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- John E Bujanowski Jr
Page 4
He was thrilled to see his name on the holographic device that glowed in front of him, admiring the recent image of himself but one piece of news flash changed his plan of action altogether.
He grunted as he looked at his two cohorts. “Did you catch that?” he asked.
They just looked at him and wondered. One said, “A massive search? Sounds like were dead!”
Sabin smirked and chuckled, “Nah. They won’t find us. But it said they just launched 471 ships.”
The two just stared at him, wondering what he was thinking.
“Are you two up for a little… mayhem?” He smiled. They smiled and nodded, yes. “In that case, since they’ve launched that many ships, I wonder how well the space docks are guarded. Je’en destroyed my ship! I think it’s only right that they should replace it. I wonder what’s available.”
One asked, “You want to go and steal a ship? Are you mad?”
“No, I’m not mad!” he argued. “I’m smart! There won’t be too many ships to stop us or follow us.”
The other asked, “So, you’re giving up on Nova?”
“No. If I can find out where he is, that is, where in the hospital, I can attack him from outside.”
“Outside?” the other asked. “What do you mean, outside?”
“I mean I’ll blast him with the ship's weapons. I’ll take out a whole floor if I have to.”
He added, “Sabin, you could kill a lot of other innocent people!”
Sabin shrugged his shoulders, “Yeah, but the queen will be rid of him and my reward will be great! Your reward will be great.”
The two pirates looked at each other, trying to decide if they should follow or leave.
Using their space gunners, the queen, Nell, and Jak found and destroyed nearly a dozen of the furry tall vicious land creatures known as kukupas. They covered a five-mile radius and thought that was sufficient. For Rena, the task was stressful but for Nell and Jak it was exhilarating. During their exciting task they nearly collided with each other several times while strafing them.
Rena noticed the long shallow canyon on the other side of the mountain which sheltered a small river. She studied a handful of caves and surmised they were the perfect places for kukupas to live in as well as other land creatures. She wasn’t happy about that thought. She did, however, rejoice about one assumption – they were also perfect hiding places for a teleportation device. She just needed to systematically search them.
Just as they landed their space gunners in the dirty dusty courtyard of the ranch, Rena received notice about her request for searchers. Fifty-one pirate associates were on their way for what could be a great reward, an unimaginable reward. They would arrive at Isoter in two days. In the meantime, Rena would take the time to search the nearby woodland, in case Boone Nova was craftier than expected.
The O'bipherion-Xeraxes corridor was in grave distress. The Dorian Surge had left the Arkitronian star system and was speeding toward the O'bipherion-Xeraxes corridor. It was five days away from the Sim-Sa Gale. The Edsen Tide had left Abdom Center and was three days from the Sim-Sa Gale. The Sim-Sa Gale sat idle within the O'bipherion–Xeraxes corridor. It was nineteen hours into its journey toward the listing Ganes Trek when ordered to stop. It was working on a plan to defend itself from the evil Ambulas.
The 5th prime glowed brilliantly within the full-sized hologram on the bridge of the Sim-Sa Gale, the Dorian Surge, and the Edsen Tide. All three battlecruiser captains - Devin Kapavon, Mial Eisen, as well as the Fleet Commander - Mar’Ki J’Dar, and captain of the Edsen Tide, the only woman battlecruiser captain, Poleene Koine, listened intently.
The prime explained, “Captains, and Commander J’Dar, the court has just authorized you to acquire a laser in which you can mount on your bow. You need not mount it, for time sake, but nonetheless, get one as quickly as you can and deter that pirate ship!”
“The Ambulas, Sir,” Devin Kapavon answered.
“Prime,” Captain Eisen said. “I’ll check with the mine on our moon base, Fema Pherion. They are the closest and they may have one powerful enough.”
The prime nodded, “Hurry, captains. Where ever you are located as of this moment, your main objective is to acquire a laser.”
The hologram ended and each captain ordered their Admins and COM officers to begin the task of seeking the nearest laser powerful enough to defend itself from a great distance. They would have to communicate with mining facilities only as they used them in collecting and manufacturing minerals and metals from various locations within the constellation.
