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Cross Checked (Shots on Goal #2) Page 6
Cross Checked (Shots on Goal #2) Read online
Page 6
“We’re going to Thursday Kitchen,” I called back to her while shimmying into my favorite purple dress.
“You better not be putting on that purple dress,” I heard Martha yell.
I trudged out of the closet, still wearing it. “What’s wrong with this? It’s my favorite! It has pockets!” I shoved my hands into the pockets of my cotton dress and started to twirl from side to side a little.
“You look like Barney the stupid dinosaur’s tranny cousin.”
“Ouch!” I clutched my chest. “I think you literally pierced my heart with that one.”
“Change into something sexy! This is your first date in God knows how long—show a little cleavage for crying out loud!”
I threw my hands in the air. “You know what, why don’t you pick something out. I’m going to do my makeup.”
“Challenge accepted.” Martha marched into my closet and within twenty minutes, I was dolled up and dressed to kill.
Checking myself out in the mirror, I smiled over at Martha. “Ok, when you’re right, you’re right.” My ass looked fantastic in the skintight black dress Martha had dug out from the back of my closet. “I didn’t even remember I had this thing.”
Martha started to chuckle, waving price tags in the air. “Oh, I have no doubt about that.” She started to take her teal pumps off. “Here.” She bent down to pick them up. “Wear my lucky pumps. A pop of color is just what you need for a little bit of a wow factor.”
I reluctantly took the heels from her. “Are you sure? You love these shoes.”
“Yes, I love them, but they haven’t seen any action in far too long. They deserve to be taken out on a date for once in their life.”
I pulled her in for a hug. “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.” Martha hopped up onto the counter in my bathroom. “Are you nervous?”
I didn’t want to admit it, but I took a deep breath and was honest. “I am so fucking nervous. I don’t know how to date someone new. I was with James for so long. It feels so right with Brayden and we get along so well, but what if he realizes that he doesn’t like me after all?”
Martha grabbed my hand, pulling me in for a hug. “He’s going to love you. How could he not? He already said he wanted to date you and take things slow, doesn’t that say something?”
I huffed, “That I am an ugly troll that he couldn’t get his dick up for.”
Martha shoved me away trying to keep a straight face. “You’re an idiot. You’re hot as hell. Now get your ass to the restaurant, you don’t want to keep him waiting.”
Walking into the quaint restaurant, I was greeted by Brayden’s gorgeous toothy grin. He pulled me close, kissing my cheek. “Hey, beautiful.” His eyes even smiled as he looked down at me. “Every time I see you, you’re more stunning than the last. How is that even possible?”
I shoved his shoulder. “Laying it on thick there, Cox. Better watch it, you’re the one who said we have to date before sleeping together.”
The host showed us to our table.
“This is a neat spot,” Brayden stated while eyeing the small restaurant.
“I wanted this to be a memorable night, and you said I had to pick the place, so here we are.”
He reached over, lacing our fingers together. “Nicely done.”
The server came over quickly, filling up our water glasses and asking, “May I start you off with some cocktails this evening?”
I glanced over at Brayden. “Are you picky when it comes to drinks?”
He shrugged. “I’ll try anything.”
“I will have a lychee reach rich and he will have a lemonie anne. Thanks.”
“Great choices. I’ll get those started for you and will be back to take your order in a few. Any questions, my name is Marc.”
We sat in silence, looking over the menu for a couple minutes before Brayden looked up at me. “So, what’s good here?”
I loved that he was willing to try something new, but the apprehension and confusion on his face made me giggle a little.
This is going to be fun.
I leaned over, whispering, “The only thing they serve is tongue. You like tongue?”
A roaring laugh came from deep inside as Brayden grabbed his stomach. “You’re fucking perfect.”
I smiled sweetly. “Whatever do you mean?” I sipped from my water glass with my pinky out.
“Goonies. Yes. Thank you for that.” He looked down at his menu again. “But seriously, what should I get?”
The server came back over with our glowing adult-Capri-Sun-looking beverages. “Are you ready to order?” he asked.
I glanced at Brayden and he gestured to me while looking up at our server. “I’m going to let the lady order for me.”
I licked my lips, trying to come up with the perfect plan of attack for our meal. “All right, we’re going to have one order of the angry sweet potato, an order of kale, some eel tacos, and the steak.”
“All amazing choices. You got an awesome girl here.” The server took our menus and left us be.
“He’s right,” Brayden remarked as he grabbed his drink, giving it a closer look.
“Yeah, my ordering skills are on point.” I winked at him. “Are you going to try your drink or are you just going to stare at it all night?”
Brayden cocked his head to the side. “I just don’t know what to make of this. It looks like a child’s drink.”
“It’s their alcoholic take on that fruity drink, Capri-Sun. They’re made in a variety of tropical flavors, complete with light-up LED ice cubes.” The mango in mine was so refreshing, I was on cloud nine.
“You sound like an advertisement for this place when you put it like that.” Brayden sucked on his straw and his eyes got wide. “That is fucking delicious!”
“So, since this is a date, maybe we should ask each other cheesy getting-to-know-you questions.” I was getting so nervous and excited about sitting down and getting to know Brayden.
