River... Redeemed (Studs & Steel Book 2) Read online

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  River chuckled, “Seth’s her toy-boy.” He said.

  Seth shoved his shoulder, “Fuck off.” He said, “She’s a little older than me, yes.” He said, “But we love each other – and I get along with her little kid really well too.”

  My jaw dropped again, “She has a kid?”

  He nodded, “She’s Peyton McKenzie’s ex-girlfriend. They had Will when they were both still only teenagers. Peyton’s cool with it.”

  I nodded, “Wow.” I said.

  River flicked the TV remote to the channel for the X-Box, “Are we ready to play?”

  We all nodded eagerly. Jake went to fetch us all a bottle of beer and we settled down on River’s massive sofa that could sit about eight people, I was sure, to play the game.

  I didn’t play so well, because I kept watching Seth and River all night. They were far too touchy-feely with each other for me to concentrate.

  River constantly gave him hugs and kissed him all night. I was well-jeal by the end of the night. Seth, for his part seemed to just take it all in his stride and he didn’t kiss him back. But I’ve got to say, I wasn’t convinced the guy was straight at all.

  The final straw was when I walked into the kitchen and found them enjoying a goodnight kiss on the doorstep.

  Seth pulled away from the kiss with a laugh, “Nah, mate.” He said, “Still doesn’t get my motor running.”

  I narrowed my eyes at them both, “What’s going on here?” I asked.

  River burst out laughing, “I was just seeing if Seth was still straight – he’s too damned cute, isn’t he? To be wasted on girls, I mean.”

  I forced a laugh, “Uh, yeah. I guess.”

  Seth sauntered down the drive to his car, “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” He shouted back over his shoulder, “I have a girlfriend to go and see.”

  Jake wandered through into the kitchen and slung his arm around my shoulder, “Ready for bed, baby?” he asked, his eyes smouldering.

  I nodded. I didn’t dare look at River, I turned back towards the hall, “Yeah, sounds good.” I said, “Night River.”

  “Night guys.” He said.


  Jake was up and out to work early the next morning. By the time I woke up, the sun was up and shining through our bedroom window where the curtains had been left slightly open. He must have looked out when he got up and forgot to draw them again.

  It was chilly in the room, so the heating must have already turned off. I picked up my mobile phone to check the time. Wow, nine-thirty already? I was beginning to get lazy being here...

  I hopped out of bed and pulled on my hoody and my sweatpants. Making my way out to the bathroom I ran into River doing the same. He wasn’t dressed in anything other than his boxers though.

  “Aren’t you cold?” I asked.

  He grinned at me, “Are you kidding?” he asked, “The air-con unit in the club is right above my podium. I’ve acclimatised to just about freezing!”

  I laughed, “Well, I haven’t – is it okay if put the heating back on?”

  He nodded, “Of course,” he said, “I’ll go down and put it on – you can use the bathroom first.”

  I thanked him and hurried to the bathroom.

  I heard the boiler kick in and smiled to myself. River was so generous of heart. I really hadn’t any idea how his parents could have wanted him out of their lives.

  I made my way back to my room and picked up my phone. I wanted to talk to Marcia. Something was bothering me...

  “Jodie!” she exclaimed, “How are you?”

  I’m good....”

  I could almost hear her frown and I was glad I’d called instead of FaceTimed, “What’s happened?”

  “Oh, God, Marcia, I’m in so much trouble...”

  I explained all about seeing the guy on the podium and being instantly attracted to him – and that he turned out to be the one and only River...

  “I was worried that something like this was going to happen.”

  I frowned, “Were you?” I asked, “Why?”

  She sighed, “Well, don’t go getting all defensive on me, Jo-jo, but I’ve always thought you and Jake were kind of... mis-matched somehow.”

  I blinked. Oh, my God. It wasn’t just me then... “Go on.” I urged, “Mis-matched, how?”

  She huffed another massive sigh and I knew she was trying to pick her words carefully so as not to upset me. “You’re so gregarious and full of life...”

