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From Above

When a football player from Riley Donovan's school falls to his death from the top of a recreation center, a hunch makes her wonder if he was pushed. But who would do such a thing, and why? Riley's detective aunt tells Riley to leave it alone, but that's not in Riley's nature. When her friend Charlie is accused of the murder, Riley is determined to clear his name, even if it means confronting vicious junkyard dogs, forming an alliance with an old enemy, and putting her own life in danger.
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There Once Was A Child

A sexual predator recently released from prison is missing…there’s blood on the floor—but there are two blood types. Is he a victim of revenge or has another of Nashville’s children gone missing?Joseph Fanning stole and abused seventeen children. Recently released after serving his time, now he’s gone missing. Detective Olivia Newhouse and her partner, Walt Duncan, have a duty to do all within their power to find him—just as they would for any other citizen. The first step is to make a list of possible suspects and the logical names to start with are Fanning's victims. Those seventeen children are now adults and more than one would like to see Joseph Fanning dead.As Olivia and Walt dig deeper into the case their own lives begin to unravel. The fragile threads of discovery start to twist and tangle until nothing is as it seems.When the one victim who knows the whole truth is revealed, no one will be the same.
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Dog Collar Chaos

DOG COLLAR CHAOS   Lucie Rizzo--Mafia princess-turned-dog accessory entrepreneur—is riding high after scoring a partnership with Buzzy Sneider, America's leading craft and interior decorating mogul. A collaboration that is sure to move Lucie's fledgling business into the next tax bracket.   When Buzzy turns up dead and Lucie's BFF and business partner, Roseanne, is accused of the murder, Lucie will stop at nothing to prove Ro's innocence. Even if it means keeping secrets from her new squeeze, sexy detective Tim O'Brien, who's determined to keep Lucie from running one of her screwball investigations.   With Ro behind bars and Tim hot under the collar over Lucie's meddling, Lucie is forced to accept her father's help to clear Ro’s name and save their business. But will doing so put a killer hot on her heels?   DOG COLLAR CUISINE   Entrepreneur Lucie Rizzo is determined to grow her small dog walking/upscale pet accessory business to Fortune 500 status. But leaving behind her Mafia Princess title isn't as easy as she'd like.   When Lucie lands a dog-walking gig for one of Chicago's media-obsessed top chefs, she knows his high-profile status might shine the limelight on her business as well. At least until the chef's secret and equally famous casserole recipe winds up in the wrong hands and Lucie is accused of swiping it.   With her ties to the mob casting a shadow over her reputation, Lucie assembles her whacky crew of amateur sleuths and her sexy detective boyfriend to go on a hunt for the real thief. Can Lucie solve this culinary mystery before the cops slap the cuffs on her?      DOG COLLAR CONFIDENTIAL   Lucie Rizzo has seen a lot of nonsense in her life as a mafia princess turned doggie accessory entrepreneur. Worn out and eager for a getaway with her hunky new boyfriend, Chicago PD detective Tim "O'Hottie" O'Brien, Lucie and her main squeeze head south for a little R&R.   While enroute to the Florida Keys, a pit stop to see Tim's uncle at his retirement community draws Lucie into a temporary dog-walking gig for the man's girlfriend. Lucie is happy to help until she discovers the pampered pooches' mistress isn't all that she appears.   With a nose for trouble, Lucie can't resist the lure of a good mystery. She soon realizes she's picked up the scent of a missing person who will do anything to protect a secret.
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Intimate Knowledge

AN ACCIDENTAL RUN-IN?A benign business trip to Mexico turns sinister when one man turns up dead and another -- impossibly -- returns in the flesh! Penelope Moon couldn't believe her eyes when she saw her fiance, Simon Decker, a man who had been languishing in a coma for months, on board a passing yacht with a man who would die within hours. But this Simon wasn't the kindly accountant she'd fallen in love with, who knew her intimately as though he'd read a brief on her needs and desires. This man was altogether different. Tougher, stronger -- sexier than she'd known. And she secretly liked it.Soon Penelope found herself drawn into a deadly conspiracy involving an illegal pharmaceutical and border infiltration. More than just her wedding was at stake. But would her heart end up as collateral damage...?Matchmakers Underground -- Coincidences... Chance encounters... It's what one Houston, Texas, firm specializes in. Who knows what lies around the next corner...