Commander J’Dar left the task to his captain as he rushed to his quarters. No one could ever know about the communiqué he was about to make.
“COM,” he rudely uttered. “O'bipherion! Karkavon Medical Building… uh… uh… ah! What am I doing? Ah! I hate this! Uh… Boone Nova!”
Chapter 4
“Phia, please? Can’t I talk to my mother? Alone? I…”
Phia glared at him, “I suppose you cannot read! Boone?”
“What?” he asked as he studied her angry face.
Just moments ago she was smiling and, to Boone’s dismay, ready to tell his mom he was under her custody and headed to Kova to face his accusers and forever be locked up for his crime. Boone was very discouraged and confused.
“Yes, I can read. Why do…”
Phia pointed to her name, Sa’vo, which was etched on the top left side of her uniform. Her eyes were aglow with disgust.
“Why can’t you say my name? Boone? Say it? I am Lieutenant Sa’vo.” She turned to the life-sized hologram of his mother, “Ma’am, Mrs. Nova, you have a very stubborn son.”
Liana smiled and nodded. “Yes, believe me, I know. I also know that is why he is so good at heart.”
“Oh, well, yes. I’m learning that.”
“Oh, so you don’t know Boone?”
“No, ma’am. We just met two days ago when he got infected with those Nanos. Did you hear about that?”
“Oh, yes!” she looked at Boone who was smirking and objecting to Phia’s conversation. “We all know about the gamma weapon, the awful attack on Copiannis, and the Nanos. It’s all in the latest news flash. My son is a busy boy. Aren’t you, Boone?”
“Can I talk to my mom? Alone?” he looked at Phia with compassion. “Please?”
“And what are you going to tell her?”
“Tell her? I’m going to tell her everything but I called her yesterday to ask her a question. Now, how about some private time?”
Phia’s head turned from Boone to Terra, to Callie then to Liana. “Boone, I’m sorry. Mrs. Nova, I must tell you this… your son is in my custody and we will be coming home in a few days. Maybe tomorrow.”
Liana didn’t change her facial complexion in the least. She studied Phia for a moment. She noticed a number of things. Besides her beauty, Phia was very assertive and determined to do what she needed to do yet Liana also saw compassion in her eyes. Phia seemed to really care about Boone and Liana gathered she was just trying to do what was best for Boone.
Then she looked at Boone. She noticed Boone’s anxiety and saw fear and hopelessness in his face. She didn’t completely know what Boone was going through at the time and could only wonder why he tried to call her. She was very curious about his question. As she studied his face, she pondered a horrifying thought, “My prayers. My many prayers. They’ve gone unanswered. He’s tired of running, Lord, and instead of hearing Your voice, he’s turned away, like his father. Turned away in disgust and anger with the way life has treated him. Oh, my. What can I say?”
A tear formed in her eye as she prepared to speak to her long lost son. The son she prayed years for and the son that for so long was lost to her. Her joy from seeing him again, though in a hospital bed, was about to become despair knowing he called her in an attempt to reach out to someone and explain… “Why me? I’m innocent! Why all of the pain, and sorrow, and hardships, and despair in life?
Mom… He just doesn’t seem to care or even be there. You were wrong, mom. You were wrong.”
Her tears fell and she carefully wiped them while also maintaining her poise and strength. Phia’s complexion changed. Compassion swelled within her as she realized she had been too harsh and too rash in judging Boone and dictating her intentions. She suddenly felt ashamed while watching mother and son try to reconnect after such a long time. Phia had to sit down in a chair beside Boone’s bed and wipe many tears. Tears from her foolishness.
Liana addressed her son, “Boone. Is that true? You’re coming home to answer for what you’ve done?”
Boone had to wipe his face again, with the help from Callie, his tears making him unable to see.
“Mom, she thinks I am just going to go with her like we’re on some exciting mission or…”
“Boone? I would love to talk about why you first called. Maybe later? But, I want to ask you something very important. OK?”
“Yeah, mom. Sure.”
