River... Redeemed (Studs & Steel Book 2) Read online

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Chapter 9 – Immune…


  Holy hell, Jake really should have warned me about how gorgeous his mate was. He might be immune to his utter sexiness but us lesser mortals found it rather hard (no pun intended) to ignore his charms.

  He was unbelievably sexy. It oozed from every pore. He was pure sex. And I was hooked…

  You know when you’re a kid and you find a new friend that’s absolutely everything to you and you want to be where they are every second of every day? Well, that’s exactly how I felt about River. He was fascinating. Thankfully, Jake was keen to catch up with him so I was able to hang around without attracting too much attention. I was horribly aware that I was crushing desperately on a guy I’d only just met but no one else ever had to know…

  River had made a big jug of hot chocolate, “I’d make us coffee but we’ll never get to sleep and you,” he reached forward and poked Jake’s knee, “Need to be as switched on as possible tomorrow.”

  Jake huffed a laugh, “I’ll be fine, mate.” He said, “I’ve pulled plenty of all nighters and turned in the next morning as fresh as a daisy.”

  River smiled at him, his eyes shining with utter adoration for his best friend.

  I stifled a yawn. I really didn’t want to go to bed and leave him.

  Jake, on the other hand, finally had to give in to the fact that he was almost asleep. “Night, River.” he said through a yawn, “Catch you tomorrow after work.”

  I stood up too, “See you tomorrow.” I said, raising my eyebrows at him and smiling.

  He looked up and smiled at me, “Yeah,” he said, “See you tomorrow.”

  My heart started to beat a little faster. I could not wait till tomorrow when I’d be on my own with him for at least a little while...

  Chapter 10 – Jealousy…


  Well, this was fucking awkward. I wanted to chat to Jake about all sorts of stuff but Jodie was such a distraction – and I didn’t especially want him to know that I still had nightmares about the night I was attacked – something Jake was concerned about…

  “Are you sleeping okay now?” he asked.

  Jodie’s head about came off his shoulders as he spun his head away from the TV show we were half-watching.

  I nodded, glancing towards Jodie before I turned my attention back to Jake. “Yeah, much better these days, thanks.” It was a total lie but what the hell? I didn’t need Jodie to think I was a basket case.

  Jodie was biting his lip. I could tell he wanted to know what we were talking about but he was too polite to ask outright. He’d probably ask Jake once they went to bed so it was futile really pretending I was perfectly okay. Jealousy ripped through me that they were sharing an intimacy that I could only hope for. I’d never woken up with someone beside me – well, not someone I wanted there anyway. A couple of guys had gotten through my rigorous rules – but only because we were so fucking drunk we couldn’t actually manage it – and those guys had only stayed over to sleep – not for anything else, which, on reflection, was quite a relief. Another of my rigorous rules is to always rubber up. I do not have unprotected sex – ever.

  I wasn’t into relationships. Relationships were painful in my experience. Painful and worthless. My parents were supposed to love me. They didn’t. Well, I guess they’d tolerated me well enough until their fears of my sexuality were proven – then they couldn’t dispose of me fast enough. God only knows what they told their friends… They’d probably invented a fate worse than death for me – or just death. I wouldn’t put it past them.


  I stumbled down the stairs the following morning with one thing on my mind – coffee. It was the only thing I ever wanted in the morning – and I wanted the good stuff. I didn’t indulge in alcohol particularly – I drove to and from work every night so there was never room for drinking and driving – therefore I had coffee… And brewed in my beautiful stainless steel coffee pot was the best way.

  I hadn’t spent a whole lot of money on the coffee pot, but it I did like to indulge in the better blends and the new one I’d found a couple of weeks back was really doing it for me at the moment.

  I crashed through the kitchen door, still half asleep and stopped dead in my tracks, shocked that I wasn’t actually alone.

  I stood there staring at the really hot guy in just a pair of bright turquoise boxers, who was staring right back at me. “Oh.” I managed, “Good morning.”