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Model Crime 1

Product DescriptionFOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. In the first book in the exciting new Model Mystery trilogy, Nancy's friend Sydney is getting married, but things keep going horribly wrong at the wedding. Who would want to ruin her special day? Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.Imagine, Nancy -- me, a world-famous model!" Bess Marvin's lively blue eyes were shining, and the smile on her face was more than intense. She ran her fingers through her long blond hair and struck a nonchalant pose, gazing at herself in the mirror. "This is fantastic news, Bess," Nancy Drew said, rereading the letter that had come for Bess the day before. "'Dear Bess Marvin,'" she read aloud. "'We're happy to inform you that you've been selected as a finalist in the Face of the Year contest jointly sponsored by Smash Clothing, Elan Modeling Agency, and Teen Scene magazine.' It really is incredible," Nancy concluded. Bess continued to gaze at her reflection in the closet door mirror. "All I did was lose a few pounds, and suddenly my whole life has changed," she said with a happy sigh. "I guess it was worth it to turn down all the ice-cream cones, brownies, mocha cheesecake . . ." "It's really great," said George Fayne. Bess's cousin and good friend, who was sitting on Bess's bed. "When I took those pictures, I never dreamed they'd actually get you into the finals." "You didn't?" Bess spun around and faced her cousin. "George Fayne -- are you saying I'm not beautiful enough to be a model?" Nancy held up a hand. "Hold on, Bess," she said. "George just means she's surprised because there was so much competition." "Right!" George's wide brown eyes were fixed innocently on Bess. "You were the one who said over five thousand girls sent in their pictures -- " "And only eight were selected as finalists," Nancy finished for her. "That's pretty amazing." "It is, isn't it?" Bess said with a sigh. Nancy brushed back her silky reddish-blond hair and glanced quickly at George. Ever since the letter had arrived, Bess had been subject to some pretty wild mood swings. Now, for instance, when Bess turned back to the mirror she was biting her lip and frowning. "Those pictures George took made me look so glamorous. Let's face it, I'm not that pretty in real life." She turned from the mirror and flopped down on her bed. "You are too!" George insisted. "I agree," Nancy added. "But even if you weren't, there's no sense worrying about real life now. This is a modeling contest! You're going to be treated to an all-expenses-paid trip to Chicago, get a makeover by a professional makeup artist, and have your picture taken by world-famous photographers. It'll be the time of your life!" Bess nodded, her expression brightening. "You're right!" she said, sitting up. "Besides, the judges aren't only looking for beauty. We'll be judged on personality as well." Bess had no doubts about her personality. "And with you two there, how could I help but be a winner?" George raised her eyebrows and bit her lip. "Bess, I didn't want to tell you, but I can't go. I'm playing in the All-County Tennis Tournament this week." Bess winced. "What about you, Nan? You can come, can't you?" "Better say yes, Nan," George suggested. "Without you there to hold her down, Bess may float off planet Earth." "I wouldn't miss it for the world," Nancy said with a grin. "In fact, if we're leaving tomorrow, I'd better go home and pack right now!" "Hurry! Please, sir," Bess sounded truly desperate. She was standing on the sidewalk in front of the Chicago Inter-Continental Hotel with Nancy, waiting while a bellhop loaded their suitcases onto a wheeled luggage carrier. The elderly man just smiled and hefted the last bag onto the pile. "Ready, ladies?" he said, pushing the cart through the doorway. Bess stopped short just inside the lobby. "Oh, no!" she shrieked, staring at her hand in horror. "What's the matter?" Nancy asked. "Just look at that chip on my fingernail! I was so careful, too!" Nancy examined the offending nail. It was barely noticeable. "It's tiny, Bess. You can fix it when we get upstairs." "Oh, no, I can't," Bess moaned. "I didn't bring that shade." She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head helplessly. "Oh, please, please, let there be a store in Chicago that sells Heavenly Pink. I'll die if I can't find it." "Gosh, Bess," Nancy ventured. "Is nail polish really worth dying for?" "I guess I am getting carried away, huh?" she said, apologizing. She hurried across the thick red-and-black carpet to the reception desk. "Hi, I'm here for the Face of the Year