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- Heather Mar-Gerrison
Dangerous Love... Page 2
Dangerous Love... Read online
Page 2
Holy fucking shit. I really had never experienced anything like this in my life – and it was just a kiss. I could only begin to imagine what anything else with him would be like – because I wasn’t about to have sex with him. I had no idea if I was clean. It had been months since my last test. Lenny never factored in time for me to get tested and I’d been too busy on my days off to book an appointment – I know. My bad... It was something I was going to have to make time for – and soon because I really didn’t think I was going to be able to keep my hands off Mason for long.
“What do you do?” he finally asked as we pulled away from each other, both a little dazed from the power of the kiss and both panting a little.
I swallowed. Be honest. End it now before you ruin his life. “I work for Lenny.” I said. Taking a deep breath I forced out the words that I knew would horrify him enough to make him leave, “I have sex with men for money – most of which he takes off me.”
Mason’s jaw dropped, he loosened his grip on me slightly but he didn’t let me go. “You’re not serious?” he asked, looking at me in shock.
I nodded, my eyes filling with tears that I angrily brushed away, “Uh, yeah,” I said, “I am serious. And I’m really sorry I kissed you – please, forgive me...”
He blinked, “But, but... how old are you?”
I sniffed. He was going to walk away and I was never going to see him again. I would remember that kiss for as long as I lived but my life might as well be over now. Nothing could top this moment in my life. Nothing... “I’m eighteen.” I said, which was true. I didn’t turn nineteen until next month. “I’ll leave you to go home. This was a mistake.” I took a step back from him, “I’m really sorry, Mason. It was lovely to meet you and to talk to you. It was genuinely lovely to realise that you were hitting on me just because you liked the look of me.” I laughed and shook my head. It had been absolutely surreal, never mind lovely...
He frowned, catching hold of my hand and pulling me back towards him, “But I don’t want to say goodnight yet.” He said looking puzzled.
I stared at him. Was he for real? “Did you not hear me?” I asked, “I’m a rent boy.” I said as bluntly as I could. “I’m disgusting.”
He shook his head, “No,” he said, “You’re not. You’re trapped in a terrible situation – I’m, not stupid, I can see that. But I’m here now. I’ll help you.” He gazed at me steadily. He really meant it. Fuck me...
Panic twisted my gut. “NO!” I shouted, “I won’t get you involved in my car crash of a life. You’ve got to forget you ever met me...” I didn’t get any more words out as his mouth crashed against mine again and he started to kiss me, desperately this time, his tongue delving into my mouth, tasting and licking me for all he was worth. I pulled away, “Stop it!” I yelled, “I’m not worth it!”
He pulled away slightly, “You see, that’s where you’re wrong.” He said, “You are worth it. You’re what I’ve been waiting for my whole life. I want to be with you.”
Fuck. This was everything I’d ever wanted too. I knew exactly what he meant... It was intoxicating to be wanted. To be loved... Maybe just for tonight I could have it. I’d pretend that I wasn’t owned by Lenny and that Mason was my boyfriend. Surely everyone was allowed one night off from reality...?
Chapter 3 – Just one night...
A rent-boy? That beautiful, sensitive, intelligent guy was a rent-boy? How? Why? I took a deep breath. It was a shock but oddly enough I still wasn’t put off. He looked so ashamed of himself when he told me I guessed that it wasn’t his choice...
Well, he might have been a rent-boy until he met me but not anymore he wasn’t – or not for much longer, anyway. There was no way I was going to let him risk his life like that anymore.
This joker Lenny could damned well find himself a new rent-boy. I swallowed. I guessed it wasn’t quite as easy as that. Lenny was bad news...
I took his hand in mine and led him across the car park to my battered up truck. I loved my truck. It had been Dad’s and he’d used and abused it to near death... I’d always loved the old thing though, so I’d dropped a new engine in it and had swapped all the other bits that needed replacing. It was as good as new under the bonnet. The outside still looked like a bag of shit but I’d soon have that sorted out too.
Hendrix eyed it with trepidation, “Is it safe, dude?” he asked.
