Thai- Troubled Read online

Page 9

  With a bit of a strangled cry, he gathered me into his arms and started raining kisses down on my face, down my neck and across my chest. “I’ve missed you so damned much.” He whispered, “I love you Quentin. I just fucking love you.”

  I gazed at him. My heart was so full. “I love you too.” I whispered, “I really love you.”

  He smiled at me, his beautiful dark brown eyes gazing at me, full of emotion, “Come here.” He said, “Kiss me again.”

  I went to him gladly. There was nothing standing in our way now – not that there ever had been. Arthur had given us his blessing without me even being aware of it – and it hadn’t been necessary anyway. Arthur and I had never really been in what could traditionally be called a relationship – but it was to me. I had been in love with him – and he’d been in love with me. We’d just never taken it to the next level because Arthur hadn’t felt comfortable doing so.

  But that wasn’t going to happen with Thai. Thai was happy to embrace his love for me and I was happy to do the same.

  Reluctantly, Thai finally pulled away from me. “We need to go home.” He said, his voice coming out gravelly with desire.

  I nodded, “We do.” I agreed, “But I’d really like it if you’d come with me to my place.”

  He raised an eyebrow, “Your place?” he asked, “Sure – where’s that?”

  I smiled, “I’ll direct you – I think you’re going to like it.” It wasn’t all that different to his place to look at from the outside. A little bigger maybe.

  We headed out, saying goodbye to a beaming Buzz and Franz on the way out, “Have fun, guys.” They said in unison and both winking at exactly the same time.

  Thai grinned back at them, “We will.” He said, “My boyfriend is going to show me his new home.”

  Buzz grinned widely and Franz pretty much squealed with delight to hear that we were finally together, “I feel a house-warming party coming on.” he said excitedly, “How about it.”

  I nodded, “We’ll organise it for a day that we’re all off together.”

  His smile faded, “We’re never all off together.” He said, “These guys work all the damned time.”

  I chuckled, “Then we’ll have two parties – or three or four – or however many we damned well like – or we’ll pull down the black-out blinds and have one during the day.”

  Buzz grinned and winked, “I like your style, young Q.” he said, “I like your style.”

  We said goodbye and Thai pressed the button on his key fob to unlock his fabulous Porsche. He opened the door for me, which made me feel a little bit like a princess and I slid into the luxurious leather seat and put on my seatbelt.

  He got in next to me and looked at me, “Thank you.” He said.

  I blinked, “What for?” I asked.

  He smiled and took both of my hands in his, holding them up to his mouth he kissed them both gently, “For coming back to me. For a while there I was beginning to worry that you never would. I thought I’d lost you.”

  I sighed. “You’d never lost me.” I said softly, “I just had to sort my head out a bit. I felt so guilty for falling in love with you. It was stupid…”

  He shook his head, “No it wasn’t. Arthur meant the world to you – and you meant the world to him too. Don’t forget that.”

  I nodded, “I won’t.” I said, “And I know he wanted us to be together. He told me – I just…”

  “Had to grieve.” He said, “I get it.”

  I nodded, “I love you.”

  He smiled, “I love you too. Come on.” He let my hands go and started the car.

  I gave him the directions and ten minutes later we were pulling up to the gate. I gave Thai the number for the gate and we watched it rise. He drove through. “My designated parking space is number 46.” I said.

  He nodded and we drove around the car park until we found the space. “This is impressive.” He said.

  I beamed at him, “I’m glad you like it.”

  He smiled, “Lead the way.” He said as we got out of the car.

  I walked around the car and took his hand, “Come on.’ I said.

  We walked around the courtyard until we got to my house, “Here it is.” I said.

  Thai’s jaw dropped, “The whole house?” he asked.

  I nodded, grinning at him, “I couldn’t believe it either when I first saw it.” I admitted, “I came with Ken and he had to take the key out of my hand and unlock the door, my hands were shaking too much.”

  He chuckled, “Show me in, then.” He said, I can’t wait to see it.”

