Dangerous Love... Read online

Page 6

  Tate dragged the quilt off the bed. “Let’s keep him as warm as we can, huh?”

  Blaine nodded, “I’ll cuddle him.” He said. Well, that pretty much sealed it for me. They were gay lovers. Defo. I started to like them a little more. It was kind of cute to know they felt that way about each other...

  “Where are the others?” Tate asked.

  Blaine nodded to the door, “They’re out there – one’s shot in the shoulder, the other in the leg like this one.”

  Tate nodded, “Stay there,” he said, “I’ll go and round them up.”

  Blaine nodded. Looking down at the lifeless form of his mate he whispered to him, “Don’t you dare die on me, Denny. What the fuck would I do without you?”

  My heart stuttered. He felt about that guy the way I felt about Mason. I really hoped he made it...

  The guy opened his eyes, “You’ll probably be assigned a hot woman.” He croaked.

  “I don’t want a hot woman – I want you.”

  I felt as if I was intruding on a special moment and I felt bad. This was their private moment...

  His eyes closed again, “If I don’t make it – be happy.” He whispered. “Because I’ve been the happiest I’ve ever been these last couple of weeks. I love you Blaine. I’ve always...” he passed out again.

  I’d never wanted someone to live so much as I wanted that guy to in that moment. Love was so special and so precious. Everyone deserved to find it. Well, maybe not Lenny...

  Finally the paramedics arrived.

  One started to work on me while another started to patch up the cop. I was guessing there were others outside saving the lives of Lenny and Daryl – even though they didn’t deserve it.

  I was bundled into an ambulance and was off to the hospital in the next couple of minutes. I’d have to ask after that Denny guy later on.

  Chapter 9 – Found!



  With my heart in my mouth I stared into the face of DC Colby, “Yes?”

  He smiled, “We’ve found Hendrix.” He said, “He’s been shot in the leg but he’s not seriously hurt and he’s going to be just fine.”

  My heart was thumping in my chest. Shot? Holy shit. When had my life gone from mundane to this almost unbearable excitement? Uh, that would be when I met Hendrix... “Can I see him?”

  He nodded, “Course you can.” He said, “We’ve got him in St Nicholas’s. He’s gonna be just fine.”

  I nodded, “I need to see him.”

  DC Colby nodded again, “I’m headed over there to question him – it’s not usually the way we do things – but if you want to jump in the back, I’ll give you a lift. You’ll have to find your own way back, though.”

  I nodded, “Sure.” I said enthusiastically. I didn’t care if I had to walk back. I’d been dying to see him for ages. I followed Colby back down the path and jumped in the back of the car.

  Minutes later we were pulling into the main entrance of the hospital. Colby parked up and we set off.


  I gazed down at Hendrix. He was sleeping and he looked so damned young and vulnerable. My heart swelled with love for him. There was no way I was going to let him go back to the Roblinskis. He could have died.

  I glanced at his right wrist and frowned. Oh, shit – had he tried to take his own life? I took hold of his hand. He stirred, “Hendrix?” I whispered, “How are you feeling baby?”

  He blinked his eyes and looked up at me in confusion, “Mason?” he breathed and smiled. His beautiful lips looked so red in his pale face.

  “Yeah, it’s me.” I squeezed his hand, “You scared me to death when you disappeared on me, baby – please don’t ever do that to me again.’

  He closed his eyes and shook his head, “I’m sorry.” He muttered, “You should go – get away from me and stay away. I’m not worth it, Mason.”

  My heart squeezed in my chest, “Is that what you really want?” I asked. I’d leave if he didn’t want me anymore but if there was the slightest chance...

  He opened his eyes and looked up at me. “No,” he whispered, “You’re my prince charming and I want to run off into the sunset with you – but I can’t, Mason. Lenny will kill me if I try to leave.”

  I nodded, “Then we’ll get you to a safe house.” I said, “We’ll talk to the police and we’ll get it organised.”

