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Cross Roads: Pick a Path Page 3
Cross Roads: Pick a Path Read online
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The big moment, as Akil grasped hold of the thread bringing it around Rohinis neck he began tying the first of three knots. Rohini held both her hands palm to palm and I saw a tear drop down her cheek, as her eyes came towards me I tried my best to not shed a tear myself, she looked beautiful. With a hand on Rohini’s shoulder, Hasini too was looking towards me. While she was looking at me with her smile I had a wild thought of one day having the chance to marry Hasini, keeping her for myself. With the third knot the confetti began to fly, my three brothers jumped in joy, while Asha hugged Rohini tight. Emotions were flying everywhere, I felt Hasini wrapping her arm around me, leaning her head against my shoulder. Smiling with a glance at Hasini I turned to have a look at everyone in celebration; this moment was irreplaceable.
Celebration continued through the day and by nightfall it was time to party. We sat around the bar as a family, the same bar where I met Hasini for the first time. Ironically both Hasini and I were sitting in the same spot we were before. I’m just hoping that this time around she doesn’t tear me apart with her “kind” words. The drinks flowed over laughs, along with cheesy speeches from all the members of the family. The best time of the night came when we hit the dance floor, I may not be so great talking to the ladies, but I can sure as hell impress them on the dance floor. We danced to our hearts content; with ten minutes remaining the DJ began playing music for the couples. For most of us it was our queue to take a seat; Rohini and Akil sharing a moment of their first dance, Asha with her boyfriend, Benny with some random girl he sweet-talked, and Mahat and Thiru were far too busy at the bar once again.
I took a seat next to Hasini at one of the empty tables on the side of the dance floor. “Aren’t you going to ask me to dance,” she questioned. I can’t believe I didn’t even think of asking her! For a moment I gazed at the dance floor, and then held grasp of her hand. With a gap between the newly wed and us I put my hands on her waist as she wrapped her arms around my neck. With the night sky glowing of bright stars, the dance floor was becoming packed with couples in every direction. Though my full attention was on Hasini alone. In that moment I felt the presence of no one around us, it was only she and I accompanied by the stars and the moon. “Brittle Pieces,” by Zemmy was playing in the back; with the music creating the right atmosphere I saw it for the first time. Her eyes glowed of something different, something I haven’t seen in all others. I had the urge of thinking that she felt the same way as I did, but I can’t find the courage to ask till I knew for sure. Ten minutes in length, I felt like I was dancing with her for an eternity.
The DJ played the concluding song of the party. Everyone ran back on to the floor jumping and screaming, but Hasini and I remained grasped to one another with no reaction to everyone going crazy around us. Asha and Rohini were the ones to first bump into us. Bringing us back to reality, and with a glance at one another she drifted away with the girls. On the middle of the dance floor I stood, with both my hands against the back of my head feeling more alive than ever. I watched as Hasini would constantly turn back and take glances back at me; it was just an amazing feeling. My brothers including Akil soon circled me; I tagged along with them, and danced like a bunch of crazy people.
When the party commenced it was about 3:15am, and you could see the tiredness among all. Countless people started making their way back to their respective hotel rooms. I stood there for a moment with Benny, Mahat, and Thiru having a smoke. Among the crowd of friends stepped forward Hasini; coming toward us she asked me, “Heading back upstairs soon?”
“You three don’t mind if I head back with Hasini right?” I asked, hoping my brothers won’t be upset.
“No you go ahead, we’re probably going to go sleep too,” replied Thiru
Making our way back to our rooms we remained moderately quiet; neither one of us broke the silence till we made our way to the elevator.
“Great wedding, right?” I asked unable to bare the peace.
“It was amazing,” responded Hasini with enthusiasm.
“I’m actually pretty drunk, I don’t even remember drinking that much though,” she shouted.
Looking at her with a smile I responded, “Oh trust me, we all drank plenty enough today.” Continuously blabbing away she thought she might have trouble finding her room, so I accompanied her all the way to the door. Once she walked in, I turned towards the direction of mine.
“Going back to your room already?” She asked.
Turning back towards her I asked, “Why, is there something you had in mind?” We laughed for a brief moment reversing the roles from the night before. She stepped into the bathroom to change; I took my blazer off and loosened my tie before getting comfortable on a couch next to her bed. When she came out she took seat on the bed, and we continued talking of the moments through the day; even our dance. An hour in I thought I should maybe hint how I feel, just to see her reaction, and so I did.
