Sarah Dillard's Ride: A Story of the Carolinas in 1780 Read online

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  Many wild plans came into Nathan's mind during the short time the mainbody of the detachment were halted while skirmishers went ahead toascertain if Ephraim had correctly described the situation of affairs.

  It seemed to him at this moment as if he must do something towardwarning the friends of freedom of the danger which menaced, and wasready to act, whatever might be the cost to him.

  Once he said to himself that he would wait until they were come nighto the encampment, and then he and Evan should cry aloud at the fullstrength of their lungs, even though the Britishers killed them aninstant later--their lives would count for but little if these otherswho were so necessary to the colonists might be saved.

  A moment's reflection served to convince him that such a plan wasimpracticable, and in casting it aside he came to believe thatpossibly he and Evan might succeed in getting hold of one of thetroopers' muskets sufficiently long to discharge it.

  Anything which would make noise enough to arouse the sleeping menmight answer his purpose, and yet he racked his brain in vain to hitupon that which should give promise of being successful.

  Neither he nor Evan had an opportunity for private conversation. Thetwo troopers held the lads six or eight feet from each other, as ifsuspecting they might plot mischief if allowed freedom of speech, andtherefore it was they had no opportunity of comparing plans which hadfor their end only the welfare of Colonel Clarke's forces.

  At the expiration of ten minutes word was passed along the line forthe men to advance slowly, and every precaution was taken as thecommand was obeyed, to prevent even so much as the rattle of theiraccoutrements, lest by such means the Americans be apprised of thehorrible fate in store for them.

  Soon the detachment was come within a quarter of a mile, as nearly asEvan and Nathan could judge, of the spot Colonel Clarke had selectedfor the encampment, and now no man spoke above a whisper.

  "This is serious business on which we are bent this night," thetrooper who held Nathan captive whispered threateningly, and standingso near Evan that he also might overhear the words, "and the lives oftwo boys like you would not be allowed to come betwixt us and ourpurpose. Therefore take heed, lads, that our orders are to kill youin cold blood rather than allow any alarm to be given. Now if it sochanced that you struck your foot against my musket, or shouted, ordid anything to break the silence, I should consider it my duty toobey the commands, and as soon as might be one or both of you would bepast all danger. Take an old soldier's advice, and make the best of abad matter. It is no longer possible you can warn your friends, andthe most you could accomplish would be your own death."

  There was little need for the trooper to make this plain statement ofthe situation, for both the boys understood full well how summarilythey would be dealt with in case they failed to obey any orders givenby the men.

  Now whispered commands came down the line for the soldiers todismount, and for every fifth trooper to remain in the rear to carefor the horses.

  When this command had been obeyed, and the animals tied with theirheads together in groups of five, it was found that the man who heldEvan prisoner was thus detailed to care for the animals, while hiscomrade belonged to the force which would advance.

  Therefore it was that Nathan's captor turned him over to the othertrooper, saying as he did so:

  "If you have any doubts as to being able to keep these young rebels inproper subjection, I will truss them up before leaving; but it seemsto me one Englishman can care for five horses and two boys, withoutany very great amount of difficulty."

  "I am not afraid but that it can be done after some sort of fashion,yet I had rather not kill a lad even though he be a rebel, so if it isall the same to you, pass a couple of those saddle-straps over theirarms, and I'll be more certain of keeping them here without using abullet."

  The trooper did as he was requested, and the boys were fettered insuch a manner as precluded all possibility of escape.

  With both arms stretched to their sides flight was out of thequestion, and the hearts of the lads were heavy in their breasts, forthey must remain in the rear while the redcoats went on to do theslaughtering.

  "I could kill Ephraim Sowers and never believe I had committed amurder," Nathan whispered when the two, placed back to back, werefastened to a convenient tree. "All the blood spilled this night willbe upon his head, and that brave men should meet their death throughsuch as him makes it all the more pitiful."

  "There is a chance Sarah Dillard succeeded in getting through to theSpring," Evan whispered in a tremulous tone.

  "I cannot believe it. The captain himself would never have made such adoubtful venture, and surely a woman could not succeed where he musthave failed."

  Now those of the troopers who had not been detailed to the care of thehorses, were ordered forward, and soon only the animals, with perhapstwenty men to guard them, remained in this portion of the thicket.

  Not a sound betrayed the movements of the redcoats as they advanced todo what seemed little less than murder.

  Even the boys, knowing how many were making their way through theunderbrush, listened in vain for the slightest noise which should tellof the progress. A band of Indians could hardly have moved morestealthily, and unless the members of the little encampment werealready on the alert, the doom of all was sealed.

