The Sound of War: The Song of the Eagle Read online

Page 7

  'Stop! Who are you and what brings you to Artos' - the guard outside the gates asks him. "I am Jampir, Whisperer in the service of Lord Grahms. Let me, so I my men can report". The guard opens the door Jampir. And the Snitch trot with his horse in the direction of the Imperial Palace. But not to the main entrance. His path leads him to the Eastern Citadel. In this part of the system, within the Palace, the leaders of the Empire lives with their families. With quick steps and heavy heart Jampir progresses to the Chambers of the Security Minister.

  Jampir is one of the best spy in Grahms services, delivering this message, the Security Minister his men personally. He knocks on the door in the Dark Tower of the Eastern Citadel. "My Mr. Lord Grahm I customer for you". "Then talk Jampir". "I must tell you that Prince Beron and his bodyguards always still did not return to your ship in Akosia. It is missing at the moment every trace of you". "Good job my boy." No one told".

  The Security Minister sags together thoughtful in his chair. He is a clever man after the Emperor and his Minister of war, and probably the most powerful man in the Empire, before Finance Minister Lord Brecht. He knows the Beron either dead or imprisoned is. Beron has misjudged Atolla and must pay this now expensive. But not only Beron must pay this price, also the Empire must share his fate. No matter how long he think about it. Lord Grahm must deliver this news to his Emperor. And this message can have only a consequence. War.

  Lord Grahm sits for an hour before the fire in his room. He stares mesmerized into the flames and thinking about the future of the Empire. For him it is clear, the emperor will call to arms. Certainly he will be flattened Maros. Heeral Cruxas waiting long to move against the Union during the war and the emperor will command him just this. And it is likely that the Union will declare the Empire on a conquest of Maros war. A peaceful solution seems now completely impossible.

  The heart of the cunning Lords wearing thousand stones hard as he is the long way to the emperor. His feet beyond the magnificent floor of the Palace. But it is as if he were walking across burning coals directly into the hell of war Lord Grahm. His words could be the trigger for the end of the Union, but also for the end of the Empire. Without a Word, let the guards at the Palace pass the Security Minister and tilt their heads reverently. Only the personal bodyguard of the Emperor stops him at the last door. It is the duty of the Governor to announce the visit with the emperor.

  The Emperor sits with his son Luniver in the great Hall. Luniver was it always the dear son, he is sometimes so difficult. Beron community never had much with his father. Their views, their personalities were too different. But Luniver is quite different. He is intelligent and an excellent weapons fighter. He reads incredibly much, sings like an Angel and plays phenomenally on the violin. But for politics he has obviously never be interested. Although he has received all training fees a Prince, but he wants to devote his life to the arts.

  The captain announces the Security Minister. Luniver stands at the great fire and plays a song on the violin for his father. The song is called "Dream of Roscaya". It describes the conquest of the island by world grandfather. It is an epic piece full of depth, grief, hope and passion. The war of Roscaya is one of the great heroic legends on which the Empire is based. Emperor Varlon II has lost two older brothers in this war. Not infrequently, the blood Emperor sheds a tear when his son plays this piece for him.

  "My master, forgive the intrusion. I must urgently address you". "Says, do you remember at the battle of Wescaya Lord Grahm"? "In the years 505 after the founding of the Empire. Your father's army has destroyed the troops of King Okas and driven the tyrant in the sea. I was 13 or 14 when I heard about the victory of our great empire". The Emperor loses his views in the flames while he continues to listen world of emotional music.

  "My brother of Vucos led the attack. He prevailed heroically, superior. But at the victory ceremony, an assassin met him a dagger in the back. Sivasankaran, fell two years previously in Bescaya. At that time, I served alongside my brother of Vucos. I loved my brother about everything but I could not protect him and had to carry him to the grave. "He was the Emperor needed the this world, the world would have earned had the". "The whole world knows the epic to your brother of Vucos. And the sneaky stab. Today, he is my master the symbol of infamy. And the entire Empire cries until today it has never caught the Assassin".