  I hurried up to the front door and unlocked it. Pushing the door open, I stood back and allowed him to go in first.

  “Oh, wow.” He breathed as he caught sight of the Pet Shop Boys artwork on my wall.

  I smiled, “Isn’t it amazing.” I said, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his chest, “I really love it.”

  Thai wrapped me up in his arms, “I love it too.” He said, “This house is fantastic. Arthur really loved you.”

  I nodded, “I know. I’m really happy, Thai.”

  Thai smiled, “Are you going to show me the rest of the house?”

  I nodded. Grabbing his hand, I pulled him through the lounge into the kitchen diner that stretched the full width of the back of the house.

  I gave him the full tour, and then, accidentally on purpose, I led him into my bedroom.

  “The bedroom.” Thai raised an eyebrow.

  I blushed and smiled, “The bedroom.” I agreed.

  He nodded, looking around, “Nice – and the artwork is amazing.”

  I nodded, “Most of them were paintings gifted to me from Arthur – they were my favourites from the big house. All except that one,” I nodded to a painting I’d done myself – of him. It was my favourite.

  His jaw dropped, “Oh, my God.” He murmured. “You’re really talented.”

  I snorted, “Not as talented as the artists of all the rest.” I said.

  He smiled, “One day.” He said with a wink. “So, how much are these worth?”

  I grinned, “A lot.” I said, “But we didn’t come in here to talk about the artwork.”

  He shook his head, gathering me to him and pulling me flush to his body, where I could feel his hardness for me through his clothes. “No,” he agreed, “We didn’t. We came in here to make art – or something like that...”

  Oh, my God. He was so damned sexy. “Kiss me.” I whispered.

  He smiled and bent his head. “Bossy.” He murmured just before he captured my lips in his. “I’d forgotten how bossy you were.”

  I lost all sense of time as he nibbled on my bottom lip and then, getting into it, licked into my mouth, tasting me and exploring me with his tongue, teasing me and making me groan with overwhelming pleasure as he stroked it against mine.

  I sucked on his tongue greedily, groaning as his hands slid down my body to my hips, pulling me against his to remind me of how aroused he was. “Oh, God.” I breathed, “We really need to get naked. I need to feel you inside me.”

  Thai nodded, letting me go, “Yeah,” he said, “We do need to get naked.”

  I started stripping my clothes off, tossing them onto the floor carelessly. I looked at him. He was pulling his tee shirt over his head, showing off his impressive abs as he did so. God he was beautiful.

  “Do you have condoms and lube?” He asked.

  I nodded, “They’re in the drawer next to the bed.” I said with a smile, “And I have a few toys in there too…”

  He raised an eyebrow, “Oh, yeah?” he asked, “What toys do you have?”

  I smiled again, feeling the blush in my face, “Nothing much. Just a couple of dildos and butt plugs.” I said, “Nothing too adventurous.”

  He grinned, “Hey, we can be as adventurous as you like.” He said, “I’m game.”

  He shoved his jeans down his thighs and I’m not kidding, my mouth watered as I gazed at him. I could see the outline of
his long, thick cock through his clingy boxer briefs. Oh, my God, he was pretty much perfect – and, I realised with a total thrill, he was all mine.

  I crawled onto the bed and looked up at him as he discarded the last of his clothes, “Come here.” I said “Just come here and stand right in front of me.” I was being a little on the demanding side but I’d been a bossy little beast the last time we’d made love too and he hadn’t been in the slightest bit fazed. He’d come back for more too, so what the hell?

  His beautiful cock was standing up on end – he was really enjoying it. Grinning at me with that incredible smile of his, he did exactly as I said. His cock was bouncing right in front of my face – and that was fine because it was exactly where I wanted it. “Oh, God,” I groaned, “Let me suck you.” I leaned forward and breathed in his intoxicating scent, “Fuck,” I murmured, reaching out and stroking up and down his shaft, “You are so beautiful.”

