Cross Roads: Pick a Path Read online

Page 4

  One flash, one flash from the camera is all that it took for one of Miran’s henchmen to come of Hasini’s location. “Pack everything quick, we have to get out of here,” shouted Hasini. Trent standing motionless with his head down could not find his words. Pulling Trent by the arm Hasini did not want to leave without him, she knew getting caught would not end well for them.

  “Trent we have to leave! Now! Please come!” She screamed.

  “Hasini, I’m sorry,” replied Trent, holding his head low in shame.

  Something was wrong and Hasini knew it; there is no longer use in fleeing. Fate was no longer in her hands, and with a deep exhale she closed her eyes. The aggression was clear, but she was too consumed in fear to have a glance of her surroundings. No future is ever clear, but they do come with plans; the thing about plans is that they can be altered in an instant. Pushed to her knees, she heard the cries for freedom from the women held captive at the warehouse. With fear and sorrow striking war in her mind the tears found its way out.

  “Open your eyes,” demanded Miran.

  Miran’s sinful being was well dissolved in his voice. Hasini opened her eyes and was received by Miran standing at six feet in height; bald with a heavy beard, and a gruesome scar above his right eye his presence equivalent to that of a monster. Behind him were about twelve henchmen who were equally provoking fear in all. Bending down looking Hasini directly in they eye he began to speak.

  “Tell me, what exactly was your plan? Did you actually think you could just walk in here, to my place and expose my activities to the world? Do you really think of yourself as a hero? You know, occasionally some men come along and try to be the savior, and guess what it never works out for them. You’re the first woman to have actually even tried to bring down the Empire and for that I applaud you. Bravo! Hey, you know what? Take a look to your left; you see all those women standing there chained and beaten, were they the ones you tried to save? I want you to listen carefully; their fate is sealed, they are going to be passed around from man to man, generating me money and you can’t do a thing about it! You know what you’re quite the beauty yourself, maybe you’d like to join them?”

  “Please, I beg you. Let us go and I promise not to speak a word,” cried Hasini.

  Laughing hysterically, Miran took out his gun; walking towards some of the women chained to the side he grinned taking shots ruthlessly. While turning back towards Hasini he screamed, “Do I look like an idiot to you? Do I?” Grabbing Hasini by the hair he hauled her to the mirror leaning against the metal beam and smashed her head into it till the blood initiated flow. The blood ran but she remained awake to the horror as she tried getting up.

  “Grab her,” shouted Miran, looking toward his henchmen’s. With two animals lifting her by the arm Hasini was beginning to loss consciousness, and as the blood dropped her fate may have been sealed. Miran laughing psychotically sat on top of a table next to the now shattered mirror, wishing to see Hasini drowned, “Dump her,” he commanded. Dragging her hopeless soul, Miran’s henchmen began to dip her head into a glass tank of water.

  Hasini knew in her mind, times were coming to an end. She pleaded for her life, but there is no pleading that was going to save her from the insanity that is Miran. When faced with death we can do three things, hope you will live to see another day, worry about what comes after death, or you can simply embrace it. Hasini did not fight back the force of the henchmen; she calmly closed her eyes and thought about Arrun one last time. She knew her time was over, but in those moments she could not help but think of the life she could have had with him. Hasini could not help but think of how he will take it; will he move on? Can he take another loss? Memories came to her, and as she began to struggle for breath, she departed with a smile, with thoughts of Arrun gracing her mind.

  Stepping down from the table Miran spoke in secrecy to one of his trusted henchman, “Put her in the car and make it look like an accident; push the car off a bridge or something, no traces! As for the other three bodies, just bury them. Don’t forget to make sure Trent has an alibi, and get the rest of this girls story from him.”

  Breaking from his follower he turned towards the crowd of women, now trembling in horror; with one glance he let them know what happens when people come in his way.

  After making sure transport for the women was set, Miran took leave of the warehouse. Shortly after, Miran’s henchmen began commencing on his orders; Hasini now a soulless corpse was being carried to the near distance where her car was parked in secrecy. Then henchmen were extremely careful in making sure her death looked like an unfortunate accident.

  A couple miles from the warehouse there was a bridge, one that is never really busy. With the time being around 3am, it was the ideal time to end Hasini’s chapter. The time 3:23am, breaking through the concrete barrier Hasini’s car is now gradually making way towards the body of water. As history has proved, many who want to contribute to the world must face death early. At times the world loses a savior, but ones death at times has a bigger impact on another individual, over what they could have done for the world. It is a tragedy that true love had to die young; Hasini’s loss will surely have an impact on Arrun.

