The sequel to Dead of Night, bringing back beloved characters Desdamona Fox and Billy Trout as they race against time to quarantine a zombie epidemic while caught in a military strike...
Stebbins Little School is full of bodies. It's unthinkable to Desdemona Fox. Children are sobbing as panicked teachers and neighbors beat down their family members outside of the school...or the things that used to be their family members. Parents don't eat their children do they?
Officers Fox and Hammond, along with journalist Billy Trout, are calling it the beginning of the end. This is the zombie apocalypse. An insane escaped serial killer is infecting Stebbins County with a deadly virus, and now the whole world is watching while Fox, Trout, and the remaining inhabitants of Stebbins fight for their life against...what? The undead? The President and the National Guard are ready to nuke Stebbins, PA off the map and cut their losses. But the infection is spreading and fast. Worse, the scientist who created the virus is missing. It's a numbers game as the body count rises; Fox has to contain the infected and evacuate the living before it's too late, and the clock is ticking...
Fall of Night, Maberry's nail-biting sequel to Dead of Night, picks up where the first novel left off—on a wild goose chase for a mad man and the missing scientist who gave him new "un"-life. Chilling, gory, and hair-raisingly scary, Maberry fans won't be able to read this fast-paced thriller with the lights off. Views: 378
Two fantasy short stories about people who are haunted by (and protected by) the unseen.The A side "Voice Like a Cello" was originally published in Fantasy Magazine, and was a Locus recommended pick for 2009.The B side, "Bear Country" is an award-winning story originally published in the print magazine Pagans and Witches.Two fantasy short stories about people who are haunted by (and protected by) the unseen.In "Voice Like a Cello," a woman who is tormented by the voices of the dead travels to France for her father's wedding.In "Bear Country," an artist living in the back country to get away from it all realizes that there's nothing protecting him from the wilderness but his art. Views: 377
In a Japan that never was ... Yamabushi Kaidan is a mountain monk with tremendous fighting ability and spiritual powers, Yumi is a brilliant but untested warrior, fighting for her village and her independence, and Kaidan's apprentice Akio is a gifted healer with a courageous heart, but can their combined prowess save the village of Kyuusai from the onslaught of the mysterious Smoke Dragon?In a Japan that never was ... Yamabushi Kaidan is a mountain monk with tremendous fighting ability and spiritual powers, Yumi is a brilliant but untested warrior, fighting for her village and her independence, and Kaidan's apprentice Akio is a gifted healer with a courageous heart, but can their combined prowess save the village of Kyuusai from the onslaught of the Smoke Dragon, an evil never before seen in the Autumn Valley?The Smoke Dragon is a Ditmar and Aurealis Awards finalist.The Adventures of Yamabushi Kaidan continue in The Mist Ninja. Views: 377
Shelly couldn't let Nicholas go. So she created a monster. And now, it's the monster who won't let go.Nick, the teenaged son of two scientists in the guinea pig group is sick of waiting to wake the sleeping colonists. There has to be something he can do about the boredom.A science fiction story for young adults. Views: 377
A horror comedy novella. (Editor's Note: Information contained within these pages is for entertainment purposes only. Please do not murder people because they have been bitten by "zombies".)Beaten and bloodied, a man wakes up in a cell. He doesn't know how he got there, or why someone would do this to him.His first visitor, the enigmatic Doctor Jolley, brings with him more questions than answers, and thus begins a disturbing game of cat and mouse.The prisoner has no idea of the rules of this game, but he does know this: in the Facebook Genocide one wrong answer could mean his life.The Facebook Genocide is a short story of a dystopian near future. It explores contemporary issues around the death of privacy and the secret use of personal information. The setting may be reminiscent of Orwell's '1984', but the time is now.Your future is being written... Views: 377
The year is 2021 and something sinister is going on at the country's leading cancer hospital. One doctor discovers a secret that will shatter his world and pave the way for invasion.Donal's school trip to the zoo turns into an unexpected journey across space. Accompanied only by a lofty camel and a stowaway lemming, he finds himself trapped on a alien spaceship which is hurtling towards a distant planet.The little green Meerie who greet him look friendly enough. But when they send him on a quest to find their missing space fleet, it means a dangerous journey across the desert where far more terrifying aliens live... An exciting and humorous science fiction story for ages 8 to 12. Views: 376
Finally able to reach the stars, humanity has entrusted its survival in Oscar Bradfield, an 87 year cynic who wants nothing more than to spend the thousand year journey by himself. What could possibly go wrong?Finally able to reach the stars, humanity has entrusted its survival in Oscar Bradfield, an 87 year cynic who wants nothing more than to spend the thousand year journey by himself. What could possibly go wrong?A Vonnegut style tale of irony set in mankind's future. Views: 376
Fucked up short stories by Pawl Schwartz. WSUANBCWAD is a zine made by Pawl Schwartz featuring his shorter experimental fiction and prose poems. This issue, #2, was published in Pittsburgh, PA at the Cyberpunk Apocalypse collective house, and has been distributed there as well as in Chicago and Louisville, KY."What I like about this author is his passion-forward prose, with a lurking profane creepiness... I cannot discount the appeal and worthiness of it. This is at many points dirty, surreal, and just plain weird, in a good way." -Rodney GardnerWSUANBCWAD is a zine made by Pawl Schwartz featuring his shorter experimental fiction and prose poems. This issue, #2, was published in Pittsburgh, PA at the Cyberpunk Apocalypse collective house, and has been distributed there as well as in Chicago and Louisville, KY. Available now for the first time in Ebook format, and with an additional short story: 'Crotch.' Pawl is for those with an affinity for the experimental, weird, and profane.Single serving mechanically separated and individually packaged short story product for safe consumption. Contains more than 5% fat. Printed on Internet product. May pose fire hazard if left unread. Do not read in unsafe area or without the supervision of an experienced or pregnant reader. No data has been submitted to the FDA regarding this product. It does not claim to cause or cure any diseases. Views: 376