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Once a Princess

Sasha’s mother, Sun, was once swept away from a Ren Faire to another world by a prince—literally—but there was no happy ending. Sun’s prince disappeared, and a wicked king took the Khanerenth throne. In the years since, Sasha and Sun have been back on Earth and on the run. Mom and daughter don’t quite see eye to eye on the situation—Sasha wants to stand and fight. Sun insists her prince will return for them one day; it’s safer to stay hidden. Then Sasha is tricked into crossing the portal to Khanerenth. She’s more than ready to join the resistance, kick some bad-guy butt, and fix the broken kingdom. But…is the stylish pirate Zathdar the bad guy? Or artistic, dreamy Prince Jehan? Back on Earth, Sun is furious Sasha has been kidnapped. Sun might once have been a rotten princess, but nobody messes with Mom! Product Warnings This title contains a kick-butt mother-daughter team, a wicked king, a witty pirate with an unfortunate taste for neon colors, inept resistance fighters, a dreamy prince who gallops earnestly hither and yon, and a kick-butt princess in waiting. Swashbuckling in a magic world—L.A. style!
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Love's Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy

The collection of ten absorbing tales by master psychotherapist Irvin D. Yalom uncovers the mysteries, frustrations, pathos, and humor at the heart of the therapeutic encounter. In recounting his patients' dilemmas, Yalom not only gives us a rare and enthralling glimpse into their personal desires and motivations but also tells us his own story as he struggles to reconcile his all-too human responses with his sensibility as a psychiatrist. Not since Freud has an author done so much to clarify what goes on between a psychotherapist and a patient.
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Ilse Witch

A new novel by Terry Brooks is always a cause for celebration. For more than twenty years, the" New York Times" bestselling author of the classic Shannara epic has proven himself one of the modernmasters of fantasy, winning the hearts and minds of devoted readers around the world. In his last acclaimed novel, "Ilse" "Witch," a brave company of explorers led by the last Druid, Walker Boh, traveled across unknown seas in search of an elusive magic. Yet perhaps Boh and his team were lured there for sinister, unforeseen purposes . . . Now in "Antrax," as the crewaboard the airship "Jerle Shannara" is attacked by evil forces, the Druid's proteeacute;ge Bek Rowe and his companions are pursued by the mysterious Ilse Witch. Meanwhile, Boh isalone, caught in a dark maze beneath the ruined city of Castledown, stalked by a hungry, unseen enemy. For there is something alive in Castledown. Something not human. Something old beyond reckoningthat covets the magic of Druids, elves, even the Ilse Witch. Something that hunts men for its own designs: Antrax. It is a spirit that commands ancient technologies and mechanical monsters, feeds off enchantment, and trapsthe souls of men. With the "Jerle Shannara" under siege and Antrax threatening the bold and unwary, the Ilse Witch finds herself face-to-face with a boy who claims to be the brother shelast saw as an infant. Now a young man, Bek wields the magic of the wishsong and carries the Sword of Shannara upon his back. Unsure whether to trust Bek or to slay him, the Ilse Witch takes him prisoner. One has comepursuing truth, the other revenge. Yet both seek Walker Boh-with the fate of the Four Lands hanging in the balance. Return to the world of beloved novelist Terry Brooks, where creatures driftup from the earth like mist, a hypnotic song can kill, a sword can cut through a veil of lies-and one man, the true heir of an ancient magic, must choose between betrayal and redemption.
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Time of Daughters I

In a time of change and danger, peace sparks to war, and sons become daughters...It's nearly a century after the death of Inda, the unbeatable Marlovan commander. Danet and Arrow, content in their arranged marriage, just want to live in peaceful obscurity and raise their family. But when a treaty sends them to the royal city to meet the heir to the throne, they discover that peace is fragile, old enemies have long memories, and what you want isn't always what you get. By the time they learn that you can't go back again, events ignite a conflagration that no one could have foreseen—except for the ghosts who walk the walls in the royal city.This is the first part of the Time of Daughters dulogy, an epic story of politics, war, family and magic in the beloved world of Sartorias-deles.
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Witches on the Road Tonight