  Chapter 5 - A Tragic Beginning

  It has been such a long day; Hasini was busy with something so I decided to finish prepping for her surprise. After proposing to Hasini a few months back I thought it would be reasonable for us to live together. I was already earning more than I needed with my current job, and with the amount of money Sarah left for each one of us I was able to purchase a beautiful lakeshore condo in Toronto.

  Early in the afternoon I got hold of the key and the new place was beautiful, really modern looking. I liked the open flow of the condo, but what really sold me was the view. It was remarkably beautiful during the day, and I could only imagine what I was in store for at night, with the lights of the city shining bright. Initially I thought moving in was going to be a hassle, but with the help of the movers the job was a lot easier than expected. By the time midnight struck I was already settled in; the new appliances were in, furniture in place, and me oh my, my brand new TV had me confused if I could love Hasini the same.

  It was pretty late in the night when I stepped on to the balcony with my cup of coffee. Placing a cigarette between my lips, I had seen the best of both worlds. My condo was placed in an angle; so when I look to my left I have a beautiful view of the calm lake, resting easy with its roots, and no destruction by men. Towards the right was the view of buildings towering over one another; it’s weird that mankind usually destroys the planet, yet they can make a city of lights seem just as stunning.

  Though the city lights were marvelous, I stuck to what the Earth had to offer. The time 3:23am, glancing over the admirable water, with the combination of coffee and a cigarette, I was left thinking of the new journey I will embark on with my beautiful fiancée.

  Hasini was not going to know about my surprise for her till the morning, and seeing how she probably would not even call this late into the night I should probably sleep.


  I was only asleep for a few hours before I started receiving an abundant of calls. They were from an unfamiliar number, so I ignored it. It continued. Though after some time I was not able to deal with the annoyance, nor was I able to sleep. However when I answered the call I was immediately placed to shock, it was from a Staff Sargent John Collins.

  “Hey Arrun, this is Staff Sargent John Collins calling. I hate to be the one to break it to you but there has been an accident. We were able to retrieve a phone from the scene, with a number last dialed to you. Do you know a Hasini Ravichandra?”

  “Yes! Officer she’s my fiancée! Is she okay? Where is she?” I inquired, already thinking the worst.

  “Arrun, I need you to remain quiet for a brief moment and hear what I have to say. Sometime last night, possibly early in the morning Hasini’s car crashed into the barrier of a bridge, eventually submerging under water. Hasini seemed to have sustai
ned serious trauma to the head, and suffocation from being trapped under water. My apologies Arrun, but we were too late. By the time we came to know of the incident, Hasini had already passed. We currently transported her body to St.Micheals Hospital and would like for you to come there, so we can speak in further detail.”

  “Arrun! Arrun? Are you there?” called out the officer.

  No, it isn’t possible. It has to be a sick, cruel joke right? My body felt numb, my phone surged to the ground, and I dropped to my knees. It was hard trying to gain breath, I did not want believe it. I didn’t believe it; I rushed to St.Micheals Hospital, the whole time praying for that phone call to be a prank. Walking through the emergency doors, a cold chill devoured my body. I never felt this fear before, I wondered if anything can scare me more.

  I never liked the environment of hospitals, a place of life and death; a hospital is the perfect explanation of what lays between heaven and hell. There were strangers everywhere, some mourning a loss, some in queue for death and life, and some celebrating new arrivals. Then there was me, torn in confusion; hoping for something that probably just won’t go my why. Receiving a light tap on my shoulder, I turned to an officer.

  “Officer, don’t say it. Please, I beg you! What the fuck are you doing! This isn’t funny; this is a sick-fucking joke isn’t it! Officer, I can’t take it, please just tell me it’s a lie. Please! Of course it’s a lie, I mean I was going to surprise her today. I bought a beautiful condo, we were going to marry and start a beautiful life together. She can’t be gone, she just can’t. You’re lying! Tell me she’s there behind those doors, with her beautiful smile; she’s testing to see how much I love her, right? She’s everything to me, if she’s gone…”

  “Arrun! Get yourself together! I need you to walk with me, it is going to be hard, but you have to deal with it. She is gone!” Shouted the officer, as I stared upon him; still hoping for everything to work in my favor.

  With ever step we drew closer to the truth, my denial was beginning to fade. I knew what lies ahead will not be easy to handle, but I needed to know. Surging past the officer, unable to hold the negative anticipation I forced through the doors. With corpses lying lonesome, Sargent John Collins grasped me. He pulled me back and walked me towards a figure covered under a white cloth.

  My hands nervously shivered, making pace towards the cloth I did not want the truth. Pulling it over, thousands of emotions filled my thoughts, but I was not able to speak. A tear dropped, and emotions began to pour.