  I smirked, “And pink and fluffy, and gay as a rainbow.” I added.

  She laughed, “Well, yes.” She agreed, “You’re absolutely adorable, Jo-jo,” she added, “And Jake’s so...”


  There was a beat of silence and then she changed the subject to River. She was obviously intrigued. It really wasn’t like me to fancy someone on sight. “Tell me about River.”

  I rolled my eyes, “Well, apart from being the most beautiful guy that ever walked the planet – he’s a dancer in a gay bar. He sleeps with everything that moves – well, that’s male anyway – and he’s got more issues than you can shake a stick at – apart from that he’s solid gold.”

  She laughed, “Well, be careful, honey. Think before you do anything you’re likely to regret. Jake’s a nice boy.”

  I groaned, “I know he is.” But so is River...

  Chapter 14 – Shock call…


  Damn it, I felt horny this morning. It was all Jake and Jodie’s fault with their noisy sex the night before – not that I could blame them – Jake was leaving this morning for a three week course as part of his first promotion and I guess they wanted to leave a lasting impression on each other... Seriously, I’d had to sleep with my head under my pillow… Well, that’s not strictly true – when I could hear Jodie’s shouts of exhilaration I was jacking off like a champ. My imagination taking me to a place I really shouldn’t have been exploring.

  I came hard, leaving me gasping for air with images in my mind of his luscious lips around my cock. Damn – I hadn’t come like that in a long time. I got back out of bed and peeled off my boxer shorts. Cleaning up my stomach with them I tossed them in the linen bin and got myself a fresh pair out. The two of them were still going for it and I was hard again in minutes. Jeez, I needed to pick up a guy and get rid of some of this sexual frustration I was experiencing. Only trouble was – I really didn’t want to. The only guy I wanted was currently having his dick sucked – or something along those lines and it was turning me on to hell just listening to him through the wall. Jesus, I was turning into some sort of listening voyeur.

  Eventually they wore each other out and I was able to get some sleep and now morning had rolled around again – and the sun was shining in my window making me feel instantly awake even though it had been well past three in the morning when I’d finally been able to drop off.

  I got up and found a pair of sweatpants to wear down to the kitchen – not that they’d hide much more than the boxer shorts if Jodie appeared – just thinking about him made parts of me start to take notice against my will…

  I popped a couple of slices of bread in the toaster and was just turning around to grab the coffee from the cupboard when I heard a really unfamiliar noise.

  It was the telephone in the lounge ringing and it scared the shit out of me for a moment – I’d never heard it ring before in my life – I had my own phone by the time I started living here and to my knowledge that phone had never rang before. I picked it up and put it to my ear. “Hello?”


  My heart started thumping in my chest as I recognised with clarity the voice speaking my name, “Mum?” I was absolutely stunned.

  “Yes,” she said, “I’m really sorry to bother you after all this time but something’s happened.”

  My heart about stopped, “What?” I asked, “What’s happened?”

  “It’s your dad…”

  I couldn’t even speak. Just the mention of him sent prickles of fear down my spine.<
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  “He died, River – he had a massive heart attack and died instantly – I didn’t know who to turn to – I just don’t have anyone else I can turn to…”

  Well, that’s what happens when you turn your back on everyone he decides he doesn’t like for whatever reason. I thought it, but I didn’t say it. However she’d treated me; whatever they’d put me though – she was grieving for the man she loved and I wasn’t heartless enough to hurt her anymore than she was already hurting. “What do you want me to do about it?” I asked her, “Your contract states that I don’t come within a certain distance of you – have you changed your mind about that? Are you going to send me a new contract?”

  A noise came through the phone that sounded suspiciously like a sob but I found it hard to muster any real sympathy. “I’m so sorry for what we put you through, River,” she wailed, “but you have to understand – it wasn’t me…”

  Well, that wasn’t exactly true – and it annoyed me that she had the gall to say it. “Yes,” I said, “it was. You can’t just blame it all on Dad now that he’s gone and try to exonerate yourself from any blame. I was there, Mum and I can promise you – it was you too,” I took a deep breath. I’d wanted to say some of this stuff for years and I couldn’t actually believe I’d finally got the chance. This was like therapy… “You could have stood up for me – you sided with him because it was easier for you that way.”