By the best-selling author of The Dress Lodger, Sheri Holman's new and most ambitious novel to date, Witches on the Road Tonight, uncovers the secrets and lies that echo through three generations of one Appalachian family. It is a deeply human, urgent exploration of America's doomed love affair with fear.
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Other People's Money

Gaboriau was born in the small town of Saujon, Charente-Maritime. He became a secretary to Paul Féval, and after publishing some novels and miscellaneous writings, found his real gift in L\'Affaire Lerouge (1866). The book, which was Gaboriau\'s first detective novel, introduced an amateur detective. It also introduced a young police officer named Monsieur Lecoq, who was the hero in three of Gaboriau\'s later detective novels. The character of Lecoq was based on a real-life thief turned police officer, Eugène François Vidocq (1775–1857), whose own memoirs, Les Vrais Mémoires de Vidocq, mixed fiction and fact. It may also have been influenced by the villainous Monsieur Lecoq, one of the main protagonists of Féval\'s Les Habits Noirs book series. The book was published in "Le Siècle" and at once made his reputation. Gaboriau gained a huge following, but when Arthur Conan Doyle created Sherlock Holmes, Monsieur Lecoq\'s international fame declined. The story was produced on the stage in 1872. A long series of novels dealing with the annals of the police court followed, and proved very popular. Gaboriau died in Paris of pulmonary apoplexy. Gaboriau\'s books were generally well received. About the Mystery of the Orcival, Harper\'s wrote in 1872 "Of its class of romance - French sensational - this is a remarkable and unique specimen".A film version of Le Dossier n° 113 (File No. 113) was released in 1932.
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The Trouble with Bliss