  The thoughtful, sensitive face of the Emperor turned to stone himself. Anger and nasties suddenly ascend to him. It has angered appears as Lord Grahm Varlon II. would have. "What do you want here, at this late hour"? "Beron my master." My spies have brought in experience that he and his men had always not are returned to their ship". "Is that so? Well, I guess you know what that means, Lord Grahm".

  Lord Grahm notes the Emperor is as angry and indignant. His fears seem to be coming true. Lord Grahm sees the free kingdoms already fall before his spiritual eyes. "What would you do Luniver?" "What would you do in my place my son"? "I would mourn to Beron and tune a lament for him father". "Of course, of course, would you get me that Cruxas!" Get me"my Heeral. With increasing volume, the Emperor Lord Grahm yells at.

  A servant rushes to the Chambers of Lord Cruxas, Heeral of the Empire. The guards at the door of the war Minister announce the messengers. Quickly enters the Messenger in the lush, elegant rooms of the family. While his wife and two daughters at the table sitting, the Secretary of war is ready for use in the hallway. Cruxas is a scary man. Its appearance is impressive. He is over two meters tall, strong as an ox and marked by countless battles. Blond hair with long, beard and deep scars on the face. "Lord Cruxas, the emperor sent me. He wants to see you promptly in his Chambers'!

  Cruxas rushes to the Chambers of the emperor. The White fire of Kanos oil torches show him the way. His powerful, black Cape blowing in the wind. The guards make wordless place him directly. With quick steps, Cruxas reaches the private rooms of the emperor. Varlon. II. sit still in his chair by the fireplace. To his left is sitting on a Chair Lord Grahm. Luniver continues to play his violin.

  'A Cruxas, butcher of Golan slide step. You sit to my right". "My master, how can I serve you"? "Well, it told Lord Grahm. Tell what happened"my Minister of war. "Well, how it looks, Prince Beron in Maros was killed, or taken prisoner. In any case he did not return so far yet. As his 100 men". The round is still silent. The silence is spooky. The Heeral expected every moment to Maros to break up the command of Emperor with a fleet and submit to Queen Atolla. Or worse. But the Emperor looks just apathetic in the flames. And the Heeral calls a word - "my master, the death of 100 imperial soldiers must remain not gone unpunished. Not to mention the death of a Prince". "We don't know whether he is dead, Lord Cruxas" -added Lord Grahm.

  "My master, what are your instructions" - the Heeral asks anxiously. And Varlon II. answers him - 'me my son brings back. It costs what it wants it. If he is still alive, then trades this damn island against him. Have understood Cruxas me"? 'Yes. Yes, I did". "You are breaking up at the crack of dawn. I want back my son". "If he is dead my master"? 'Get me not my hope, Heeral'.

  Both Lord Grahm and Heeral Cruxas are surprised by the statement of the emperor. None of them expected to bring back a diplomatic attempt Beron. On their way back, the two ministers hold among angry and nervous. The Union won a real advantage? "I no longer understand the emperor. A few months ago yet he would put the whole world on fire for this sacrilege. What does"your Heeral. "Yes, that is me also. It seems to me the emperor would be age-mild. The Union will exploit this weakness for themselves. At least she will try it". "And what will you do now Cruxas"? "What a question! I'm going to do what the Emperor told me"!

  Varlon II. continues to be seated before a fireplace. Only Luniver is still with him. The old emperor is desperate and quarrels with him, about his life and his legacy. What is his legacy at all? This huge country which he has always expanded? Or his family, his sons? The songs of praise that have been attributed to his conquests?

  "Why does your heart suddenly such a mourning father"? "Because yo
ur brother is probably dead, Luniver. Because he is dead". "You never had a good relationship with each other. So why should his death care so father".

  "What is that for a question Luniver! Because he is my son just like you! He was your brother already always weird. So full of goodness, hope and faith. So morbidly peaceably. He has inherited from his mother. As well as their eyes. That's why I couldn't be never angry with him. Every time I looked at him I saw your mother".

  Banned looks of the blood imperial in the fire. His thoughts revolve around his lost son. The history of his life. To the promise that he his beloved wife was when she in the die was and that he could not meet, to protect her sons. The Emperor is weak and vulnerable.

