Dangerous Love... Read online

Page 3

  I smiled up at him, still holding his cock in my mouth, “Good.” I managed to say around his cock before I went back to my delightful task.

  I closed my eyes and allowed myself to enjoy the moment. This was amazing. It was everything I’d ever imagined – being with someone special and having really beautiful sex with him. This was the dream and I was getting to live it – for one night only, maybe – but it was better than I ever thought it would be...

  Leaving his cock for a moment I started sucking his balls…

  “Oh, God. Stop, Hendrix.” He gasped, trying to pull away from me, “You’ve gotta stop. I’m gonna come.”

  He looked at me in desperation. I gazed back at him, slipping off his balls I took his cock back in my mouth and there was no fucking way I was going to stop. He tried to pull away again but I frowned up at him and shook my head slightly to let him know I was totally good with the situation. Hell, I did this every day for a tenner at a time – I grant you I usually made the guy wear a condom and Mason was about to shoot his load straight down my throat, but he already tasted pretty fucking awesome and I was damned sure I was going to enjoy it as much as him. I slid my hands around his thighs and pulled him in closer to me, burying my face into his pelvis. Fucking perfect.

  I could feel his cock bumping against the back of my throat. Closing my eyes again I sucked on him deeply, totally relishing the feel and the taste and the smell of him all around me.

  “Oh, God,” I heard him gasp from somewhere above me. I was vaguely aware of him grabbing the bed sheets on either side of him as a massive shudder went through him and the first spurt of hot come hit the back of my throat.

  “Oh, my God!” he exclaimed, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He tried to pull away again but there was no way that was happening until he’d ridden this wave to the end.

  And what was he sorry for? I had no fucking clue. As far as I was concerned this was every bit as good as his kisses had been. I sucked and swallowed and sucked some more, I wanted every last drop.

  Finally I pulled away from him, “You are delicious,” I said, licking my lips as I wiped my chin and grinned at him, “That was fucking awesome.” I crawled back up the bed again, “Would you mind if I kissed you again?” I asked. Some guys didn’t want to taste their own...

  He looked up at me with a slightly shell-shocked expression on his face and shook his head, totally overcome with what had just happened. I lunged at him, crushing my lips against his. I didn’t want to make him do anything he didn’t like so I didn’t try anything else, but he pressed his tongue against my lips, probingly and I opened my mouth, allowing him to lick into my mouth so he could taste himself on my tongue and my lips. “My turn next,” he gasped between fervent kisses, “And I really want to do that for you, too.”

  I shook my head, “No.” I said, “Not until I’m out of the industry and we know I’m clean.”

  He nodded, “Oh, yeah – of course.” He murmured, “Then let’s do something else that relieves you of this.” He tapped my erection with his finger.

  I grinned, “Spread ‘em.” I growled, “And let me in.”

  His smile was breathtaking, “You are amazing.” He murmured, “This is the best night of my life.”

  Mine too... mine too.

  Chapter 4 – Fearless...


  I did as he said, spreading my legs wide for him. He’d told me in no uncertain terms that he wasn’t definitely clean – that he could have STD’s. I didn’t want to believe it. I didn’t want to think about it at all. He’d just sucked me and let me come in his mouth. He was fearless and beautiful and sexy and I wanted to let him do whatever he wanted. I knew I wanted to feel him inside me and I wasn’t going to worry about it. He was wearing a condom – and I’d happily go and get tested with him in the morning.

  He fingered me a little to loosen me up before he lined himself up against my entrance and eased himself inside.

  Oh my God. That felt absolutely fucking amazing.

  I watched his face as he inched into me. He was so beautiful. His eyes were the bluest I’d ever seen and that mouth. God, I couldn’t get enough of that mouth. His lips were so damned red. How could he have such red lips?

  He groaned and closed his eyes as he sank inside me, “Oh, wow, Mason.” He murmured, “You feel amazing.”

  I nodded, closing my eyes, “You do too.” I gasped. Wow, I felt so full and when he started to move. Fuck. Nothing compared to this... Nothing.

  He started off gently, sliding in and back out of me and back in, finding his rhythm quickly.

  I could hear his breathing quickening above me, over my moans and groans of ecstasy. His shifted position slightly and that was when I felt it. Absolute perfection...

  “Oh, God,” I gasped, “Right there. Right there. Keep doing that to me.”

  He smiled down at me as I stared up into his gorgeous eyes, “You like that?” he asked in his low, sexy voice.

  I nodded, “Oh, God... yeah, fuck, fuck, yeah, that’s... fuck, that’s good.” I wasn’t making a whole lot of sense and I’d have been embarrassed with anyone else but there was something about Hendrix that just made me want to let go and be myself.

  Almost as if we’d been doing this together for years, he kept on and on, hitting my sweet spot over and over until I was completely gone. I think I yelled out his name as I came and he was only seconds behind me, collapsing on top of me in a sweaty, breathless heap.

  His lips found mine and we shared a messy kiss. He then kissed all down my neck and across my chest before finally easing himself out of me and disappearing off to the bathroom to dispose of the condom.