  He looked as startled as I did but he recovered pretty quickly and shot me a grin, “Oh, good morning.” His blush was delightful, “Sorry – I really needed a glass of water – I’m not great with drinking…”

  I grinned, feeling ridiculously pleased that we had that in common, “Me either,” I said, “– I rarely drink – I was just gonna make some coffee – wanna join me?” It was possibly not the best idea – Jake was clearly still fast asleep upstairs and I was monopolising his boyfriend, who really wasn’t wearing much – but I was just being friendly…

  He grinned, “Sure.” He said, “Instant or the good stuff?”

  I snorted, “Seriously?” I cocked a brow, “The good stuff of course.” I reached up and took down the packet of coffee and then set about spooning the coffee into the percolator. I loved making coffee. Loved it.

  Jodie pulled out a chair and dropped himself down in it casually, “So you’re a dancer?”

  I nodded, “Yup.”


  I glanced up. Jodie was looking at me intently.

  “I uh…”

  He seemed to understand that his question was a little rude – and a little direct, “I’m sorry – you’re really good and everything – but is it enough? You were at uni with Jake, weren’t you?”

  I sighed and nodded, “Yeah – I was…”


  I shook my head, “My parents kind of put me on a program that they wanted me to study – so I started studying economics – which I couldn’t stand so I dropped out after the first year – I really wanted to be a vet. I love animals…” I didn’t have any animals – apart from the array of ducks and chickens that I’d somehow managed to adopt from all and sundry around the area.

  Jodie got up and came around to where I was stood watching over the coffee pot. The hairs stood up on my arms at his close proximity. This was seriously wrong… “So, what made you become a sexy dancer – because, dude – I’ve never seen moves like it – and the crowd just lap it up.”

  I grinned, “They do, don’t they?” I asked with a laugh.

  His smile faded a little, “Is that how you get laid so often?”

  I raised an eyebrow, “Has my good friend, Jake, been telling tales on me?”

  He blushed, “Maybe a little – so what’s your story – why aren’t you with someone – someone special I mean – a keeper?”

  I shrugged, “I’ve just never met the one, I guess.” I didn’t dare look him in the eye – he’d know, I was sure.

  “Why do you think that is?” he asked, his eyes searching mine and making me feel like all the oxygen had left the room.

  I took a deep breath and looked at him, “I don’t know – maybe he just turned up a little too late.” I said.

  Chapter 11 – Boys being boys…


  Oh, holy hell. My question had been a little probing – there was no denying it – but that answer? Was he talking about me? Fuck! “I’m not sure I understand…”

  He shook his head, “Yes you do.” He said with a sad little smile, “But that’s my problem, not yours. Here – enjoy your coffee.” he pushed my cup towards me.

  We sat in silence for a moment. It wasn’t as awkward as I thought it would be.

  I looked at him for a moment, trying my best not to ogle him but it was so damned difficult – he was absolutely stunning. I cast around for something to say, “So, you and Jake grew up together, huh?”

  He nodded, “yeah,” he smiled, relaxing again, “We’ve been mates forever and I’d never hurt him.
My stupid crush on you is just that – a crush – and I shouldn’t have even mentioned it. My bad.”

  I smiled, “My lips are sealed.” I said, “It’s forgotten.”

  He smiled back at me. God his smile was mesmerising. “Did I hear you say you were unemployed at the moment?” he asked.

  I sighed and nodded, “Yeah – I keep sending off applications left, right and centre – half the time I don’t even get a reply – and the rest I can’t get through the online tests – dyslexia’s a bitch.”

  “I’ll take the tests for you.” He said, shocking the hell out of me with his generosity, “I can pass those things standing on my head.”

  I stared at him, my coffee cup halfway to my mouth, “Are you serious? You’d do that?”

  He shrugged and nodded, “Sure – next time you have one to do – give me a shout.”

  Wow… “Thanks, man – I owe you one.”