  And while his eyes to the flickering of the flames feasting, Varlon II. senses something hot on his right side. It's a dagger, he's long, sharp and shiny. The flame is reflected in the refined steel. Luniver has rammed a dagger into the side of his father, with tough, decisive hand. The Emperor is in shock. But quickly gives way to the shock and the old emperor begins to laugh.

  The pommel of the dagger is a big lion's head. He majestically shimmering like the fate of the Empire. A large blood stain on his chair is on the Golden robes of the Emperor and a pool of blood. Also it runs in a magnificent dark red from his mouth and drips down. Varlon II. considers itself arrived at the end of his career.

  "Well look at me not so surprised. I'm your son. And I'm the future of the Empire. Beron is weak, we both know it." "You can sign another way your claims my son". "I ask you father. We both know who was the assassin of my uncle's. Our blood, our fate of father". With every breath, life rapidly escapes the old emperor. The pools of blood and stains are getting bigger. The colour of his face of always pale, grey, dull. The forces of the old ruler dwindle. He leans back smiling. "I'm proud of you Luniver. You're strong. Strong in life, proud in death" -these are the last words of the old emperor. The motto of the House of Laarus. Then finally his heart ceases to beat.

  Luniver resigns. The last time he plays a song for his father on his artistic Viuoline. It's "The song of the Eagle", in historians describe the founding of the Empire by Orannis Laarus I, who once submitted to the kingdoms of Salabania and Darcos. The light of the fireplace brightens the graceful banner of the House of Laarus on the wall as well as the slyly smiling face of Luniver.

  As Luniver leaves the Chambers of his father, he reaches down the two unsuspecting guards of his bodyguard door standing before the emperor. Without remorse, Luniver goes to bed. Is knowing that you found dead on his father and the guards in the morning. According to the law, Luniver will be crowned as the new emperor. He has should Beron is still alive, according to the law of the Empire exactly 1 year time assert his claim to the throne to make. But then it doesn't look at least at the moment.

  Chapter 7 - Princes and princesses

  Beron Laarus lies on the bed in his tower. The hands and feet to the bed. It is night, the air is cool. But even if Beron is naked, so it is still warm. Queen Atolla is sitting on him. It props up her hands on his chest and rides wild on his lap.

  In contrast to Beron, she enjoys the ride. Atolla moans her pleasure out in joyful anticipation of his seed. She moans very arbitrarily Beron contrary to her pleasure. And when he finally came to the climax she happy smiles at him and stroking him over his pretty face. Beron she climbed countless times in the last few weeks. Atolla is convinced that her plan has worked.

  "My Prince, I think your seed was fertile. I no longer bled. Too long to be honest. I think I'm carrying a child by you under her heart. Isn't that wonderful? You're my Prince"father. "You are a very sick woman Atolla Janda". The Queen is Beron a resounding slap in the face. "And you are my prisoner. Do not forget that. If it's a boy, I cut the eggs you. This is hopefully aware you." "I was afraid something".

  But already the next morning Atolla breaks after Sparos. She has received the message of Ravons and followed his call. "What should we do with the Prince as long as you're absent my Queen" -the captain of her Palace Guard asked them. "Treated him well. I need it some time. "Nothing suits him on that happening". "Yes my Queen". The Queen leaves the Castle Sternenthal with a guard of 60 men. Front of the Castle it has put lances with the heads of Berons men. The heads of the soldiers in the sun before him rot for days and weeks.

  The Queen rides with their men only to the South. By Rossika goes by boat towards Sparos. The crossing takes a long time. And it is not pleasant. The sea is restless and wild at this time of year. Atolla is convinced to be pregnant? This thought gives her good mood. And the more days go by, it is even clearer that she was right. You can feel the change in her body and soon it is visible to everyone.

  Beron is however not. He is stuck in his Tower in Sternenthal. Only once a day the maid brings him something to eat. And they entertain themselves. But always the guards outside his door.

