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  Boone, because of the intense pain, desperately tried to move but was immovable due to the white stretchy material. Terror overwhelmed him. He cried and screamed again, tears flooded down the side of his face.

  With compassion, a nurse place her hand on his forehead and said, “Boone? Are you alright?” She shook him, “Boone!”

  Boone awoke and sat up quickly, gasping, and disoriented. Callie was standing by his side; her hand on his shoulder. He gazed at the brace that held his arm steady and worried that he moved it – something Dr. Weimar had warned him about many times.

  Callie said, “You’re alright.” Boone looked at her and sighed. “Boone,” she added. “The medications can cause vivid dreams, even hallucinations sometimes.”

  He leaned back down against the bed and said, “I’ll say. I never want to see that again.”

  Terra was watching him as she was watching an amusing program on a large hologram just trying to pass the time.

  “You OK, over there?” she smiled, thinking the whole thing was amusing. Boone frowned at her. “Willing to share?” she asked.

  “No! Don’t even ask.”

  She smiled at him which caused him to smile then they both chuckled. Boone settled down and started watching the amusing program with her.

  “Well, I can’t even count my nightmares,” Terra uttered.

  Nurse Callie was glued to his bedside to make sure he didn’t try to move his arm. She seemed to personally and mentally remove herself from most of Boone’s conversations and private matters – including the commotion caused by visits from High Guard commanders and the like.

  Terra added, “Boone, I’ve been wanting to ask you some questions since the moment they put us together.”

  He glared at her and let his head fall back onto his pillow in disgust. “Uh!” he grunted. “I’m not answering a thing. I’m tired and just want some silence for a change.”

  Terra continued to look at him and totally disregarded his disgust. He stared at the amusing holographic program and ignored her.

  “Boone, I know you haven’t had a moment to yourself. Either have I. Now, who is that investigator? And she is an investigator? Is she a genius or something because she can’t be any older than… than… well, I applied to HGIC (High Guard Investigation Command) when I was her age. My training lasted four years!”

  “She’s just a few years younger than you,” he mumbled. “And I know she’s a cadet. At Abdom Center. That’s all I know. And I told you. No questions!”

  Terra noticed his anxiety. “Why did she take custody of you? She’s taking you back to Kova? Boone, if you want my help, remember, I told you to talk to me. Now, she is in control and it sounds like you are in trouble again. Do you want my help or not?”

  Boone grunted and sighed. His gaze drifted from the hologram to the ceiling then to her. Then he looked at the sliding glass door of their room and studied it.

  “Oh, no, Boone. Don’t even think about it. You’re not leaving here. Also, I’m quite capable of jumping out of this bed and putting you on the floor.”

  He looked at her and his complexion turned from determination – determination to escape then to discouragement. Terra saw hopelessness in his eyes.

  He uttered, “You don’t understand.”

  “That’s right. I don’t. Tell me. Please?”

  “If she takes me back to Kova…” he sighed, “my life is over. There is nothing you or anybody can do to help.”

  “Then you have nothing to lose by telling me. Right?”

  “Terra, as much as I trust you, and as much as I know you, you’ll also want to take me back there, and if that happens, I’ll be locked up for the rest of my life. That’s all you need to know and that’s all I’m saying for now.”

  “What an excuse! Boone, that doesn’t make any sense!”

  As Terra became angered and raised her voice, Callie gave her a frown of disgust. Terra settled down.

  “Boone, I remember what you said when we were at Pryce’s ranch – you very much wanted to leave all of us and deal with your problems and emotions on your own and in your own way. Remember?”

  He just smirked and sighed as that was always how he handled things. He was known as a loner.

  “Well, you didn’t do that, that day, you opened up to me. Remember?”

  He nodded and frowned, disgusted with the truthful history lesson.

  “Tell me the truth now, did you feel better after you talked to me? Did you feel better after you talked to your friends? Tell the truth.”

  He sighed as a tear tried to surface. He nodded his head, yes.

  Terra asked, “Can’t you tell me now?”