  “No, No, No, Hasini…No! Hasini, talk to me! Please! Hasini, smile Hasini, I don’t want to see you like this. I need you Hasini, Hasini! We were meant to grow old together; you can’t leave me before we begin our lives. We were going to have children, a son as amusing as me, and a daughter as beautiful and loving as you. How am I to keep going now, without you? Hasini, please!”

  “Arrun, we need to go now,” said officer John Collins.

  I wasn’t able to bear it; I rushed back out the door. I was angry, emotions took over, and I was punching walls, smashing everything in sight. The officer was the one to bring me down; he took me to the floor and shouted, “Arrun! You need to calm down!” Hasini was gone, but I was the one who felt soulless. Life no longer had a purpose, and things were never going to be the same.

  Chapter 6 - Life Had Other Plans

  Three months passed since Hasini left my life, and things never found their way back into place. I constantly visited the bridge where the accident took place, staring endlessly over the body of water that took her away from me. Today was no different; I stood over with a flask of whisky trying to forget. Forgetting was never a reasonable option, how do you forget love that was real. At most, all I was able to do is try and keep my mind off it, even if it were temporary.

  It was hard; it was hard to believe how things flipped upside down so quickly. You never get warnings before accidents, and I knew it, but I just could not accept it. With every ticking second I remember looking into her eyes and feeling whole; her parting completely broke me.

  At first I was ready to walk alone

  Keeping the anticipation of a long journey in thought

  A journey I was confident of boarding alone

  Without my desire

  She came

  Standing shoulder to shoulder at the entrance of darkness

  With every moment that passed on our journey we grew closer

  The darkness became brighter

  I was able to see life in a different light

  The missing piece

  Right there

  The middle of it all

  She left

  Making the light a darkness

  Once again

  Leaving me to question it all

  Why? Why come, to go

  Standing unable to move back or forward

  Lost in the woods I must remain

  Until I forget

  But will I ever?

  Days passed; I often found myself sitting on the floor of my condo, leaning against the wall with alcohol as my only companion. My family has often tried to get me back to being the Arrun they love, but the Arrun the world once knew died the day Hasini stopped breathing. I wasn’t even able to close my eyes without her presence aching my soul, and as much as it hurt, it helped.

  It didn’t take me too long to close the entire world out; at first alcohol was the companion. Soon the presence of a dark room made things easier. The slash in my mind became worse, and forgetting never seemed so difficult. At times I could not even bare it; I needed more help. My family was always there for me in times where I needed to talk, but I simply did not want to associate with the rest of the world. Drugs; never thought I would even have the thought of turning to them again some day, but it did seem like a reasonable escape. I have smoked marijuana back in high school, and university, but back in those days it was more of a stress-reliever. Now I just want it so I can forget, and maybe remember the good.

  In the rare occasions I stepped out of the condo, I observed a man who clearly had his hands on marijuana. I once overheard someone call him Remone, after a few days of observing his actions I decided to walk over and speak to him.

  “Hey man, are you selling?” I asked.

  “What are you, a fucking fed,” asked Remone.

  “No, just someone who needs to get his mind off a few things,” I replied.

  “I’ve seen you observing me lately, you’re creepy as fuck dude. I don’t know if I can trust you,” replied Remone in a hesitant tone.

  “So you do have, come on man; I really need it. Shit just hasn’t been easy for me. I’ve got money bro, I promise. You’re the first person I’ve even spoken to in a while.” I pleaded.

  “You just get creepier by the second don’t you. So you’ve got a problem eh? Why don’t you explain that a bit?” He asked.

  “My fiancée died in a car accident three months back! I can’t get my fucking mind off her! I didn’t come here to be your fucking friend, are you going to sell to me, or what? Cause I’m sure I can find someone to take my money,” I shouted.

  “Chill bro, chill! Damn, I didn’t see that coming. All right man, you do seem to be having it rough, here’s three deagles, on me. Next time I won’t be showing you pity, I will need the money,” replied Remone, while he slowly handed me some marijuana.

  Walking away from Remone, I decided to make a quick stop at the local liquor store. Whisky is what I often drank; it was always strong enough to get me drunk. When I made way to the cashier she took a look at me, she was a fairly elderly women. “You could use a trim and shave son, you’d get all the ladies going crazy,” she commented, with smile. She was kind, and she reminded me of Sarah so I was able to front a fake smile. I noticed my change when I wasn’t even able to say a simple thank you, I am far from the person I once was.

  It didn’t take me that long to roll up the marijuana as soon as I made it back to my condo on the twenty-sixth floor. With first draw, the smoke swished its way do
wn to my lungs. Captivating me from inside, my mind tangled into a million thoughts; and as I took continuous draws, the thoughts began to process. Clouds of smoke filled the room, and leaning back on my couch it was kind of beautiful watching the clouds drift as the sea.