Thai- Troubled Read online

Page 8

  I really wanted to go and see him – to check that he was alright, what with Arthur’s death looming and being in a traumatic fire, but something held me back.

  He’d made it pretty clear that he didn’t want to see me and I felt that I’d be disregarding his feelings if I turned up out of the blue. I had to let him come back to me when – if – he was ready.

  I held out hope that he might turn up for Buzz and Franz’s engagement party, even though I had the feeling that he wouldn’t so I wasn’t all that surprised when he never showed up. Franz had told me he’d asked him to come but he’d refused the invitation.

  I knew deep in my soul, with my uncanny gift for just kind of knowing stuff that I would definitely see him again but I didn’t know when that would be. All I could do was keep the faith that he would eventually return to me. It was a very long, very stressful wait.

  Chapter 17 – Moving on…


  I was a mess for a long time after Arthur passed. The funeral passed in a blur of misery for me. His ex-wife and two step-daughters all turned up, trying to contest Arthur’s will, which was a damned cheek since he’d only been with her for two years, way back in the early eighties and she’d already been given a massive pay off with the divorce.

  I honestly didn’t care if I got any of Arthur’s money. I didn’t want his money. I never had wanted his money. I wasn’t stupid enough to realise that without his money, we’d never have met but it certainly hadn’t been my motivation. He wouldn’t have taken me in if he hadn’t been the eccentric rich guy that he was. But all I’d wanted was for him to live – and to love me – for him to be mine. I’d wanted to build a life with him. I’d fantasised about one day being his husband...

  Sadly, none of that was meant to be. As much as he’d told me he loved me, Arthur simply hadn’t loved me enough. He’d loved me in his own strange way but really, I’d been nothing more than a prize possession.

  And now he was gone and suddenly, I was enormously rich. He’d left me a huge amount wealth. He’d left me dozens of the paintings that I’d adored, which would have been enough to make me a very rich man indeed if I’d chosen to sell them – but even more astonishingly, he’d provided for me for the rest of my life – assuming I lived moderately and I always had so I couldn’t see that changing...

  Kenneth came with me to the solicitor’s office. “I can go on my own, Ken.” I argued, “I’m a big boy now.”

  He smiled, “I know that, Quentin.” He said in his unfailingly patient way, “But I’d like to be there with you when he tells you what’s been left in Arthur’s will for you. All of this has been a little overwhelming for you.”

  I opened my mouth to argue that I thought I’d been holding it together pretty well but Kenneth held his hand up.

  “I’m not saying you’re not coping. You’ve handled things really well – not least that bunch of money-grabbing bastards that call themselves his ‘real’ family.” He snorted, “No one was more like his family than you.”

  I smiled, “Thank you,” I said, “Nor you.” I knew Kenneth had been as devoted as any brother.

  “Thank you.” He said, “Ellie and I were always very fond of him.”

  We were shown into the solicitor’s rather opulent office. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. This was what annoyed me about places like this. They almost preyed on wealthy people, making them think that they had to pay extortionate fees to get good service. I was damned sure the normal solicitors on the high street would have done just as good a job…

  Anyway. It was none of my business how Arthur had handled his personal affairs.

  ‘Ah, Mr Peel,” the solicitor stood up and reached across his massive mahogany desk to shake my hand.

  I stepped up to him and grabbed his hand. No one could ever accuse me of not having a manly handshake. Not that he was but still, the way he looked at me…

  “My name is Derek Fairley. As I am sure you are aware, this meeting today is for me to tell you what has been left to you in the late Mr Delacour’s estate.

  I frowned, “His name was Arthur. He was only ever Arthur to me.” I said, trying my best to keep the snarl out of my voice.

  “Of course.” The solicitor gave me what could only be described as a malevolent smile.

  I glanced sideways at Kenneth. No wonder he wanted to accompany me. He’d have already known that the guy was a dick.

