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The Sound of War: The Song of the Eagle Page 6
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Luniver simply leave his father and goes on. "You want me as a nail for an uncertain peace father. But there will be no peace with these kingdoms. There will never be peace. Strong in life, proud in death. Forget not the motto of our House on your old days".
His second born was always a very obstinate and strong character, just loves his father to him. But sometimes he drives Varlon II. Thus in the madness. Similarly, it displeases him the Luniver that avoids meetings of the Emperor, would he teach here but about him what he knows. So also in this afternoon. Because there is still no news from the North-East.
"My master, there is already news of Maros" - ask the Heeral in the Imperial Council session. "Our Whisperer have heard no customer" - Lord Grahm, the Security Adviser of the Emperor responds. "I am sure that he will succeed my Emperor". "The prospects for success would have far greater had Luniver started this trip, Lord Brecht"- Heeral Cruxas replies. "Now I don't think the young Prince has such ambitions Heeral" -Lord Grahm is announced. "Luniver is strong-willed. He reminds me to my father. He does not believe in peace with the Union". "Alone so he proves more intelligence than half of your consultant". "Anyway. Let's talk about preparing a possible invasion".
But not only the Emperor in Artos is planning the next step. It must continue in Maros. The young soldier had disappeared with the strange old man, waiting for the Prince and his entourage began again. After two hours, the door opened again. A horse rode out quickly. It was the young soldier.
He was tied to the saddle. He was naked, covered with blood and littered with open stab and cut wounds. A cross was nailed to his back, the nails were so long that they jutted out at the front of his body. The cross holds his arms horizontally. Old wing of game trophies were sewn on his arms. A scornful reference to the House coat of arms of the imperial family. It was an abomination beyond compare.
It is a distinct and clear signs of the Princes of Artos. Beron is not welcome here. As well as its men. The Empire is the enemy of the Queen and is here despised and hated. Atolla is not ready. But let the son of the Emperor can't see her and brute force. For him it's not his future, but the future of the population of Maros ยด, dealing with their lives.
Berons men stop the horse and take her young comrades in reception. "This damn thing take off him and clean up his body. We take back with him to his homeland and bury it in Artos. I will be damned if this brave boy in the foul ground of this bloody island would rot" - voice of the captain and Beron glanced against malicious. He knows that the men give him the blame for the death of the young soldier. His death was a gamble the Beron knowing is entered. And now he wears hard on this load.
The whole rest of the day Beron stands at the gates of the Castle star Valley. No one knows what's going on in it, or how he feels. The death of the boy goes to his conscience and he gnaws on its interior. Again and again he gets after the Queen. While his men in the night camp fire warm he stands in the rain. His call is loud, angry and aggressive. Constantly he calls after Atolla and hammering with bare fists to their goals. Deep into the night. Even when you can no longer see the own hand in front of Prince perseveres bravely and unyielding. The castle is quiet, no one is listening. But fire lit the night sky over.
Berons palms are very red, sore and swollen. His voice is fading as well as his confidence. Maybe, the Governor's proposal was but not such a bad idea. Maybe he should storm the Castle. Jupita 6,500 men of the Emperor are stationed, that would be enough to conquer by force this old walls always. But out of nowhere, a fanfare is heard and the great gate of the Castle star Valley opens up. The Imperial Bodyguard follows the goings-on from a distance. Their night camp is situated away from Atollas archers. They whip out their swords as they see what's going on. But the captain behind looks just as heir to the throne of the Empire happened the gate.
The men are impressed by his courage and his determination. They are so distracted that they never noticed how they were surrounded. Atollas King Guard has included Berons men. The first arrow comes out of the darkness of the forest. It is a crossbow arrow and meets the soldiers next to the captain at the cozy dinner right in the neck. The blood spurts freely from his neck. It pulsates out of his veins and hides the captain.
Arrow to arrow follows out of the darkness, under the guise of night. Berons men have no chance. Before she noticed what vorsichgeht their comrades fall the Maros protect like flies to the victims. Man to man sinks to the floor and your blood soaks the elevated position of the edge of the forest. Three men managed to escape at the foot. However makes a patrol to capture Atollas forces on the volatile.