“Can you trust me? Boone? And you know what I mean. Please say you’ll trust me, as you know I will always trust Him. Please, Boone, understand what I am asking. Lord, please give understanding.”
Boone sniffled and wiped again. “I know what you’re saying, mom. I can’t believe you’re even thinking about this! Trusting Him? Here it comes, her favorite verse, ‘Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.’ She’s still quoting that verse. But, I’ll be locked up, forever! Is He planning on punishing me?”
“It’s simple, son. Do you trust me?”
Boone nodded, yes, yet was very sad. “Mom, I know what you’re worried about.”
“Boone… don’t say you’ve rejected Him altogether… please… no.”
“Mom, you don’t have to worry. I called you about one of those verses you gave me. So, I’m gonna be OK. Understand?”
Her hand went to her mouth as tears of joy overflowed. She became speechless for a moment. She quickly tried to compose herself. Terra, Phia, and Callie were in tears as well as they watched mother and son discuss the difficult and very private matter.
“OK, then,” she sniffled. “You listen to Lieutenant Sa’vo. And you go with her. And Boone, bring your friends with you. You’re going to need them.”
“Mom, you’re saying go back to Kova? Go back to… to be locked up? For something I’m not guilty of?”
“Boone,” a voice softly spoke from beside his bed.
He turned and saw Terra standing there and without any assistance. Callie quickly got up and headed over to assist her but Terra held up her good arm and stopped her.
“Boone,” she uttered as her voice trembled, her tears unashamedly streaming down her face. “You do this!” she ordered as she stood there crying. “We all love you, Boone. Pryce, Jona, Mace, and even me. We will go with you and do whatever it is we need to do to clear your name.”
Boone, again, had to wipe his face. Tears streamed down his face not just because of her precious words alone but he was greatly moved by her desire to stand next to him when she could barely walk on her badly burned left leg.
“Terra, your leg? Get back in bed, please.”
She reached over and took his left hand. Their fingers intertwined.
“Say you’ll go,” she sniffled. “Then I’ll get off my leg.”
“Ok,” he muttered. “I’ll go... I’ll go.”
Boone looked at Phia who was standing next to Terra, holding her up for support. Phia helped get her into her wheelchair. Terra maneuvered herself right next to the hologram of his mom. She studied the features of Liana and began to memorize everything about her. Terra and Liana began a long discussion.
Phia came back to Boone’s bedside and began to ponder exactly what she had done. The tearful and awkward conversation was more emotion than Phia was accustomed to. She dried her eyes, sat down in a chair right next to Boone, and began to quietly and discretely ask questions.
“Boone?” she softly asked. “Would you be willing to confide in me? And tell me what it is you actually did that dreadful day on Kova?”
Boone sighed heavily, “Please, Phia, let me think about this first. Please?”
Phia amusingly glared at him and gently tapped on her name etched on her uniform. Boone smirked and nodded. They listened as Terra sat and chatted with his mom, Boone barely getting a word or two in the entire conversation. Liana was overjoyed when Terra explained to her why Boone had to come home, Liana’s prayers having a big role. Boone wondered.
While their tears were still on their cheeks and moistening their eyes, Boone found himself in another dilemma – Dr. Weimar and Dr. Vensin arrived. They saw a beautiful woman in her late fifties glowing in a large hologram at the foot of Boone’s bed. That wasn’t their only surprise. Boone, Terra, Callie, and Phia had moistened red-stained eyes. They were still wiping the occasional tear. Boone, again, became very ashamed about his emotions.
“What’s going on?” Dr. Weimar asked. “Why is everyone crying? And who is this beautiful woman?”
“Doctor,” Phia answered. “This is Boone’s mom, Liana Nova.”
“Oh,” he replied and smiled at the hologram. “Your son is very lucky.”
“I know, doctor. But I know it was my prayers that saved him.”
“Oh,” Dr. Vensin uttered. He and Dr. Weimar glanced at one another. “I’m sorry but you’ll all have to leave. We have an important examination to complete.”
Liana replied, “I’m his mother. I’ll stay right here.”
Terra said, “I’ll just get back into bed.”
