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Sarah Dillard's Ride: A Story of the Carolinas in 1780 Page 5
Sarah Dillard's Ride: A Story of the Carolinas in 1780 Read online
Page 5
Nathan and Evan had good cause for self-congratulations.
The escape had been accomplished almost as if the enemy themselvescontributed to its success, and so long as the two remained withinearshot of the plantation, nothing was heard to betoken that theirflight had been discovered.
Thanks to the fact that Ephraim Sowers had taken it upon himself towreak a little private revenge simply because the lads had discoveredhis true nature, the Britishers would rest content, believing theirprisoners were secure under his guard, and it might be several hoursbefore any member of Major Ferguson's party had sufficient curiosityto inquire regarding the young Tory's absence.
Unless, perchance, he was to act as guide for the party who wouldmarch to Greene's Spring, neither Englishman nor Tory would have usefor the spy before daylight, and it was quite within the range ofpossibility that he might remain gagged and bound upon the floor ofthe improvised prison until the troop was ready to resume the marchnext morning.
Once they were clear of the dwelling Nathan and Evan wasted littlethought on Ephraim.
When the time should come that they might make known his truecharacter among those who had befriended the lad, then would theyremember him to some purpose; but while they were pressing forwardthrough the thicket at full speed, now catching a glimpse of thefootprints of Sarah Dillard's horse, and again being convinced that hehad left the trail, it was as if Ephraim had no existence.
Many times before the first three miles of distance had been traverseddid they speculate as to the probable time when Major Ferguson wouldsend forward those men who were to butcher or capture the little bandof Americans at the Spring; but without arriving at any definiteconclusion.
From the Dillard plantation to the encampment concerning which Ephraimhad given information, was no less than twenty miles, and in case thehorsemen should be selected to do the bloody work, about three hourswould be required for the journey.
If the foot-soldiers were chosen for the task, then six hours would benone too long; but neither of the boys believed the infantry wouldtake part in the proposed maneuver, otherwise the men would mostlikely have set out before dark.
"We can hold certain that the horsemen will make the attack, and I amguessing they will not start before eleven o'clock to-night. They maythen fall upon our men between two and three in the morning, when itis said sleep weighs heaviest upon the eyelids, and if neither SarahDillard nor we succeed in getting through to give the alarm, there islittle doubt but that all under Colonel Clarke's command will fallvictims."
"We _must_ get through," Evan cried with energy, and Nathan added:
"We shall do it, lad; never you fear, for there is like to be nothingthat can stop us, unless by some unfortunate chance the troopers begintheir journey before we have reckoned on."
Then once more the boys trudged on in silence until, perhaps tenminutes later, they were brought to a sudden standstill by sounds inthe distance which seemed to proclaim the movement of some heavy bodythrough the underbrush.
Unarmed as they were, flight was their only defence, and the two bentforward in the attitude of listeners, keenly on the alert for thefirst indication as to the character of this noisy traveler.
At one moment Nathan would announce positively that the disturbancewas caused by some animal, and again he felt equally certain he couldhear in the distance the sound of human voices.
"There is only one thing of which I am fully convinced," he said afterbeing thus forced to change his opinion several times. "Whoever may beout there yonder is a stranger in this section of the colony,otherwise he would be more careful in proclaiming his whereabouts insuch fashion."
"In that case we may safely venture to creep up nearer," Evansuggested. "So far as I can make out, that disturber of the peaceneither lessens nor increases his distance, and we might wait hereuntil the troopers come up without being any the wiser."
To this Nathan agreed, and the two advanced cautiously pace by paceuntil suddenly, and at the same instant, a low exclamation of surpriseburst from the lips of both.
They had recognized Sarah Dillard's voice, and knew without waitingfor further proof that her mad ride had come to a sudden and untimelyend.
Now the two pressed forward at a run, slackening not the pace untilthey were where such a view could be had of the struggling animal andthe courageous woman as was possible in the gloom.
"Who is it?" she called, hearing the advance of the boys, and therewas a ring of alarm in her tone which told that she feared theredcoats might have pushed forward to make the attack.
"It is Nathan Shelby and Evan McDowells," the former cried, andgained some idea of the good woman's surprise when she failed for amoment to speak.