He smiled. “All right. Shoot.”
I tapped my finger to my lips. “Ok, what do you look for in a woman?”
“Throwing out the big guns from the get-go, I see.” He chewed on his bottom lip before looking me dead in the eyes. “I am looking for someone that is my best friend and my adventure partner. Someone that will be a good mother, eventually. Someone affectionate that likes to be touching while we are together. Oh, and they have to like my sister, love dogs like it is their job, be into hockey, and wear killer bright-colored heels on a first date.”
“The lucky heels for the win.” I raised my drink in the air and Brayden knocked his against mine.
“How are these heels lucky?” he asked with an eyebrow raise.
“Martha, one of my two friends, has decided that good things always happen when she wears them, so she insisted that they come out with me tonight.”
A small smirk rested on his lips as he nodded. “Gotcha. Well, I like them a lot.”
“Thanks.” I played with the napkin in my lap, trying to keep from blushing too much. “Your turn to ask me something.”
“Hmmm, let’s see. What to ask.” He grinned. “Are you a cuddler?”
I shook my head. “I feel like that is a loaded question.”
“How could that question be loaded in any way?” He sniggered.
“Because, I like to think I am cuddler, but in reality, cuddling is nice for about five minutes and then you get hot or your arm falls asleep and the other person is equally as uncomfortable, but no one says anything for fear of hurting their partner’s feelings.”
“Touché.” Brayden bowed his head in agreement. “I have to say I couldn’t have put it better myself.”
“All right, my turn.” I racked my brain for a good question. “Do you usually date women or this a new thing for you?”
Brayden pursed his lips, holding back a smirk. “I won’t lie, I have a reputation for just sleeping around. I don’t usually date, to answer your question.”
“Then I
must be really special.” I could feel my face getting hotter. I hope he can’t tell that I am blushing.
“You have no idea just how true that statement is.” His eyes lit up a bit as he stared into mine. It was a simple sweet moment that sent butterflies crashing around in my stomach.
The server brought out our plates of food. “Enjoy, folks. Is this your first or second date?”
His abrupt question kind of taken me aback and before I had really processed it, Brayden was answering. “It’s kind of like date number one point five—or is this date one and the other night was the prequel?”
He glanced over at me and I jumped in. “The latter. This is date one.”
“Nice. You two seem to be pretty great together. Enjoy and let me know if I can get you anything else.”
“Ok. It’s my turn. Tell me something we have in common,” Brayden said as he picked up an eel taco.
“We’re both parentless.” I threw it out into the universe, admitting it to myself and to him at the same time.
I could tell he didn’t know how to take it as he chewed.
“Sorry,” I muttered. Way to make it awkward for everyone.
He gripped my hand. “Never apologize for honesty, it’s just a hard pill to swallow. Also, you know a lot more about my past because of how public my life has always been. I just can’t wait to peel back the layers and get to know you as well.”
I bit my lower lip. “Do you want me to explain?” My past was something that I rarely talked about, but, for some reason, I wanted to share it with Brayden. I wanted him to know about the darkness that I came from. It made my light shine so much more now.
Brayden’s face got soft as he answered, “Only if you want to.”
With a deep breath, I started a very condensed version of my saga. “My biological mother was in prison for drug distribution when I was born and had no family on the outside willing to take in her newborn. I was thrown into the system, passed around from foster families to group homes and back. The last family I was with was pretty awful, so when I was sixteen I was emancipated and have been on my own ever since.”
Brayden’s face contorted into shock as my words sank in. He swallowed hard. “I am so sorry that you went through that, but you’re such an incredible woman in spite of it. You could be bitter and cold but you’re selfless and kind. I am in awe of you.”
I chugged down most of my beverage. “Thanks, but I am just me.” I tried to smile but I needed to get away from all the bad memories for a bit. “Happier subject?” I thought to myself that I should have kept the conversation lighter, but hopefully I hadn’t scared Brayden off.
“Sure. This is awesome by the way.” He pointed at the taco on his plate.
“I am really glad you’re enjoying it.” I took a bite of kale and felt like I had died and gone to heaven. How can something this healthy taste so damn good?
The rest of our date went by smoothly. We chatted about movies, music, and my job—the usual light conversation most first dates consist of.
“I had an incredible time with you tonight,” Brayden whispered in my ear as he hugged me next to the cab he’d hailed for me. He opened my door and kissed my lips gently. “I can’t wait to see you again.”
“When will that be?” I asked, not wanting the night to end.
He dug his hands into his pockets. “I go on the road for a few away games tomorrow. We’ll figure something out when I get back.”
“Perfect.” I let our lips brush against each other one last time then slid into the back seat of the yellow taxi. “Goodnight, handsome.”
“Sleep well, pretty girl.”
Chapter 11
Lying in the hotel room the night before an away game was always awful for me. I hated not being in my own bed, and I never seemed to get a good enough night’s sleep. Add in that all I wanted to do was be with Karla, and sleep was going to elude me for sure. I grabbed my phone off its charger.
Me: Have any plans for this weekend?