Phia ordered, “Doctors, proceed, please. I’ll stand in this corner,” she said as she got up, strolled through the hologram, and ended up next to Liana.
The two doctors, slightly perturbed, smirked and decided not to press the matter. They removed the white flexible material tightly stretched over his arm that had kept it immobile for the past two days. They directed Boone not to move a muscle or flinch in the slightest manner.
“Boone,” Dr. Vensin said. “We are going to inspect the damaged nerves in your arm. We will use the holographic interface and enlarge the nerves in your arm. Hopefully, the neuron cells we used to treat the damaged nerves have adhered to the connective… well, just watch.” He placed a long narrow portable holographic device under his arm. “Now, if we see the nerves have integrated, I’d say grafted for your sake…”
“Dr. Vensin,” Dr. Weimar interrupted. “He won’t understand what you’re saying.”
“Oh, yes. Uh, if the nerve is one solid… hmm, color, then we’ll know that the nerves have healed.”
Boone asked, “And if they are different colors?”
“Then… hmm, we may have to repeat the procedure.” Dr. Vensin glanced at Boone while he worked. He noticed the apprehension and dismay in his face. “Boone, you know you’re lucky to even be alive?”
“I know, doctor.” He looked at his mom who was smiling. He knew it was her prayers that saved him. He looked at Phia who had a concerned smirk on her face. She ran her hand up and over her head, combing her long blond hair, and not regarding the tangled mess it became. He noticed her genuine concern for him. He knew if she had not been there that day, when she hid in his Night Star to apprehend him, he may not have made it to Karkavon Medical.
Callie turned off the lights. A brilliant light lit up the room and hovered above Boone in his bed. All eyes in the room were focused on the glowing hologram with several light reddish lines stretching through the length of his arm. Boone tried to determine if the entire length of the nerves were indeed the same color, same texture, and the same size in diameter. He gazed at Dr. Vensin, waiting with great anticipation.
“Hmm,” Dr. Vensin uttered. He pointed to a particular spot. “Dr. Weimar? Wasn’t that the section we were most concerned about?”
Dr. Weimar leaned in closer as if the large hologram wasn’t big enough. Dr. Weimar gently tapped a small portion of the hologram interface and the section o
f nerve became the size of a man’s arm.
“Hmm,” he smiled as did Dr. Vensin. Boone began to smile. “Well, that is definitely the section we were most concerned with. It is exactly 7.98 CM from the junction of the Medial nerve. There is no other possibility!” he chuckled.
For Boone, the senseless drawn-out chatter lasted hours, though it was only seconds.
“Boone,” Dr. Vensin announced. He mildly stated, “You’re completely healed.”
Boone gasped with joy. His smile never came, though, as he was overwhelmed with expectation and hope. Tears came and flowed down his cheek. He wiped them with his left arm, still afraid to use his right. Callie quickly helped him dry his eyes. Terra, Phia, and Liana were crying as well.
“Doc,” Boone tried to utter while nearly quivering. “I can’t say thank you enough. I…”
“Boone,” Dr. Weimar replied. “No need. Now, listen very carefully. We’re not done.”
“That’s right,” Dr. Vensin said. “There will not be any lifting for the next twenty-four hours. We are going to start testing the durability of the nerves. The only time you can use your arm is when Callie allows you to. You may pick up small objects, use it for reading, writing, and things like that but no lifting. Understand?”
“If your nerves endure the physical therapy which Callie will do and they are the same in twenty-four hours as they are now, well,” he looked at Dr. Weimar.
Dr. Weimar answered, “You’ll be released!”
Boone wiped another tear. “Thank you. Thank you very much. I can’t say it enough.”
“Yes,” Dr. Weimar replied. “You’re welcomed. Now, Boone, you might want to get out of bed. You’ve been in bed for over two days! Callie will help you and… Boone? You may want to use that new arm of yours to shave!”
Everyone laughed. They watched Callie help Boone stand for the first time since being infected with Nano-bugs. His back, his neck, and his legs were all working well. Their first walk was into the shower as Boone’s arm and body were quite smelly.