The Used Virgin: An Argolicus Mystery

After Rome, before the Middle Ages, Italy belonged to the Ostrogoths. A corrupt governor. A young girl. An old man. Argolicus unravels the threads when he discovers his friend has been accused of raping a virgin.After Rome, before the Middle Ages, Italy belonged to the Ostrogoths.A corrupt governor. A young girl. An old man. Argolicus unravels the threads.When a life-long friend disappears, a peaceful retreat to the provinces turns into a challenge to the local governor for Argolicus. A cruel slander originates from the venal governor. When Argolicus visits the governor, he discovers an unscrupulous plot destined to impoverish his friend. When his lifelong tutor overhears a comment, they set out to find their friend only to discover base cruelty and a secret plot..A plot that challenges the King’s people, the roots of Roman civility, and his friend’s life.Affronted, he pursues the thread. Little does he know that his investigation will pitch him in a fight with thugs and ultimately set him head-to-head with the governor.5 Stars “A rich tapestry of interactions that serve to draw the reader deeper in...” “The feel of a time long passed as a mystery unfolds.”
Views: 329

Story of a Murder

Maggie's estranged half-sister suddenly arrives in town. Angel has lived in a hippie commune for years. Now she's escaped for mysterious reasons. Echo, Angel's boyfriend, comes to Fair Haven looking for her. But shortly after, his dead body is found at the base of a bridge.The last time Echo was seen was with Angel. Maggie knows Angel came home that night full of scuffs and scratches. Could she have killed Echo? In the meantime, the rest of the commune, The Great Society of Atonement, descends into town during the hundredth anniversary of the establishment of Fair Haven. These criminals in hippie clothing steal from small businesses, clash with the locals, and cause chaos wherever they go. The cult leader wants Angel back and will do whatever it takes to get her.Trouble seems to follow Angel wherever she goes, but she is still Maggie's little sister. Maggie must save Angel from being thrown in jail, getting kidnapped by a dangerous cult, or becoming another murder...
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Mystery Wings

Mystery WingsMystery Wings
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Spectral Strains

Join actress and medium Sybil Ingram for a heartwarming holiday ghost story set in December 1873! In "Spectral Strains," Sybil's husband, dashing violinist Roderick Brooke, falls under the spell of a haunted violin. Fortunately the couple's old friend Professor Hartmann is on hand to help solve the mystery and free Roderick from the ghostly influence. Plus: bonus story! In "One Good Turn," Sybil and Roderick help a governess who believes that her young charges are being possessed by the spirits of two former servants. You may think this story sounds familiar, but prepare for it to take a turn!
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Perilous Assurance

PERILOUS ASSURANCE takes place in 1969, against the backdrop of escalating civil unrest over the Vietnam war. Mattie O'Keeffe Shaw, a professor of art history at Brooksford College in New Hampshire, has tried to distance herself from the conflict over the war, but after meeting mysterious Clay Adamore, is drawn into the fray.PERILOUS ASSURANCE takes place in 1969, against the backdrop of escalating civil unrest over the Vietnam war. Mattie O'Keeffe Shaw, a professor of art history at Brooksford College in the small town of Brooksford, New Hampshire, south of the White Mountains, worriedly leaves her on-campus residence to check on students who she knew had planned a protest on the quad. While walking around the small group of chanting and poster-waving students, she happens to meet Clayton Payne Adamore, and immediately dislikes his over-bearing attitude and wonders why he is there, since he doesn't fit in with the younger protesters. She wonders if he's a government agent spying on the students, or perhaps, an outside agitator. Mattie has not formed an opinion of the war, and is more concerned about her job and students' safety than politics at that point in her life, but as time passes, to her dismay, finds that she is drawn into the fray.
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Caribbean Mystery

As Jane Marple sat basking in the tropical sunshine she felt mildly discontented with life. True, the warmth eased her rheumatism, but here in paradise nothing ever happened. Then a question was put to her by a stranger: ‘Would you like to see a picture of a murderer?’ Before she has a chance to answer, the man vanishes, only to be found dead the next day. The mysteries abound: Where is the picture? Why is the hotelier prone to nightmares? Why doesn’t the most talked-about guest, a reclusive millionaire, ever leave his room? And why is Miss Marple herself fearful for her life? Of not A Caribbean Mystery introduces the wealthy (and difficult) Mr Jason Rafiel, who will call upon Miss Marple for help in Nemesis (1971)—after his death.
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The Case of the Golden Bullet

The Case of the Golden Bullet by Auguste Groner
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A Criminal Can't Change His Aura

When psychic P.I. Piper Ashwell finds an antique pocket watch, it sparks a vision of a murder in progress. She's helpless to stop it since she's convinced she's watching it happen at that very moment.To make matters worse, when she and her partner/husband, Detective Mitchell Brennan, return to the Weltunkin police station to see if a murder was reported, the newest detective, Shannon O'Reilly, thinks they're messing with her because the murder is identical to a case she previously worked on. The case that made Detective O'Reilly dislike psychics.Now, Piper must not only solve the case but convince Detective O'Reilly to help her and trust in her abilities.
Views: 328

A Nest of Spies

Show Excerpt anies of mechanics in time of mobilisation. He had searched feverishly in his drawers for this report, which was of no great bulk. For the last ten minutes he had anxiously searched, but in vain: he could not find a trace of it! "It is impossible!" he cried. He swore aloud as if the better to convince himself. "The title is in big letters, \'Confidential,\' in red, and twice underlined. Oh, it is quite impossible that it should pass under my eyes unperceived!" Again the distracted man ransacked his papers and shook his portfolio. Almost beside himself with exasperation, he cried: "My excellent Bobinette, by her rummaging, has put the finishing touch to this confusion. Heaven knows, it was bad enough before!" He paused. Anguish seized him. He fell into an arm-chair, while drops of sweat broke out on his forehead. Suddenly he had remembered the roll of papers sticking out of Bobinette\'s muff. He uttered a cry: "My God! But supposing!"... He did not put the rest of his thought into wo
Views: 328