  There was a silence at her end. “You’re right, baby.” She whispered, “I’m so sorry, River – can you ever forgive me?”

  I wasn’t too sure. “I don’t know.” I answered her truthfully, “I need to think about this.”

  “Would you come to the funeral?” She almost whispered the request.

  I definitely needed closure, “Yeah, I guess I can come to that.” I wanted to go just to make sure for myself that the old bastard really had gone…

  She chatted on about one thing and another before we said goodbye. It was weird that she suddenly wanted me back in her life. Maybe she really had been bullied by him – I guess I was only going to find out by going…

  I heard the door opening and looked up. My heart took off when I saw that it was Jodie – and he was alone. I felt a bit bad that I hadn’t managed to say goodbye to Jake before he’d left but I’d felt a little put out when he’d pulled me to one side the night before and asked me to keep my hands off his guy in his absence. On the one hand I could understand him – he was just protecting his interests, but we’d been friends for so long, I thought he had a little more faith in me – in my respect for our friendship than that. There was just no way I would ever jeopardise that...

  I blinked, “Come again?”

  Jake scratched his neck uncomfortably, “I’m sorry, dude – I never really thought you’d do anything like that with Jodie, but you know... he’s adorable and you’re... well, you.”

  I forced a laugh but I was really kind of hurt. I’d never do anything to hurt Jake. Never. Yes, the twink was fucking adorable but that didn’t mean I had such little control that I’d jump his bones the moment his boyfriend’s back was turned. “You can trust me, mate – I don’t mess around with my mates’ boyfriends.”

  He patted me on the shoulder awkwardly, “Glad to hear it – no hard feelings, huh?”

  I’d shook his hand and we’d gone back to the lounge and it hadn’t been mentioned again but it had left a nasty taste in my mouth and I’d shot off to bed as soon as I could. I’d have to text him later...

  Jodie came in and immediately knew something was wrong, “What’s up?” he asked.

  I realised I was shaking. “Uh, my mother just called me – I didn’t even know she knew the number…” A light bulb went off in my head. Things were beginning to fall into place. She’d put the phone in purposely…

  Jodie was studying me intently, “Are you okay?” he asked softly.

  I shook my head, “Not really.” I admitted, “My dad’s just died and she wants me to go to the funeral…”

  “Oh, God,” he said, “I’m so sorry,” He’d gathered me into his arms and was holding me tight before I could even think about whether it was wrong or not. I lay my head against his shoulder, suddenly exhausted with everything – emotionally drained I guess.

  He rubbed my back in little circles, “Okay,” he said, “What did you say to her? Do you want to go?”

  I shook my head, “Not especially,” I said with a huge sigh, “– I’ve lived without them for the last three years – I’m way past missing them – the last time they talked to me like I was a normal human being was when I was about fourteen.”

  His arms held me ever so slightly tighter, “But you said you’d go – didn’t you?”

  I sighed and nodded, “I need closure.” I mumbled.

  He nodded, “Well, I’ll come with you – it’s not like I’ve got a whole lot else going on – still unemployed the last time I checked.”

  I stepped away from him so I could look at his face. He gazed back at me steadily, his beautiful azure eyes bright in the morning sun shining through the window. “You’d do that for me?” I asked in surprise.

  He smiled and nodded, “That’s what friends do, River,” he said, flooding me with warmth just from his smile. “They look after each other.”

  “Thanks,” I whispered, “I really appreciate it.”

  The funeral was being held the following Monday. I called into the restaurant and told them I wouldn’t be around for a few days and I also dropped in to see Rob to tell him that I’d likely be late in on the Monday.

  “Hey, buddy,” he said kindly, “I don’t want you back here until you feel ready – losing someone – close or not – is hard to deal with. Take as much time off as you need. Your job is safe, trust me.”

