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Dangerous Love... Page 7
Dangerous Love... Read online
Page 7
The officer nodded and lowered himself into the chair next to me, “Lenny Roblinski – he’s your uncle, right?”
I frowned and shook my head, “No, he was my dad’s cousin – so he’s my second cousin.”
“And you dad is...?”
I rolled my eyes, like they didn’t already know all this...? “Henry McCarthy – Master Builder – he died a few years ago of a massive heart attack while he was working away in the US.”
The officer, who had finally introduced himself as DC Harrison nodded, “Ah, yeah – I remember that.”
“And Callum, my brother – was killed by one of your lot a couple of years back at Studs and Steel nightclub.”
He nodded again, “That’s right.” He said, “So what’s your story, I wonder – why were you in a car that was involved in a fatal accident the other night?”
Fatal? My heart stuttered. Oh, God. Who died? Not the child, please not the child? I looked up at DC Harrison, “Who died?” I asked.
“Peyton McKenzie’s ex-girlfriend, Siobhan – but you’d have known about that, I assume?”
I sighed, “Look, if you’re here to pin this on me as some sort of murder charge, you’ve got the wrong guy. I was in the passenger seat, Lenny Roblinski was trying to kill two birds with one stone – he meant to kill me at the same time as he was getting some sort of twisted revenge on Peyton McKenzie.”
DC Harrison frowned, “Why?”
I took a deep breath. I’d almost lost my life for the second time in as many weeks. I’d had enough. I wanted out... “I have absolutely no idea what his beef was with Peyton McKenzie – other than the fact that he was friends with Brendan, maybe?” It was the only explanation I could come up with. Lenny was fucking crazy. It could be anything... I shrugged helplessly. I really couldn’t see any sort of connection. “I was his rent-boy. He found out that I’d been saving my money to escape. He knew Brendan had given me money – so maybe that’s why he had him shot. I don’t know. He got his brother to steal all of my money... I tried to fake my own death – and I nearly fucking managed it too because I fucked it up. Daryl found me and saved my life – but only to deliver me back to Lenny...”
DC Harrison nodded, writing something down in his notes, “And you’d be prepared to put all of this in a statement.”
I nodded, “I will – but I want you to guarantee my safety for doing so. I was planning on leaving here with...” I bit my lip. There was no guarantee that Mason would want to leave with me... “I was leaving.”
DC Harrison nodded and smiled, “With Mason Fairbrother?” he offered.
I sucked in a breath, “How did you know about Mason?” I asked fearfully. What the fuck had happened to him?
He smiled, “He reported you as a missing person.” He said, “It was pretty obvious that you hadn’t chosen to leave the safe house when your jacket was still hanging up and your mobile phone was left charging. With Daryl dead and Lenny also going off radar we didn’t know if we were investigating a missing person case or a murder. Mason was beside himself...”
I nodded. My heart squeezed painfully in my chest to think of all the pain I’d inadvertently put Mason through. “So what are you doing about Lenny? He’s a pimp – and he’s killed people. My mother, his own brother... and he was trying to kill me.”
DC Harrison nodded, “It’s just a matter of time.” He said, “We’ll get him – and we’ll get you away from here and as safe as we can. We can’t promise that you’ll be one hundred per cent safe. You have to help us too, you know? Going out and wandering around where people can find you isn’t exactly the smartest move – but if you’ll help us put him away and anyone else in cahoots with him – we’ll do what we can for you.”
I nodded. Why the hell would I try to protect the bastard? “I want out of all the shit. I want to be with Mason – if he’ll still have me.”
DC Harrison smiled, “With the way he reacted when you disappeared – I can’t see that being a problem.” He said with a wink.
Chapter 13 – Re-united
I poked my head around his door. Hendrix was under police guard as well as Brendan and Siobhan’s boyfriend and her young son, William. Although William only had minor injuries – he was just being kept in for observation. Seth was in a pretty bad way and he wasn’t coming out of hospital for a good few weeks yet. He’d been badly burned trying to get Siobhan out of the car.
I shuddered. I was glad I hadn’t seen the accident. Seeing Hendrix attached to all the machinery was frightening enough – although they were quite satisfied that they were going to be able to save his legs after all – the swelling had reduced enough for them to see what the damage was and had realised that his breaks hadn’t been quite as bad as they’d first assumed. Thank God...
He was asleep – or at least he had his eyes closed. I tiptoed in and sat down in the chair next to his bed.
“Mase?” he murmured.
“I’m right here, baby.” I whispered back to him, “Sleep as long as you need, I’m going nowhere.”
He sighed happily, “I don’t deserve you.” He murmured, “You’re my knight in shining armour.”
“That’s me,” I chuckled, “A regular Sir Galahad.”
He smiled, his rosebud lips curving up in the most gorgeous little grin. God he was beautiful. I couldn’t resist leaning over and pressing a little kiss against his lips, “I’ve missed you so much.” I whispered.
He opened his eyes and I gazed into their azure depths, “You’re so beautiful.” I said, my voice cracking with emotion, “I love you so much... so much.”