  The suspense of the boys became so great as the moments passed thatthey could not carry on a conversation. Speculations were vain whenin a few seconds the dreadful reality would be upon them, and theirhearts beat so violently that it was as if the blood must burst fromtheir veins.

  The seconds passed like moments, and yet all too swiftly as the ladsrealized what time must bring to their friends.

  It seemed to Nathan as if they had remained there silent andmotionless fully an hour listening for the first sound of theconflict, or the massacre, whichever it might be, and yet all was assilent as when the troopers left.

  He began to fancy that both Sarah Dillard and Ephraim Sowers had beenmistaken in believing Colonel Clarke's men were encamped at theSpring, and when this thought had grown in his mind until it wasalmost a well-defined hope, the first musket-shot rang out.

  "The murderers have begun," he said to his comrade in a voice sochoked by emotion that the words sounded strange and indistinct.

  Then came a volley--a second and a third, and the troopers who heldthe horses started in astonishment, perhaps fear, for this was not theabsolute surprise on which they had counted.

  Now the rattle of musketry increased until there could be no questionbut that it was a conflict, and not a massacre, which was takingplace.

  By some means the patriots had been warned in due season, and wereready to meet the foe, as they ever had been.

  "It is Sarah Dillard's ride that has saved them!" Evan exclaimed as ifquestioning the truth of his own statement, and straightway Nathanfell to weeping, so great was the relief which came upon him as herealized that the friends of freedom had been prepared for the foe.

  The troopers nearabout the boys were so excited and astonished,because what they had counted on as being a complete surprise provedto have been a failure, that no one heard Evan's remark, and theprisoners could have shouted for very joy when the men beganspeculating one with the other as to how word might have been sent tothe patriots.

  "It is certain they were ready to receive us," one man said as if inanger because the plan was miscarrying. "That firing is being done bymen who were ready for battle as were ours. There has been a traitorin the camp."

  "How might that be?" another asked fiercely. "At the lasthalting-place we were twenty miles from the rebel encampment, andcertain it is no one could have ridden ahead of us."

  "These two boy did succeed in escaping, despite the fact that MajorFerguson believed them to be safe in the chamber of the dwelling."

  "Ay; but what does that prove? We overtook them on the way, and surelyyou cannot claim that they might have walked twenty
miles from thetime of escaping until they were recaptured?"

  The rattle of musketry increased, and to the eager ears of the boys itseemed as if the noise of the conflict was approaching, which wouldindicate that the Britishers were being driven back.

  "Does it appear to you as if we heard those sounds more clearly?"Nathan asked, hoping he had not been mistaken, and yet feeling almostcertain the patriots could do but little more than hold their own.

  "I am positive of it!" Evan cried with a ring of joy and triumph inhis tone. "Now and then I can hear voices even amid the tumult, andthat was impossible five minutes ago."

  One of the troopers, overhearing this remark, said to his comradegloomily:

  "The rebels are getting the best of us, who counted on taking themcompletely by surprise."

  "There is no doubt of that," the other soldier replied, andstraightway the men began making the horses ready for departure, as ifthey expected their comrades would come back in full flight, and needthe means of continuing it.

  When five minutes more had passed there was no longer any question asto the result of the combat.

  By this time the British were so near where the horses had been leftthat now and then stray bullets whistled among the branches above theheads of the prisoners, and the two lads began debating how it mightbe possible for them to escape when the troop should be in fullflight.

  However kind Fortune had been to the Americans on this night, she wasnot so indulgent as to give the lads their liberty.

  As could be told from the rattle of musketry, the British made a standafter fifteen minutes' or more of hot fighting, and the Americans,having accomplished as much, and, perhaps, even more than they hadexpected, were willing the invaders should draw off if such was theirdisposition.

  In less than half an hour from the time they set out to massacre thesupposedly sleeping encampment, the redcoats had returned, and,standing by their horses, awaiting the command to mount. Now it wasthat even in the gloom the boys could see how many of the animals werewithout riders.

  There had been no empty saddles when the troop rode up, and now onlooking around there was hardly a squad of horses where more than twoout of five had a man standing by his side.

  "The slaughter was not wholly among our friends," Evan whispered toNathan, and the latter, bent only on trying to escape, said hurriedly:

  "Think of nothing but yourself just now. There must be a chance for usto give them the slip amid all this confusion."

  He had no more than spoken before one of the officers came up andasked of those standing near by:

  "Who had charge of these lads?"

