The Manifestation Manifesto Read online

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  There are good reasons why you should keep silent about your goals. For one thing, by keeping them to yourself, you allow the energy to be more focused and intense. When you start talking to everyone about what you want and what you are going to do, you diffuse and disperse that energy.

  Another reason is that you never know what someone will think about your intended manifestation. On the surface, they may appear very supportive but they might secretly want you to fail because they would be jealous if you were to succeed. Their secret desire for you to fail has manifestation power all of its own. This can seriously impede your efforts.

  My best friend, for example, is a materialist. He doesn’t believe in the Law of Attraction or the metaphysical concept of Manifesting. He is aware of my stance and that I am an avid practitioner of these techniques. I have learned the hard way to never tell him anything about what I am working on when it comes to manifesting. I just don’t mention it.

  It’s completely fine with me that he doesn’t believe in what I do. But if I allow him to think and talk about what I’m doing, I subject myself to disempowering suggestions from his words and the negative energy coming from his thoughts. It’s better for me to just keep quiet.

  This rule of silence may sound simple, but it can take some self-discipline to apply.

  We naturally want to share our excitement about what we do and what we desire with our family and friends. But we have to stop ourselves if we wish to maximize our efforts at manifesting.

  Chapter 6 - Techniques for Manifesting Without Visualizing

  Visualization is the ability to picture something in your mind’s eye. So many books and techniques about manifesting require the ability to visualize well. They expect you to be able to not only conjure an image in your mind of what you desire but also to keep that image constant and unchanging. For most of us this is very hard to do!

  I totally agree that such a talent and skill, when combined with energy and positive emotion, produces outstanding manifestation results. But it can take years to get good at, and lifetimes to master.

  While visualizing is a worthy endeavor, there are other techniques the rest of us can use to manifest what we want which work well despite our immature visualization skill sets.

  The techniques in this chapter provide you with ways to make use of imagery without direct visualization.

  Answer This Question to Manifest Better

  Before you can begin to consciously utilize your manifestation power to any significant degree, there is a question you must answer: What do I want?

  The reason that question is so important is because when you are able to put into words exactly what you want to manifest, the image of your desire is created in your mind even if you are unaware of it. That gives form to your intention, and your subconscious then responds to the image.

  Therefore, you must determine what it is you really desire to manifest. Then you must set your inner mind to that task. You might begin your statement of intention like this:

  “I will use all my powers to manifest the following desire....”

  I realize there may be a lot of things you want to manifest. And that’s okay. But it’s time to prioritize them and to get as clear and precise as you can. Until you do that, you will continue to receive a manifestation hodgepodge based on unfocused and sometimes contradictory commands and images you have been supplying to your subconscious mind.

  Remember that you have been manifesting things your entire life. And because your beliefs, attitudes and thoughts have been charged with your emotions, your subconscious has attracted what has happened to you. As mentioned, some of it has been good; some of it has been not so good.

  But now, it’s time to pay attention to what you think and feel so you can manifest what you truly intend.

  Pull out a notepad right now and take a few minutes to list what it is you want to manifest in your life. Once you have your list, prioritize what you want to achieve in order of importance and the strength of your emotional investment. The more precise you are about what you want, the better.

  Here are some examples of poor, better and great manifestation statements—with the goal of manifesting money:

  Poor: “I want to have a lot of money.”

  Better: “I desire to manifest $100,000 on or before the start of the New Year.”

  Great: “I will apply all of my powers to manifest workable opportunities to make a regular income of $100,000 per year or more by the start of the New Year or sooner.”

  Once you’ve written those specific goals, go down your list and ask yourself if you feel they are realistic. Do you think it’s something that you can manifest? Is it something that doesn’t contradict the laws of physics, space and time? If it's not realistic, scratch it off your list because it’s something that is not likely to happen.

  If you feel it is too grand or outrageous or you secretly don’t deserve it, then it is not likely your subconscious will manifest it for you. That’s because your subconscious knows what you think and feel. If you think something is too good to come true, then your subconscious will agree with you.

  That’s why those who attempt to quickly manifest great wealth often fail. They don’t believe it will happen to them. Or think they don’t deserve such riches. The truth is that some people do become wealthy overnight. But if we don’t think it can happen to us, then the subconscious believes that too.

  While it is very possible and wise to dissolve beliefs that block your way to great or sudden success, it is also possible to establish a less grandiose intention which you find possible and feasible for you and then work your way up to the more lofty manifestation goal. In other words, start with smaller steps before tackling the biggest ones.