"Step out here where I may see you; but take care not to further alarmthe colt," she said, distrusting the announcement even though sherecognized the voice.
The boys obeyed, and when Mrs. Dillard had the proof of her own eyesas to their identity, she demanded to be told how they had succeededin escaping.
"The Britishers must have left the plantation, otherwise how could yoube here?"
"If Major Ferguson's troop had gone we should have been forced toaccompany them, else Ephraim Sowers has less influence than hebelieves."
Then, without waiting for further questioning, and in as few words aspossible, Nathan explained all, so far as he knew, that had takenplace at the plantation immediately after the departure of Mrs.Dillard, asking as he concluded the story:
"Was it not possible for you to keep the colt on the trail?"
"He threw me when he got nearabout this point; but I contrived toretain hold of the bridle, and have kept him with me, although thusfar it has availed me little, since I am unable to remount."
"Suppose you let either Evan or I ride him? There will be lesslikelihood of his throwing one of us."
"I question if you could come so near doing it as I can, for he isacquainted with me, and would not allow either of you to approachhim."
"I can ride any horse that another can bridle," Nathan repliedconfidently, as he went toward the colt, who during this briefconversation had been standing comparatively quiet.
It was much as if he had heard the rash assertion, and was determinedto prove it false, for the boy had no sooner begun to advance than hereared and plunged in such a frantic manner that Mrs. Dillardwell-nigh lost her hold of the bridle.
"It is useless for you to attempt it," she said as soon as the animalhad quieted down somewhat. "He has been accustomed to no one but me,and because I had been able to lead him by the halter, did I ventureto put on the bridle."
"There seems little chance you will be able to mount," Evan said aftera brief pause, "and every moment increases the danger to those atGreene's Spring. No one can say how soon the Britishers may set out,and there are not less than eighteen miles to be traversed."
"I know it," Mrs. Dillard cried like one nearly frantic withapprehension. "I know it, and yet what may be done? It is certainneither of you boys can come as near managing the horse as I, and yet,I am unable to remount."
"Would you venture to lead him back?"
"To what end?"
"Evan and I might push forward on foot, trusting to getting through intime."
"And there is little chance you could succeed, lads. Eighteen milesover this rough road would require certainly no less than six hours,and before that time has passed the redcoats must have overtaken you."
Then Mrs. Dillard turned her attention to soothing the colt, andduring five minutes or more the boys waited with ill-concealedimpatience as he alternately advanced to receive her caresses, andthen reared and plunged when she attempted to throw her arm over hisneck.
"It is better we push ahead, trusting to the poor chance of arrivingin time, than to stand here idle," Nathan said at length. "I do notbelieve you could force him to keep the trail even though you succeedin remounting."
"It must be done," Mrs. Dillard cried sh
arply. "There is no othermeans by which we may be certain of warning those who are in danger,and the colt shall be made to perform his part."
"How can we help you?"
The anxious woman looked about her an instant as if trying to decidehow the task might be accomplished, and then she said in the tone ofone who ventures upon an experiment:
"Suppose you two come up gently toward him, one on each side, with theidea of seizing him by the bridle. If that could be done, and you wereable to hold him a few seconds, I promise to get upon his back."
"And perhaps only to have your brains dashed out the next instant."
"There is no reason why we should speculate as to the result. I mustmount him, boys, and he must be made to go forward. It is our onlyhope, and when so many lives hang in the balance it surely seems as ifthe good Lord would permit that I should do what at this momentappears to be impossible."
Neither Evan nor Nathan believed they could on foot traverse thedistance which lay between them and Greene's Spring before theBritishers should arrive, and yet at the same time they had littlehope the restive animal would be brought into submission; but at themoment it seemed to be the only alternative, and without delay theyset about acting upon Mrs. Dillard's suggestion.
Making a short detour through the bushes, they came up on his flank,on either side, while the animal reared and plunged until it seemedcertain he would shake off the woman's hold upon the bridle. Then witha sudden dash both boys gained his head at the same instant, and thismuch of the work was accomplished.
Now the animal redoubled his efforts to escape, frightened by thetouch of strangers; but the boys held bravely on, at times raisedhigh from the ground, until it became a question as to whether thebridle would stand the strain which was put upon it.