  He nodded, hope flaring in his eyes, “Right – we can try I guess...”

  Chapter 10 – Safe house...

  One month later


  True to their word. The police did find me a safe house and for the first couple of weeks I was quite happy to stay indoors and see Mason in the evenings. But it was becoming a little claustrophobic and I just needed to get out. I never went far but there was a nice little park across the road from the property and I didn’t think there was any harm in going over for a walk around – just to stretch my legs a little and to get a breath of fresh air.

  I’d gone a couple of times with Mason. He’d totally kicked the smoking habit now and was talking about us taking up jogging together when I was totally free of Lenny.

  It was an idea... not one I’d ever likely to have, I grant you. I wasn’t exactly the sporty type and it just sounded like a whole lot of wasted energy to me – I’d rather use my energy up in a different way...

  Mason had warned me not to go out alone but this one day I felt like the walls were closing in on me and I had to get out. I only went along the street to the seven-eleven store but that was clearly all it took.

  To my horror, on my way back to the safe house, a car passed me slowly. “Oh, great.” I muttered, quickening my step and hoping I’d get back to the house before it turned up ahead and came back. No such fucking luck... Mason was going to be so mad with me...

  I really should have stayed in the safe house, I thought as I watched the car turning. There was no way I was going to make it back now.

  There was nothing else for it other than to brazen it out. I stood up and waited. No point in putting up a fight – it would just make things worse. Lenny would likely beat me black and blue anyway for being absent for a month.

  Two of Lenny’s new minions got out of the car and came up to me. They were just wide boys trying to make a name for themselves since Daryl was no longer in the picture. I certainly wasn’t going to miss him.

  I hadn’t even been particularly surprised when DC Colby, who was in touch once every week, told me that he and Lenny had fallen out with each other. Lenny had beaten him unconscious and he’d died of his injuries later in hospital. As far as I was concerned it was one down... one to go... “Get in the car.”

  I heaved a sigh and nodded. I climbed into the car. Lenny was in the back seat waiting for me. He grinned, “Good to have you back, kid.” He said.

  I looked at him, “Good to be back, Lenny.” I said sarcastically, “I’ve missed you.” I was pushing him and I knew it.

  Lenny’s smile turned to a scowl as I knew it would. “You’re a fucking little grass.” He growled, “You have nothing – you are nothing.”

  I closed my eyes, waiting for the first strike. I am nothing. I am worthless. I thought to myself as we drove along in silence. Mason would be so much better off without me in his life. I might as well be dead. What was the point in trying to be a better human being? I was never going to be able to escape him. Never.

  “I’ve got a nice little job for you.” Lenny said, “A nice little job.”

  Great. More drug smuggling? Risking my life having sex with some guy who refuses to wear a condom? So what else is new? “What do I have to do?” I asked wearily. At least he couldn’t sell me to Hessey anymore...

  “You’ll see.” Lenny said with a grin.

  Great. A mystery...

  Chapter 11 – Missing person...


  “DC Colby please.” I tapped the table as I waited. Hendrix wasn’t supposed to be anywhere but sat in his flat. And he was nowhere to be fo
und. His phone was charging on the table and his jacket was hanging up so it wasn’t as if he’d planned on going far.

  I guessed that he’d just gone to corner shop for some chewing gum or something but something had to have happened to him on the way there or back.

  “Colby speaking.”

  “It’s Mason Fairbrother – Hendrix has gone.”

  He sighed and I could picture him rubbing his eyes, “Any idea where?”

  “Well, unless he’s decided to leave all of his worldly possessions behind – I’d say he’d been abducted. My money’s on that bastard Lenny.” I was worried and my voice was wobbling with the panic that was building up inside me.

  Colby cleared his throat, “Look, Mason – I know it’s difficult for you to sit tight – but please don’t go looking for him. Lenny’s not a nice guy and I’d hate to see you get hurt trying to do something heroic. Leave things to us, okay?”

