Middleton.Two million people will line the streets of London to celebrate.3900 guests including heads of state, celebrities and charity workers, will pack Westminster Abbey for the service.An estimated two billion people will watch the wedding worldwide.A security operation, costing 10 million pounds, will be in place because nothing, repeat nothing, is going to go wrong.But the forces of evil plan to turn the wedding into a bloodbath of untold carnage.And only Harry and Pippa, and Wills and Kate can stand in it's way.All the pageantry, all the romance, all the flesh-hungry beasts of the abyss.It's The Royal Wedding from Hell.
Views: 316


Navigating his way through the challenges of the transitional twenties, Terence dissects the world around him with a seductive honesty and self-deprecating charm, humorously analysing the most awkward topics in a fun yet thought provoking manner.Terence is twenty-six years old, incapable of lasting longer than one hundred and twenty seconds beneath the sheets, continuously finding himself in regrettable situations as a result of his lurking anxiety, and, if truth be told, shamefully in love with Jess, the girlfriend of James, his house mate and best friend. Navigating his way through the challenges of the transitional twenties, Terence dissects the world around him with a seductive honesty and self-deprecating charm, humorously analysing the most awkward topics in a fun yet thought provoking manner.
Views: 315

Pirongia's Secret

Who murdered the boy on Pirongia Mountain? Who else knows a dangerous secret? And what remains when innocence is gone forever? A sleepy rural settlement sits in the crook of a mountain, trapped in a time warp of indifference. But someone there is a killer. They walk the streets and eat in the local cafe. And they murdered a boy. Four teenage friends bide their time until they can escape the town, dreaming of a life together in the city. They cling to each other for security, creating their own fragile family against a hostile world. But two of them have a secret and somebody else knows. As alibis crumble and fingers point too close to home, Deleilah Dereham must find out who killed her classmate. She needs to. She has something to hide.
Views: 315

Ari's Adventure

Welcome to Moonshire Bay - the small town lakeside community that has love in the air! Finding out her husband of over twenty years is cheating on her? Check. Laid off from her job the very same day? Check. Ari had a very bad day and flees to Moonshire Bay to relax, heal and figure out what she really wants. At least she knows what she doesn't want – a relationship. Jack Callahan has been playing it safe in all aspects of his life after a failed business and a horrible misjudgment of someone's character. Living in Moonshire Bay allows him to coast through life with his shields up and blinders on. So what happens when Jack and Ari start working on a project together? Can their newfound friendship and attraction overcome their lack of trust? "I enjoyed this book and watching a middle aged woman transform and continue her life when faced with adversity. Way to go...
Views: 315