  I sat down in the chair next to Kenneth who had not shaken the solicitor’s hand and didn’t seem in the slightest bit inclined to, either.

  Derek, who couldn’t have had a more mis-matched surname to his manner, also sat down and reached for a fat file, “Let me see now… Ah, yes.” He pulled out some photos and pushed them towards me, “These paintings were some of your favourites, I believe?”

  I leaned closer and gasped. Arthur’s prize paintings… “I loved them, yes.” I said, “But I don’t understand. What do they have to do with me?”

  Kenneth leaned forward and squeezed my shoulder, “They’re yours now, Quentin.” He said softly, “Arthur left them all to you.”

  I gaped at him, “Oh, my God.” My knees started to feel weak even though I was already seated. I felt shaky to the core. What the hell had he done that for?

  Kenneth nodded and smiled. I started to get up to leave but Kenneth kept his hand on my shoulder and shook his head. “We’re not quite done.” He murmured.

  The solicitor grimaced, “No,” he agreed, “That’s not all.” He looked at me, his mouth set in a grim line. He was clearly pissed off about something. He pulled out another wad of paperwork, “These are the deeds – although they’re also held electronically these days, to your very own townhouse.”

  I sat back down, in a bit of a daze, “Oh.” I said. I was hardly taking in his words. A townhouse? Right…

  He nodded, his expression tight. He really didn’t like the fact that his deceased client had left a twink of a guy with so much wealth. “It’s in the gated community in the centre of the city, close to the university, rail links and tram links. He’s also left you with a portfolio of investments and he opened you up a bank account in your sole name to use as you wish. Your university fees are also paid up until graduation. If you wish to continue with a master’s degree or PhD, obviously that is up to you – but it’s also covered in his estate and will be paid for you.”

  Kenneth was grinning all over his face, “Is that everything?” he asked.

  The solicitor nodded, “That’s all for now, yes.” He said, “Congratulations Mr Peel, you’re a very wealthy young man.”

  I gazed back at him, “Thank you.” There was little point in telling him that I was as bereaved if not more so than the ‘family’ members he clearly favoured.

  We got outside and I took in gulps of fresh air, “He bought me a house.” I whispered, “Oh, God, Ken. He bought me a house and gave me his paintings…”

  Kenneth grinned and nodded, “Come on,” he said, “I’ve got the keys here – let’s go and have a look around it, huh?”


  I didn’t know what to expect – but what I got was a massive shock.

  ‘Townhouse’ didn’t even begin to cover it – the house was fucking massive. It was three storeys high for a start. It was beautiful though and he’d obviously taken notice of my tastes over the years because it couldn’t have been more ‘me’. What I was most impressed with before I actually got inside, was the fact that it was so safe. No one got in off the street, through the gates into the courtyard that I was going to be living in without being invited there first. I would be perfectly safe…

  Once I was inside, however, the excitement of exploring everywhere soon became overwhelming. There was a massive black and white painting on the wall in the lounge, of the Pet Shop Boys ‘Opportunities’ single art work, which brought tears to my eyes. Arthur had never passed comment on my love for the Pet Shop Boys but he’d obviously noticed – and he must have known that ‘Opportunities’ was my all-time favo

  The kitchen was absolutely beautiful – all done out in a high gloss red and black and the bedrooms were out of this world with a massive sixty-two-inch TV on the wall in my master suite, so I could watch TV while I was lying in my bed. Perfect.

  Kenneth beamed at me, “Do you like it?” he asked.

  “I love it.” I breathed, “How long have you known about this?”

  He shrugged, still smiling, “I came to see it with Arthur.” He said, “He’d known he was ill for a while before he had the stroke and he wanted to buy you a place of your own so you’d be safe when he’d gone…”

  I nodded, tears in my eyes. Bless him. He really had loved me in his own unique way…

  “He commissioned the painting in the lounge himself – said you’d love it. Do you?” He raised an eyebrow, questioningly.

  I grinned and nodded, “He was right.” I said, “It’s my absolute favourite – it makes me feel happy that he noticed.”