  He waved his hand in the air, dismissively, “Rubbish – what are friends for?”

  I smiled, “I’m glad we’re friends.” I said, “I can totally understand why Jake loves you so much.”

  He nodded, “I’ve never been able to understand why he cares so much about me – I was a right pain when we were kids – I just seemed to manage to get him into trouble no matter what we did…”

  I sipped my coffee, unable to keep my eyes off him as he spoke. His voice was kind of compelling – just like the rest of him, “What sort of things?”

  He rolled his eyes and shook his head with a depreciative laugh, “All sorts of stuff – I was seriously hyperactive.”

  I chuckled, “Ahhh, now I’m beginning to understand. Is that how he saved your life? Did you jump off a cliff or something?”

  He shook his head, his expression darkening, “No,” he said, frowning, “I, uh, kind of got in with a bad crowd – I stupidly thought they liked me and I thought I was all hard and cool – but actually I was just being groomed to be murdered. They were seriously homophobic arseholes and Jake got a tip off from another guy who’d got wind of what they were doing. He caught up with me just in time – apparently they were on their way back to finish me off. I was a mess – apparently it was a bit of a blood-bath in there. I was hypothermic. I’m so grateful to Jake for coming to find me – I couldn’t have stopped them – I was already unconscious.”

  I stared at him in horror, “No fucking way?” I murmured.

  He nodded, “I spent a couple of nights in hospital from the injuries I sustained but it could have been so much worse. He risked his own life to save mine coming that day – they were hanging around outside just talking about how they were gonna do it. Luckily he’s never looked remotely gay – not like me – so they didn’t pick on him. When the police and the ambulances started turning up, they legged it.”

  “Did they get prosecuted?”

  He shook his head, biting his lip. “My parents put it down to ‘boys being boys’. They knew damned well it was a homophobic attack – problem was, they were more sympathetic to my attackers. They hate gays too you see. Pathetic bastards.”

  Chapter 12 – Understanding...


  The look on Jodie’s face was hard to ignore. It wasn’t sympathy as such – more like he completely understood what it was like to be bullied for looking a certain way, “What?” I asked, something deep inside begging for him to understand, to somehow know what it felt like. Begging for him to see me – the real me – not just the showy dancer from the nightclub.

  He smiled sadly, “I get it, you know.” He said softly, “You’re wearing a mask to hide the pain.”

  I nodded.

  He put his hand on top of mine and squeezed it, “You don’t have to do that – you don’t do it with Jake. And you don’t have to do it with me.”

  I nodded again, swallowing down the lump in my throat that was threatening to have me bawling like a baby and crawling into his lap for comfort, “Thanks, man.” I managed, “Fancy another?”

  He nodded, “This is seriously good coffee.”

  I grinned, “I know, right.” I agreed, “Want me to make a cup of tea for old ‘tea’s the only drink for me’?”

  Jodie chuckled, “Yeah, I’ll take it up to him.”

  I nodded. I was becoming more comfortable around this stranger who I felt more like I’d known my whole life than anyone else I’d ever met. “Fancy a bit of toast or something?”

  He looked at me with his eyes twinkling, “‘Or something’ could be interesting,” he quipped, “But toast is fine.”

  I chuckled, “I see I’m going to have watch my p’s and q’s around you.”

  He winked and giggled. The sound was utterly delightful. Rein it in, dude. I warned myself, he’s just being friendly and he most definitely isn’t yours.

  Chapter 13 – Getting along...


  A couple of weeks passed. True to his word, River helped me pass my online tests and I got through to the next stages with three different companies. I was ecstatic. Jake however, was a little put out, “But you didn’t get through the tests, Jo – River did. What happens when you have to do more tests while you’re at your interview?”

  Shit. I hadn’t actually thought of that… “Well, I guess I’ll have to cross that bridge when I come to it, won’t I?” I retorted angrily. I was embarrassed that he’d pointed out something that both River and I had missed. Of course they’d want to do more tests – loads of applicants probably only got this far with someone helping them at home. Fuck it. Fuck it all to hell…

  He smiled, “Hey, I wasn’t trying to upset you – come here.”