His eyes filled with tears, “I love you too,” he said, “I want...” he bit his lip and closed his eyes, shaking his head a little.
“What?” I asked, “What do you want?”
“It doesn’t matter.” He said quietly.
I frowned, “Shall I tell you what I want?” I asked.
He sighed and looked up at me, “What?”
I smiled, “I want you to get better so that you and I can go on a three month travelling break together. We can call it recuperation for you – and it also gets you away from Lenny and his cronies for a while so the police can get him sent down without him trying anything else.”
He blinked, “Okay...”
I pressed on, “And then I want us to come back so we can decide what to do after that. How about it?”
He nodded, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, “Sounds perfect.” He said.
I nodded. It did. It really did.
Chapter 14 – Healing...
I ended up spending another three weeks in the hospital to make sure my legs were healing properly before they would even let me leave the bed.
Then it was another two months before I was able to have the casts removed and then another three months after that before I could actually walk without the aid of the crutches – and my legs were still pretty painful even then and I limped like an old man – it didn’t seem to worry Mason though, he was at my side every step of the way – encouraging me through all of my physiotherapy appointments and helping me with the exercises at home.
Well, he helped most of the time – but we were two horny guys and we still found each other irresistible most of the time and ended up doing stuff that weren’t actually on the physiotherapist’s list of exercises... Still, it always made me feel better...
I grinned at Mason. Not taking my eyes off his, I slid down the bed and went down on him. Taking him deep in my throat, I sucked his length in my mouth. He was every bit as delicious as he always was. I could taste his pre-come already and his cock was getting harder and harder the more I sucked. I cupped my hand under his balls and massaged them as I closed my lips around him and swirled my tongue around the tip of him before I took his whole length again.
“Oh, God, Hendrix, he murmured, “I’m gonna come,”
I felt the first hot spurt hit the back of my throat. I swallowed quickly. The
second filled my mouth again, far too much for me to swallow all in one go this time; some dribbled down my chin. Well, that was a first. Maybe I was losing my touch...
“Fuck, Hendrix.” He groaned, his hands grasping the sheets either side of him, “You’re so good.” Ah, maybe not then...
I looked up at him. He was watching me with a little smile on his face. His eyes were kind of glazed over with lust and his chest was rising and falling with his quickened breath. His lips were slightly parted. Oh, God. I just had to kiss him...
I crawled up the bed. It wasn’t so bad. My legs were pretty much healed now, but they ached something terrible.
“Lie down.” Mason said, “You’ve done enough today.”
I sighed and shook my head, “I’ve got to move, Mase.” I said, “If I don’t move them, they’ll stop working altogether!”
He smiled, “But you’ve done loads today – just relax – lie back and let me love you.”
I smiled. I knew what he wanted to do – he wanted to suck me but I was still off-limits, not having been able to go and get tested since I’d last been. I didn’t think I would have contracted anything since I couldn’t even remember having done anything with anyone – but I didn’t want to risk it, “You can give me a hand job – or you can grab a condom but you’re not sucking me off.”
He nodded, “I was kind of thinking that I might grab a condom and top you for a change – how about it?”
I blinked, “Oh, wow – you are the perfect man.” I sighed, “That sounds amazing. It was really painful to kneel at the moment and I really wouldn’t have been able to top him – but I could spread my legs for him any day of the week...
He grinned back at me, “Come on then, beautiful,” he said, “Spread ‘em.”
I chuckled and did as he asked.
Chapter 15 – Recuperation...
“Come on,” Hendrix was looking stressed, “What’s taking it so long?”
I frowned, “It’s not taking that long.” I reasoned, “The conveyer belt just needs to start and then our cases will be out – don’t worry, babe.”
He nodded, “I’m sorry...”
I took hold of his hand in mine and looked into his eyes, “Hey,” I said, “Don’t keep apologising – you’ve been to hell and back just recently – but this is our time now. No one can demand you to go and see a client. That life is gone now. You’re your own boss now.”
He nodded, smiling at me even as his eyes filled with tears, “How did I find you?” he murmured, “How did I get so lucky?”
I grinned, “Well, I guess you were just in the right place at the right time. But if we’re gonna be picky about it – I found you.”
He smiled, “You did,” he agreed, “And I bit your head off.”
I chuckled. “You did,” I agreed, “And I had absolutely no idea what you were on about.”
He shook his head, “I still have no idea what you saw in me – and even now...”
I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him towards me, “I saw the most beautiful guy I’d ever seen. You looked like an angel with your beautiful golden hair and your beautiful mouth and your big blue eyes.” I stroked his hair and kissed his lips softly as I spoke, “And I still see that – and I’ll always see that. You’re my perfect match, Hendrix. I saw that the moment we met and I’ll never feel any differently about you.”
He smiled, his eyes filling with tears, “I’m so happy.” He whispered, “I love you, Mason.”
I smiled back at him, “I love you too, Hendrix.”
I pulled my phone out of my pocket to switch off the aeroplane mode and a couple of texts came through straight away, one was from my mum telling us to have a great trip and not to worry about the farm. The other was from DC Colby.