  In the case of wealth and money, this is often a better way to go. There are entire television specials dedicated to the surprisingly sad aftermaths of some lottery winners.

  Many times, there has not been enough time for those people to learn how to manage great success, so the wealth is quickly scattered and lost. On the other hand, if those people were to gain success slowly over time, they would more likely acquire the maturity to handle it wisely.

  The point is that it is very possible to manifest very big things in your life very quickly. If you have a clear intention in mind and you know you have the power to manifest it, then it can happen.

  Sometimes, it is wiser to get to your big goals by manifesting a series of smaller, incremental desires.

  Why Your Vision Board Failed — and How to Fix It

  If you’ve read about the Law of Attraction or manifestation, you may have been encouraged to create a Vision Board. If you are new to the term, a Vision Board is a collage of pictures that represent the many things someone wants to manifest. It might include a picture of the car they want to drive, a vacation spot they intend to visit, or even the kind of mate they’d like to attract.

  For the most part, proponents of Vision Boards instruct us to put a lot of things on the collage and look at it regularly and allow positive emotions to come forth. The idea is to repeatedly expose the subconscious to these images along with a charge of emotion, then the subconscious will go to work to materialize the images on the board.

  It seems like a good idea, right? Well, many people have found their Vision Boards haven’t worked for them as promised. I made such a Vision Board back in 1992 and gave it ample time to work. I hung it in my bedroom and looked at it as often as I could while I held good thoughts. My eyes would go from image to image and I’d daydream about what it would feel like to already have my desire manifest. But after a full year of doing that on a regular basis, not one of the images/desires came true.

  It wasn’t until four years later, while I was studying clinical hypnosis that I figured out why my Vision Board failed. Hypnosis deals predominantly with how to communicate effectively with the subconscious. Its principles, therefore, overlap with those of manifestation techniques. Learning about hypnosis taught me a lot. Here is w
hat I learned:

  If the person being hypnotized has multiple goals, each goal must be handled separately.

  For instance, if someone wants to stop smoking and lose weight, then one session must be set up for smoking cessation and another session for weight loss. For hypnosis to be effective, you cannot combine both goals in one session. That’s because hypnosis allows you to focus the mind like a laser beam. But when multiple goals are introduced, this focusing power is diffused and very confusing to the subconscious.

  I decided to apply what I learned to my Vision Board. But ... instead of having a collage full of different images and goals, I separated the images. For example, I placed only one set of images in front of me that had to do only with the career I wanted to manifest. And I looked at just those images while I allowed positive feelings to come over me. When I finished, I put the images away. Days later I placed images in front of me that represented my goal of getting in good physical shape. I allowed myself to connect with the satisfaction of how it would feel to be strong and fit.

  And over the next few weeks, I did the same thing with the rest of the images and goals.

  And guess what? By concentrating on one subject area at a time, in just a few weeks I began to see all my goals manifest!

  Therefore, to fix your Vision Board manifestation problem, abandon the collage concept. Instead, I suggest you create a Vision Album following these steps:

  1. Obtain an empty photo album or create one on your computer.

  2. On each page put images related to only one of your manifestation goals.

  3. On a regular basis, pull out your photo album and look at one set of images that deal with a single subject or desire. Look at the images.

  4. Connect with feelings of happiness, satisfaction or how you will feel when you’ve achieved what you want. It doesn’t have to take very long: five to ten minutes max.

  5. Put away the photo album and immediately go on with your day.

  When you want to use your Vision Album again, you can choose to focus on any of the other images dealing with a separate goal.

  Creating and using a Vision Album that separates inspiring images and goals will do what the ineffective Vision Board never could. Try it and see!

  The Overnight Success Manifestation Technique

  This is one of my favorite techniques because it is so effective and it’s convenient to implement.

  Perhaps you have already figured out that even when you go to sleep, your mind remains very active. Among other things, your subconscious continues to run your body and to process the thoughts and emotions from the day. Sleep is the perfect time to have your subconscious work on a manifestation goal because it will be unencumbered by input coming from the conscious level of your mind.

  This technique takes less than five minutes, and there are just four steps:

  1. Right before bedtime, find an image that represents one goal you would like your mind to bring into manifestation. You can use your Vision Album, if you created one.

  2. Relax as you look at the image and connect with feelings of the joy and satisfaction you will feel when your desire has already come into manifestation. Do so for five minutes or until the conjured emotions seem to fade.

  3. With the gentlest of intention, affirm out loud that this is what you would to attract to your life. And know that your mind has the ability to make it so.