  My eyes filled with tears at his kind words, “Oh, God, Rob,” I threw myself into his arms, “– thank you so much.”

  He chuckled, patting my back, “It should be me thanking you – most of the punters only show up to see you writhing around, half-naked.”

  I had to laugh. It wasn’t quite true – I was rarely half-naked and I’m quite sure I didn’t writhe… “I’ll be in tonight as usual – and then I should be back on Wednesday at the latest,” I promised. I was quite sure I wouldn’t need time off for mourning. I’d already mourned their passing years ago when they basically divorced me from their lives. This was just an act of common decency because my mother had begged me to go.

  Jake had only just left and I didn’t really want to bother him with my latest drama but Jodie had called him to tell him what was happening anyway and he’d asked to speak to me. Jodie handed over his phone.

  “Hi Jake.” I said.

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Jake’s concerned voice made my heart ache.

  “Yeah,” I said, “I think it will be therapeutic or whatever the word is.”

  “Cathartic?” he asked.

  “Maybe.” I laughed, “I never was any good at English! I was all about Drama.”

  He chuckled, “And you’re not that guy anymore?” he asked innocently, making me laugh again.

  “I’m definitely still that guy.” I said, “And hopefully Mum will see that it doesn’t actually make me the anti-Christ that Dad made her believe I was.”

  “Just be careful, dude.” Jake said kindly, “I don’t want to see you get hurt again.”

  “I won’t.” I said, “And Jodie’s gonna come with me so if it gets too much – he can drive us both back – it’ll be fine.”

  Jake hesitated and then after a deep breath he continued speaking, “Yeah, good idea. I’ll see you both at the weekend then.”

  I passed him back to Jodie so they could catch up with each other and I went to make a drink.

  Jodie appeared in the kitchen a minute or two later, “Ooh, coffee.” He said delightedly, “Have you got a new one?”

  I nodded, “Yeah – I picked it up on the way home – fancy one?”

  He grinned, “Is the grass green?” he as

  I chuckled. Just being around him made me happier. Jake sure was a lucky guy to have found him.

  Chapter 15 – Grey...


  “So, you do have a suit, right?” Jodie asked me with uncertainty written all over his face – and with good reason.

  I looked at him blankly, “Uh, no.” I said with the hint of ‘duh’ in my voice, I was sure I hadn’t owned a suit since I was twelve years old and was forced to wear one to go to church with the olds...

  He grinned, “Then we have to go shopping – we can’t have you turning up in jeans and a hoody.”

  I couldn’t really see why not and I looked at Jodie, puzzled, “Why not?” I asked.

  He shook his head with a little smile, “Just get a suit, dude.” He said, “Everyone wears a suit to a funeral. Trust me on this.”

  I nodded. I guess that made sense. “I’ve never bought a suit before – I’m all about jeans and shorts and cropped tops and tight fitting tee shirts…” I’d been dressing myself since I was sixteen with no interference from anyone and I’d subconsciously chosen everything that I knew my parents would have hated...

  He grinned, “Then we’re gonna have a lot of fun shopping for the perfect suit for you then.” He said, “You can still look adorably sexy in a suit you know – I do.” He winked.

  My dick twitched in my boxers at his sexy little smile. “Where do guys go for a decent suit around here?”

  He shrugged, “Not sure really,” he said, “We’re just going to have to go into town and find out.”

  I nodded, “Well, let’s just get something to eat, then – and we’ll head out.”

  Jodie shook his head, “I’ve got a better idea – let’s head out – get breakfast there and then go shopping.”

  I smiled and nodded. That sounded like a whole lot of fun, “Okay.” I agreed, “Where do you want to eat?”

  We grabbed our hoodies. I threw my pouch over my shoulder and Jodie grabbed his bag. “Want me to drive?” he asked.

  I shrugged and smiled, “If you want to drive, babe – you can.” I really had to watch what I said around him – babe? What the hell was that all about?