  "I have Prince Beron, here something to eat for you". "Wait"! "Prince Beron". "There a moment. What are your names"? "My name is abal". "The Queen was two days and nights not at me. Abal "what is it? "I can with you not Prince Beron talk". "Why not? What is so bad about? The Queen is on the way to the Mainland, isn't". "I can not contradict at least".

  "You can do me a favor abal"? "What can I do for you do Prince Beron". "Please get me something to read. Otherwise I'm dying before boredom". But the guards at once impatient knock on the door. "Maid! What's taking so long"! "I statement of the Queen to watch the Prince at dinner. And the cover again to take". "Then you eat faster piece of crap" - the guard at the door hollering. Abal leaves the tower. But the next day, she smuggles a book under the food in his room for him.

  Day abal and the Prince entertained themselves. Get to know themselves better and Beron manages to earn their trust. But he know the abal can help him unlikely to escape. And he wants to bring the innocent maid also not in danger. But he knows one, he needs to break out. He must escape. Queen Atolla will come back sooner or later. And if it actually gives birth to a son, she will maim him. The masculinity take him on that he may testify no son more with other women. Or she will simply kill him. So or so, his prospects are bleak.

  Day looks the young Prince from the window of his tower. He's too high to jump. Maybe ten or twelve metres. And if he doesn't come to the jump, so he would end at least as a cripple. Beron thinks all the time to his wife, Lubja and his daughter rida. The desire grabs the young Prince.

  In the night, Beron forges a plan. He is simple, as too risky. The next day, Beron can quietly disappear the knife from the cover. As abal bringing dishes back in the kitchen, her on that's missing. But the timid maid keeps this fact for themselves. Abal expects the Beron will flee that night. And she is not willing to warn the guards of the Queen, because she feels his captivity as a grave injustice.

  "Aaaahhhhh"! A louder scream comes from Berons Tower room. The guards see through the hole in the door and call for the Prince. But there is nothing to hear. "View what makes the little bastard there. This idiot has jumped from the window" -says a guard to the other. One of the security guards enters. Beron's hiding behind the door. Diagonally from the bottom, he finds the knife between the ribs the guard.

  As the second man frantically enters the room, he stabs the knife in the throat him, before he can pull the sword. The blood of the men running on the ground and spreads on the cold stone. Beron seizes the opportunity. He takes the clothes and the sword of the guards. Then he sneaks down the Castle. Disguised he steals the other guards passing by. As soon as someone discovers the bodies of alarm is sounded. Beron has not much time. And is he not here. This makes his escape all the more difficult and risky.

  Below is a window from which he can jump. Maybe five or six meters high. Among them is a car with hay. The jump is risky. But the chances he survived is greater than it would have been the top of the tower. Beron dares, he carefully jumps out a window and jumps onto the Hay wagon. He ends up cheap in the Hay, but Beron strikes to the head. Luckily he has a helmet which saves him from cert
ain death.

  Unconscious is the young Prince on the Hay wagon. "Drive the car to the South-Veste" - said the captain to the young soldiers. "Captain, there is one of the guards on"-said the young soldier. "What do you say? One of the guards? So, so. You know what, let him down. And throw this drunk halfway from the car. "Then can this drunkard home run '.

  The young soldier followed the statement of captain. After about 10 miles, he throws down Beron from the car. The young Prince muttering just in front of him and ends up in the mud. The soldier continues to the 'South-Veste'. The ailing heir creeps into the adjacent forest. Then it gets dark again to Beron.

  When he woke again Beron was again tied up. But not from men of the Queen. Beron slowly opens her eyes. It is already night and a fire lit up a cave in which he sits. He hears the murmur of a few men. Their clothing is usually. These are not military, not rich people. Probably there are criminals. Thieves, assassins, rapists. As the men remember the Beron wakes up, one of them gets to him.

  "Sunshine eyes". "Who you are" - asked the Prince of. "We are nobody. "But call me reen." "Why am I tied up green"? "Well, mainly for two reasons." On the one hand, we do not know who you are. "And on the other hand, you are our prisoner." "You know reen who I am"? 'No. It's also damn. "But I know what you bring to me." "You are slave traders".