  “He noticed everything about you, Quentin.” He said softly, “He absolutely adored you.”

  I nodded. I was beginning to understand that he really had…

  Arthur’s house and my home for the last five years – was left between his sister, ex-wife and his step-daughters. No doubt they’d have it up for sale as soon as they could – it was hardly the sort of house they could all live together in, after all.

  I didn’t really care. I’d been happy there, only because I was with Arthur. I was perfectly happy to leave now that I had my very own place – and somehow, I felt closer to Arthur again now, knowing that he’d chosen the house for me and picked out everything, knowing how much I’d love it.

  Harry, the butler smiled when I mentioned it to him. “Oh, Quentin,” he said, “He’d planned on getting you your own place within weeks of taking you in. He never planned on you staying for so long – but he fell in love with you – don’t ever think he didn’t have feelings for you. Arthur adored you, sweetheart – adored you. As we all do.” He added, giving my shoulder a friendly squeeze, “Don’t be a stranger, will you?”

  I looked up at him with tears in my eyes, “What are you going to do?” Harry had been devoted to Arthur. I hated the thought of him having nowhere to live now that the house no longer belonged to Arthur.

  He shrugged, “I think it’s time I retired anyway.” He said with a wink, “My pension plan is far more generous than it should be – Arthur really was quite an extraordinarily generous man – and I think José and I will have a round-the-world trip before we settle down into retirement.”

  I smiled. He and José were definitely not about to retire and grow old gracefully – disgracefully maybe.

  “Well, drop round to my place any time.” I said, “My door is always open to you and José.”

  He beamed at me, “Likewise.” He said, “Now, what are you going to do about your young man?”

  I scowled at him, “Who told you?”

  His eyes twinkled, “Arthur, of course – he liked Thai very much – thought he was perfect for you – so you should really honour his dying wishes and go and fight for your man.”

  I sighed. He had a point but I’d probably already blown it where Thai was concerned. Let’s face it, who would wait around for a guy that was totally geeky and resembled Q from Bond?

  Thankfully, Franz wasn’t about to give up me finding the man of my dreams either, though – and he made me go to Studs the following weekend.

  He turned up at my new house with a hold all. “Hey you.” He grinned up at me, “Nice pad.”

  I grinned back at him, “It’s pretty cool, isn’t it?” I agreed, “Come on in – I’ll give you the grand tour.”

  He bit his lip, “You might want me to tell you why I’m here first.” He said, “I think it’s time you came with me and the boys for a night out.”

  I narrowed my eyes. Knowing exactly where he was going to suggest (and why wouldn’t he when he was dating the bouncer?) and I really wasn’t sure that I was ready to see Thai again.

  “You know you’re dying to see Thai.” He said, and actually he was absolutely right. I was desperate to see him again. I just didn’t know how I was supposed to feel about that.

  “I’m not…”

  “You are.” He argued, “Now come on. Get showered, and then get your sexiest outfit on – and I’m doing your make-up.”

  Fuck. He really meant business…

  “You look amazing.” Franz beamed at me, “Thai’s going to be absolutely bowled over.”

  I frowned, “I’m not trying…”

  He raised an eyebrow, “Yes,” he said, “You are. You’ve been hiding for far too long. You need to get back out there. You need to see Thai and you need to get on that dancefloor with him and fucking own it.”

  I blinked. “Oh, okay.” I agreed. The first tingles of excitement were beginning to go through my body at the thought of seeing him again but my mind was telling me not to be so stupid. Thai wouldn’t have waiting around for me. He was sex on a stick. He could have anyone… Why on earth would he want to wait all these weeks for me?

  I could have put money on Franz disappearing on me almost the second we got there. Well, of course he was going to do that – he and Buzz had something really special and like a moth to a flame, Franz was in his arms and wrapped around him like ivy around a tree in seconds.