  I sighed, “Sure.” I said, “I wasn’t about to go looking,” I wasn’t brave enough for things like that and I’d have no idea where to look anyway. “I just thought I should let you know.”

  Colby thanked me and promised to keep me posted on any developments.

  I made my way home. Mum looked up as I walked in, “What’s up with you?” she asked, “You look like you lost twenty pounds and found a penny.” She smiled at me.

  I sighed and pulled the chair out next to her and flopped down, “I have to talk to you.”


  “He’s a prostitute?” Mum stared at me as if I was completely mad – and maybe I was but I was in love with him and I seriously didn’t care what had gone before – he wasn’t going to continue doing that job once he’d escaped the family. I was going to look after him...

  “Yes,” I said as patiently as I could, “look, I thought you’d been listening – were you listening?”

  She nodded, “Yes, he’s a prisoner. This should be reported to the police and they should deal with it.”

  I rolled my eyes, “I have reported it to the police and they are dealing with it, Mum.”

  She sniffed, “Well, good – but you could do better...”

  I stood up, “I’m in love with him. He’s in love with me – we’re going to get married one day. He’s the guy I want to grow old with, Mum.”

  She sighed and nodded, “Then let’s hope the police find him, then.” She said, “I’d like to meet my future son in law – he must be someone special if you’ve fallen in love with him.”

  I threw my arms around her, “He is,” I said, “He’s perfect.”

  Chapter 12 – Car crash...


  “Get in the car.” Lenny held the passenger side of his car. It was one of his souped up foreign ones and I was immediately suspicious. What the fuck was he planning?

  I gritted my teeth and got in. There was no way I was going to show any fear in front of him. All that did was fuel his sick desire to frighten me and that wasn’t happening. I might well be shitting myself but he had no idea that I knew his sick plan.

  I’d heard him on the phone last night and I had an idea of what his plans might me. And I’m not gonna lie. It was hard, knowing that this might be the final car ride of my life, but I’d kind of made peace with it. At least Mason would be able to go on with his life – with a better man – someone who deserved his sweet, kind nature. I didn’t... Not really.

  Even so, I pulled on the seatbelt. If there was any chance of surviving this – I was going to take it. I clung to the hope that I might get to see Mason again – if only to say goodbye – and to tell him that I loved him more than life itself.

  I jumped as Lenny spoke. He was using his dangerously soft voice. The man was completely off his rocker... “This reminds me a little of when I killed your mother.”

  A feeling went down my spine that I honestly cannot describe. It was horror, mixed with powerful hatred. My heart kind of went still. “That was an accident.” I whispered. I’d clung to the hope that it had only been an accident when I was younger – but there was always that fear in the back of my mind that it hadn’t actually been an accident at all – and now Lenny was telling me it had been him – knowing that I was going to die and not be able to tell anyone. Fuck.

  “Why did you do it?” I asked, “What had she ever done to you?”

  Lenny peered at me as if he was surprised that I’d asked, “Because she cheated on my cousin.” He said as if that gave him the right to play God...

  I looked at him as if he was nuts –well, if the cap fit... “But Henry had forgiven her – he treated me as his own – it had nothing to do with you.”

  He looked at me as if I was the scum of the earth. And okay – maybe I was, but only because he’d made me that way, “Brendan Holloway is your dad – not Henry. And once I find a way past the security guards at St Nicholas’s hospital – I’ll kill him too.”

  Holy shit. I really hoped the cops were taking Brendan’s security seriously... “Why now?”

  He laughed manically, “Because then I’ll have gotten rid of all of the rot in the family and I can start again.”

  Fuck. He really was completely delusional...

  Lenny sped along the streets. He clearly knew where he was going and who he was looking for.