Now an acclaimed independent film starring Michael C. Hall, Lucy Liu, and Peter Fonda.Morris Bliss is clamped in the jaws of New York City inertia. When he finds himself wrapped up in an awkward relationship with the sexually precocious, 18-year-old daughter of a former classmate, Morris quickly discovers his static life unraveling and opening up in ways that are long overdue.Now an acclaimed independent film starring Michael C. Hall, Lucy Liu, and Peter Fonda.The Trouble with Bliss is about 35-year-old Morris Bliss, who is clamped in the jaws of New York City inertia: he wants to travel but has no money; he needs a job but has no prospects; he still shares an apartment with his widowed father; and perhaps worst of all the premature death of his mother still lingers and has left him emotionally walled up. When he finds himself wrapped up in an awkward relationship with the sexually precocious, 18-year-old daughter of a former classmate, Morris quickly discovers his static life unraveling and opening up in ways that are long overdue.
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Édition enrichie de centaines de notes explicatives, d\'introductions, de notices, de gravures originales qui en font l\'ouvrage le plus complet des oeuvres de Voltaire, soit plus de 109 titres spécifiquement mis en forme pour une lecture sur Kindle.CONTENU DÉTAILLÉ :LES 25 CONTES PHILOSOPHIQUES : Avertissement de Moland • Le Monde comme il va, Vision de Babouc • Le Crocheteur Borgne • Cosi-Sancta, Un petit mal pour un grand bien • Nouvelle Africaine • Zadig ou la Destinée • Memnon ou la Sagesse Humaine • Bababec et Les Fakirs • Micromégas • Les Deux Consolés • Histoire des voyages de Scarmentado • Songe de Platon • Candide ou L’optimisme • Histoire d’un bon Bramin • Le Blanc et le Noir • Jeannot et Colin • L’Ingénu • L’homme aux quarante écus • La Princesse de Babylone • Les Lettres d’Amabed • Aventure de la Mémoire • Le Taureau Blanc • L’histoire de Jenni ou le Sage et l’Athée • Les oreilles du comte de Chesterfield et le chapelain GoudmanLES 41 PIÈCES DE THÉÂTRE : Oedipe • Fragments d’Artémire • Mariamne • L\'indiscret • La Fête de Bélébat • Brutus • Les Originaux ou Monsieur Du Cap-Vert • Ériphyle • Zaïre • Samson • Tanis et Zélide ou Les Rois pasteurs • Adélaïde du Guesclin • Le Duc d’Alençon ou Les Frères ennemis • Amélie ou le Duc de Foix • L\'Echange • La mort de César • Alzire, ou les Américains • L’Enfant prodigue • L\'Envieux • Pandore • Zulime • Le fanatisme, ou Mahomet le prophète • Mérope • Le Temple de la Gloire • Nanine • Rome sauvée, ou Catilina • L\'Orphelin de la Chine • L\'Ecossaise • Tancrède • Le Droit du Seigneur • Olympie • Le Triumvirat • Les Scythes • Charlot ou la Comtesse de Givry • Le Dépositaire • Les Guèbres, ou la Tolérance • Le Baron d\'Otrante • Irène • Jules César • Le Comte de Boursoufle ou Mademoiselle de La Cochonnière • L’Héraclius Espagnol Ou La Comédie FameuseLES 7 RECUEILS DE POÉSIES : Le Pour et le Contre • La Henriade • Le Mondain • Poème sur la Loi naturelle • Poème sur le désastre de Lisbonne • La Pucelle d’Orléans • ÉpîtresLES 15 CONTES EN VERS : Le Cadenas • Le Cocuage • La Mule du pape • Ce qui plaît aux dames • L’Éducation d’un prince • L’Éducation d’une fille • Thélème et Macare • Les Trois Manières • Azolan • L’Origine des métiers • La Bégueule • Les Finances • Le Dimanche ou les Femmes de Minée • Sésostris • Le Songe creuxLES 19 TITRES DE L\'OEUVRE PHILOSOPHIQUE ET HISTORIQUE : Lettres philosophiques • Traité de métaphysique • Vie de Molière • Réflexions pour les sots • Traité sur la tolérance • Le philosophe ignorant • Femmes, soyez soumises a vos maris • La bible enfin expliquée par plusieurs aumôniers de s. m. l. r. d. p • Dialogue du chapon et de la poularde • Histoire de l’établissement du christianisme • Dictionnaire philosophique • Dialogues philosophiques • Essai sur les moeurs et l’esprit des nations • Le siècle de louis XIV • Précis du siecle de Louis XV • Pot-pourri • De l’horrible danger de la lecture • Éloge historique de la raison • Petite digression- 1 BIOGRAPHIE détaillée- Les CITATIONS et proverbes de Voltaire A PROPOS DE L’ÉDITEUR : Les éditions Arvensa, leaders de la littérature classique numérique, ont l\'objectif de vous faire connaître les œuvres des grands auteurs de la littérature classique à un prix abordable, tout en vous fournissant la meilleure expérience de lecture sur votre liseuse. Tous les titres sont produits avec le plus grand soin et bénéficient d\'un système de navigation optimale. Le service qualité s’engage à vous répondre dans les 48h. Retrouvez tous les titres et offres privilégiées des éditions Arvensa sur leur site.
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The Postman Always Rings Twice

An amoral young tramp.  A beautiful, sullen woman with an inconvenient husband.  A problem that has only one grisly solution--a solution that only creates other problems that no one can ever solve. First published in 1934 and banned in Boston for its explosive mixture of violence and eroticism, The Postman Always Rings Twice is a classic of the roman noir. It established James M. Cain as a major novelist with an unsparing vision of America's bleak underside, and was acknowledged by Albert Camus as the model for The Stranger. From the Trade Paperback edition.
Views: 582