  “I’ll, uh, I’ll go and get a drink, then.” I said to no one in particular since they were now kissing each other so intimately I really wanted to ask them to get a room.

  Turning towards the main dancefloor and bar, I felt horribly awkward walking in on my own. I felt that all eyes were on me even though they probably weren’t. Who the hell would be looking at me?

  I couldn’t help looking up at the stage area. Thai was there on his podium, dressed in the tightest black skinny jeans I’d ever seen. Fuck me. They looked like a second skin and were showing off his junk like nothing on earth. Wow. He looked good enough to eat – and I’d happily take the first bite…

  The smile on his face as our eyes met sent happy signals straight to my groin. Fuck. Was that smile actually for me? Or was he smiling in general at the crowd?

  I wasn’t sure if I smiled back or not and followed the rest of the guys we’d come out with to the bar in a bit of a daze. Fuck. Things had changed in here a bit since I was last here – the bar extended all the way down the wall where there used to be seating – and there were loads of guys behind the bar these days too. How long had I been away?

  Quite a long time by the looks of things – since Seth was looking loved up with another guy behind the bar… Wow – I hadn’t seen that one coming.

  “Lemonade?” Bradley, one of our mates from uni looked at me over his shoulder.

  I nodded, “That would be fine.” I agreed. I needed a clear head to say what needed to be said.

  Seconds later I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and I just knew it was Thai. No one else’s touch made me feel all tingly with anticipation.

  I turned and my heart jumped in my chest as our eyes met.

  His crinkled at the edges with his beautiful smile, “Quentin.” He breathed, “It’s really good to see you.”

  I felt my eyes filling with tears as emotion overtook me, “It’s g-good to see you, too.” I stuttered, “Really good.”

  He reached for my hand and laced his fingers through mine, “Come with me.” He took the lemonade that Bradley was just passing to me and pulled me towards the end of the bar where the gate through to the staff quarters was.

  I ducked under with him and we made our way down a corridor, presumably towards the staff room.

  He pulled me into the staff room and turned around, “Let me look at you,” he said, his eyes roving all over me, “God, you’re so beautiful,” he said softly, “Even more beautiful than I remember.”

  He gently stroked my hair away from my face and I leaned into his touch, craving it. Until that precise moment, I hadn’t realised just how much I’d missed him. But I
had. I’d missed him so much it actually physically hurt.

  “I’m so sorry that I pushed you away.” I whispered, “I didn’t know how to feel…”

  He shook his head, “It’s okay.” He said, “I didn’t want you to regret anything – and if you needed time, you needed time.” He shrugged, “I was happy to wait for you.”

  My eyes filled with tears, “Why are you being so nice to me?”

  He smiled, “Isn’t it obvious?” he asked, “It’s because I’m in love with you.”

  My jaw dropped. Holy fucking shit. He loved me? He was in love with me? “Really?” I asked incredulously.

  He chuckled, “Yes,” he said, “Really. Come here.” He held his arms out and I went to him.

  He wrapped me up in his wonderful, warm embrace and kissed my hair. I closed my eyes and breathed in his wonderful scent. Oh, God. I’d missed this more than I could ever explain to him.

  “God,” he murmured, “I’ve missed you so much.”

  Maybe I didn’t have to explain. Maybe he felt exactly the same way that I did. Maybe we really did have that spiritual connection I’d felt the first time we made love with each other…

  “Missed you more.” I murmured, tightening my hold on him, “Can we get out of here – I’ve got something I really want to show you.”

  He raised his eyebrows, “Really?” he asked, “What?”

  I grinned, “I’ll show you when we get there.” I said, “But I think you’ll like it.”

  Chapter 18 – Going Home…


  Thai touched my arm, “Q?” he asked, “Are you ready?”

  My heart started to beat a little faster at the shortened version of my name. No one else had ever shortened my name to that before. I looked up at him and nodded.

  He smiled, “Just before we go, can I kiss you?”

  I nodded. Oh, God. Yes. You can. Of course you can!