  He came back to bed, smiling shyly at me and looking a little unsure of himself now that the deed was done. I opened my arms for him, “Come here.” I murmured, “I really need a cuddle.”

  He chuckled as he came back over to the bed. Crawling under the covers, I wrapped him up in my arms and we snuggled together until sleep finally took us both over.

  Chapter 5 – Rash decisions...


  I woke up and realised immediately that I wasn’t where I should have been. Fuck. What the hell had I been thinking last night? I checked my phone. I had three missed messages from Lenny – all of them asking where the fuck I was.

  I sent a quick text off telling him I’d be home at lunchtime. I didn’t have to tell him where I was or who I was with. I was still technically on my own time. He owned me again when I was back on the clock and not before.

  “I need to go home.” I murmured.

  Mason lifted his head off the pillow and looked at me with sleepy eyes, “Oh, not yet.” He wheedled, “At least stay for breakfast – we’ve got waffles.”

  I sighed. I wished I could stay there with him forever, making love to him every morning before we tended to the farm and then all night after we’d turned in... but that wasn’t ever gonna happen. I had to face reality. Mason didn’t want to stay around here anyway. He’d already told me that he wanted to experience life away from the farm – and I belonged to Lenny. And as long as I had a hole in my arse, he was going to make sure that I was his rent-boy – well, until I was too old and then fuck knows what he’d do with me – dispose of me, I guess...

  Another text message came through on my front screen. This one wasn’t from Lenny. I stared at it in horror. “Brendan won’t be able to help you out anymore...”

  My blood ran cold. Who the fuck knew he’d helped me out? Had I been watched last night? Had someone ratted me out to Lenny?

  “He’s hanging in there – but he’ll be out again and then we’ll finish him.”

  I didn’t know who the fuck the text was from – but they knew me and they knew about my relationship to Brendan, that was obvious. Fuck. The only family I had and they’d tried to kill him... Well, they might have succeeded yet – who knew what sort of a state he was in? Suddenly I needed to see him. And I also needed to protect Mason. What if someone had seen us leave toge
ther? I’d taken precautions – we’d left separately, but I had no idea if someone was following me... “I’ve gotta go.” I scrambled for my clothes.

  “Why?” Mason asked, sitting up and looking at me worriedly, “What’s up?”

  “Brendan’s been hurt.” I said as I pulled my tee shirt on, “He’s my real dad – did I tell you that?” He shook his head, looking at me in a bit of a daze. Shit. I was totally fucking with his mind. “I think it was Lenny’s lot.”

  Mason’s jaw dropped, “Fuck.” He murmured, “Are you going to be safe?”

  I shrugged, my heart aching that his first concern was for me. “I dunno, Mase – listen to me – I don’t want you involved in this. This was a one-time thing. It has to be a one-time thing.” It was breaking me to do it, but I couldn’t endanger him any more than I already had, “I can’t drag you into this sick, twisted world. You deserve better than me – I knew that last night but...” But it had been a slice of pure heaven and for once I hadn’t been fucking for money. I’d been making love with a wonderful guy for pure pleasure... and I would remember it for the rest of my life – however much of it I had left.

  Mason grabbed my arm as I made for the door, “Wait.” He said, “I really want to see you again. I don’t care what you do for a living – well, I care of course,” he gazed at me and I could see that he meant every word, “but it doesn’t change the way I feel about you...” he trailed off going a little red in the face.

  I blinked, “And how do you feel about me?” I asked, my heart thumping out of my chest. Could he really feel something for me? Could he really see past everything? It seemed as if he genuinely could...

  He looked down, “I think I could love you, Hendrix,” he said softly, “If you’d give me the chance.”

  I wanted to scream and to laugh and to cry all at the same time. How could this all be happening at once? Hope bubbled up in my chest and I made a rash decision. Something I wasn’t usually prone to doing. Rash decisions were dangerous... “I’ll be free on Sunday morning.” I blurted out, “I can see you then.”

  He beamed at me, “I’ll make us brunch.” He said, as I headed for the door, “And Hendrix,” I turned, “I hope your dad’s okay.”

  I swallowed hard and nodded, “Yeah, me too.” I said.

  I turned at the door and pulled Mason into a deep kiss, “I’ll see you on Sunday.” I whispered.

  He nodded, “Be safe.” He said, “Use protection.”

  I nodded, “I will.” I said. Well, as much as I could...


  I fished out my mobile as I walked across the field towards the main road that took me into town. I had to call the hospital to find out how Brendan was.

  It rang a few times before someone answered.

  I didn’t really know what to say. I wasn’t really his son – not on paper anyway and he’d had nothing to do with my upbringing... But he was my dad – and the only one in my life now... “I’m enquiring after Mr Brendan Holloway. I believe he was brought in last night?” I had no idea what had happened to him so I couldn’t really elaborate.

  “Who are you?”

  “My name is Hendrix McCarthy – I’m uh, I’m his natural son.”

