Bossy Bastard: A Hero Club Novel Read online

Page 19

  “Thanks for lunch and my pie.”

  “Thanks for my orgasm,” she says, grinning sweetly.

  My eyes twinkle. “Thanks for mine.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Can I call you later to update you on the dog.”

  I just want to hear your voice.


  “Bye, Em.”

  “Bye, Ashton.”

  Giving the dog one last gentle caress before standing, she closes the door and walks around the car. My eyes don’t leave her until she’s out of sight.

  I exhale a large breath as I restart the car. “Looks like it’s just you and me, buddy.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  My ridiculously hot friend: We need to be careful what we do in front of him in the future.

  “Oh my God.” I laugh out loud as I lay in bed and watch the short video Ashton attached with his message. It’s of Duke, and he’s going to town, humping the tiny pillow in his bed.

  Sweet-thing: I very much doubt he could see what we were up to under the water. He’s never been around other dogs before… he’s probably just sexually frustrated.

  My ridiculously hot friend: Makes two of us.

  Sweet-thing: Three of us actually.

  My ridiculously hot friend: Christ Em. Are you trying to kill me?

  Sweet-thing: LOL. No, just stating the obvious. It’s been almost two years since I’ve had sex.

  My ridiculously hot friend: Now I’m as hard as a rock. I could always rectify that for you.

  My ridiculously hot friend: ????

  Sweet-thing: All good, I have Elijah remember.

  I’m laughing as I hit reply. I shouldn’t tease him like this, but he deserves it after what he did to poor Bob.

  My ridiculously hot friend: Stay the fuck away from Elijah, Emma. Don’t make me come over there.

  Sweet-thing: Relax. Elijah is still sitting in his box, unused.

  My ridiculously hot friend: So that day you weren’t getting your rocks off?

  Sweet-thing: No, I was out to lunch with Carla.

  My ridiculously hot friend: Fuck. I almost had a damn coronary that day. And here I am thinking you’re nice.

  I giggle at his reply.

  Sweet-thing: I am nice, but you deserved to be punished for what you did.

  My ridiculously hot friend: I’ll punish you!

  I clench my thighs together.

  Sweet-thing: Bring it on Barclay.

  I’m playing with fire here, but I can’t seem to stop myself.

  My ridiculously hot friend: Fuck! If I didn’t have Duke here, I’d be kicking your door down in under thirty minutes.

  Sweet-thing: Excuses… excuses.

  My ridiculously hot friend: Watch it, sweet-thing. You have no idea who you’re dealing with here.

  Another message quickly follows.

  My ridiculously hot friend: I’m so fucking hard right now, just thinking about the things I’d like to do to you.

  Geez. I fan my face with my hands. He makes me all hot and bothered.

  Sweet-thing: Don’t even think about relieving yourself, mister. Your orgasms belong to me now remember. Don’t make me come over there and break your fingers.

  I jump when my phone starts to ring.

  “I dare you to. Come over, I’m waiting,” he says the moment I answer his call.

  “You’re just trying to lure me over there.”

  “Possibly.” I can hear the mischief in his voice. “If you’re not coming over, maybe I need to take care of myself. I can’t sleep with this monstrosity in my pants.”

  I felt it today, monstrosity is a very fitting description.

  “Well, if you’re going to do that, maybe I should finally take Elijah for a spin.”

  “Don’t even think about it, Emma.”

  I laugh at his harsh tone.

  “Jesus, Duke’s at it again. He doesn’t seem too sick to me. Maybe he played us.”

  “He didn’t play us,” I say with a small laugh. “He looked close to death when I found him. It was awful.”

  “I bet. I’m sorry you had to see that. I wish I was more insistent about coming inside with you when I dropped you off.”

  “There wasn’t much you could’ve done even if you did.”

  “I could’ve been there for you.” My heart flutters at his sweet words. “Do you think it’s possible he’s never fucked another dog before?”

  “Ashton,” I gasp.


  “You could’ve worded it a little better.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with fucking, Em. Actually, we should try it sometime.” I hear him chuckle through the phone.

  “Get your mind out of the gutter, Barclay.”

  “My mind is always in the gutter where you’re concerned.”

  “Goodnight, Ashton.”

  “Night, sweet-thing. Dream of me.”


  I hang up before he has a chance to reply. A few seconds later, a message comes through.

  My ridiculously hot friend: Lies Emma… all lies.

  He’s right, they are.

  There’s a huge smile on my face as I place the phone on my bedside table and snuggle under the blankets.

  I close my eyes, and I know I’m going to do just that—dream of him.

  The morning light is poking through the blinds when I open my eyes, stretching out with a yawn. I look over at the bedside clock, it’s almost seven. Reaching over, I scoop up the phone and see there’s a message waiting for me.

  I’m smiling as I open it.

  My ridiculously hot friend: I woke up to this in my face this morning. I put his bed next to mine last night so he’d be close, and when I opened my eyes I found him crashed out on my pillow. He must’ve jumped up during the night. FYI, his breath smells like ass.

  Sweet-thing: Naww. Look at my little man. You’re the sweetest for bringing him to your room.