Beron is nothing of all this. There are only a few men that he can see inside the Castle. You are on the walls. On the towers and the plants. To guard their Veste and views Beron in the flickering light of the torches of the plug-in. Beron runs straight on the front steps. Only when he wants to pass through the door, a guard blocking the way to him. "Reverses, or finds the death of stranger". "I'm Beron Laarus. Son of Emperor Varlon II and heir of the Empire. I'm resigning before anyone. I wish to talk about Queen Atolla". And the guard answers him - "we know who you are, you scream it already since days over our walls. Here, your name is a bunch of crap worth stranger". The security guard spits the Prince before the feet.
Beron looks deep in the eyes of the security guard. He is ready to whip out his sword and set the foreign tongue under imperial law. But as the old man appears again. 'This man has right Beron Laarus, Prince of Artos. Queen Atolla is willing to you separate the head from the shoulders". "Then you should do what can not leave. "Before if my words hear". "You have the determination and boldness of a mountain of Beron Laarus. But you are a fool. "The enough will soon bring you the death". "I could have saved my head want to I wouldn't be here. I want to save the lives of your citizens'.
"Because you have made you a lot young Prince. "But how do you protect us from the beasts of the Empire". "What you have done with my young soldiers was worse than inhumane. And you call us beasts "? The old man leads Beron in the Hall of the Queen. It's not ostentatious or opulent place. Star Valley is very Spartan and sparse nature. The war of the last decades has drawn the island Kingdom. It lacks the money for beautiful plants and pageantry. The once shiny and magnificent buildings of the House Janda are all in Jupita. However, emblazoned majestically on its banner on the cold walls of the Red Bull family. A man stands outside of the throne and playing the songs of the House Janda on a flute.
And the old man explains - "you stand before the Queen. One of the great. The guardian of Maros. Atolla 96ci Janda. Speak". "Queen Atolla. My name is Beron Laarus... "." Yes, Yes, I know who you are. You have yelled it three days and nights against us. Why are you here? And I warn you, choose your words wisely, because you are not welcome here. The Empire is not welcome here".
"I am Queen, here to prevent, not to start a war. My father allowed me to give you a quote. An offer that will save thousands of lives". "Your father? Save lives? The Emperor is a mass murderer and rapist of the free world. He such a monster already submit to me what may be an offer"? "You say the free world? What is called your free world, builds up on slaves and arbitrariness of nobleman. Not on law and equality". "Do you lose your head before you have brought me your offer? Speak now, or die, no matter which of the two, does it just quickly Beron Laarus".
The son of the Emperor climbs another stage on the road to the Queen. And he makes her the offer of his father. "Your name and your Word is still the largest weight on Tauros. My father offers voluntarily to enter you into the Empire. Join up with us. And you'll get back not only Jupita. Also bent and Falus be placed you under. Not more than Queen. But as rhan, you would rule over all Tauros. A dream your ancestors could never achieve". "Really? This is" -the Queen with deliberate voice spoke. "You have my word Queen Atolla. You will receive total protection dominion over the island and ruled as an administrator of the provinces. "Takes your family back to its former glory and your House bloomed as never before in its history".
> The eyes of the Queen are getting bigger. Your heart with every moment is wilder. The blood in her veins pulsating with excitement. It is the blood of bulls of Maros flowing in their veins. And after a moment of deliberation, it bursts out from her. She speaks as only a Queen can do it.
"What does your who you are Beron Laarus, Prince of Artos?" Thousands of miles away from home. Who are you that you dare to enter my house the halls of my ancestors. With words full of betrayal and a heart full of cowardice. You're in Maros, home of the bulls. No people in your wicked Empire can keep up with our pride and our courage. Your father is hidden behind its thick walls and can fight its wars of mercenaries. He is a man without honor, without a soul. My family for thousands of years with blood soaks the story of Tauros.
With your own and that of our enemies. The Red Bull has skewered so far still his enemies and crushed. And I promise you, Prince of Artos, at the end of this war we have plucked your Eagles. Who are you already Beron Laarus? You are far away from home"a nothing.