contest," Bess announced to the man behind the desk. He wore a gold pin with his name, Mr. Johnson, on it. Mr. Johnson peered over the counter at Bess and adjusted his glasses. "Are you one of the contestants?" "Yes," Bess said, a little annoyed. "I'm Bess Marvin, and this is my friend, Nancy Drew. She's staying with me." "I only asked because the other contestants have already left for the pier. They're doing a 'Welcome to Chicago' shoot there. It's two blocks north on Lake Shore Drive." "Oh, no, we're really late! I'm so mad I wasn't ready when you got to my house," Bess said to Nancy. "Sign here, and I'll have your bags brought to your room. Suite four hundred twelve," Mr. Johnson said calmly. "Good luck." "Thanks," said Bess, who was running for the glass sliding door. Nancy followed, and soon the two were dashing up Lake Shore Drive, searching for the other contestants. The scenery was breathtaking, with the skyscrapers of the city towering over the lake. Bess was too nervous and hurried to notice. "There they are," Nancy announced after only a block and a half. She pointed across the street to a huge pier jutting out into Lake Michigan. A truck with its own electric generator was parked on the pier, and farther out a group of young women were arranged at a railing. "Great!" Bess said excitedly, stepping off the curb to cross the street. "Whoa," Nancy said firmly, taking her friend by the arm and pulling her back. "Let's wait for the light." "Ooh, I can't believe it. There's Kelly Conroy!" Bess whispered excitedly as they stepped onto the pier. She pointed to a young woman with dark auburn hair and green eyes who stood in a small cluster of people about twenty feet from the sidewalk. "I recognize her from the picture by her column in Teen Scene." At that moment Kelly turned and caught sight of Bess and Nancy. She waved and started walking toward them, a big smile on her face. She wore a smart black jacket with brass buttons and epaulets, skinny black pants, and ankle-high black boots. "You've got to be Bess," she said when she reached them. "I recognize you from your photo. Hi!" "Hi,"said Bess, staring at the columnist. "I can't believe I'm actually meeting you. I mean, I read your column every week. It's the best." "Can I quote you? I'm Kelly Conroy," the columnist said, and she extended her hand to Nancy. "You're not one of the contestants, are you? Bess makes eight -- " "No , " answered Nancy quickly. "I'm just here with Bess. My name's Nancy." "Excuse me, Kelly," said a tall, handsome man of about thirty who had joined them. "Bettina wants to talk to you about the group shot." "Thanks, Thom. " Kelly turned back to Bess and Nancy. "Well, I'll see you later, girls. Meanwhile, meet Thom Fortner. He's the public relations person for Smash Clothing and also for the contest. Thom, this is Bess Marvin, one of our finalists, and her friend Nancy." "Oh, hello, Mr. Fortner, Bess gushed. "I just love Smash Clothes. I wear them all the time." "That's nice to hear," Mr. Fortner told her. "And please, call me Thom." "Thom! Thom!" Nancy turned and saw a tall woman with frosted hair and dangling royal-blue earrings wave at him. "What are you doing? I need you here, too!" "Sorry, Bettina. I didn't realize." The public relations man raised his eyebrows in an amused gesture. "Excuse me, ladies. When Bettina calls, we all answer." "Bettina Vasquez works for Elan Agency," Bess told Nancy. "She runs the place for Monique Durand. That's what they told me when I called to make arrangements for my trip." "Young lady!" Bettina was shouting over Kelly Conroy's head. "If you want to be in the shot, you'd better join us, too." "Who, me?" Bess looked confused. "Yes, darling, you," the woman said icily. "She doesn't seem very nice. But then, a big shoot like this must mean a lot of pressure for her," Nancy said as they walked toward the others. The closer they got, the more Bess seemed to freeze up. Nancy thought she knew why. Standing near the iron railing, with only Lake Michigan behind them, were seven of the tallest, most beautiful girls she had ever seen. "I suddenly feel short," Bess whispered. "It's called 'petite,'" Nancy said, patting her friend on the arm. "Hi, you must be Bess," said a honey blonde with a wide smile and warm brown eyes. "I'm Maggie Adams." "Hi," said Bess, studying her with obvious dismay. Maggie was tall and willowy. Her skin was luminous, and her features were perfect. "Don't worry," Maggie said reassuringly. "You haven't missed a thing. We've been here for an hour, but they haven't taken a single shot yet." "This is so unprofessional," said one of the girls, an ash blonde with catlike golden eyes. "Have you