“Its funny how we just met yesterday, or the night before; though I don’t remember the incident much. But I feel like I’ve known you my entire life, and that probably never happens for many people. The sight of you standing under the moonlight remains in my eyes, and now I have the imprint of your beauty when we shared a dance. I’ve met a lot of girls, many of whom I’ve even tried dating, but none of them were able to make me feel anything special. You did, and I don’t know how you pulled the string but I am in no way able to let you go. I was never able to see my birth mother, and then a year ago I had to lose the mother who never let me feel at loss. After you came along all that heartache I had locked up disappeared, leaving life nourishing me from within. You know you could say some.”
I didn’t realize that I was looking down while pouring my thoughts to her. When I took a glance towards her she was fast asleep. It was such an annoying but amusing moment, I finally gained the courage to express myself and she’s asleep; just my luck. Lying on her side, with her back turned towards me she slept, more beautiful than sleeping beauty herself. Turning off the night lamp to our side, I took rest on the couch.
Chapter 3 - About Time
Freshly brewed the smell of coffee made my morning rise calm. “Good morning,” Hasini greeted; she was already showered and in the midst of packing for our flights later in the afternoon. It then hit me that we’ll all be catching flights in a few hours, and we’ll be heading back to our daily routines. It was a blessing to not wake up with a hangover, considering the amount of partying we did last night. While she topped off her packing I quickly made way into my room and threw everything into a suitcase; after all I was going to go home and throw everything around my room anyway.
I was in such a rush, all just to spend time with Hasini. After showering and getting ready for the day I sat on my bed taking down the remaining sips of the coffee Hasini brought me. Waiting for her knock at the door I sat wishing she heard the things I had to say last night. It was just my luck that she had to fall asleep while I vented my feelings, but its not like I won’t get another chance. I have to tell her again, if I don’t I may risk losing her; that wasn’t an option.
“Don’t you lock your room? You’re going to get raped!” Shouted Hasini.
“You’ve got jokes,” I replied in my sarcastic tone. Dragging her out the door with me, we made way to the buffet; I was starving. The rest of the guys were already seated at a table. There wasn’t any room for us at the table, so Hasini and I took a seat at another table for two. We had a pleasing conversation; she even proposed we hangout sometime when we’re back in Toronto. I felt elated with the exchange we had over the breakfast buffet, though my mind would partially regret every passing moment where she didn’t know how I felt.
Time turned quickly, and a weekend of memories was about to end. Waiting for cabs to the airport we took seat in the hotel lobby. Rohini and Akil were about to head off on their honeymoon; the rest of us will be back to our boring jobs and regular routines. It took about thirty minutes, but the first cab showed up with room for four people. W
ith others willing to wait Rohini, Akil, Hasini, and I were the first on our way to the airport. The drive to the airport consisted talks of the memories we made this past weekend; upon arriving I was first to be out unloading luggage from the trunk. Hasini remained alongside myself while Rohini and Akil made way to get their boarding pass.
“Last night, in the hotel room; I heard everything you said,” she said.
My eyes pound open with an unstoppable beat within my heart; it was disbelief. She calmly grabbed her luggage and rolled it away with a smile, while I was left feeling remote from my body. Clicking back in I grabbed my bags and ran behind her.
“Hasini, STOP!” I shouted.
“You heard everything? So you weren’t asleep?” I asked, extremely curious.
She stood with a continual grin on her face; it was pure torture. I needed to know; looking down at her passport and ticket she once again calmly drifted her head side to side. Stepping closer to her, standing eye for an eye I asked, “Hasini, What are you thinking? I need to know what you’re thinking.”
“That day when you tried talking to me at the bar for the first time, I was pissed at you. In those moments, I really did not feel like seeing your face. After realizing you were Rohini’s brother, I found myself laughing in my room, all alone. It’s been quite a while since I laughed like that. From that moment till the instance you saw me standing by shore your face kept popping in my head. Then later that night when I was walking back towards the hotel, I hoped for you to call me back, and you did. I find it very difficult to tell people about the struggles I’ve faced, but in your presence it came without my notice. I put my trust in you faster than I can do with any other. Though our dance is when I knew I completely fell for you. Even when lying in my bed I pretended to sleep in hopes you’d say something, and once again you made my hopes come true. I don’t want this trip to be the end of our journey.”
Grasping Hasini close with no distance to spare I saw it in her eyes once again. This time around I wasn’t going to let my chance go; I kissed her, something I wanted to do this entire weekend. Letting breath go slowly she remained embraced to me; for the first time I felt love.
“Aren’t I just like cupid?” Interrupted a voice.
It was Rohini, it seems as if this were her intention the whole time. If I didn’t love my sister enough before, I sure as hell am thankful for her being now. If it weren’t for Rohini, Hasini and I would have probably been two people who never got off to a great start. By the time all four of us got our boarding passes the others arrived from the hotel. Their reactions after seeing Hasini and myself together were quite priceless; Thiru, Mahat, and Asha were glad I was finally able to find someone who taught me to love. Then there was Benny; he had a real hard time trying to figure out how she liked me.
