Bossy Bastard: A Hero Club Novel Read online

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  “Your mouth… I need your mouth on me.”

  “That’s my girl.” The corners of my lips turn up as I bear down on her piece of heaven, sucking her clit into my mouth. She releases a long, drawn-out moan as her back arches off the counter. She tastes so sweet.

  It’s been over six years since I’ve gone down on a woman. And, I’m not sure if I’ll ever get my fill of this one. The more I have of her, the more I seem to want.

  Emma’s hands slide into my hair, and she tugs on the strands when I latch onto her clit with ravenous ferocity.


  Fuck, I love hearing her say my name like that. I want to own and possess every inch of her.

  “Tu es à moi.” You’re mine.

  My mouth and tongue work her over as I slip two fingers into her heat. When I rock them inside her, hitting her sweet spot, she cries out and arches off the countertop. The beautiful sounds that continue to fall from her lips are like music to my ears.

  Drawing back, I blow hot air over her clit before sucking it into my mouth once more. Her thighs grip my head like a vice, and her legs begin to shake.

  She’s close.

  Swirling my tongue around, I scissor my fingers inside her, twisting them back and forth. She tugs on my hair again as her entire body starts to convulse, and she bucks against my face. I groan against her, and the vibrations send her over the edge.

  I smile against her flesh when she screams out my name. Her response is as wild as my passion is for her.

  My job here is done.

  I place a soft kiss on her inner thigh. “J’ai mal à être à l’intérieur de vous,” I whisper against her soft skin. I’m aching to be inside you.

  Emma lets out a breathy sigh as I stand to full height and lift her off the countertop. My knuckles graze her cheek after I pull her skirt back down. She’s all flushed from her arousal, and I already want her again.

  “Sit, I’m going to cook you dinner,” I say, lightly kissing her nose.

  “You can cook?”

  “Yes, Emma, I can cook. What kind of question is that?”

  “I’m just surprised, that’s all. You grew up with servants.”

  “As I said, I spent a lot of time with the staff while my parents were off having a life. I used to hang out in the kitchen sometimes.” I shrug. “One of their chefs taught me the basics.”

  “I’m impressed.”

  “That’s because I’m impressive.”

  “Of course, you are,” she says, giggling.

  I glance over at Duke, and he’s humping his pillow again. I flick my head in his direction.

  “Oh my God,” she says with a snort as she buries her face in her hands. “We’ve created a monster. We’re the worst parents ever.”

  I laugh. “We’re kick-ass parents.”

  “We’re perverted parents. Look what we just did in front of him.”

  “I’m going to hook him up.”

  “Hook him up how?”

  “You know, a booty call.” She laughs because she thinks I’m joking. “I’m serious. Our son isn’t dying a virgin, Emma. I won’t allow it.”

  “You’re nuts. What are you going to do, take him to a doggy brothel?”

  “Wiseass. Rosita, my housekeeper, knows a breeder. She’s going to make some inquiries for me.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “Of course, I’m serious. His manhood is in question here.”

  “I’m not sure if it’s a good idea. He isn’t well.”

  “If he can hump a pillow, he can—”

  “Okay, I get it,” she says holding her hand in front of her.

  I chuckle. “For someone who sucks cock like a porn star, you’re a little on the prudish side, Miss Phoenix.”

  She crosses her arms in front of her, pushing up those perky tits of hers. “I’m not prudish, Barclay.”

  I reach over the counter and lightly squeeze her cheek between my thumb and forefinger. “You’re cute when you’re mad. It turns me on.”

  Emma’s eyes narrow as she jerks back, tugging her face out of my grip.

  I get a semi.

  I rest my case.

  I’m smiling like a fool as I walk back to my car with Duke cradled in my arms. I dropped him off at the doggy spa this morning on my way to work and had him primped and pampered, ready for his hot date this afternoon. I even bought him a tiny tuxedo coat complete with a bowtie to wear. He’s dressed to impress. Those bitches aren’t going to know what hit them when he struts into the room looking all suave and shit.