"Don't let go," Nathan cried as the colt made a more furious leap,forcing Evan to jump quickly aside lest he be struck by the animal'shoofs. "Don't let go, and we may possibly so far tire him out thatMrs. Dillard can mount."
"She could not ride this beast even though he was saddled," Evanmuttered, now losing all hope that the message might be delivered intime.
During such while as the boys had been struggling with the colt, Mrs.Dillard stood dangerously near his flanks, watching for anopportunity, and Evan had no more than uttered his gloomy predictionwhen, clutching the animal's mane with her left hand, she vaulted onto his back, seizing the bridle as she leaped.
"Now if you can head him up the trail, you may let go," she saidhurriedly; but Nathan was not minded Captain Dillard's wife shouldride to what seemed almost certain death without another protest fromhim.
"The colt is maddened by his struggles with us, and in far moredangerous a condition than when you first mounted. It is madness tothink of attempting to make your way through the thicket in thedarkness. I implore you to give over the attempt, and let us press onas best we may afoot."
"Now you are asking that I leave these brave men, and among them myhusband, to be surprised by an enemy that knows no mercy, for it ispositive you could not get through in time. Turn the colt, if it so beyou can, and once he is headed in the right direction, jump aside."
"Shall we do it?" Evan asked, for even now it was in his mind todisobey the brave woman's commands.
The colt darted forward at full speed with Mrs. Dillard.--Page 113.]
"Ay, I see no other course," Nathan replied, and then he devotedall his energies toward carrying out her instructions.
Not less than five minutes were spent in the battle between the boysand the animal, and then the former were the conquerers so far ashaving turned him around was concerned.
"Now stand ready to let him go, and leap back out of the way," Mrs.Dillard cried. "Then do you press on at your best speed in case I amthrown again, and forced to give over this method of traveling."
"Are you ready?" Evan cried.
"Ay, when you say the word."
"Let go!"
As the boys leaped back the colt darted forward at full speed, wildlylashing out with his hind feet, and in a twinkling the animal and hisrider were lost to view in the gloom.
"She will have earned Captain Dillard's life, whether it be saved ornot; but it will be at the expense of her own, for there is not a manin the Carolinas who can keep that beast on this mountain trail."
"It would have been better if we had not met her," Evan said gloomily,"for then she would have been forced to go back, instead of riding toher death as she is now doing."
To this Nathan made no reply, and while one might have counted twentythe two lads stood on the trail in the darkness as if there wasnothing more for them to do this night.
It was Evan who first aroused himself to a full realization of thesituation, and he said, much like one who awakes from a troubleddream:
"It is not for us to waste precious time here, Nathan. Believing thatSarah Dillard cannot gain Greene's Spring, we must press forward atthe best of our ability, for there is a slight hope we may arrive intime to give the alarm, although it hardly seems possible at thismoment."
"You are right, Evan, and from this instant there shall be nohalting," Nathan cried, as he set out with a regular, swinging gait,which promised to carry him at a speed of not less than three miles anhour.
Now, being fully convinced that the safety of Colonel Clarke's mendepended entirely upon themselves, they hastened onward withoutthought of fatigue, making no halt save now and then when they stoppedto refresh themselves with water from a mountain stream.
The gloom was now so dark that it was impossible to distinguish anyimprints on the trail, and, consequently, the lads could form no ideaas to whether Sarah Dillard was yet keeping in the direct course, orif the colt swerved from one side to the other, carrying her amid theunderbrush, where she must inevitably be killed. Until they believedmidnight was come Nathan and Evan had pressed steadily forward, andthen came that sound which told them all their efforts were vain.
From the rear could be heard faintly the sound of horses' hoofs, andinvoluntarily the two halted.
"The Britishers are coming!" Evan whispered, and Nathan's voice wastremulous as he replied:
"They started even sooner than I feared, and all our efforts are vainso far, for it is not less than six miles from here to Greene'sSpring."
"And our friends will be butchered!"
"There is hardly one chance in a hundred but that the surprise will becomplete, in which case we know what must be the result."
They had ceased to believe in even the possibility that Sarah Dillardmight have accomplished the journey in safety, and accepted it as afact that the plans of the enemy, laid on information brought byEphraim Sowers, would be carried through successfully.