“You? She likes you? Man, this is unbelievable; no offence bro but how can anyone fall in love with someone like you? You got no game!”
What an annoying creature he was, but it was amusing in its own way. If I were to actually analyze it even I’d be curious. Hasini did though, and to me that’s more than enough. My flight back to Toronto won’t be an easy one; Hasini being a journalist is taking flight to India to cover a story, and she won’t be back for a few weeks. Knowing that she’s mine is relieving enough to help me pass through the next few weeks. Hasini’s flight happened to be before the rest of ours; saying goodbye wasn’t easy but it wasn’t forever.
Those weeks weren’t easy, but being able to talk through video call accompanied by my time spent at work the weeks flew. When she was back we began what I hoped to be a lifetime of memories.
Before we knew it, a year passed with the same love between us. A year together and yes, we did have our fights; some were nasty but we were always able to get through it. Our relationship worked so well because we were never ones to act like high school kids in love. In majority our time spent together was better defined as friends in love. In fact since that weekend in the Dominican we haven’t really expressed our love in words.
The day October 12th 2012, I invited Hasini to a spot she once took me a few months back. It was a place where Hasini’s father took her as a child to watch stars and the moon. After the passing of her father her uncle also took her there at times when she’d cry trying to forget. She loved that place; it’s where she’d go to find peace in mind. It was around 10:00pm and when we arrived the water was already glistening with moonlight amidst the significant amount of stars. Standing near the edge of the cliff the atmosphere was just right. I dropped on one knee, as she stood stunned.
“We’ve only been together for a year, but a year in the world you take me to feels like a lifetime and a lifetime is exactly what I want to spend with you. I’ll never be great at expressing my feelings and you know that. But here, at this place where the most important men of your life have protected you I ask, can I be lucky enough to join their company? Hasini, I love you. Will you marry me?”
“Yes, Yes, Yes! Holy shit! Of course I will! “ Screamed Hasini.
After placing the ring on her finger she tackled me with tears of thrill running down her cheeks. With a breath of fresh air I felt relieved; I may have cheated a bit though. A few months back Rohini told me about a conversation she had with Hasini. One about the possibility of marriage in our future, with hints roaming in the air I felt all my thoughts toward tonight’s decision were well worth it.
Everyone back at the house already knew that I was going to propose to Hasini so it didn’t come as a surprise when we walked into the house together. Similar to the day Rohini and Akil made their big announcement; we once again popped champagne in celebration. Times were great, and the bond of family was irreplaceable. Standing amongst family, I found myself wishing for all the hard times to be over.
Chapter 4 - Good Things Come and Go
Four months since the announcement Hasini and Arrun decided to put off the wedding plans for a year or so. Hasini had a huge story to cover, one that needed the attention of a global audience; she needed the space and time. A few months back after the trip to the Dominican, Hasini left for India. What she found there was a story for the ages. Being a journalist you can only dream of some day getting hold of such. When she came back from India, she became somewhat obsessed with exposing the story. She never told anyone about the story, minus her co-workers; some wouldn’t care, others couldn’t be trusted.
While in India she stumbled upon a story, one of Marona Duranjis son, Miran. Miran is the youngest of Maronas two sons, the other being Verone. Verone was quiet and much more reserved when it came to violence, nothing like his father. Then there was Miran, completely reckless and Maronas favored son. Miran is second in head after his father when it comes to leading the criminal activity. He was responsible for many of the murders, child trafficking, and drug circulations around the world. Yet his actions are not known to most, but why would they be? Ninety-five percent of the world’s population did not even care for the stranger next to them. Hasini was different; she was part of the special five percent that dreamt of making a difference in the world. Journalism was her tool to make things right, and once grasping hold of this story she turned all attention towards it.
A lot of important people turned their head the other way when it came to criminal activity orchestrated by the Duranji’s, but Hasini is one for the people, and she kept tabs on all events led by the family. According to the word she received, Miran was in Toronto. Kidnapped women were to get transported from Canada back to India to be sold to the wealthy. Violence against women has become a major concern in India as of late, and the leading cause of it is because of men like Miran. The location of the warehouse was quite sketchy, but it was her only chance to get the job done. Catching some footage or quality pictures will put an immense hole in the Duranji Empire.
Driving up to the warehouse her safest way to capture photos would be through the consuming forest. With the time of the sky in her hands it would be easier for her to c
apture everything unnoticed in the dark. Among the trees and bushes it would be greatly difficult for one of the henchmen to notice being documented, or so she thought. Hasini was not alone on this, she brought along her partner Trent. However what she did not know is that Trent was not one to trust. Miran is not someone who would have loose ends lying around, and buying Trent’s loyalty did not come at any difficulty.