  Rosita put me in touch with her cousin, who breeds Chihuahua’s for a living. She lives in Cerritos, which lies along the Los Angeles and Orange County border. It’s about a forty-five-minute drive from Hermosa, but I don’t care how far I have to travel to see this come to fruition. Emma doesn’t get it, but to me, it’s important. He can’t die only experiencing pleasure from a damn pillow.

  I place him on the front seat of the Range Rover and pull out my phone to snap a quick picture. “Smile for Momma,” I say.

  Duke’s head turns to the side as he stares up at me with his tiny rat face. He’s lost most of his teeth, probably due to age, and without them, his little tongue hangs out the side of his mouth which only adds to his cuteness.

  I’m surprised how much he’s grown on me over the past few days. I’ve adjusted way easier than I thought I would. I like having him around. Emma comes over after work to visit, which is my favorite part, but it’s nice having his company once she leaves. I’ve always enjoyed my solitude, but now I have them both, it seems to have lost its appeal.

  My ridiculously hot friend: Do I look handsome, Mom? Wish me luck on my hot date.

  I chuckle to myself as I attach the image. This entire situation is absurd, but fuck me if it doesn’t make me happy.

  Sweet-thing: Naww, he looks so cute in his tux. You’re the sweetest for dressing him up.

  My ridiculously hot friend: I thought we’d already discussed this. I’M NOT SWEET!

  Sweet-thing: LOL. You are to me. ;)

  I growl as I close the passenger side door and shove my phone back into my pocket.

  Fuck me!

  I’m not sweet.

  “Where’s Duke?” Emma says, practically busting through my front door and stepping around me.

  I point to his bed over by the window. The little guy is tuckered out. He slept all the way home from Cerritos, and after a big meal, he climbed straight back into his bed. You should’ve seen the strut on him when he was finished with the ladies. He was walking around like a Great Dane with balls the size of King Kong.

  It made me so damn proud.

  She rushes in his direction, so I reach out, snagging her wrist with my hand.

  What, no hello kiss?

  I’ve been looking forward to one all day.

  “Hey, is everything okay?” She spins to face me, and I see the tears now welling in her eyes. “Jesus, Emma.”

  I pull her into my arms, and she sniffles into my chest. “Mark called on my way here.” I try not to let her see that I’m bothered by Dr. Douchebag calling her. “Duke’s results are back.”


  My heart sinks. Her reaction tells me the news isn’t good.

  “He has a hemangiosarcoma, Ashton.” She sighs heavily. “It’s an aggressive cancer.”

  “Jesus.” I tighten my grip as I let her words settle in. My eyes move to Duke, and I’m surprised by the level of emotion I feel as I look over at him.

  “Without surgery, he may only have days left… a few weeks at best.”

  “I thought you said they couldn’t operate because of his age.”

  “They can’t. Mark said he could start him on a round of Chemo, which will only prolong the inevitable, but it will affect what quality of life he has left.”

  I draw back, cupping her face in my hands. The pads of my thumbs brush across her cheeks, wiping the tears that have now fallen. “I’ll do whatever you want. Money is no option.”

  A small smile tugs at her lips, but her sadness is unmissable. “I don’t want him to suffer,” she says, as a few more thick tears leak from her eyes. “I want whatever time he has left to be the best it can be.”

  I want that too.

  Emma glances at him over my shoulder, and I see a longing in her eyes, so I release her. I know she wants to go to him, and I watch as she takes a seat on the tiles beside his bed. Her hand gently skims over his fur. Duke’s eyes open, and he yawns before standing and stretching out his small body. She gathers him into her arms, hugging him close to her chest. A lump rises to my throat when I see her shoulders bob up and down as she silently weeps for her little buddy.

  Over the next few weeks, we dedicate all our time to Duke. He comes to work with me during the day where all the ladies in the office fawn over him, and Emma gives him all her time in the evenings.

