Amelia's Story

Set during the War of 1812, Amelia Samuels is being forced into a loveless marriage by her father. When she has nobody left to turn to, she befriends the village stranger, Patrick Buchahan. Together the two discover the reason behind her unwanted engagement, but perhaps a little too late.While the nation fights in The War of 1812, Amelia Samuels fights her own battle. Her father is forcing her to marry Thomas Van Martin, the son of the wealthiest man in Millersport. Thomas is everything she's against in a man and the last thing she wants is for him to be her husband. When she has nobody to turn to, she befriends Patrick Buchanan, the village stranger. After falling in love, Amelia and Patrick discover the reason behind her unwanted engagement but Amelia finds herself in grave danger before she can make things right.Amelia's Story is about a village seeking the truth. It's what happens when one man's mistakes effects the entire community. Though the residents of Millersport never learn the complete truth, the readers of this story will know exactly what happened that frightful night of August 25, 1813.
Views: 410

An Old Man's Love

"An Old Man's Love," the last novel written by Anthony Trollope, tells the story of William Whittlestaff, who lost the woman he loved to a richer, more lively rival many years before, lives alone at Croker Hall in Hampshire, looked after by his loyal, odd housekeeper Mrs Baggett. Mr Whittlestaff impulsively takes in as his ward the orphaned daughter of an old friend, nineteen year-old Mary Lawrie, much to Mrs Baggett's disapproval. She - rightly - suspects that Mary's arrival will eventually lead to her master falling in love with the girl, who will supplant her as head of the household. The reserved, unworldly Mary gradually warms towards the lonely bachelor, and he eventually asks her to be his wife. Mary has only briefly experienced love three years before, with John Gordon, a penniless Oxford student who was sent away by her step-mother as a bad prospect. Mary accepts Mr Whittlestaff, but not before making him aware of the history of her short and painful dealings with John Gordon. He dismisses this knowledge, allowing that Mary 'may think of him' from time to time, but privately presuming the young man to be safely out of her life.But John Gordon unexpectedly arrives at Croker Hall. Fresh from the diamond fields of South Africa where he has made a considerable fortune in order to make himself worthy of Mary, he has come to renew his suit, and she finds herself caught in an impossible situation, feeling incapable of jilting the man whose proposal she has so recently accepted. Mr Whittlestaff, though well aware who it is that Mary really loves, is unwilling to be rejected himself once again, and reluctant to release her from her promise. John Gordon, unable quite to give up hope, goes to stay for a few days with an old university friend, Montagu Blake, a curate who lives nearby. Thus the battle is on for the hand of Mary Lawrie...
Views: 409

Motor Boat Boys on the Great Lakes; or, Exploring the Mystic Isle of Mackinac

Leopold Classic Library is delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive collection. As part of our on-going commitment to delivering value to the reader, we have also provided you with a link to a website, where you may download a digital version of this work for free. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public. Whilst the books in this collection have not been hand curated, an aim of our publishing program is to facilitate rapid access to this vast reservoir of literature. As a result of this book being first published many decades ago, it may have occasional imperfections. These imperfections may include poor picture quality, blurred or missing text. While some of these imperfections may have appeared in the original work, others may have resulted from the scanning process that has been applied. However, our view is that this is a significant literary work, which deserves to be brought back into print after many decades. While some publishers have applied optical character recognition (OCR), this approach has its own drawbacks, which include formatting errors, misspelt words, or the presence of inappropriate characters. Our philosophy has been guided by a desire to provide the reader with an experience that is as close as possible to ownership of the original work. We hope that you will enjoy this wonderful classic book, and that the occasional imperfection that it might contain will not detract from the experience.
Views: 409

The Great Succession Crisis

Cinderella meets the grown-up world of greed, corruption, and power. The last eligible heir to the Gurun dynasty has a terrible choice to make: follow her heart & marry the knight who has always loved her or marry a cruel and power-hungry political rival in hopes of securing the future for her family. The fate of planet Beinan hangs in the balance as Anlei makes her fateful choice.Cinderella meets the grown-up world of greed, corruption, and power.The last eligible heir to the Gurun dynasty has a terrible choice to make: follow her heart and marry the knight who has always loved her or marry a cruel and power-hungry political rival in hopes of securing the future for her family. Young and innocent, what is a princess to do? The fate of planet Beinan hangs in the balance as the great succession crisis threatens all Princess Anlei holds dear in this romantic prequel to “The Ghosts of the Past.”
Views: 408

How to Wed a Courtesan--An entertaining Regency romance

From New York Times Bestselling Author Madeline MartinFrom society wife?When Evander, Earl of Westix, returns from the continent to claim his bride, he is shocked that the innocent vicar's daughter he once loved has become a notorious courtesan. But Lottie is so much more than the insult society hurls at her. She is resourceful and strong—after all, she's had to be to survive. Her charms are undeniable, but her heart is beyond his grasp. To win it will mean taking her from bedroom to ballroom... From Harlequin Historical: Your romantic escape to the past.The London School for LadiesBook 1: How to Tempt a DukeBook 2: How to Start a ScandalBook 3: How to Wed a Courtesan
Views: 407

Weak on Square Roots

Weak on Square Roots is presented here in a high quality paperback edition. This popular classic work by Russell Burton is in the English language, and may not include graphics or images from the original edition. If you enjoy the works of Russell Burton then we highly recommend this publication for your book collection.
Views: 407

