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Cross Checked (Shots on Goal #2) Page 5
Cross Checked (Shots on Goal #2) Read online
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Martha raised up her praise hands. “Amen!”
Kari crossed her arms over her chest. “Fine. We will see how this all plays out.”
The server came and we all handed over our orders, quickly. Jill smiled at us. “Thank you. It is nice to see you all again. It has been too long.”
“We’re glad to be back for sure! Life just got in the way.”
Jill pointed her finger at each of us. “All work and no play, makes for sad people. You need to have fun and enjoy each other’s company.”
We filled our sake cups again, raising them in the air. “Now that is something I can definably drink to.”
Martha put her elbows on the table, leaning over to us, while eyeing the front door. “Hey, isn’t that some famous figure skater walking in?”
Kari and I looked at the middle-aged man that was walking into the restaurant, hand in hand with a gorgeous Hispanic man that was half his age.
I recognized him right away. “Yes! That’s Simon Abramson. He has won a crap ton of gold medals.”
“Isn’t it so weird when you see celebrities out?” Kari asked.
Martha laughed a little. “I would hardly call him a real celebrity. Now that hunk he is with could be a damn underwear model. Now, that is what I would call a celebrity.”
I threw my napkin at Martha. “Damn girl, keep it in your pants.”
She threw her hands up innocently. “With the damn dry spell that I have been having in the guy department, you should be proud that I am not over there trying to turn him straight right now.”
Kari looked like she was about to die from laughing so hard. She was doing one of those silent laughs where you gasp for air and tears start to roll down your face.
I patted her shoulder. “It’s not that funny of a joke, Kari.”
She started to fan herself as she tried to gain composure. “I don’t know if I am laughing or crying at this point. I am in the same damn boat as Martha right now and it is just so freaking pathetic.”
“Why is dating so fucking hard?” Martha exclaimed. “Either you are sleeping with the enemy or you can’t find a date to save your life. No one wins.”
“I think most of the good ones were snatched up in college and God knows how fucking busy we were back then. Dating was the farthest thing from the top of the priority list.” I was definitely not in any state to start dating again and the thought of it repulsed me, but I knew that Martha and Kari were actively on the prowl and nothing was working for them.
Kari pulled out her phone. “You guys have to hear the latest message I got from a dude on a dating site.” She scrolled through a few messages. “Oh here it is.” She cleared her throat before continuing, “‘I hope that I am the reason why you are distracted, smiling down at your phone this morning, and then you walk directly into a telephone pole.’ What the fuck is wrong with guys in today’s society? Who the fuck says something like that?”
I could not stifle my rolling giggles to save my life. “This, is why I will remain single for the rest of my life.”
Martha rolled her eyes. “You say that now. Wait until you can’t remember what the last dick you slept with looks like. You’ll be crying into your pillow wishing on a fucking star for a beautiful penis to enter your life.”
Chapter 8
Two Years Later
My alarm clock started beeping at me. I had already hit the snooze button three more times than I should have. Groaning, I stretched and checked my phone. I had a missed call from Janine, the dog rescue coordinator I was supposed to be helping in a few hours.
I shot off a quick text to her.
Me: Just getting up. I’ll be there in about an hour.
Grabbing my jeans from the floor, I yanked them on before making my way into the bathroom.
Brush teeth—check.
Put makeup on—kinda check.
Hair tamed enough to be out in public—check.
Dog butt t-shirt that said Money can buy lots of things, but it doesn’t wiggle its butt every time you come home—check.
My phone lit up with a response from Janine.
Janine: No worries, just meet us at the park. Dogs are loaded up. We just need help setting up the tables and play areas.
Me: Perfect. See you there.
I loved working the Central Park adoption events. It was so fun to see all the pups that got to head to their forever homes with loving families, and it made having lost my two dogs just a little bit easier. Everyone kept telling me that I should just adopt another puppy, but I worked far too much to have a dog. It just wouldn’t be fair to the little fur baby.
Central Park was already buzzing with its own life force of exercisers, families, kids playing, couples taking a stroll, tourists snapping pictures of everything, and tons of yapping puppies.
“Karla!” Janine waved me over to the head table.
She shoved paperwork into my hands right way. “You’re going to be working booth eight.” She pointed. “Ready to get some dogs their forever homes?” Her smile went from ear to ear as she looked over at the huskies next to the booth I was about to start working.
“You know it!” The energy that pulsed through our area started to get me psyched for the day.
I started to get the huskies’ paperwork all sorted out. I checked each pup, making sure I had their information ready and waiting. I tried to keep everything as organized as possible so if anyone wanted a dog that I was in charge of, the process could be as smooth and stress-free as possible.
A high-pitched howl came from an adorable brown and white fluff ball. I walked over to her. “Someone is learning how to get her grown up voice,” I cooed to the dog. I probably sounded like a raving lunatic, but I couldn’t have cared less. I loved those damn dogs so freaking much, especially when they were being so stinking cute.
After playing with the huskies for a bit and making sure they had plenty of water in their playpen, I started to put the adoption paperwork onto clipboards. I had to stay busy at these things or I would go a little stir crazy.