  I licked the tip of him before wrapping both hands around the base of his shaft to hold him steady and then I opened my mouth and closed my lips around the head of him. His cock was long – but also thick and it was a stretch to get my mouth around him. I managed it though and then, concentrating on not gagging, I sucked him deeply into the back of my throat.

  He groaned, threading his fingers through my hair, “You feel so damned good doing that, Q,” he murmured, “So good.”

  I was totally blissed out on him, moaning around his cock, swirling my tongue around the head and dipping the tip of my tongue into the slit before relaxing my throat as much as I could to allow him deeper access. I didn’t have a whole lot of experience with deep-throating but I’d been practicing on the dildo and actually, it was more difficult with that than with his cock, which was warm and silky even if it was bigger than the dildo I’d used to practice on.

  Oh, my God. This was absolutely pure heaven. I was totally loving deep-throating him; the feel of having almost his entire length in my mouth, with his balls resting against my chin, coupled with the sounds he was making was absolutely amazing.

  It made me feel kind of powerful having my boyfriend trembling with his orgasm and clutching onto my head as he came down my throat with a masculine roar. Oh, yes. He’d fallen apart because of my mouth, my tongue, my skill…

  I pulled away from him, wiping my mouth on the back of my hand and flopping back against my pillow as he collapsed onto the bed next to me and face planted my other pillow, making me smile. “So,” I murmured, “What shall we do now?”

  He smiled, “Well, I see that you have a very hard cock that still needs taking care of.”

  I nodded, looking down at my rigid cock. “Yeah,” I agreed, “it does.”

  “How about you topping me?” He asked.

  I gaped at him. He had quite categorically told me that he was a top, “Are you serious?” I asked. “You want me to fuck you?” He had to be joking. He was a top through and through… wasn’t he?

  He shook his head, “No,” he said “I want you to make love to me,” He said softly, “because you’re my boyfriend now. I want us face to face. I want to see your beautiful face as we make love to each other. I want you to see how much I love you as you take me – and I want you to know how important you are to me. I’ve always been kind of afraid of being the bottom – but not with you.”

  I nodded, “I can do that.” I murmured. “I’d never hurt you.”

  He smiled, “I know – I trust you.”

  I scrambled off the bed and got out the condoms and lube. With shaking hands, I got the condom on and then I knelt in front of Thai.

  He’d spread his legs for me and he looked absolutely incredible. His cock, that had been soft only minutes ago, was lengthening and thickening again before my eyes. God, I wanted to climb aboard and go down on him – but he wanted me inside him and I was going to give him everything he wanted tonight.

  Taking the lid off the lube, I coated myself in it and then dribbled some more onto my fingers and slicked up his hole.

  “I think you need a little attention first, baby.” I said, “Before I try to get inside.”

  He nodded, watching me through half-lidded eyes, “Anything you say, babe.” He murmured, “I’m in your hands tonight.”

  I swallowed. Fuck. I hope I didn’t let him down…

  I crawled up the bed a little and leaned over to kiss him. He kissed me back with enthusiasm, “I can taste myself in your mouth.” He murmured.

  I pulled away, “Are you grossed out?” I asked, “I can go and brush my teeth.”

  He shook his head, “It’s fine.” He said, “I like it.”

  I nodded, feeling incredibly nervous, “I’m going to rim you.” I whispered, “Get you supple.”

  He nodded, “Sounds fabulous.” He murmured.

  I crawled down the bed. The lube was cherry flavour, which was okay. I’d have preferred not to have already used it but it was too late now. I loved the masculine, musky scent of Thai and I’d have preferred that all over my face than cherry lube but still. Next time…

  I fluttered my tongue around his entrance and his breathy little moans and the way his hands clenched the bed sheets on either side of him made me smile. “You like that?” I whispered.

  “Oh, God.” He managed, “yeah, yeah.”

  I licked his balls and then made my way back down, teasing and licking all the way back down to his hole. He was tight. There was no getting away from it. I had my work cut out – but I was definitely game… He was going to come with me inside him tonight.