  My ridiculously hot friend: He’s NOT your man Emma, that position is filled… by me. And I’m not sweet, please refrain from referring to me as that in the future. Suave, debonair, sexy, hot… definitely hot, but sweet… NO!

  Sweet-thing: You’re sweet to me.

  My ridiculously hot friend: Emma!

  Sweet-thing: Ashton!

  Sweet-thing: How is he this morning anyway?

  My ridiculously hot friend: Aside from comfortable and well-rested, he seems good. I took him for a walk along the Strand and he ate his chicken and rice when we returned. I’m heading to work soon, but my housekeeper will be here and she’ll watch him for me today. And before you say anything, she has dogs of her own, same breed actually, so she knows what she’s doing. No need to worry your pretty little head about it. I wouldn’t leave our doggy son with just anybody.

  Sweet-thing: Our son?

  My ridiculously hot friend: We’re family now Em.

  Sweet-thing: Is that so?

  My ridiculously hot friend: Yes!

  My ridiculously hot friend: We’re all he has. It’s the three of us against the world.

  His reply puts a dreamy smile on my face. He can deny it all he wants, but he’s so damn sweet.

  The sweetest.

  Sweet-thing: I need to jump in the shower. Thanks for the update.

  My ridiculously hot friend: Need some help washing your back?

  Sweet-thing: I think I can manage, but thanks for the offer. ;) Enjoy your day, sweetie pie!

  I laugh when I press reply.

  My ridiculously hot friend: Grr… I’ll give you sweetie pie!

  It’s just after six in the evening when I pull up outside Ashton’s house. Butterflies flutter in my stomach as I punch in the security code he texted me earlier, so I can get through the front gate. He wasn’t sure if he’d be home by the time I got here, but told me to go in and make myself at home.

  I don’t feel right being here when he’s not.

  Hesitantly, I open the large black door and
enter. I only make it a few feet into the foyer when Duke comes bounding across the room. The shiny tiled floor has him slipping and sliding all over the place, which makes me laugh.

  “Hello, baby,” I coo, crouching down when he gets close. I scoop him into my arms and stand. His little tail wags as he licks my chin. It warms my heart to see him so happy, energetic, and unconfined.

  Striding further into the room, I notice Ashton, who’s watching us from the kitchen. My heart skips a beat as I take him in. He’s still dressed in his work clothes. His jacket and tie are draped over the back of one of the stools, and the first few buttons of his crisp baby-blue shirt are undone with the sleeves rolled up around his elbows. He’s leaning against the counter, his legs casually crossed in front of him.

  He’s insanely hot.

  I lick my lips as I head in his direction.

  Ashton’s eyes rake down my body as I near. It feels like there’s an imaginary rope connected to me as he draws me closer. I bend, placing Duke down.

  “Hi,” I breathe as I approach, my eyes locking with his.


  The moment I’m within reach, his fingers lock around my wrist as he drags me toward him. His other arm slides around my waist, pulling me closer. My body melts into his the second our lips connect.

  It’s a toe-curling kiss—deep, scorching, and delicious.


  I’m breathless by the time he releases me. “Wow, I’ve never had a greeting like that when I’ve arrived home before… well, not like this is my home or anything, but you know what I mean,” I say, quickly correcting myself.

  “Home is where your family is, Em. And you, Duke, and I are family now.”

  I brush my lips with his. “Sweetness overload right there, Mr. Barclay.”

  His brow furrows. “I’m not sweet.”

  “I beg to differ.”

  Pushing his pelvis forward, he presses his erection into my stomach. “Would a sweet man grind his cock against you, Emma?”

  “I think he just did,” I say, fighting a smile.

  “Fuck, woman, I’m not sweet.”

  “You are to me.”

  “Jesus, you’re frustrating.”

  Reaching out, I rub my hand over his crotch. “You’re right, you do seem quite frustrated.”

  “Like you wouldn’t believe.”

  “Need me to take care of it for you? Since your orgasms belong to me now.”

  A smile tugs at his lips. “Be my guest.”

  He unbuckles his belt before popping the button on his suit trousers and dragging down the zipper. I was teasing him, but it excites me that he wants to take me up on my offer. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about what we did in the pool yesterday. It gave me such a high to know I could get that kind of reaction from him. I’m not exactly skilled in the art of getting men off.

  My hand slides into his boxer briefs. I’ve never been so forward, but I don’t seem to have control of my body when I’m around him. It’s like it’s on autopilot. It does and says whatever it wants.

  “Emma,” he groans when my fingers wrap around his length. I stroke him a few times and get a thrill when his eyes roll back in his head. It spurs me on to go further.

  Before I can talk myself out of it, I fall to my knees.

  “Fuck,” he breathes as I tug his pants down around his thighs, exposing him fully.

  I’ve never seen a penis close up before, but my first thought as I take his in is perfection. Thick veins run down his engorged length as it hangs heavy between his legs. He’s so big, I’m not even sure it will fit in my mouth.