  We take him for walks, albeit short ones because he’s become more lethargic of late. He’s gone for swims in the pool, we’ve visited the park, bought him ice-creams which he loves, and generally just showered him with love and affection.

  Dogs aren’t allowed on the beach here at Hermosa, but one night after dark, we snuck him down there to roll around in the sand—Duke even frolicked in the shallow water for a while. He seemed to love it.

  I can feel him slipping away from us. We’re still administering the medication to manage the pain and keep him as comfortable as possible, but as each day passes, I find myself becoming more and more anxious.

  We’re on borrowed time now.

  By the end of the week, our moods are somber. Emma’s spark has dwindled, and I’ve noticed her footsteps have become leaden. She told me over dinner that her chest feels hollow and tight. I’m worried about Duke, but equally about her. My ray of sunshine is no longer burning bright.

  It’s nine in the evening on Saturday, and the two of them are lying side by side on a rug in the main room. Their faces are an inch apart. Duke hasn’t eaten all day, although Emma did manage to get a small amount of fluids into his mouth via a plastic syringe. Other than that, he’s barely moved. He’s breathing has become labored, and he’s lost all his vitality.

  My heart is heavy.

  “Is it time?” I hear her whisper to him. “Have you had enough?” Her fingertips softly rub back and forth across his belly as he nudges her with his nose, followed by a gentle lick. “It’s okay to let go… it’s okay. I understand.” I look away and blink rapidly when I see a tear slip from her eye.

  Gaining my composure, I stand and walk to them, gently scooping Duke into my arms, then reaching a hand out to her. “Come.”

  “Where are we going?” she asks as I help her to her feet.

  “Bed. You’re staying here with us tonight.”

  “I… I—”

  “Don’t fight me on this, Em.”

  “I didn’t bring any clothes with me. I have nothing to sleep in.”

  I raise an eyebrow giving her a look. I’m totally down for her sleeping naked, but that’s not why I’ve asked her to stay.

  “You can wear one of my T-shirts.”

  We take the elevator. The entire top floor is the master suite—my bedroom, bathroom, and a large seating area. “Level four,” the voice recording says, and Emma playfully rolls her eyes at the grandeur.

  “Is this your bedroom?” she asks when we step out.


  She freezes. “I… umm, can’t sleep in here… with you, Ashton.”

  “You can, Em, and you will. Duke will be between us, so don’t worry. He needs us both with him tonight.”

  She pauses for a moment, contemplating what to do. “Okay.”

  When she doesn’t argue further, I’m stunned. She’ll do anything for Duke.

  Lying the dog in the center of the bed, I grab a T-shirt out of my drawer. Emma slips into the bathroom to change as I seat myself on the side of the mattress and wait.

  Despite how shitty I’m feeling, I still can’t control the way my cock reacts to her when she exits donned in my clothes. She’s so fucking sexy.

  Rising, I wait for her to approach before pulling her into my arms. We’ve barely shared any affection over the past week, except for a kiss hello or goodbye. I’ve missed her warmth—and her orgasms.

  My lips meet hers, and unlike the scorching kisses we’ve shared in the past, this one is soft and sweet, just like her.

  When we part, I pull back the covers, and she climbs in. She drags Duke further up the bed, and I turn off the light, strip down to my boxers and get in the other side.

  “Tomorrow, I think we should take Duke to see Mark. I can’t stand seeing him like this,” she whispers into the dark.

  I swallow hard with the knowledge of what that means. As much as I hate the thought, she’s right. It’s time. “Night, Duke,” I say, running my fingers over his coat before reaching for Emma’s hand. I entwine our fingers together. “Good night, sweet-thing.”

  “Good night.”

  It’s been over six years since I’ve slept beside a woman.

  The hours pass, and I’m still wide awake. It took a while for Emma to dose off, but in time, her breathing evened out, and I knew she was asleep. Duke makes a sound from beside me like a gasp for air.