  “You’re going to have to relax a bit, Thai.” I murmured as I licked around him and tried to push my tongue inside him a little – to no avail.

  He nodded, “I know.” He gasped, “I’m trying, believe me. And that feels so good – please keep going.”

  There was no way I was going to stop. I could do this all damned night…

  Eventually, I was rewarded for my efforts, “Gonna give you a finger.” I murmured. “Ready?”

  “Uh-huh.” He panted, “Feels so good, Q.”

  Yeah, baby. It was about to feel a whole lot better…

  I slid a finger in and worked him a little until he was used to the feel of it, then I added a second and crooked my fingers slightly until I found what I was looking for…

  “Oh, holy shit!” he shouted. I grinned up at him as he stared down at me. Oh, yeah. I’d found his sweet spot, “I’m gonna come!”

  I nodded, “I came immediately the first time that was done to me.” I admitted, “It’s amazing, isn’t it?”

  He gazed at me in wonder as his chest was covered in thick streams of his come. I slid my finger in and out of him, “I think you’re ready for me now – but do you still want me?”

  He nodded, “Oh, God, yes.” He said, “If your fingers did that to me, imagine what your cock’s gonna do?”

  I smiled, “Well, there is that.” I agreed. “Come on then,” I said, “Let’s get you cleaned up and then we can give it a go.”

  He looked up at me with such love and trust, “I’m ready, baby.” He said softly.

  I was still nervous, but so turned on – and my confidence had grown since I’d made him come already. “Ready for me?” I asked.

  He nodded, “I’m ready.” He said, “Let’s give it a go.”

  Even as I lined myself up against him and waited for him to relax enough for me to ease into him, I was still telling him that we didn’t have to do it and that I was happy for him to always be the top.

  “But I want to know what it’s like to feel you inside me.” He said, “I need to know what it’s like, Q.”

  I nodded, “It’s fine.” I said, “I’m going to give you what you need.”

  I slid inside him, little by little, until I was fully inside him.

  “Okay?” I asked. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”

  He shook his head, “You feel amazing.” He said, “I feel so full.”

  The look of wonder on his face was something I was going to remember f
orever. “I love you.” I said and leaned down to kiss him.

  He closed his eyes and sighed happily, “I had no idea it could be like this.” He said.

  I smiled, “It’s just about to get amazing.” I whispered and pulled out gently before pushing all the way back in, careful to angle myself in order that I grazed his prostate.

  “Ohhhh, fuck!” he shouted, his eyes wide and his expression one of joyful shock, “That’s fucking incredible!”

  I nodded, “I know!” I yelled back as I pulled out again and thrust back into him, “I fucking love you, Thai!”

  He laughed even as his eyes were rolling back in his head, all fucked out and totally boneless, “And I fucking love you, too!”

  Chapter 19 – Summons…


  “Oh, God.” Thai dropped his phone on the bed and put his face in his hands.

  “What’s up?” I asked, frowning at his look of utter dejection.

  “I have to go.” He mumbled, picking his phone back up and sliding it into the pocket of his jeans.

  I blinked. Was he serious? We’d just spend the first night together in months and he was leaving? I don’t think that’s happening, mister... “You’re joking, right?” I asked.

  He shook his head and stood up, wincing a little. I guessed he was still a little sensitive after last night. “I have some things to explain to my father.” He said, looking pale even though he was the most tanned person I’d ever met in my life.

  “What sort of things?” I asked, even though I thought I probably knew. My stepdad had thrown me out for being gay. Maybe Thai had a similar background. Maybe that was why he hated the idea of marriage –maybe he saw his parents’ marriage as a bad thing.

  He sighed and shook his head, “I have to explain to him that I’m not going to marry the daughter of his business partner.”

  My jaw dropped. I really hadn’t expected that answer, “You what?” I squawked, “You have a fiancé?” As horrified as I was to think he was engaged to someone else, I couldn’t deny that this was beginning to make some sort of strange sense to me. It explained why he was so against marriage… It explained why he never talked about his family…