Undead and Undermined

So this is what being dead feels like. Vampire queen Betsy Taylor has awoken in a Chicago morgue, naked as a corpse. Her last memory is reconciling with her husband, Eric Sinclair, after a time-traveling field trip, including an indirect route to hell (literally), with her sister, Laura. Now she’s Jane Doe #291, wrapped in plastic with a toe tag. Betsy can’t help but wonder, what in hell happened? Grabbing clean scrubs, Betsy hits the pavement and heads back to her St. Paul mansion to find that her family and friends have been frantically searching for her. And not one of them can explain how she ended up dead and naked - not to mention, in Chicago - until Betsy realizes that she and Laura didn't time-travel alone. What followed them had a wicked agenda: to kill Betsy in a time when she was still young and vulnerable and end her future reign as queen. But it's not just Betsy's future that's taken an unexpected detour. Everyone in her circle, alive or undead, is feeling the chill. Betsy can't let the unthinkable happen. It would be a day in hell if she did.
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After Dachau

Daniel Quinn, well known for Ishmael – a life-changing book for readers the world over – once again turns the tables and creates an otherworld that is very like our own, yet fascinating beyond words. Imagine that Nazi Germany was the first to develop an atomic bomb and the Allies surrendered. America was never bombed, occupied, or even invaded, but was nonetheless forced to recognize Nazi world dominance. The Nazis continued to press their campaign to rid the planet of “mongrel races” until eventually the world – from Capetown to Tokyo – was populated by only white faces. Two thousand years in the future people don’t remember, or much care, about this distant past. The reality is that to be human is to be Caucasian, and what came before was literally ancient history having nothing to do with those then living. Now imagine that reincarnation is real, that souls migrate over time from one living creature to another, and that a soul that once animated an American black woman living at the time of World War II now animates an Aryan in Quinn’s new world, and that due to a traumatic accident memories of this earlier incarnation assert themselves. Compared by readers and critics alike to 1984 and Brave New World, After Dachau is a new dystopian classic with much to say about our own time, and the dynamics of human history. From the Trade Paperback edition.
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Polaroids From the Dead

Douglas Coupland takes his sparkling literary talent in a new direction with this crackling collection of takes on life and death in North America -- from his sweeping portrait of Grateful Dead culture to the deaths of Kurt Cobain, Marilyn Monroe and the middle class.For years, Coupland's razor-sharp insights into what it means to be human in an age of technology have garnered the highest praise from fans and critics alike. At last, Coupland has assembled a wide variety of stories and personal "postcards" about pivotal people and places that have defined our modern lives. Polaroids from the Dead  is a skillful combination of stories, fact and fiction -- keen outtakes on life in the late 20th century, exploring the recent past and a society obsessed with celebrity, crime and death. Princess Diana, Nicole Brown Simpson and Madonna are but some of the people scrutinized.
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Dead Men's Trousers

Mark Renton is finally a success. An international jet-setter, he now makes significant money managing DJs, but the constant travel, airport lounges, soulless hotel rooms and broken relationships have left him dissatisfied with his life. He’s then rocked by a chance encounter with Frank Begbie, from whom he’d been hiding for years after a terrible betrayal and the resulting debt. But the psychotic Begbie appears to have reinvented himself as a celebrated artist and – much to Mark’s astonishment – doesn’t seem interested in revenge. Sick Boy and Spud, who have agendas of their own, are intrigued to learn that their old friends are back in town, but when they enter the bleak world of organ-harvesting, things start to go so badly wrong. Lurching from crisis to crisis, the four men circle each other, driven by their personal histories and addictions, confused, angry – so desperate that even Hibs winning the Scottish Cup doesn’t really help. One of these four will not survive to the end of this book. Which one of them is wearing Dead Men’s Trousers? Fast and furious, scabrously funny and weirdly moving, this is a spectacular return of the crew from Trainspotting.
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Tatiana's Table: Tatiana and Alexander's Life of Food and Love

Many years have passed since that time Tatiana made lazy cabbage for Alexander. Yet it was still vivid in her mind: her grandmother’s slightly hoarse quiet voice, the taking of the tram across the river, the waning afternoon, the ache in her limping, broken leg: but above all, the desire to make something for someone, for no other reason than to please him.
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