“Excuse me?” a voice called over. I looked up to see two faces I knew from long ago.
“Brayden, right?” I looked past the girl that was right in front of me to her brother, who was walking up behind her. It was the most amazing sight for sore eyes ever. His face was clean shaven, which was a little bit of a disappointment—I was a beard fan for sure—but other than that he was even more handsome than I had remembered—likely at least partly because when we’d first met, he had been crying and was a complete wreck.
Brayden stood, scratching the back of his neck for a few seconds. I figured he didn’t remember me, but there he went surprising me again. “Karla?”
My face got hot as a goofy smile spread like wildfire. “You remembered.”
His face lit up as he turned to his sister. “How could I forget? Myla, this is one of your nurses from the ICU. She saved me the first night you were in there, took my number and made sure I had some shred of sanity through it.”
Myla shook my hand, saying it was nice to meet me, but that just didn’t seem like enough. I was way too thankful to see her looking so freaking amazing. I bolted out from behind the table and grabbed her into a huge hug. “You have no idea how amazing it is to meet you and see how amazing you’re doing.”
I pulled away from Myla, glancing over at Brayden. He’s so damn hot. I couldn’t even think straight with him so close to me. It had been years since I had felt like that about a guy. After the shit hit the fan with James, I took a very long guy hiatus. It was a nice little run, but it was turning into a dry spell. “What brings you two to the park today?” I asked.
Brayden rubbed the back of his neck. “We’re here to get Myla a puppy. Do you work for the ASPCA or something now?”
I dove into explaining that I was just a volunteer trying to help out when I could. Since I was finally not working vampire hours anymore, I was actually able to do things like a normal human could.
“So, how has it been going for you two? It’s been what, a few years now?” I asked, doing my best to keep a conversation going.
“Yeah, just about. We’re still getting back to normal, but we’re doing great for the most part. How’s everything at Flushing?” The way Brayden smiled as he watched Myla play with the puppy while we chatted was adorable.
I started to fill up the water bowl in the playpen since one of the pups had decided to flip it over instead of drink out of it. “Same shit, different day, I guess. I’m not working nights anymore, so that’s a plus.”
Brayden pulled out his phone and started to mess with it. “You know, I still have your number. Maybe I could call you sometime? Take you out for coffee or something. I never properly thanked you for saving me that night.”
Don’t let him know that you’re screaming YES inside. Keep your cool. “You don’t have anything to thank me for, but I would love to hang out with you sometime.” I was practically jumping for joy internally.
Myla started to jog back over to us with a puppy in her arms, completely elated. Before I knew it, they were filling out the paperwork and Brayden was paying the adoption fee. Myla had already named the husky Seven and they were ready to take their new dog home.
“All right, you guys are all set.” I smiled, folding the paperwork and putting it into an envelope for Brayden.
“Thank you, again.” He smiled. “For everything.”
Chapter 9
I flopped down onto my bed, trying to wrap my head around the night’s events. It had been one of the best and worst days of my life, and all I could think about was Karla. It had been what felt like forever since the day in the park when we adopted Seven, and I hadn’t worked up the nerve to text her.
I stared down at a blank text window, trying to think of the best way to get the ball rolling. Keep it simple.
Me: Hey you.
I watched as the text sent and kept staring at my phone as Myla’s voice came from the other side of the door. “I have frozen peas.” She giggled. “Are you decent?”
“Come on in,” I called back.
She tossed the cold bag and a dish towel at me. “Here you go, punk.”
“Thanks.” I patted the edge of the bed next to me. “So, tonight was interesting.”
Myla took a seat next to me as I put the much-needed cold pack onto my sore knee. “Yeah, interesting is one word for it.”
“You kissed the captain of my team.” I was still trying to process watching my little sister kiss the biggest douchebag I had ever had to tolerate.
“But, you have to admit, the way you and him beat up Jeff was pretty awesome. I think a kiss is a small price to pay for his chivalry.”
I laughed. “So, what do I get for mine?” Gavin Hayes and I had never really gotten along, but when my sister was in trouble right after our game ended, he’d jumped right in to help us. Maybe there was a little shred of a good person buried deep down under all the douchey layers after all.
“My unwavering love and devotion.” Myla nudged me with her elbow while smiling at me. “Get some rest.”
She started to head out of my room. “Hey, Myla.”
She turned, holding the door open with one hand. “Yeah?”
“Are you really ok?” I needed to make sure she wasn’t just playing tough for my sake.
Her lips pulsed at the corners, forming the smallest hint of a smile as she fought back tears. “I will be. I’m just tired.”
“Goodnight, sis. Sleep well.”
My phone chirped and vibrated in my hand. Before I even looked to see who, the message was from, my heart started racing and my palms got clammy.
Karla: Hey! I was just thinking about you! Some game tonight.
Me: You watched it?
Karla: Every freaking second. You fucking clocked that guy. Did he really lose some teeth?
Me: Yeah, I kind of let my emotions get the better of me with that one.