  Just then Boone noticed a shadow slowly approaching their doorway. He couldn’t see who it was but they weren’t very tall and the shadow stopped near the door. Terra also noticed the shadow. He suspected it was Phia so he changed the subject.

  “Terra, I do have something to tell you. If I don’t tell you, Pryce will.”

  She raised her eyebrows and listened intently, hoping it would lead to a conversation about Boone’s past and his life-changing problem he wouldn’t discuss.

  “I got into a fight with Pryce,” he uttered, expecting her to be upset. He had seen the two of them become very cozy and suspected Pryce had told her about his feelings for her.

  She smiled, “I know.”

  Boone smirked, turned his head away, and tried to focus on the amusing program in the hologram. He suddenly felt ashamed about the fight.

  “Boone?” she asked as she waited for him to look at her. After a few moments, he did.

  “I don’t condone fighting but what Pryce did was very dangerous and stupid! And I told him that. Attacking Sabin and those two gunners alone was something only you would do. He was acting like you,” she huffed in disgust. Then she added, “Or acting like me,” she laughed. They chuckled for a moment.

  Suddenly, the amusing hologram was interrupted by a request from their rooms’ COM unit.

  COM: COM for Boone Nova. Liana Nova in the city of Tela KaTura on the planet Kova is calling.

  Boone carelessly and quickly sat up, stunned. He then checked his arm to see if it moved or loosened from its brace. Then he glared at Callie and Terra, speechless and contemplating his conversation with his mother – a conversation a High Guard Investigator should not hear.

  “Boone! Answer it!” Phia ordered.

  Phia quickly appeared, having overheard the commotion. Boone looked at her and was dumbfounded that she rudely entered the room to hear the conversation. She boldly strolled over to the COM and nervously and quickly ran her hand over her head and through her long blond hair.

  “If you don’t respond… uh, right now… I’m… um, I’m going to!” she blared.

  Boone, still flabbergasted, said, “COM… uh… uh… mom?”

  A kind and pleasant-faced woman with light brown hair nearly touching her shoulders answered. She carefully wiped at a tear in the corner of her eye.

  “Boone? Is that a hospital bed?”

  “Mom! Uh, yes. But, I’m fine! How are you?” he asked.

  Tears started streaming down his face. He used his left arm to cover his whole face, unable to contain the overwhelming swell of emotions. His mom looked on with tender admiration.

  Phia quickly grabbed some tissues and brought them to him. She glanced at Terra and noticed she too was in need of tissues. Phia brought some over to her.

  She asked Terra, “You’re as happy about this as he is? Boone? Talking to his mom?”

  “Lieutenant,” she quietly uttered. “This is the first time they’ve spoken in over seven years.”

  Phia turned and gazed at Boone and his mom chatting. She then remembered what she had read about him on Kova and what Lorin had told her. “His past… why he left… oh, my! Boone, why so long?” She brazenly walked over to Boone and stood next to his bed, listened intently to every word, and started engaging in the conversation. Phia picked up the COM control device and
expanded the hologram so his mom could view the entire room on her end.

  In one corner of the room, she saw a young woman – a nurse with long dark-red hair and soft brown eyes. She had a tiny holo-device in her hand reading something. In a bed next to Boone lay another woman. She had long shiny black hair, though her head was partially wrapped in gauze as was one of her arms and a leg. Standing next to Boone was another young woman. She was very beautiful and she had long blond hair, a shapely figure, a big smile on her face, and she was wearing a uniform. She also noticed the investigation emblem that lay just above her name – Sa’vo.

  “Well, Boone, look at the ladies you’re entertaining!” she chuckled.

  “Mom, can you call back? When I’m alone? I’ve got a lot of…”

  Phia cut him off. “Hello! Mrs.… uh, Nova?”

  “Hello,” Liana answered.

  Phia took over Boone’s conversation. He could only glare at her with astonishment. A feeling of great fear washed over him concerning his past and now his mother was standing in the room, glowing in front of them via a clear vivid hologram.

  “Ma’am,” Phia respectfully uttered. “I’m Lieutenant Phia Sa’vo, this over here is Investigator Terra Je’en, and this is his nurse, Callie. We have a lot to talk about.”