“Just thought you should know that Lenny Roblinksi was found dead in his cell this morning by the prison guard. There doesn’t seem to be foul play and preliminary tests would indicate that it may have something to do with the injury to his leg sustained in the car crash that killed Siobhan. I’ll let you know for certain once we’ve got the coroner’s report in following the post mortem.”
I read it out to Hendrix who stared at me with his mouth open, “He’s really dead?” he asked when I finished.
I nodded, “He’s really dead.” I repeated, “You’re really free.”
Hendrix threw himself into my arms and sobbed, “Oh, th-thank God.” He stuttered, “Thank God.”
The conveyer belt started up at that moment. Hendrix wiped his eyes and composed himself as I dragged the cases off the carousel, “Come on, baby.” I murmured, “Let’s go and find the coach.”
I couldn’t believe it. It was finally over. I was finally free of everything that threatened my future happiness.
Brendan too had made a full recovery and we were building quite a nice relationship with him and his partner Oscar too. We’d been round to Brendan’s apartment a couple of times since he’d been released from the hospital. Oscar was a nice guy and fussed around Brendan almost as much as Mason fussed around me. I felt very blessed.
Both Mason and I had been for testing before we left for our three month trip and un-surprisingly, he was totally clean – and amazingly, so was I.
Mason had been absolutely delighted for me, “You see.” He said, “All that worrying and you’re perfectly okay. I totally could have sucked you off ages ago!”
I nodded, “Incredible.” I murmured, “Some of those guys....” I trailed off. Mason didn’t really need to know all the disgusting details of my working life.
But all of that was now behind me and I could, thankfully, look forward to an amazing future with the most wonderful man instead. And that future was starting with a short tour of Europe. Neither of us had been abroad before and we were very excited.
We’d planned the whole thing beforehand and had a perfectly put together itinerary.
We were starting with the south of France and then travelling on to Spain, Portugal, Italy and then back through the same countries visiting different places.
While we were travelling, I’d broached the subject of helping him out on the farm and had half expected him to pooh-pooh it as utter nonsense. After all, he’d said he wanted out of the place – that he wanted to travel, see the world – and have his own life away from it all, but surprisingly, he’d been quite pleased that I wanted in... Maybe travelling around had satisfied his curiosity and made him realise that home was where his heart really lay.
“Are you joking?” he asked.
I shook my head, “No.” I said, “I know you said you didn’t want to take it over and I respect that entirely. We’ll do whatever you want,” but please reconsider. I would love to run the farm with you. I can’t imagine anything better than spending the rest of my life with you there... “but it’s in your blood, Mason – and you love the place.”
He nodded, a little smile on his face, “I do love it...” he agreed, “I’m actually really missing it...”
I pressed my advantage. When he smiled, it usually meant he was warming to whatever subject we were on and admitting that he was missing home was even better... “And I was thinking that maybe you could re-introduce a small herd of cows to do some speciality products – like a special cheese or cream – or ice-cream or something...” I trailed off because really, what the fuck did I know about such things?
His eyes lit up, “Oh, my God, Hendrix,” he exclaimed, “That’s a fucking brilliant idea!”
I got excited then, ideas spilling out of me all over the place, “We could have a farm shop to sell all your amazing vegetables and seasonal produce. We could make soups and pies....” I must have gone on for about half an hour.
Mason had got his phone out and was tapping away in his notes as I rambled on and on, spewing out my ideas one after the other like verbal diarrhoea.
But instead of thinking my ideas were stupid, he’d written it all down to run by his mum – and she was
just as excited about it all as we were.
She said she’d look into buying a couple of Jersey cows and she’d get the rest of the family to help her run things while we continued with our break. We decided to change it to a research holiday and visited a few farms along the way around to get some more ideas...
A year later...
I turned and grinned as Hendrix walked up the hill to where I was working on the new cowshed.
It had been a stroke of genius getting the Jersey cows and the farm shop was doing really well too.
We still went to the farmers market the first Saturday in every month and our produce sold out as quickly as it always did, but we now also had our own shop at the farm, which Hendrix loved to run. It was exceedingly popular with the locals – and now that it was summer we were doing a roaring trade with his homemade ice-cream.
To say he was in his element was a real understatement.
“Hey you.” I smiled and jumped down from the ladder, “What are you doing all the way up here?”
He grinned back at me, “I have a new flavour for you to try.” He said shyly. God, he was adorable.
My eyes lit up, “Ooh, what is it?” I asked eagerly. Every flavour he’d come up with so far had been a total hit.
He grinned, “Passion fruit.” He said. “I think you’ll like it – it’s delicate, but full of flavour.”
I nodded, “Like the strawberry?” Oh my God. The strawberry was to die for...
He shrugged and nodded, “I guess – this is a little more up-market, I think.” His face went pink again.
He dug the spoon in the tub he’d brought for me and held it up for me. I leaned in and tasted it. “Oh, wow.” I groaned as the coldness of it cooled my mouth, “That is fabulous.”