worked as a model?" Bess asked. "Of course I have," the girl snapped. "But I thought this contest was only for amateurs," Bess murmured. "Er -- I worked for charities," the girl responded with an insincere smile. "I'm Bess Marvin. This is my friend, Nancy Drew." The girl nodded and turned her back on them. "When are they going to start shooting?" she complained to no one in particular. "It's freezing out here." "That's Heather Richards," Maggie told them in a whisper. "She's from New York." Heather was right, though. The wind had begun to blow off the lake. Even for a fall day it was chilly. Nancy pulled up the collar of her light wool jacket and stuffed her hands into her pockets. "Everybody," Maggie was saying, "this is Bess Marvin and her friend Nancy. Now let's see if I can remember all the names! Bess, you've already met Heather. This is Trudy Woo, Carey Harper, Alison Williams, Diana Amsterdam, and Natasha." One by one the lovely girls nodded and introduced themselves. "Hi, Bess and Nancy," said Trudy Woo. She had glossy black hair, cut blunt and in bangs, and sparkling almond-shaped eyes. Next to Trudy stood tall, slender Carey Harper. Her dark hair was twisted into a thick French braid, giving her a soft, classic look. "Welcome," Carey said, taking Bess in with a pair of amazing blue eyes that seemed to leap from her face when she smiled. "Hi," Bess gulped before she turned to her next competitor. "We wondered when you were going to get here," the girl said with a warm smile. "I'm Alison Williams." Alison was tall, like Maggie and Carey, but her skin was a rich chocolate brown, set off by large, glowing black eyes. Her glossy jet-black hair was parted on one side and held in place with a simple gold clip. "Hi, Bess, I'm Diana," the next girl said. Diana's face had a delicate elfin quality, with mischievous aquamarine eyes. Diana and Trudy weren't quite so tall as the others. But Nancy noticed with dismay that Bess was by far the shortest of the contestants. Natasha, who nodded at Bess and Nancy from the end of the group, had full, pouting lips, a short, slender nose, and enormous green eyes. All in all, Nancy had to admit that the Face of the Year contestants were a pretty impressive-looking group. Bess shook hands with each girl in turn. "I'm sorry," Bess said when she got to Natasha, "I didn't get your last name. " "It's just Natasha," the girl said with a thick European accent. "That's beautiful," Bess said. "I'm never going to remember everyone's name, though." "Don't worry," Maggie said. "There's no test. And besides, we have plenty of time to get to know one another. We'll be here all week." "Okay! Okay, girls! Listen up!" Bettina Vasquez was clapping her hands and shouting to get everyone's attention. "We're ready for the first shot! Line up in this order, please! In the back row, Heather Richards, Natasha, Carey Harper, and Alison Williams. Maggie Adams, Trudy Woo, Diana Amsterdam, and Bess Marvin, you'll be in front." "Excuse me, Bettina, may I talk to you a moment?" Heather Richards said politely as the girls began taking their places. "Could I please stay in the front?" Nancy heard Heather ask. "I'm terribly afraid of the water." Bettina rolled her eyes impatiently and waved a hand. "Maggie Adams, you're tall. Would you please change places with Heather?" "Sure," soft-spoken Maggie answered. None of the other girls said anything when Heather rejoined them, but Nancy could tell they found the blond New Yorker less than charming. "Okay, ladies." A bearded photographer wearing a red sweatshirt and gray jeans stepped out in front of the group. "I want you each to make sure you can see the lens. Some of you in front may have to scrunch down a little -- " "Wait for me," a man's voice rang out. Nancy turned around. A tall, incredibly handsome blond man with chiseled features was rushing up to the girls. Nancy recognized him from dozens of commercials, although she didn't know his name. "I'm in this shot, too!" "Roger Harlan!" Bess shrieked, totally forgetting her cool. "That's my name," he said with a dazzling smile that reached all the way up to his perfect blue eyes. "Sorry I'm late. I was filming a commercial." "Roger, move in between Alison and Maggie, would you, darling?" Bettina asked. She and the handsome model obviously knew each other. "Okay, folks," the photographer explained. "Pretend the lens is your best friend. You're just standing -- " The photographer's words were interrupted by a sharp crack. The contestants were all screaming as the iron railing behind them gave way. Before Nancy -- or anyone -- could react, there was a splash -- one of the girls had plunged headlong into the lake!