"Can I assume Queen Atolla, that you will rethink the generous offer of the Emperor once more alone"? The Queen smiles at Beron, meanwhile goes on the door of the great Hall. And the soldiers of the Queen bring the heads of Berons men. 96 of 100 heads to throw them on the floor in front of Atollas throne. Beron freezes the blood in the veins when he sees the cruelty against his body guard. With what joy and what pride the men of their Queen deliver the heads as a gift. The sight disgusts him.
The Queen spits out the son of the emperor at the feet. Not only the walls in Sternenthal are cold. Also the heart of Regent bears no heat in itself, or a touch of grace. "You don't listen to Beron Laarus. We have said it very clearly to you. You are not welcome here. The Empire is not welcome here. And Maros will get back what is his. You are not able to offer anything me".
'Captain Talon, shall the fools of Artos in chains. And throw him into the darkest cell that you can find. I will teach the Emperor what does it mean to taunt the bull". "Yes my Queen". Atollas men standing around Beron and wait. "What are you waiting for, do you not understand the command of your Queen"? "We're waiting that pushes you to your clothes." She needs her"here no longer. "If the Queen wants to see me naked she can ask me charming". Hardly, Beron has completed his sentence he gets a solid blow to the back of the head. Darkness surrounds the Prince. The lackeys of the Queen take off his armor and put in ordinary rags like a common thief Beron. Then they put heavy chains on him and throw him in the Dungeon of the Castle. In the darkest and worst cell who find they can. So how Atolla has commanded them.
Meanwhile, it requires the Heeral to a parley with Luniver Artos. But it's hard to speak with the Prince on normal roads. Lord Cruxas seek him therefore the daily gun battle of the morning exercise at. In the "Garden of the vanquished" he cautiously approaches the Student Prince. He sees him a while. Luniver is an excellent swordsman. And none of his practice partner has grown even remotely him. The blade dance he performs is impressive. Beautiful like a painting and horrible as death.
"Excellent my Prince. You are very skilled with the sword. "And it seems to me you are getting better and better". "What do you want from me Lord Cruxas"? "I want to talk to you my Lord". "I'm just my weapons training. If you want to talk to me further, then fights against me". "My Lord, have you thought about you well that? In contrast to all the others I would let them win you". "The better Heeral. I need"enemies, not victims.
Lord Cruxas accepts the terms and conditions. With practice swords, the two fighters go together. And while they dance the dance of death to the licence and rattles the wood, they speak freely with each other. "There is still no news of your brother my Prince". "The road to Maros and back is long. The wind is tricky in these climes". "You sentenced your brother like I plan". "Who said that?" "I can see that and I can feel it. But well, the Emperor's also reported that your Berons deem foolish plan". "That's not true. His plan was good, I felt that my brother is foolish. Hit'!
"Ahh! Only gestriffen my Prince! Why didn't mind owning you your brother for foolish Luniver"? "Atolla has lost your father and your husband in the wars. A woman with such good revenge reasons is not the first choice as a partner. Also, my brother believes in peace. Ahh"! 'Hit! "And not my Lord are you doing that?" "My left hand would be Lord Cruxas now unusable! No, defectors are traitors. And to not get into the House traitor, it chops off heads". "You're a smarter man my Lord".
Luniver succeeds in Cruxas at this moment to disarm. But he puts so much force that extends into this blow his arm far to the side. Cruxas kneeling and holding world sword hand with bare hands. In his right hand, he holds a dagger, a real dagger. And he put him on world left ribs. "How can a sensitive music lover like you be just a such good fighter". "By he trained much Heeral". "Verily, you is worthy of the SFOR Legion. "But I'm the Heeral". "And the first fighter of death Legion". 'Yes. Earlier time. Well, I'm glad the emperor who has a son in the sense of the Reich thinks. Because nothing good for this your brother's peace mission begins me".