I nodded, “Might smell a bit of cigarettes,” he grimaced, making me smile, “but she’s good to go.”
He nodded, wrinkling his nose, “I really hate the smell of cigarettes.” He said with a shudder, “I hate all drugs – and I don’t drink either.”
“But you suck dick and fuck men for money?” I didn’t mean for that to pop out, but once it was out there, I couldn’t very well get it back.
He shrugged, his eyes sad, “It wasn’t like it was my lifelong ambition, believe me.” He muttered, “I kind of fell into it. It’s definitely not a career choice but I’m trying to make it work for me.”
I frowned, “How?”
He smiled at me and the change in his face was stunning. He was so damned beautiful when he smiled. Dimples appeared in both cheeks, making him even more adorable than he already was, “I’m saving up my money. I’ve just about got enough for a plane ticket to the south of France and around six to eight months worth of renting a house. That’ll give me time to find a job in a bar or something and then I’ll be able to come back in a few years when I’ve made enough money to buy my own place and be my own boss – and with any luck, Lenny and the rest of them will have all killed each other by then.” He shot me a rueful grin.
I nodded, that sounded like the most perfect plan in the world. “I’d love to come with you.” I murmured.
I started the truck up and we set off. Hendrix tucked one leg under the other and leaned against the door so he was facing me, “I’d love you to come with me too,” he said, “But it’s not exactly practical for you to do that, is it?”
I shrugged, “I’m sure Mum could manage...” I’m damned sure she couldn’t actually but if this beautiful man was serious about getting away from the Roblinskis, then I wanted to help him in any way I could.
He smiled, “It’s a nice idea.” He said, “But let’s just stay in the moment – it’s the safest place to be.”
I sighed and nodded, “Have you got condoms on you?” I asked.
He looked a little surprised but he nodded, “I’ve always got them.” He said.
I guess that kind of went with the territory... “Good.” I said, “’Cause we’re gonna need them.”
Hendrix looked at me in surprise. “I wasn’t really planning...”
I raised my eyebrows at him, “Are you turning me down?” I asked playfully but I could see he was genuinely perplexed.
He shook his head, “God, no – I can’t think of anything I’d like more... it’s just...”
I raised my eyebrows, “You said you had condoms – what’s the risk?”
He shrugged, “Condoms can split...”
I smiled, “What are the chances?”
His smile made my heart flip-flop in my chest. “Slim, I guess.” He murmured, “But I’ve not always been lucky enough to use them. There really is a risk of getting an STD from me without one – or if it breaks.”
God, this guy had totally gotten under my skin in a matter of hours. We hadn’t even known each other for two hours yet – and yet I’d been hooked the instant I laid eyes on him. I leaned in and captured those beautiful lips in another kiss – I really couldn’t get enough, “I’ll risk it.’ I murmured, “Come on.”
I took his hand in mine and led him into the house.
“Where’s your mother?” he asked, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth, “I really don’t want to offend anyone.”
I smiled, “She’ll be fast asleep, believe me – and she doesn’t come to my room in the mornings – she’s far too busy sorting out the veg and stuff. I might have to leave you in
bed to sleep too – because I really should help out.”
He smiled, “I’d love to help you too.” He said softly, “Would she be disgusted that you’d slept with someone?”
I shook my head, “I think she’d be pretty stoked that I’d met someone to be honest – it’s been a long time since I had anyone special in my life...” Like never.
Hendrix bit his lip and eyed me curiously, “You have had sex before, haven’t you?” he asked.
It was a valid question – I sure sounded like a virgin but I actually wasn’t. I nodded, “Yeah,” I said, “I’m not the most experienced guy on the planet but I did have a steady boyfriend for a couple of years a while ago.”
He smiled, “And?”
I sighed, it was still painful if I thought about it too much, “And he wasn’t really the faithful kind.” I grimaced, “I thought it was love and I thought it was forever. Anyway – to cut a long story short – he broke my heart and put me off men for a long time. I’ve had the odd hook up here and there since but that’s about it.”
He nodded, “Okay. Well, just to be clear – this,” he waved his hand between the two of us, “can’t be anything more than a hook up.”