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Down Here b-15

For years Burke has harbored an outlaw's hard love for Wolfe, the beautiful, driven former sex-crimes prosecutor who was fired for refusing to "go along to get along." So when Wolfe is arrested for the attempted murder of John Anson Wychek, a vicious rapist she once prosecuted, Burke deals himself in. That means putting together a distrustful alliance between his underground "family of choice," Wolfe's private network, and a rogue NYPD detective who has his own stake in the outcome. Burke knows that Wolfe’s alleged "victim," although convicted only once, is actually a serial rapist. The deeper he presses, the more gaping holes he finds in the prosecution’s case, but shadowy law enforcement agencies seem determined to protect Wychek at all costs, no matter who it sacrifices. Burke ups the ante by re-opening all the old "cold case” rape investigations, calls in a lot of markers from both sides of the law, and finally shows all the players why "down here" is no place for tourists.
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Falcon's Prey

Award-winning author Terry Odell delivers another action adventure romance with Falcon's Prey, the eighth installment in her Blackthorne, Inc. covert ops series.Heroes aren't fearless. They just don't let fear get in the way.Her life is in danger…Police officer Lexi Becker is being targeted. When her husband was murdered three years ago, Lexi moved to a small town to get away from the memories, to get away from the pain. But she can't get away from the gut feeling that a drug lord, known only as The Falcon, was responsible for her husband's death. As she quietly conducts her own investigation, it becomes clear to Lexi she could be The Falcon's next victim. Afraid her local police department has been infiltrated by The Falcon, she turns to the only man she can trust for help: her former patrol partner.But so is her heart.When ex-cop Marv "Fish" Frisch is assigned bodyguard duty instead of a covert ops...
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Still recovering from the tragic loss of a good friend, Jack Sigler, callsign: King, leads the Chess Team - a crew of former Delta operators - back into action. But what should be a routine snatch-and-grab to capture a drug cartel leader, escalates out of control, throwing the team into a challenge unlike anything they've ever faced. An enemy from their past, who is close to unmasking their identities, joins forces with the psychotic cartel kingpin, setting a trap that will shake the team to its foundations. While the team battles enemies old and new, King's fiancée, CDC disease detective, Sara Fogg, struggles to stop a strange outbreak that transforms the infected into ravenous, inhuman monsters. Once responsible for the disappearance of the Roanoke settlers, the disease now threatens to spread across the planet, ending human civilization in a bloodbath of violence. Hunted by humans and monsters alike, King and the Chess Team face a desperate choice - sacrifice themselves or let the world bleed. The Jack Sigler Thrillers, starting with PULSE, are now in development as a feature film series with director Jabbar Raisini, whose work on Game of Thrones earned him an Emmy Award. Jeremy Robinson and Sean Ellis, the international bestselling team behind Prime and Savage, return with a riveting and horrific tale reminiscent of Matthew Reilly's and James Rollins's best. Settle in for a long night as the Chess Team journeys around the world, through history and to your worst nightmares.
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