  The two troopers who had made the capture replied to the question, andthen came the order:

  "See to it that you hold them fast. There is no reason why your ownbeasts should carry double while there are so many spare horses; butlash them firmly to the saddles, for Major Ferguson must have speechwith them by daylight."

  "We are to suffer because the Britishers have been repulsed," Evanwhispered, and Nathan replied manfully:

  "Much can be endured, knowing as we do all that has taken place thisnight. While I am not hankering to come into the power of EphraimSowers again, as most like we shall, it will be less painful now thisbloody plan has gone awry."

  Considerable time was spent before the remnants of the detachmentbegan the return march.

  There were many wounded to be cared for, and a number so badly injuredthat they must remain behind. Some of the dead were to be buried, andthe soldiers who had fallen nearest the encampment must have the lastoffice performed for them by those whom they would have massacred.

  Finally all was in readiness.

  Nathan and Evan, each on a trooper's horse with his feet tied beneaththe saddle, were given a place just in advance of their captors andabout midway of the troop.

  Colonel Dunlap and his officers set out in advance.

  The command to "march" was given, and the crestfallen redcoats turnedtheir faces toward Captain Dillard's plantation.

  Now it was impossible for the prisoners to speak one with the other;during four hours they endured a most painful journey, bound in suchmanner that their limbs became cramped, and it was as if all theblood in their bodies had been forced toward their heads.

  The lads were hardly conscious during the last hour of that painfulmarch, and when, arriving at the plantation, the ropes were unloosed,they would have fallen to the ground but for the assistance of thosewho guarded them.

  Ephraim Sowers was awaiting the return of those who had gone outbecause of the information he brought, and he gave vent to a loud cryof vindictive joy when he saw them bringing the two he most desired tosee.

  He was near at hand when the prisoners reeled helplessly in thesaddles, and as they were laid upon the ground the young spy advancedas if to kick them; but was forced back by one of the soldiers, whosaid sharply:

  "None of that, you young renegade. We who wear the king's uniform arenot a band of painted savages; but men who fight fairly, neverdisgrace themselves by striking a helpless or an unarmed man."

  "These rebels belong to me. I was in charge of them when they escaped,and shall work my will on them!" Ephraim cried in a rage as heattempted to force himself past the soldier.

  "Not while I am standing nearby, unless you have Major Ferguson'swritten permission, and that I much misdoubt you will get."

  It was useless for Ephraim to insist that these lads were his specialproperty, and after learning that some of the men looked with favorupon his intention of torturing them as punishment for their havingescaped, he went post haste to the commander.

  Some of the redcoats had given the prisoners water, and in a shorttime they revived sufficiently to be conscious of all that was goingon about them.

  It was at the moment Ephraim returned that they sat upright, and totheir surprise he made no attack upon them, but contented himself bysaying threateningly:

  "Before this day comes to an end I will have got even with you forlast night's work, and you may be certain I shall settle the scorewith full measure."

  "Since you failed in sending death to those at Greene's Spring, we canwell afford to listen to your threats," Nathan replied, and thenrefused to so much as look toward the spy.

  From the fact that Ephraim lingered nearby it seemed positive he musthave received some promise regarding the custody of the prisoners fromMajor Ferguson; but yet as the time passed he made no effort tointerfere with them, and when the detachment had been at theplantation an hour or more, a messenger came with orders that the twolads be taken into the house, where the commander would have speechwith them.

  "Now has come the time when we shall see how far that Tory sneak maybe allowed to go," Nathan whispered to his comrade. "Do not give himthe satisfaction of knowing that we suffer, whatever he may find anopportunity of doing."

  "I shall keep my thoughts on Sarah Dillard's ride and its result, andthen all pain will be blunted," Evan replied, after which the twofollowed limpingly (for the blood was not yet circulating properly intheir veins) the messenger who had come for them.

  Major Ferguson, Colonel Dunlap, Captain Depuyster, and four or fiveother officers were in the dining-room of Captain Dillard's home whenthe boys entered, and from the conversation which was being had atthat moment Nathan believed they were discussing the question of howColonel Clarke might have been warned.

  This supposition seemed to be correct when the major asked abruptly:

  "After you lads escaped from this building, did you meet any one onthe road to Greene's Spring?"

  For an instant Nathan hesitated to tell that which was a falsehood;but it must be done unless he would betray the woman whose brave rideof the night previous had saved so many lives, and there was only theslightest pause before he replied:

  "From the time we got away from Ephraim Sowers until your menrecaptured us, we saw no person save those who belonged to theplantation."