I nodded my agreement but there was no way he was just going to be a hook-up. I wanted him...
I sat on his bed and looked up at him. “So…” I started, “Where do you want to start?”
He frowned, “I’m not one of your clients.” He said, “And I don’t want to be treated as if you’re on the clock.”
I blinked, “I wasn’t...” Was I? Oh, fuck... I didn’t know how to just be on a date. It had never really happened. I’d been used and abused ever since Lenny found me with a guy and realised he could totally exploit me.
He took a deep breath, “You kind of were.” He said.
I nodded, my eyes suddenly starting to fill with tears, “Oh, God. I know, I’m really sorry – I don’t really know how to be on a date.” How fucking embarrassing?
He shook his head and touched my hand. “Hey, it’s okay Hendrix. Just try to relax – this is your night off from real life. Tonight you can be yourself. It’s just you and me.”
I nodded. “Okay.” I whispered, “In that case, would you kiss me again – it’s kind of addictive.”
He grinned and nodded, “Of course.”
He led me over to his bed and gently pushed me down, crawling over me he bent his head and kissed me. He slipped his tongue in my mouth, stroking it against mine and running it along my lower lip before groaning and delving deeper.
I returned the kiss enthusiastically. It was rare for me to indulge in kissing. It was too personal and I wasn’t in the sex industry to waste time kissing. I liked to get in, get the job done and get out again. It was a job, not something to indulge in. Mason, however, was definitely someone I could indulge myself in...
He was perfect. I felt blessed to have met him – even if it was just one night of pure bliss, I was going to enjoy every second of it. I was sure that I could kiss Mason all day long and never get tired of it. I could waste days in bed with him and feel nothing but pure bliss.
He leaned away from me and looked into my eyes. I gazed back up at him, “Hey beautiful.” He murmured, “Shall we lose the clothes?”
I nodded, “Definitely,” I breathed. If he was the outdoorsy type, he was bound to be ripped...
He knelt up on the bed beside me and pulled his tee shirt off over his head. Just as I’d suspected, he had a six-pack to die for. Fuck. And he was tanned. Mm-mm, fucking gorgeous.
Reaching up I grabbed him and pulled him down on top of me. “Kiss me again,” I murmured, “Can’t get enough of your kisses.”
He pressed himself to me and wound his fingers in my hair as he lowered his mouth to mine, “Oh, God, Hendrix,” he breathed into my mouth, “I can’t get enough of you either.” As his mouth crashed into mine something inside happened. It was like my ‘love’ gene had just gotten switched on or something. I felt my heart explode in my chest and I was completely and utterly under his spell. This had never happened to me before and it was as terrifying as it was exhilarating.
Straddling my legs, he pushed my tee shirt up to show off my stomach and chest. I wasn’t anywhere near as in shape as he was and I sucked my stomach in a little.
He leaned away from me to look me in the eye, “You’re gorgeous,” he murmured. Leaning back down, he ran the tip of his tongue up my chest, paying attention to my nipples and then back down my stomach, making me suck in my breath sharply for an entirely different reason this time. The slightly rough sensation of his chin against my skin was a total turn on.
His hand slid down to my jeans and his fingers made easy work of the buttons. Seconds later he was pulling my jeans down around my thighs, showing my desire for him. I was totally turned on and my cock was as hard as steel. He groaned, “You look fucking awesome in those boxer shorts.”
I glanced down. Which ones had I put on tonight? Ahh, I had on my bright pink ones. They were pretty new and my absolute favourites. I shrugged shyly, “Do you like pink?” I asked.
“Fuck, yeah,” He said running his fingers along my bulging erection, “It’s officially my new favourite colour.”
I chuckled. He was the sweetest person I’d ever met in my life. “Kiss me again.” I breathed into his mouth, “Please.”
He smiled and lowered his face to mine again. Covering my mouth with his, he started exploring my mouth with his tongue at the same time as his hands seemed to be stroking me everywhere. Fuck, that felt good. His tongue was swirling around mine as he reached down and pushed my boxers down, exposing my hard cock. He started massaging me expertly, “Is that good?” he murmured as his mouth left mine and he started trailing kisses down my neck and across my chest.