  She put me on hold for what seemed like forever and then she came back to me, “He’s stable but critical.” She said, “I can’t tell you anymore than that at this stage.”

  My heart leapt that he was stable – that was a good thing, right? “Right, well, thanks – when can he have visitors?” I’d never get away from skanky bastard Lenny for long enough to visit but I’d like to at least try.

  “Not for a while – and he’s under police guard, so...”

  Oh, God... “What happened to him?” I asked, my voice coming out hoarsely.

  She paused, obviously unsure of what she was able to tell me. In the end, I guess she figured it made no difference, “He was shot at close range in the chest. The next forty-eight hours are going to be critical – he’s in a coma right now.”

  I swallowed. I felt as if it was my fault for taking money off him last night. Someone had to have seen that – and they’d have assumed he was trying to get me away from the Roblinskis.

  If they knew what I was really planning they’d have shot me instead, I was sure...

  Chapter 6 – Fantastic dream


  I felt as if it had all been a fantastic dream once Hendrix had left and I was on my own again.

  Reality hit pretty damned quickly afterwards and the rest of my day was taken up with checking on the plants in the poly tunnels, taking the produce that was ready to the supermarkets and tending to the rest of the plants for the weekend farmers markets.

  My dick twitched in my pants at the thought of the weekend. I’d be seeing Hendrix again on Sunday and I really couldn’t wait...

  I tried my best not to think about what he’d have to endure between now and then and to focus on just enjoying the time we’d spend together – but it was really difficult.

  It was stupid to feel so strongly about him when we’d only just met but I really couldn’t help it. It had definitely been a case of love at first sight and since we’d made love, I was completely and utterly head over heels.

  And I was racking my brains now for a way of getting him away from the man who was basically ruining his life.

  What sort of a hold did the guy have over him? Was it just money related? Or did he have some sort of family hang up?

  He’d mentioned that Brendan was his real father – if that was the case, then did he have any blood in common with the bastard that was using him for his looks and his beautiful body?

  My dick was interested again and I had to force myself to stop thinking about him. I seriously could not wait to see him again...



  Being with Mason was absolutely perfect and it allowed me to forget – albeit temporarily – who I really was, and what I really did.

  We’d been seeing each other for a few weeks and he constantly talked about us getting away from here – and I really needed to do that – but I needed to do it separately to him to keep him safe.

  Up to now we’d been really careful and I’d only come to the farm to see him. We hadn’t seen each other in public since that first night at the bar in Studs and I was pretty certain that Lenny had no idea I was seeing him regularly.

  He would have put a stop to it immediately if he knew. I wasn’t allowed to have a life. I existed only to make him money.

  I didn’t live with Lenny – which was one concession I had for being his property for all intents and purposes. I had my own little space that had been the only thing left to me from the deaths of the rest of my family. It was the only thing Lenny hadn’t been able to claim because it was willed to me from Henry. It was just a bedsit but it was clean and tidy and it was mine.

  I’d considered selling it and getting out but Lenny would know and I didn’t want him to. I wanted to escape without him knowing anything – and I could do that if I kept the bedsit.

  I looked around. Something didn’t feel quite right. It wasn’t as if anything was out of place or anything but the hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end. Someone had been in here. I really needed to change the locks before I left...

  I darted across to my wardrobe and pulled up the loose plank in the bottom. “Fuck!” I hissed as I saw that the box I kept my money in was gone. “I’m gonna fucking kill that bastard.”

  I sat back against my bed and swallowed down the lump that had risen up in my throat. Fuck. What the hell was I supposed to do now? I couldn’t stand doing it anymore... Ahh, what was the fucking point in hoping for a better life? To be a better man?

  All my money that I’d been saving over the last year was gone. I was right back to square one...

  Of course I should have opened an account at the bank but I’d never gotten around to it and I preferred dealing in cash. I wasn’t really educated in the whole banking thing... That was someth
ing I’d have to do once I was free. Mason would know what to do...

  But I’d been so fucking close. Well, Lenny could fuck right off now. I wasn’t going to do his bidding any longer. I was going to go and see Mason. No one knew about him yet – I needed to tell him about the stolen money... I needed to let him know that I had a different plan and that it didn’t involve him. I couldn’t risk his life. Mine was for shit – it didn’t matter – but he had a lot to offer a guy... I had to leave him. But maybe we could have just one last night together...


  As soon as I got there, the door was flung open and his lips had found mine instantly.

  I kissed him back with everything I felt for him. Our time now was limited. We had no time left. This was the last time we’d be together and I had to make every second count.

  I pushed him up against the wall and pressed myself into him.

  He groaned into my mouth as he licked into my mouth with his tongue. He didn’t taste of cigarettes today. Had he given them up?

  I pulled away, “Given up smoking?” I asked.

  He nodded, grinning at me, “Anything for you, baby.” He murmured and pulled me back in with a little growl.

  Fuck. He was perfect. It was going to kill me to leave him. My fingers found the button of his jeans, “Where’s your mum?” I murmured.