The long-awaited continuation to the popular science fiction saga is the story of Darkover's ruling class, the comyn, and their struggles to reclaim their realm from the devastating effects of the Terran Federation. Views: 238
In this space station drama, an old earth cartoon alien is the harbinger of death and dwarf stars take five million years to die as prisoner Rister finds out the hard way.In deep space, there’s always some terrifyingly easy way to die…..For Nidi Station residents, sighting a certain alien cartoon creature indicates their approaching demise. But is the little green man a true harbinger of death or is he simply an ale-inspired hallucination? For new resident Dr. Maynard Grison, who’s suffering from a severe identity complex, one more push is all that’s needed to send him over the edge. The question is, which stimulus will set him off, the wastewater re-cyc green ale, being shadowed by Marvin the Martian, or the talking floorboards? Find out in this psychological space drama inspired by The Haunting of Hill House. Views: 231
The Lines of Marsden were born into existence for a reason: to right the wrongs that had once taken place. Destiny fated that they must destroy the Eldren before evil wins. Michael Marsden wants to die -- for real this time. He wasn't meant to lead the half-life that he does. He chooses to let it go and let death take what it had already claimed. But Christian Risely isn't about to let that happen. He is drawn to Michael and is willing to do anything to ensure that he lives, even if that means keeping him alive against his will. ** Views: 230
Raised on a small island in North Carolina's Outer Banks, Willa has a picture-perfect life: hanging out at the beach with her friends, living in a cozy sea-side cottage, working at a sailing store, and running a hugely popular sailing Instagram. When a group of followers enters her into High Seas, a televised national sailing championship, it should be no problem. Too bad Willa doesn't actually know how to sail at all. Desperate to avoid having her carefully curated life come crashing down around her, Willa tracks down Lane Cordova, the winner of four previous High Seas competitions, and begs her for a crash course in sailing before the race begins. But Lane's competence on the water is only matched by Willa's ineptitude, and her growing crush on Lane isn't helping matters. The competition threatens to go awry and take her entire idealized life with it. Views: 228
Although the Terran Federation has departed Darkover due to a nasty interstellar civil war, the planet's location in the galactic arm makes it a prime hideout for smugglers, rebels, and other refugees. When smugglers start arming the warlike Dry Towners with forbidden weapons, Gareth Elhalyn, grandson of Regis Hastur and heir to the throne, takes off on a secret mission to stop them... Views: 228