  Reaching for it, I wrap my fingers around it again. My hand seems small against his size. My thumb swipes over his pre-cum beading at the head, and I hear him hiss as my flattened tongue glides across the tip lapping it up. It tastes salty.

  “Em.” His hands slide into my hair as his head falls back. A primal growl erupts deep in his throat.

  “I’ve never done this before, so I’m probably going to suck at it.” I release a nervous laugh. “Pun not intended.” I glance up at him through my lashes and see a look of desperation on his gorgeous face.

  “Take me in your sweet mouth, I need to feel your lips wrapped around me.” It’s more of a plea than an order.

  My hand slides down to the base, my other cupping his balls as my mouth takes in the rest. I feel his body start to tremor as I work him over with my hands, tongue, lips, and teeth.

  Who is this person?

  It’s like I’m a crazed woman who’s been starved of dicks her entire life, feasting on it like it’s her last meal. I’m not even sure if I’m doing it right, but the way his body spasms and the feral noises he makes tells me he’s at least enjoying it.

  Ashton tugs on my hair as he starts rocking his hips forward, pumping into my mouth. “Fuck, Em, fuck,” he chants over and over again.

  His reaction turns me on.

  So much.

  I want to please him.

  I hum around him, clenching my thighs together as arousal sweeps through me. “Christ, I’m gonna blow.”

  I release my grip on his balls when he tries to withdraw, sliding my hand around to his ass, halting him. I didn’t come this far not to finish what I started. I squeeze his tight round butt cheek, and within moments, he comes apart. His body jerks as he roars out my name. I don’t stop until I’ve taken every last drop.

  His hands slide under my arms, dragging me to my feet. “You blow my mind,” he growls as his lips roughly take mine.

  Without releasing our connection, he backs me into the kitchen island before grasping my hips and effortlessly lifting me, lying me across the cold granite countertop. He inches my skirt up, and my heart starts to hammer in my chest. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to taste you. Tit for tat, Em. It’s only fair. You got to taste me, it’s my turn now.”

  “Ashton, I don’t know,” I say, suddenly feeling panicky.

  “Emma, relax. I just want to taste you. I won’t take it any further, I promise.”

  Once my skirt is bunched around my hips, he spreads my legs.

  “Jesus… fucking donuts,” he says, smiling.

  My cheeks heat when I remember the lemon cotton briefs I put on this morning. They had tiny donuts with pink icing strewn across them.

  Ashton dips his face between my legs as his thumbs hook in the sides. I moan when he inhales deeply as he runs his nose up the seam of my sex. “You smell amazing,” he says, and the pink in my cheeks intensifies. “Lift,” he encourages, tugging on my underwear before dragging them down my legs.

  He scrunches them in his hand, bringing them to his nose once more. “Your scent is addictive.” As hot and slightly disturbing as that is, I never pictured him as an underwear sniffer.

  “I’m keeping these,” he says, shoving them into his pocket.

  My eyes widen as I sit up. “No, you’re not,” I reply, mortified.

  Ashton grabs my legs and slides me to the edge, settling in between them. His expression softens as he cups my face. “I’m not Kyle Sanders, they’re for my eyes only. Trust me when I say I’d never do that to you. Besides, they have tiny donuts on them, Em. They’re symbolic to us. Donuts are our thing, it’s how we met. Please, can I keep them?”

  He brushes his lips against mine, and my heart melts a fraction more. But, as sweet as his declaration is, my head is still screaming no.


  “Why do I have trouble saying no to you?”

  “Because I’m irresistible, and you think I’m hot.”

  I laugh. He’s so full of himself. “You’re not, and I don’t.”

  He is, and I do.

  “Don’t lie to me, Emma.”

  I roll my eyes. “What are you going to do with them?”

  “Nothing, I just want to keep them. That way I’ll have a part of you with me always.”

  Gah! My heart.

  “Are you going to sniff them?”

; “You better believe I am.”

  “You’re sick.”

  He gives me a panty-melting smile and winks, totally embracing his deviant behavior.

  “Do you do that often?”

  “Nope, you’re my first.”

  My heart sores.

  I like that I’m his first.

  “Fine, you can keep them.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Gently laying her back on the countertop, I remove her high heels and place her feet on my shoulders. I’ve been fantasizing about doing this to her, and I can’t wait to dig in.

  I stand there for a moment taking her in. She’s never looked more beautiful than she does at this moment.

  My eyes meet hers, and although there’s a pretty pink blush on her cheeks, she’s smiling. I skim the pad of my thumb across her clit, and her body trembles.

  I observe her intently. As much as I’m dying to do this, I need to make sure she’s completely on board. I don’t want to force her into doing anything she’s not ready for.

  I glide my fingers through her slick folds, and she whimpers. I love how responsive she is to my touch.

  She’s so wet for me.

  “Are you sure?” I ask.


  Leaning in, I run my tongue from her inner thigh down to her knee before moving to the other leg. I repeat the motion, but this time with open-mouth kisses. I keep going until her body is quaking, and she’s near incoherent with need.

  “Please,” she begs.

  “What do you want, sweet-thing?” I ask, my voice calm and controlled. I need to hear her say it.