Peculiar Worlds and Circular Illusions

Nine short stories set in the 19th, 20th and 21st century, from Professor Kurtz and his paper on "human de-evolvement," to giant sea turtles appearing in neighborhood swimming pools. How can we be certain of anything?These short stories are about what we may think we see and feel as much as they are about any reality we are living in. From the well known Professor Kurtz and his groundbreaking paper on "human de-evolvement," to giant sea turtles suddenly appearing in neighborhood swimming pools, to state governments desperately searching for novel ways to raise money in dire economic times, and to hope in unusual places. We all continue to look for resolution of some kind. Do we not?
Views: 406

[What Might Have Been 04] Alternate Americas

Fourteen of science fiction's most popular writers--including L. Sprague de Camp, Robert Silverberg, and Kim Stanley Robinson--offer their visions of an America that might have been. "Report of the Special Committee on the Quality of Life" (Harry Turtledove) "Ink from the New Moon" (A. A. Attanasio) "Vinland the Dream" (Kim Stanley Robinson) "If There Be Cause" (Sheila Finch) "Isabella of Castile Answers Her Mail" (James Morrow) "Let Time Shape" (George Zebrowski) "Red Alert" (Jerry Oltion) "Such a Deal" (Esther M. Friesner) "Looking for the Fountain" (Robert Silverberg) "The Round-Eyed Barbarians" (L. Sprague de Camp) "Destination Indies" (Brad Linaweaver) "Ship Full of Jews" (Barry N. Malzberg) "The Karamazov Caper" (Gordon Eklund) "The Sleeping Serpent" (Pamela Sargent)
Views: 406

The Rogue Not Taken

LADY SOPHIE'S SOCIETY SPLASH The youngest of the infamous Talbot sisters scandalized society at the Liverpool Summer Soiree, striking her sister’s notoriously philandering husband and landing him backside-first in a goldfish pond. And we thought Sophie was the quiet one… When she finds herself the target of very public aristocratic scorn, Sophie Talbot does what she must to escape the city and its judgment—she flees on the back of a carriage, vowing never to return to London…or to society. But the carriage isn’t saving her from ruin. It’s filled with it. ROYAL ROGUE'S REIGN OF RAVISHMENT! The Marquess of Eversley was espied descending a rose trellis—escaping an irate Earl and his once-future countess. No lady is safe from Eversley’s Engagement Ending Escapades! Kingscote, the Marquess of Eversley, has never met a woman he couldn’t charm, a quality that results in a reputation far worse than the truth, a furious summons home, and a long, boring trip to the Scottish border. When King discovers stowaway Sophie, however, the trip becomes anything but boring. WAR? OR MORE? He thinks she’s trying to trick him into marriage. She wouldn’t have him if he were the last man on earth. But carriages bring close quarters, dark secrets, and unbearable temptation, and suddenly opposites are altogether too attractive…
Views: 404

A Puppy's Tale

Fall in love with this fan-favorite novella of family, romance and dogs from author Valerie Hansen.Single mom Krista Brody has no problem walking up to a neighbour's door while searching for her son's runaway puppy, Puddles. But the stranger who opens the door is very familiar...Mark Vanbruger hasn't seen Krista in years, but now they're living in the same small town. They missed a chance at romance years ago—could a matchmaking puppy help them find happiness as a family now?Originally published in 2003.
Views: 404

Ancient Traces: Mysteries in Ancient and Early History

This text discusses 20 mysteries which challenge our accepted view of history. Topics covered include: were there ancient contacts between Europe and America?; could Atlantis have existed?; the true age of the great pyramid; was there a worldwide catastrophe around 10,000 BC?
Views: 404

Grim Lands

" Behind Howard's stories] lurks a dark poetry and the timeless truth of dreams." -RobertBloch" ""Howard's writing seems so highly charged with energy that it nearly gives off sparks." -Stephen King Theclassic pulp magazines of the early twentieth century are long gone, but their action-packed tales live on through the work of legendary storyteller Robert E. Howard. From his fecund imagination sprang an army oflarger-than-life heroes-including the iconic Conan the Cimmerian, King Kull of Atlantis, Solomon Kane, and Bran Mak Morn-as well as adventures that would define a genre for generations. Now comes thesecond volume of this author's breathtaking short fiction, which runs the gamut from sword and sorcery, historical epic, and seafaring pirate adventure to two-fisted crime and intrigue, ghoulish horror, andrip-roaring western. Kull reigns supreme in "By This Axe I Rule " and "The Mirrors of Tuzan Thune"; Conan conquers in one of his most popular exploits, "The Tower of the Elephant"; Solomon Kane battles demons deep in Africa in "Wings in the Night"; and itinerant boxer Steve Costigan puts up his dukes of steel inside and outside thering in "The Bulldog Breed." In between, warrior kings, daring knights, sinister masterminds, grizzled frontiersmen-even Howard's stunning heroine, Red Sonya-tear up thepages in stories built to thrill by their masterly creator. And in such epic poems as "Echoes from an Anvil," "Black Harps in the Hills," and "The GrimLand," the author blends his classic characters and visceral imagery with a lyricism as haunting as traditional folk balladry. Lavishly illustrated by Jim and Ruth Keegan, here is a Robert E. Howard collection asindispensable as it is unforgettable. "Howard had a gritty, vibrant style-broadsword writing that cut its way to the heart, with heroes who are truly larger thanlife." -David Gemmell "For stark, living fear . . . What other writer is even in the running with Robert E. Howard?" -H. P.Lovecraft "From the Trade Paperback edition."
Views: 404

History of Florence and of the Affairs of Italy

Theodoric possessed great talents both for war and peace; in the former he was always conqueror, and in the latter he conferred very great benefits upon the cities and people under him. He distributed the Ostrogoths over the country, each district under its leader, that he might more conveniently command them in war, and govern them in peace. He enlarged Ravenna, restored Rome, and, with the exception of military discipline, conferred upon the Romans every honor.
Views: 402