“Uh-huh,” I managed.
I felt him smile against my skin as he kissed his way all the way back up my neck. I shivered as he ran his tongue all along my jawbone. He managed to find a sensitive spot just behind my ear lobe that no one else had ever found, making me gasp. He smiled again and grazed his teeth over my skin gently, nipping at my neck lightly and then nibbling my earlobe.
Never stopping his delicious onslaught, he ran a finger across the sensitive tip of my cock, where I’d leaked a little pre-come. He used it to lubricate his fingers and started to work me.
The beautiful little needy moans he’d made earlier were back and he stopped working me as he got more into the kiss. Instead he pressed his hips into mine, rubbing his cock against mine. We were both still in our jeans, albeit undone and it was just so damned sexy to feel his cock sliding against mine like this but a voice in the back of my mind was warning me that this really wasn’t a good idea without protection.
“We need to get the condoms out.” I whispered, “I don’t want you getting anything off me.”
He nodded, pulling away. His eyes were totally glazed over with unbridled lust. I gazed back at him in wonder. I’d never seen someone looking so totally gone on me before. It was incredible.
And I felt exactly the same way about him. This was what I wanted forever. Just him and me.
I could live here with him at the farm, helping out and building the business up between us. We could expand, get more livestock; make homemade ice cream from a small dairy herd... One day... When Lenny was dead and I was free...
“Mm-hmm,” He murmured his reply, “Good idea. Where are they?”
“In my jeans pocket.” I said, reaching for my wallet, “I’ll get them out.”
He smiled and rubbed his nose against mine, “Okay,” he said, “And then where do you want me?”
Ahh, so he preferred to bottom. I figured he might but I really wasn’t fussy. I could do either and be perfectly satisfied. I smiled. “Wherever you want to be.” I said, “Which position do you feel most comfortable with?”
He blushed, “I’d prefer you to be on top.” He murmured, “If that’s cool with you?”
I nodded. He w
as bare-chested and his jeans and boxers shorts were still halfway down his legs. I’d got my jeans and boxer shorts off and I was putting the condom on. I pulled my own tee shirt off once I’d got the condom on and so I was now completely naked. My dick was absolutely rigid. I was so ready for this but he wasn’t – not quite – he needed this to be comfortable...
“Got any lube?” I asked.
He nodded and opened the drawer next to his bed. I was kind of excited to see that he had a dildo in there – he was clearly used to having something inside him then – that was good. I didn’t want to hurt him.
He scooted back against the pillows and lay down in front of me, spreading his legs invitingly.
“Oh, my God,” I growled, walking on my knees up the bed towards him, “I’m gonna suck you right till you come – right now,” I said.
I lowered my face down until my lips were hovering over his cock. I watched as his cock quivered with anticipation. This was so different to what I was used to doing. I never usually took my time with a guy because I wasn’t doing it for pleasure – it was all for cold hard cash and I wasn’t ever interested in the client for anything other than his money.
He gasped in ecstasy as I took him into my mouth and sucked him right to the back of my throat. I gripped the base of his cock gently as I started to get into what I was doing. I licked him from root to tip, revelling in hearing his little moans and groans of pleasure. He kept arching his hips up to meet me but I could tell he was trying his best not to thrust into me – he was as concerned about not hurting me as I was him. Something I wasn’t used to – and something that really touched me. This guy was going to be the death of me... Because Lenny would surely kill me if he thought I’d gotten romantically involved with someone. He could never know about this. He could never find out about Mason... never.
Almost as if he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the erotic show I was treating him to – I couldn’t help showing off a little and kept swallowing him really deeply into my throat – he watched me in fascination. I traced my tongue along his shaft, taking my time to circle the tip of my tongue around the crown of his cock and then dipping into the slit before taking all of him back into my mouth as deeply as I could possibly take him again. “Oh, God,” he moaned, grabbing my hair and holding me there, “Nothing has ever...” he managed, “No one has ever... fuck, I’ve never felt anything so fucking good, Hendrix.”