Karla: It was one of the most entertaining games I have ever watched.
Me: Are you some puck bunny or something? Lol.
Karla: Ha! Hardly. What are you up to? Shouldn’t you be celebrating that amazing hat trick?
Me: If icing my knee and lying in bed is celebrating, then I am partying hard.
Karla: Sounds like a party.
Me: I could use some company.
Karla: Well, I don’t want to brag or anything, but all my friends say I am AWESOME company. And by all my friends, I mean all two of them. I know, I am SOOOOO popular.
Me: Well, can’t argue with that, Miss Popular. Come join me? I could use a nurse to tend to my wounds. I did get in two fights tonight.
Karla: Two? Did I miss part of the game?
Me: Long story. I’ll explain when you get here.
I sent Karla my address and my heart started racing even faster. I hadn’t been that nervous to have a chick over to my place since I was in high school. Before I knew it, Karla was massaging my knee with some type of icy-hot that she called hot cream. Whatever it was, it was an orange miracle in a jar.
“So, are you going to fill me in on your epic evening or what?” she asked, wiping her hands on a towel.
“Well, you saw the game, so you know Gavin got his first hat trick and we won.”
She leaned back against my headboard, shifting around to get comfortable. “Yep.”
I rolled onto my side to look at her. “What you didn’t see was that Myla was there with a date. She was right next to the penalty box.”
“That’s why you looked so pissed off when you were in there.”
It had been so long since I had taken the time to talk to someone other than Myla about my life, and it was incredible to watch Karla’s facial expressions as I told her just the simple shit about my night.
“Well, it gets better. So, her date turned into a fucking tool and tried to force himself on her.”
Karla gasped, throwing her hand to her chest. “Is she ok? Should I go check on her?”
She started to shove up from the bed and I grabbed her wrist. “She’s fine and sleeping. Promise.”
She slid back down into her spot and I continued. “Long story short, Gavin and I beat the crap out of the ass hat.”
“Sounds like you had one hell of an eventful evening.” Her smile was so captivating, I had to make sure I was blinking enough so I didn’t look like I was staring at her as hard as I actually was.
“Eventful is a good word for it, though shit show is what comes to mind for me right off the bat.”
She started to giggle. “Yeah, that’s a good one too. I don’t have any tales of valor and brawn to match that. I worked and then sat on my couch with Chinese takeout while watching the game.”
“Your two friends were too busy to join?” I teased and her cheeks blared red.
“Hey, now. Don’t be jealous that I have two friends.”
I leaned over, letting my lips land on hers for a quick second, pulling away just as fast. “Sorry, I just couldn’t wait any longer.”
She bit her bottom lip. “No. That was really amazing.”
I shifted away from her a bit. “I feel like there is a but that is supposed to be coming after that statement.”
She shook her head. “I just haven’t dated anyone, or even kissed anyone since me ex. I’m glad it was you that broke my no-kissing streak though.” Then, without warning, Karla straddled me and crashed her lips to mine.
My body went into autopilot. I rolled on top of her, even though my knee was screaming in pain – I ignored it. Letting our lips move together in a slow, soft dance, my fingers intertwined with her hair. Even though I wanted to let the beast inside me roar and break free of his cage, there was something about Karla, something too soft about her. I got the vibe that she had been too hurt in the past for things to go too quickly, so I let her dictate the next move. Her tongue slowly started to explore my mouth. She was gentle but forceful, timid but firm; it was all so intriguing.
/> “You’re an amazing kisser,” she said eagerly.
I pulled away to look into her eyes, brushing her soft blonde hair behind her ear. “I was just thinking the same thing about you.”
She pulled me down, locking our lips together again. “I want you.”
Her hushed words coursed through my body, but an overwhelming feeling of restraint won out over my primal urges.
I rolled off Karla, pulled her into my arms. “There is nothing I want more in this world than to fuck you right now, but I can’t.”
She ripped away from me, a look of disgust taking over her gorgeous face. “Please tell me you’re single.”
I shot up, looking her dead in the face. “Fuck! Yes. I am single. It’s just that I really care about you, like I want to date you, get to know you. I don’t want to just fuck you tonight.”
Her shoulders relaxed as a sigh escaped her lips. “You had me so fucking scared for a second.”
There was something about Karla. I needed all of her. I needed her mind, spirit, love, devotion, and body. In an instant I hated to think that I might use her up and throw her away, like I always did in the past. I felt for the first time in my life that I was right where I needed to be, next to the woman that would bring together all of my broken pieces.
I grabbed her hand. “Karla, can I take you out on a date Wednesday night? And then maybe a few more if you’re not sick of me, and then fuck you senseless after we have a chance to get to know each other a bit?”
She nodded, smiling like a little kid on Christmas morning. “I would like that.”
“Good. Me too.”
She leaned over, kissing my cheek. “So, I am going to go, because if I stay here in this ridiculously comfortable bed, I might try to sleep with you, and then I would ruin your awesome plan.”
Chapter 10
“Where are you guys going?” Martha asked from my bed as I looked through my closet for the perfect outfit.