  “My, yes! It’s nice to meet some of your friends, Boone. Perhaps they can fill me in on what you’ve been doing. Now, Ms. Sa’vo, did you say, investigator?”

  “Mom,” Boone interrupted Phia.

  “Yes, Ma’am. Terra is an investigator and I am also an investigator – newly appointed, though.”

  “Yes, Lieutenant. I can tell by your uniform you’re a cadet in the High Guard. Congratulations on your promotion.”

  “It’s not really a promotion, Ma’am. I’ve been called to investigate…” Phia turned to Boone who was nearly fuming inside but hiding it very well. Phia recognized it. “Boone? Want to tell your mom what I’m investigating?” She smiled at him.

  Boone let his head fall back onto his pillow and let out a disgustingly loud and long grunt.

  “Boone?” Liana asked.

  Chapter 3

  Jok Ta’mian was dressed in his most prestigious attire standing inside the holo-chamber in his royal estate. A host of High Guard officers surrounded him. Since the news about a Nano-device surfaced – Boone Nova falling victim to a second attack, security measures were drastically increased among all the primes and high ranking High Guard officers and officials. Everyone became alarmed when Commander Dowey – the High Guard Investigation Commander on O'bipherion, reported that the Nano-device, according to Boone Nova, was originally intended for the primes. The Ganes Trek was listing in space and broken in half via an illegal laser. The Ganes’ 271 life pods were desperately trying to reach safety – the Sim-Sa Gale - unable to assist. The constellation and its bureaucracy were under attack. The Court of Primes was in another heated session.

  Jok addressed the court, “Primes, please grant me these allowances. Without a laser in which to defend ourselves…”

  Giban, once again, had to use his sound tool to quiet the court’s confusing verbal commotion. “Prime Jaku, you have the court,” he declared as he pointed to the prime of Arkitrosis.

  “Prime Ta’mian, are you suggesting we start amending these steadfast edicts we have established and quarreled about for many years? Weren’t they set in stone? And you are the proponent of the majority of them! We vowed never to allow lasers in combat… they will… you said… ‘Somehow, someway, reach the hands of the general population!’ We vowed the High Guard will rule and maintain the safety of the corridors and our Investigative Command will investigate all matters of crime. You allow Boone Nova to play the role of investigator! Absurd! You want us to amend…”

  “Jaku,” Jok carefully interrupted while motioning with his hands. “Stop yelling, please. Boone did not play the role of an investigator – he played the role of a friend searching the corridors for a friend. And he was accompanied by an investigator, don’t forget.”

  Prime Manias Rosen, a close friend of Prime Jaku and prime of Peridius - the 4th system, stood.

  “Jok, we cannot start amending these edicts. Once we allow lasers, once we allow civilians to investigate, once we allow changes to be made, whatever the changes are, we begin to undermine the very structure we have created. We all decided many years ago to end the constellation wars and end the self-governing system leadership, to usher in the Abdomanon High Guard, the new Court of Primes, and our prime leadership establishment. If we…”

  “Manias,” Jok replied. “Please do not give me a history lesson.” He glared at him. “Please do not lecture me about leadership. I was thee proponent of our Emancipation Declaration and the new system. Manias, please be seated for a moment. I request to make an argument. I wish to speak to all of you about our present leadership. How many of you are willing to hear me out and consider my argument? I have something I’d like to… to… get off my chest, for lack of a better phrase. If so, please stand.”

  Ethan Pierce, the 1st prime of Kova stood, Koen Jale, 2nd prime from Pereon stood, Jaku Vanous, 3rd prime from Arkitrosis sat, Manias Rosen, 4th prime from Peridius sat, Armetius Dorn, 6th prime from Xeraxes stood and Jen’okar Fi’amin, 7th prime from Axeon stood. Jok patiently gazed at Jaku and Manias until they finally stood.

  “Thank you, primes. Please be seated and I’ll promise not to be long.”

  Jok took out a holographic reader and began to read his prepared argument.