  "When did you last see the mistress of the house, Mrs. Dillard

  "We saw her when we were taken upstairs."

  "Did you have any further communication with her?"

  "She spoke with us while we were in the room--she standing on theoutside of the locked door."

  "Will you swear that she did not enter the room?"

  "Yes; for if she had been able to do that much, I have no doubt shewould have aided us to escape."

  "Did you have no assistance when you got out of the room which hadbeen converted into a prison?"

  "None except from your spy, Ephraim Sowers," Nathan replied, and thenhe told of the circumstances of the affair, showing that but for theyoung Tory's vindictiveness the boys would yet have remained inconfinement.

  "Will you swear that you sent no word to Colonel Clarke's forces?"

  "Yes, sir," both the lads replied at the same instant, and with suchemphasis that there could be no question but that they were tellingthe truth.

  Then the officer questioned them concerning where they would have gonebut for having been overtaken by the troopers; inquired concerningtheir families, and such other seemingly unimportant matters, to allof which they gave truthful replies.

  Perhaps twenty minutes had thus been spent when Major Ferguson turnedhis head from them as if the interview was at an end, and Nathan, witha mind fully made up to make known the threats in which Ephraim hadindulged, asked:

  "Is it to be, sir, that the boy who would have ill-treated us when wewere supposed to be powerless, will have an opportunity now to takehis revenge?"

  "Who gave you to understand anything of the kind?"

  "He himself, sir. He has already boasted that we shall suffer for whatwe did to him, although it was no more than one soldier might do toanother. He was in our power, and we could have abused him; yet westayed our hands, save so far as to put him in such condition that analarm could not be given."

  "I ought to have you hanged offhand."

  "But we have done nothing, sir, save to escape from one who would havetortured us."

  "You are rebels, and that is sufficient reason why you merit death;but there is work I would have you do, and for that reason your liveswill be spared. I wish to send a message to all those rebels roundabout who are now in arms against the king, and if you swear tofaithfully repeat my words, you shall go free from this plantationwithin an hour."

  The boys could hardly believe their ears were not deceiving them.

  That they should be set free at so small a price, and in face of allthe threats Ephraim Sowers had made, was news so joyful as to beincredible, and their astonishment was such that neither made replyuntil the major asked impatiently:

  "Well, well, do you refuse to do even that much in order to earn yourliberty?"

  "Indeed we do not, sir," Nathan cried eagerly. "We are willing torepeat whatsoever you desire, and to as many as you shall say, nomatter how far it may be necessary to travel."

  "Are you acquainted with all the rebel leaders hereabouts?"

  "With nearly all of them, sir; and I promise that Captain Dillard,Colonel McDowells, or Colonel Campbell--all three gentlemen with whomwe have acquaintance--will put us on the way to find those others inthis section."

  "And you swear faithfully to repeat every word of the message I giveyou, to each of those rebels who is in command of a dozen or moremen?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Mind, I am saying that you deserve to be hanged; but at the same timeI am in need of messengers, and believe that even though you areamong the enemies to the king, I can trust you two."

  "We will perform all that we promise, sir."

  "And see to it that you do. I am sent into this portion of theCarolinas by General Cornwallis to crush the spirit of rebellion, andhere I shall stay until my work be finished. Therefore if you ladsattempt to play me false there will come a reckoning, for we shallmeet again."

  "Even though we be rebels in the sight of the king, we hold to ourword, and that both of us have given. We will swear to it inwhatsoever manner may be most convincing to you, sir."

  "I shall take your word, knowing that the time will speedily come whenI can punish you to the fullest extent if you break it. Now say to allthe rebels in and about this section of the colonies, even though youare forced to travel many a day, that I have come from GeneralCornwallis' army unhampered by any orders other than those to crushout the spirit of rebellion, and that if they do not desist from theirarmed resistance to the king's commands and take protection under mystandard, I will march my army over the mountains, hang their leaders,and lay waste their country with fire and sword."

  These words he required the boys to repeat for him twice over, andthat done, he added:

  "Remember what will be the result if you attempt to deceive me. Nowgo, and see to it that you rest not until the message be delivered toall those in rebellion within a circle of fifty miles. CaptainDepuyster, will you take care that they have safe conduct outside ourline of sentinels. If the boy Sowers chooses to follow them in thehope of getting his revenge, it will not be in my power to preventhim."

  Then with a gesture Nathan and Evan were dismissed, and they walkedout of the room as if in a daze, for it did not seem to them possiblethey had thus been dismissed from captivity.