  I run my hand over him, leaving it lying against his ribcage. “You okay, buddy?” I whisper. He gasps again. But this time when he takes in a breath, he doesn’t release it. I lie there unmoving as the seconds pass, all the while praying he’ll start breathing again, but he doesn’t.


  Pulling back the covers, I get up and reach for him. His limp body is cradled in my arms as I move swiftly toward the staircase, careful not to wake Emma. My heart is pounding out of my chest.

  I’m in shock.

  “Duke… buddy,” I keep saying, but he remains unmoving.

  I’ve always liked animals but never had an interest in having a pet. I’m surprised at how fulfilling my time with him has been. I tried my best to make his last days as comfortable as I could, but never dreamed I’d get so much more in return. At this moment, the loss feels overwhelming.

  I pad across the tiles when I reach the bottom level. The backlights under the kitchen cabinets illuminate the room enough for me to see where I’m going.

  Falling to my knees, I lay him in his doggy bed, his head resting on the pillow. I check again for any signs of life, but there’s none. My little buddy is gone. Emma is going to be distraught when she wakes.

  I grab the small teddy Emma brought, placing it beside him. “Rest in peace, little g-guy,” I say, my voice cracking as I speak. “I’m going to miss having you around.”

  Once I cover him with his blanket, I do something I haven’t done in six years—since the day I found Anastasia—I place my head in my hands, and I cry.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “Hey,” I say to Chance when I open the front door to let him in. It’s just after seven in the morning. As soon as he got my text, he came straight over.

  “Hey. How’s Em?”


  “I bet. Are you okay?” he asks.

  “Yeah,” I lie as I run my fingers through my hair. “I’m just worried about Emma.”

  It was after two when I finally went back up to the room. She woke as soon as I climbed into bed. The first thing she asked was, “Where’s Duke?” so I had no choice but to tell her. I held her as she sobbed into my chest. It shattered my heart all over again.

  “Understandably. I swung by the shelter on my way here and called the animal crematorium, they’re sending someone over to collect him.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate you doing that and for coming over. I had no clue what to do.”

  “It’s okay,” he says, reaching out and placing his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it. “I’m glad I could help.”

  “Do you want a coffee? I’m going to let Emma sleep for now.”

  “Sure, I’d love one.”

/>   An hour passes before the intercom chimes. Chance follows me to the front door where I see a middle-aged lady on the video screen standing by the front security gate.

  “Hello,” I say, pressing the button.

  “Hi. I’m from Pets at Peace. I’m here to collect Duke.”

  “I’ll buzz you in.”

  When I open the front door, I notice the white van parked in the street with their company logo inscribed down the side, my eyes then move to the lady walking up the front path. There’s a small black stretcher under her arm, a single rose and clipboard are clutched in her hand. I swallow hard, trying to dislodge the lump that’s now formed there.

  I’ve been glancing over at Duke’s bed all morning, hating the thought of his lifeless body lying underneath his blanket, all the time wishing they’d hurry up and take him away. Now that moment’s arrived, though, I feel sick about it.

  I’m not ready to say goodbye.

  “Hi, I’m Ashton,” I tell her when she reaches the top step. “And this is Chance.”

  “Oh, Chance, I spoke with you on the phone earlier.”


  “I’m Rhonda. I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “Thank you. Come in, Duke’s inside.” I step back, and Rhonda follows Chance into the house. “I’m going to go upstairs and wake Emma.”

  I don’t want to be in the room when they move him.

  “Okay,” Chance says.

  Taking the stairs two at a time, I’m now standing beside the bed, gazing down at Emma as she sleeps. She’s lying on her stomach, both arms are tucked underneath her head. Her long hair is fanned out on the pillow, and she has the cutest little snore. Her full lips slightly blow out from the force of the air as she exhales. I’m smiling as I watch her.

  She looks peaceful, and I wish I could leave her sleeping, but I know she’ll want to say goodbye. Today is going to be hard, and all I want to do is protect and shelter her from the heartache.

  I take a seat on the side of the mattress, gently brushing the hair back from her face. “Em,” I whisper.