  4. Once you’ve done that, go to sleep.

  That’s all there is to it! Overnight your mind will put things into motion to bring your desire toward manifestation.

  This doesn’t necessarily mean that you will get what you want the very next day. You may have to repeat the procedure many times and it may take days or weeks or longer to get what you want, depending on other factors. But rest assured, your mind will be working toward fulfilling your desire.

  As a result of using the Overnight Success Technique, there may be times when you have unusual or outstanding dreams. Some of them may even wake you up. If that happens, have a pad and pen next to the bed and immediately write down your dreams. They may provide you with clues about what you can do to see your desire realized.

  Also, when you wake up in the morning please take note of any sudden flashes of insight or ideas that come to you. They may be the result of what your mind processed overnight. They may then guide you toward the actions that will lead to success.

  Using Imaginary Conversations to Manifest Desires

  My friend Molly has been very successful in life and actively works with manifestation techniques. One day, she revealed a powerful technique she used to triple her income. I’ve tried it and it has worked beautifully. It can also be used for manifestations that have nothing to do with money.

  She told me she spent time alone for a few minutes a day and held a conversation with an imaginary friend. In the conversation she declared how she had recently tripled her income and how happy she was about it.

  She used the past tense like it already happened.

  She would say things like, “I just got a new job and tripled my income. I’m making $90,000 now and I love what I do. It’s my dream job.” She told me that the imaginary conversation made it easy to feel a sense of pride and satisfaction about what it would be like to triple her income. She then imagined her friend was astonished and very happy for her.

  She kept this up over a period of weeks and landed her dream job as a national radio talk show host!

  I immediately understood what makes this an outstanding manifestation technique:

  * It expresses the desire out loud, and with positive emotion.

  * By declaring the manifestation in the past tense, it is easy to arouse the emotions of satisfaction, happiness and appreciation.

  * By repeating that same conversation over a period of days, the precise intention is reinforced.

  To utilize this technique use the following three steps:

  1. Find a place where you won’t be disturbed for a few minutes. You can do the technique sitting or standing.

  2. Pretend there is someone in front of you and tell them that you successfully manifested what you desired. Tell them exactly what it is you manifested, and describe in detail how great it feels. Then imagine their expressions of wonder and happiness for you.

  3. Perform the imaginary conversation several times a week (or every day if you wish). When you repeat it, make sure that what you want to manifest is described in exactly the same way each time.

  The Power of Pretending™ Manifestation Technique

  With this technique, you set aside five to fifteen minutes during the day when you are alone so you can imagine that what you want to manifest has already happened.

  It is similar to the previous Imaginary Conversation Technique in many ways. You don’t need to close your eyes or attempt to visualize anything here. Instead you just pretend. Here's how to do this:

  * Have a single manifestation desire in mind, and then pretend it is already a fact. Think of it as though it's real now and how your life is different.

  * Consider how your life has improved and how others respond to you. Let this evoke natural positive emotions like joy, satisfaction and confidence.

  You may choose to just sit quietly and act like it’s true, and this will be adequate. The main thing is to give your subconscious the impression that your desire is a manifested fact.

  If you like, you may combine this with the Imaginary Conversation Technique to help you articulate and give form to your desire and tap into beneficial feelings.

  You may also get creative and include props or visual aids that have something to do with the intended manifestation. For example, I used this technique to manifest a new home. Once I knew which home I wanted, I looked at the interior images of the house as a reference. I stood up and pretended to walk through each room. I pretended to walk through the front door and into the foyer. I pretended to go into the kitchen and cook myself something to eat. I pretended what the bedrooms and bathrooms were lik
e, and what it felt like to live in that house.

  I wasn’t sure whether I could afford the home I wanted, but circumstances came together “miraculously” so that I was able to manifest it!

  As another example, if there is a specific car you wish to manifest, purchase a small model (e.g. matchbox) of the vehicle and move it across the floor as you simultaneously pretend what it would feel like to drive the real thing. Play and have fun with the model as a child might. Remember that the emotion of fun is an aspect of joy, and has the power to attract what you desire.

  Another great way to use the Power of Pretending is to dress in clothes to personify a desire you wish to manifest. You could dress to feel wealthy or sexy, for instance.

  Then stand in front of a mirror where you can see yourself dressed that way and pretend to be whatever it is you want to manifest. Have fun but be sure to take it seriously.

  The image of yourself along with your positive feelings will make a very strong impression on the subconscious mind.

  I have personally used this technique many times to tap into inner confidence, motivation and discipline. It is featured in my ebook/audio program:

  Soul of the Knight: Awaken the Warrior Within or