Chapter 6 - the Lords of Artos
Darkness reigns in his cell and in his heart. Since several days and nights, Beron sits in the Dungeon of Queen Atolla. The left is dark and wet, the rats go in and out. You treat any sleep Beron. They took him his shiny armor and his hope. The Prince quarrels with him, with his fate and with the men who died under his command. By the hand of the woman that he has underestimated. Beron blames himself, who can blame him?
Night for night, he cowers in his filthy cell together. The cell door opens only once in a day. Then brings him the jailor of food and beverages. But not without previously it spit to. But tonight is different. Two men come in his Dungeon. "What are you from me" - he yells at himself. One of the men "Shut your motherfucking" answers him. They pick up on the Prince and take him in one of the towers of the Castle.
There is a maid on him which is to wash it. You will find the Prince in his new room. But he does not will get rid of the chains. "What is this" he asks the maid. "I have a contract to clean you Prince Beron". "What? I'm also a prisoner like everyone else. Or not"? "Your worship, I have only a contract to wash you" the maid tells him.
Beron has no choice. That's why he got rid of his clothes when the maid asks him. Carefully, she cleans the Prince of his dirt with a sponge and water. "Maybe Atolla again about everything has been thinking" - the Prince thinks to himself. Hope grows up again in his heart. But when the maid with him is finished, the tender thought smashes himself again.
Again come the two guards in the tower. "Take your filthy paws off me" Beron screams again. But it doesn't help. The men grab the naked Prince and tie him to the bed. "What you're doing, what you're doing" the irate Prince screams repeatedly. Atolla enters the tower. Her sight is adorable. She is a tall, slender woman. With flowing red hair and piercing green eyes.
"Silent your fool. "You spoil the mood. "The mood because" - Beron asks her. "You can go now. Leave us alone'. Wordless disappearing the maid and the guards of the tower. "Not fusses like a defiant child. You call yourselves"a Prince. "What you're doing is wrong,"! Atolla grabs hair firmly in Berons and pulls back his head. "What is wrong and what not have I not tell me of thieving murderers. You wanted peace, I offer you peace".
Atolla caresses of the naked body of the Prince. Their hands are gentle and graceful. Their touches very elegant and tender. She needs not long to get what she desires. "You know I've touched has long been no man. "And no man have touched me." "Maybe this is due to your gracious kind". Atollas hand massaged Berons step while she talks to him. "You will give me an heir Prince Beron." Whether you want it or not. And he will have claims. On my throne and the restore". "That you can't do this. The child would be a bastard, without any claims". "If it's a boy, it will be before your daughter in the line of succession. I know well the laws of the Empire. "And I know to prevent it which attests to your other sons, Prince Beron". Hardly it finishes its rate the Queen reveals her beautiful dress and saddle up on the Prince.
It d
oesn't take long. After a few minutes, the Act is over. Smiling, the Queen leaves the tower and sends the guards back in. You should untie Beron from the bed. His look is full of resignation and sadness. And as the men leave, one of the guards murmurs the Tower "terrible be fuck by the Queen to be so like who are you looking at". In fact, the Prince has no fun in their company. He is desperate. He don't know what he should do. But Atolla the Prince visits again and again in the following weeks, day after day. Sometimes multiple times during the day and at night.
Since now more than three weeks, Beron Laarus, son of the Emperor is a prisoner of Queen Atolla I of Maros. Worse still, the Queen has abused him as a stallion and degraded to a slave to love. She would like to bear witness to a child with him, but not out of love or lust, but around her house to connect with the Kaiserstuhl. The Emperor still doesn't know. He awaits the return of his son every day. But nothing happens, nothing. The Scouts of the Security Minister bring but after some time in experience, the Beron and his men never returned to their ships in Akosia.
It is already dark night. The black skies over Artos is clear. The stars are shining bright and majestically over the city of the Emperor and his palace Artoshall. The way to the city's main gate is lined with torches. To burn with Kanos oil. The flames of fire light up bright and white as snow. You point the way the riders at night. Jampir, a spy in the service of the Security Minister Lord Grahm rides gen Artoshall. His horse riding fast as hell, with great strides and wallender mane he approaches the gate and his guards.