  I melted against his broad chest gratefully and closed my eyes.

  River walked in at that moment and chuckled softly, “You two are just adorable.” He murmured, “Anyway – I’m off to work – I’m doing breakfasts today till noon and then I’m staying for the lunchtime rush too. Will you guys be around for dinner later?”

  I looked up at Jake, “Do we have dinner plans?” I asked.

  He shrugged, “We could be really slobby and order in Chinese or Pizza and have a movie night – or an X-Box night?”

  I grinned and turned to see if River would be on board with that too. His answering smile told me that he would, “That sounds great,” he said enthusiastically, “I’ll see if Seth’s game – he’s better than I am and I have a feeling, looking at that smile, that you were planning on kicking my arse.”

  His words sent electric pulses directly to my groin. Trying my best to think about anything other than his rather magnificent backside, I grinned back at him, “Busted.” I said shaking my head.

  Jake got up then too, “And I’m really sorry to eat and run.” He dropped a kiss on the top of my head.

  I looked at him mournfully, “So I’m stuck here alone all day again?”

  Jake chuckled, “You make it sound like I want to be away from you – I’ll be counting the minutes till I get home and get you up those stairs.”

  I felt the heat in my face. Seriously, dude – River’s right there! I chanced a glance and I could tell he’d heard but was valiantly trying to ignore it.

  Jake chuckled, “Sorry – that was too much information wasn’t it?”

  I gave him a look, Duh!

  Still chuckling, Jake left first.

  River was still pottering around in the kitchen. “So what are you going to do with your time today?” he asked.

  I shrugged, “I might get some stuff and make a really nice dinner – since you’ve got a guest.”

  He smiled, “It’s only Seth – he’s not a guest as such – he’s just one of the guys.”

  So many guys. I swallowed. Was he a past one-night stand? Why was I bothered? It occurred to me that I was horribly jealous of this Seth guy and I’d never even met him. Suddenly I was incredibly curious as to why he and Seth weren’t more… “So, you and Seth…?”

  He grinned and shook his head, “Never been anything more than good mates.” He said, flooding me wi
th relief, “He’s straight – or so he reckons – my money’s on him being at least bi-curious.”

  I grinned, “Really? Ever thought about challenging that curiosity?”

  He shook his head, “He’s not my type.”

  Oh, my God. I really should stop this subtle flirting, “And what’s your type?” I asked before I could stop myself.

  He shrugged, “I dunno, I guess I usually go for blondes with blue-eyes, skinny build – like me – I’m not into bears.”

  He was describing me… Wow. I stared at him, “Me either.” I agreed. And that was me telling him that he was just my type too, even if I was currently dating a bear…

  He frowned, “So what the hell are you doing with Jake?” he asked incredulously.

  I shrugged, “Dunno,” I admitted, because I seriously had no clue how we’d hit it off, “– we just kind of clicked somehow.”

  He grinned, “Yeah, he’s a great guy – you did good.”

  I did. But something deep inside of me niggled at me. Had I jumped into something that was comfortable and safe instead of what I really wanted – something exciting and slightly risky and… Oh, my God… I wanted River.


  The realisation that I had the most enormous crush on my boyfriend’s best friend wasn’t made any easier when his mate, Seth, came around in all of his adorable glory.

  He was as cute as a button, with his curly black hair and long eyelashes. He had cute all sewn up, that guy.

  And he was friendly and funny and I honestly had no clue why they weren’t in love with each other. They were definitely close friends.

  I realised with a bit of a start that Seth actually wasn’t gay when he kept mentioning someone called Siobhan.

  “Who’s Siobhan?” I asked.

  He and River both grinned, “My girlfriend.” He said proudly, “She’s twenty six.”

  My jaw dropped.