Karla: Hanging out in the city with my two my friends from college.
Me: That sounds like fun.
Karla: It’s better than my old standby of binging The Walking Dead with a tub of ice cream.
Me: You don’t need to binge on anything but me from now on. No man is going to make you feel the way I will.
Karla: But…what if I want to binge on ice cream and Netflix?
Me: I will be there with a huge spoon and all the ice cream from the supermarket.
Karla: You’re too good to be true.
Me: You deserve to have someone that is.
Karla: I am going to bed. I have to be in at seven in the morning.
Me: I need to get some shuteye, too. Goodnight, beautiful.
Karla: Sleep well, love.
I threw my shoulder as hard as I could into Miller, the largest enforcer for the opposing team and the guy who was currently trying to get the puck away from Gavin. Ever since he’d beaten the shit out of Myla’s attacker with a hockey stick after game one, we were doing a lot better on the ice. I still thought he was a jerk, but I had gained a lot more respect for him that night.
Gavin shot me the rock and I bee-lined it straight for the net. I exhaled, took the shot, and heard the worst sound ever—the clanking of the puck hitting the metal post and flying back towards me.
Fuck. How the hell did I miss that?
“You’ll get it next time,” Gavin called over to me as he rushed for the back of the enemy’s net. He fought for the puck as I skated backward, watching for an opening to help get a chance for someone to take another shot.
Miller checked me from behind, sending me crashing into the boards. It was just going to be one of those nights for me; I was completely off my game. Luckily the rest of my team was not feeding off my suckery—they were playing tight, taking shot after shot.
“Change it up!” Coach yelled, and I gladly skated over to the bench. “Get your head back in this game, Cox,” he snarled at me.
“Aye, Coach.” Everyone has an off night every once in a while, but it was time for me to shake that crap off and help my team get another victory. The seconds ticked by and then I was getting sent back out onto the ice.
Just breathe and follow your instincts.
Rounding the back of the net, Crosby glided over in all his big goalie glory. “Give ’em hell!” he yelled, giving me the puck.
It was now or never. This sprint into enemy territory was going to either make or break the night for me. I didn’t overthink it, the siren blared, and the announcer yelled, “Goal for the Otters by number sixty-eight, Cox.”
We were up by one nearing the end of the third period when Miller decided to pick a fight with Crosby. Gavin and I rushed over to them, both of us getting between our goalie and the douche canoe.
Gavin’s glove hit the ice as I ripped Miller’s helmet right off. Gavin punched the jerk in the left eye with an awesome hook and he was down on the ice before either of us could get another shot at him. Crosby was trying to push past me to get to Miller on the ground as the refs came over, blowing their whistles. By that time both teams were in an uproar and a huge fight broke out. The fans were all on their feet, yelling and hollering as all the players got into it. Sticks were flying, gloves were all over the place—it was damn mayhem.
I glanced over to see Coach yelling at the top of his lungs for us to calm our tits, but there was no point in wasting his breath; there was no way he was going to break through the raged-out mess that was ensuing.
Finally, the referees regained order and we won the game three to two, but in the locker room, Coach didn’t seem to care all that much about the win.
“You all are a bunch of embarrassing jackasses! What the fuck were you thinking?” His face was redder than I had ever seen it before, and we all just sat in our gear in silence with our heads down. It was like we were in kindergarten getting yelled at by the principal.
After yelling for
about twenty minutes straight, Couch sighed. “Get your sorry asses into the showers and out of my fucking sight. I never want something like this to happen again. Hayes, Cox, stay put.”
Our teammates all started to hang up their pads and get into the showers as Gavin and I made our way over to the corner of the locker room where our coach had led us.
“What’s up?” Gavin asked. I wondered how weird it must be for him, having such an ass as a father and coach. My dad had been a fucking prick when he was my coach, but that was when I was a kid. I couldn’t even start to fathom how terrible it would have been if my dad had been my coach now.
“What is going on with you two?” Coach asked, and Gavin and I both looked at each other, neither of us having a fucking clue what he was getting at.
“Sir?” I didn’t know what else to say.
He pointed at the two of us. “You two are like a little dynamic duo out there now. Passing well, getting along, getting in the middle of Crosby’s fight together—what gives?”
Gavin rolled his eyes. “Dad, seriously? You want us to act like teammates then here we are doing that and you give us a hard time about it?”
Coach shook his head. “Just stop getting each other in trouble, all right?”
“We’ll try,” I said, still completely confused about how I should take this whole conversation.
Gavin and I walked over to our lockers, not saying another word to each other for the rest of the night. I checked my phone, thankfully finding messages from Myla and Karla.
Myla: What the fuck was that?
Myla: Seriously Brayden, you are a much better player than that.
Karla: What a game. Heading to bed. Early shift in the morning. Text me when you wake up.
I sent a quick goodnight text back to Karla before having it out with my sister. Her passion for my playing was cute and annoying all at the same time.
Me: Hey, can we just be happy that we won?
Myla: Don’t get me started. First, that net was wide open, and second, why would you rip a player’s helmet off for another player to punch? I mean, seriously?!