Nearer and nearer came the horsemen until the two lads could hear thehum of conversation among the men before they realized the necessityof concealing themselves.
No good could be accomplished, so far as those at Greene's Spring wereconcerned, by their capture, and it was reasonable to suppose muchharm might come to themselves after they were carried back to whereEphraim Sowers might wreak his vengeance upon them.
Until this evening the young Tory had had no cause for enmity save onaccount of their having discovered his true character; but now, afterremaining gagged and bound a certain number of hours, he must bepanting for revenge, and it might be that Major Ferguson would notcheck him.
So long had they thus remained as if dazed that there was hardly timeto conceal themselves in the underbrush a few feet distant from thetrail before the foremost of the horsemen came into view.
The enemy were riding in couples, and from his hiding-place Evancounted ninety pairs of riders before the whole of the troop hadpassed.
Then it seemed as if fortune was determined to play her most scurvytrick upon these two lads, whose one desire was to save the lives oftheir friends.
Evan, who had crouched on one knee when he first sank behind thebushes, endeavored to change his position in order to relieve thestrain upon his limb, and by
so doing slipped on a rotten branch,which broke beneath his weight with a report seemingly as loud as thatof a pistol-shot.
Instantly the troopers halted immediately opposite, and before theboys could have taken refuge in flight, two having dismounted, plungedinto the underbrush.
All this had been done so quickly that the fugitives literally had notime to flee, and hardly more than thirty seconds elapsed from thebreaking of the twig until each lad was held roughly and firmly inthe clutch of a soldier.
"What's wrong in there?" an officer from the trail shouted, and one ofthe captors replied as he dragged his prey out into the open:
"We have found a couple of young rebels, and they look much like thetwo we left behind us at the plantation."
Word was passed ahead for the entire troop to halt, and an officerwhom the boys afterward recognized as a Tory by the name of Dunlap,who held the king's commission as colonel, came riding back.
"Who are you?" he asked as the troopers forced their prisoners infront of them on the trail where they might most readily be seen.
"Nathan Shelby and Evan McDowells."
"How is it you are here? Are you not the same who were taken prisonersthis evening and confined in the Dillard house?"
"We are," Nathan replied without hesitation.
"How did you escape?"
"Ephraim Sowers was sent, or came of his own will, to make us marcharound the room by way of punishment."
"No such orders as that could have been given by Major Ferguson."
"I know not how that may be; but Ephraim acted the part of jailer, andcommanded us to do his bidding, which was none other than that wemarch around the room even though we had been afoot all day."
"That doesn't explain how you escaped?"
"Ephraim was unarmed, but threatened to strike us when we refused. Theresult was the same as if almost any one else had been in ourposition. We made Ephraim a prisoner, and then, by forcing off one ofthe wooden bars, slipped out of the window."
"Then the boy is yet there?" the colonel said, as if in surprise thatsuch should be the case.
"Ay, if he has not been released. We left him safely enough."
Nathan believed that he and Evan would be roughly treated so soon asthat which they had done was made known; but the troopers appeared tothink it a laughing matter, and even the colonel who was in charge ofthe detachment did not look upon it with any great degree of severity,for he said after a brief pause:
"Ephraim must remain where he is until our return, and perhaps afterthis night he will be more careful when he puts himself into the powerof his enemies. You who have taken the prisoners shall guard themuntil we have finished our work, and then it is likely we will havemore to keep them company. Mount, and see to it that the rebels do notmake their escape again."
The troopers obeyed, pulling the two lads after them into the saddle,with many a threat as to what would be the result if there was anyresistance, until Nathan said, but without show of temper orimpatience:
"We are willing to ride, and shall not be so foolish as to resist whenthe odds are so strongly against us."
"We are not in the humor to put up with any more rebel tricks thisnight, and at the first show of an attempt to escape I shall use myknife in a way that won't be pleasant," the trooper replied as he putspurs to his horse, and the detachment rode three or four milesfurther before slackening pace.
Then they were come in the vicinity of Greene's Spring, and the boyswho had already braved so much in the hope of being able to warn theirfriends in danger, believed that the time was very near at hand whenthey must perforce see Colonel Clarke's men ruthlessly cut down orcaptured.