  I finally realised who he was going after when I saw the expensive four wheel drive vehicle pulling onto the road and start towards us. I knew that car. I’d seen it time and again when I’d gone to Studs and Steel to dance and to pick up clients. It was Peyton’s ex-girlfriend, Siobhan. She was dating the bar manager, Seth Matthews, although my gaydar went off around him all of the time. I’d been convinced he was gay when I first met him. What the fuck did Lenny still have against Peyton’s ex?

  “No Lenny!” I shouted. “She’s got a kid.” Oh, God, NO!

  He laughed, “Not for long.” He said, “Say goodbye to the world, little fella – I hope the next life is better to you.”

  He swerved across the road into the path of the car, skidding and slamming the passenger side of the car into driver’s side of the oncoming vehicle. I had seconds to brace myself for the impact. Thankfully the airbag went off, exploding in my face and totally dazing me. I was vaguely aware of Lenny getting out. My heart sank. Surely the impact would have done something to him? Apparently not – so that bastard had gotten away again. I was drifting in and out of consciousness, the pain in my legs was even worse than when I got shot. Seriously? How much more was I going to have to endure before I just died?

  I had to get out of the car. The other car was on fire and I could smell the smoke and the smell of leaking fuel was really beginning to make me panic. I tried to move my legs but I couldn’t. I was trapped. Fuck. That was all I needed. I looked down and my heart stuttered in my chest. My legs looked in pretty fucking bad shape. The front of the car that had taken the brunt of the impact had imploded into the car, crushing my legs and trapping them. I was a mangled mess. “Oh, God,” I groaned, feeling suddenly nauseous at the sight of all the blood. It was almost as bad as when I cut my arm open, “I’m totally fucked.”


  “Caucasian male, suffering from concussion from a blow to his head; his legs are trapped in the wreckage and he’s losing blood. The fire’s out and the vehicle has been made safe but we need to cut him free pretty quickly or we might not be able to save his legs.”

  I was still drifting in an out of consciousness but I’d just become aware that I was being tended to. Holy shit. I was still alive... But what had that guy just said? I was going to lose my legs? Oh, God no.... I couldn’t live like that. I wanted to scream out, to tell him that there was no fucking way they were gonna cut my legs off to save my life. Just let me fucking die! Nothing was coming out though. I was trapped inside my own head. The guy started cutting the car and the pain that shot through me was intense and then everything went black. I’d passed out again.

  A few minutes later – or maybe it was hours later. I really had no concept at all of the time th
at was passing – but I’d obviously been cut out of the car because my surroundings were completely different. I was in a hospital and I was hooked up to a drip. There was a massive cage like contraption covering my legs. Were my legs under there? Had they managed to save them? I had no fucking idea. I couldn’t actually feel anything. Clearly I’d been put on pain meds – or maybe I was paralysed. I wanted to scream again but there was no fucking point. I’d still be in the same state.

  Had anyone survived the other car? I had no idea... I wondered if they’d caught up with Lenny yet. Had they arrested him? Or had he slipped through the net again? Was he still biding his time to finish off Peyton? To finish off me...? That had been his plan this evening after all. He certainly hadn’t meant for me to live to tell the tale – I could tell the police everything I knew now that I was free of him again.

  I blew my breath out. I was on borrowed time. Lenny would surely find me and kill me if he wasn’t sent down first...


  “So, Hendrix, how are you feeling today?” I looked up at the police officer. He wasn’t any of the guys that had been in the cabin or anyone else I recognised and he was far too fucking happy for my liking too.

  I rolled my eyes. How the fuck did the stupid bastard think I felt? My legs were smashed to pieces, and the doctor that had been round this morning reckoned I could still be faced with them being amputated if they didn’t improve in the next forty-eight hours. I had no idea if Lenny had been arrested or not... Maybe it was time to ask. But all that came out was, “What do you want from me?”

  The officer grinned again, “Just a few answers to our questions.”

  I nodded. Fuck. It was time to tell them everything I could, “Ask away, I’ve got no secrets and I’m loyal to no one.” No one except Mason, anyway...