  “Afterward, Primes, you decide the best course of action…

  “Action… action is what I am asking for. It seems I should recall all that has happened in the past weeks: the teleportation device was stolen, my scientists killed, my abduction, and that, by-the-way, may be the first…” Each prime gazed at one another considering the statement, realizing the possibility. “We have made edicts and those edicts were very relevant to a particular time and place. The time: nearly eight years ago; the end of the constellations wars. The place: a constellation once made up of self-governing planets, now unified. Those edicts were relevant for then, Primes. We now live in a different time and place.

  The time: the rising of a new foe, an adversary that stalks carefully, an adversary that studies the movements of our battlecruisers, they meticulously measure our defenses, they attack and abduct people and officials at the most opportune time. A place: where spatial corridors are now overrun by lawlessness, two women in a cargo ship, defenseless, attacked and decimated in space. A prime and his daughter abducted in order to hold the constellation ransom. A compound on one of your planets, Prime Jaku, Ta’Jeon – harboring these insurrectionists. A moon in the Capseon System blown to pieces, a city brutally strafed without regard to schools, medical facilities, rescue, and everything else including people sleeping in their homes. Now these pirates, according to my friend, Boone Nova, have plotted against us… Primes, and in every corner of the constellation, and their compounds are on every planet now. We live in a different time and place – our Sim-Sa Gale cannot rescue those 271 life pods unless it has a laser mounted into its hull… immediately. And I mean immediately. The Ganes Trek does not belong to O'bipherion, it belongs to all of the planets and it belongs to all of you. Ask yourself this question… do any of you have family in one of those pods? Do any of you have business or shipment on that cargo ship? I’m reminded of Boone Nova’s bold question… spoken here while Sabin and his pirates were strafing Copiannis… while it was burning… Boone asked and I quote,

  ‘Sirs, I ask the court to allow these considerations and special allowances in the case of extreme duress and life threatening situations. Although Cumi Bak-Suna did not have teleportation, she very well could have used her gamma weapon on us, on the Sim-Sa Gale, Abdom Center… anyone, for that matter! I believe it is wrong to punish us for saving the lives of… thousands and thousands. Maybe millions or billions!’

  “End of quote. I am finishing my argument now and asking for allowances
to be made immediately and in the event of extreme duress – the duress I have just stated. These allowances could be conditional, temporary or otherwise.”

  Jok finished reading his hand-held device and looked at the court. Every face was in disbelief as Jok recalled the recent horrific events. Jaku was the first to request a vote for certain allowances and the suspension of certain edicts. The other five primes quickly granted him his request and decided to meet again soon in order the set limitations and conditions to the allowances. They immediately sent word of their decisions to Commander Kapavon on the Dorian Surge, Captain Eisen on the Sim-Sa Gale, and Fleet Commander Mar’Ki J’Dar – acquire and mount a laser on the Sim-Sa Gale in order to defend themselves against the overpowering Ambulas.


  Sabin stole a hand-held COM device so the three of them could monitor as much of the recent news they could. He and the two pirates that helped him escape were still disguised in High Guard uniforms and they were hiding underground in the maintenance and plumbing sections of the Karkavon Medical building. Sabin was waiting for the best opportunity to locate and eliminate Boone Nova. The two pirates had explained to him that Kwelling and an associate of his were doing that. They insisted that Kwelling had other plans for Sabin but as they made their escape they saw the news flash on every hologram they passed – ‘Long Time Thief Jurias Kwelling – Captured!’ Sabin refused to leave the medical building knowing Boone Nova was still alive.

  As they sat in an empty room deep within the medical building, they discovered the constellation’s chief investigator, Lincoln DeKator, was in Karkavon searching for those responsible for the attack on Copiannis. They also learned the Ganes Trek was listing in space with its 271 life pods trying to reach safety, the High Guard just launched a fleet of ships – intergalactic runners, space gunners, large transports, and gunships - 471 ships total to rescue the life pods, the moon in the Capseon system was destroyed by a powerful gamma explosion, a second person was infected by Nano bugs, the Court of Primes issued a statement they were amending one of their edicts for safety reasons, and the evil space pirate, Hue Sabin, with the help of two imposters had escaped the confines of the High Guard Detention Center – a massive search was underway.