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  5. Supplement your diet. Take energy-rich supplements such as fish oil, blue-green algae, whole-food vitamins.

  6. Exercise. Even a small bit of exercise goes a long way toward building your storehouse of vital energy. However, exercising to the point of exhaustion will have the reverse effect.

  7. Take nature walks. The forest is full of vital energy and it will automatically immerse you as you walk through it. Nature walks also have the side benefit of clearing accumulated negative junk from your magnetic field (aka your aura). For that reason, this is one of my very favorite methods to increase vital energy.

  8. Meditate. By meditating just 15 to 20 minutes a day, you can greatly enhance your vital energy. It can be as simple as doing rhythmic breathing, or it could be a more complex process.

  9. Get adequate sleep. Sleeping naturally replenishes your vital energy supply. There is no good substitute for adequate sleep.

  Build an Supercharge of Vital Energy in One Minute!

  Just prior to using the power of your intention to manifest a desire, it is wise and helpful to generate a surcharge of vital energy. This is supplied to the subconscious which then has all it needs to carry out the manifestation.

  Here’s a truly fast, easy and surprisingly effective technique to increase vital energy that can be used for all of your manifestation efforts. It was revealed to me by a Huna teacher, who said that it would also make me much more intuitive. And he was right!

  This is how to do the breathing technique I recommend:

  1. Draw six to ten slow, deep breaths.

  2. With each inhalation, gently hold your breath. Do not puff out your cheeks or strain your lungs. Just hold each breath for several seconds, but not so long it makes you feel uncomfortable.

  3. Then ... exhale slowly and smoothly.

  As you do this breathing, casually and confidently recognize that you are drawing in not just air but energy, and imagine that every cell in your body is being revitalized and energized and filled with power. Imagine that millions of the tiny energy units within you are pulsing and vibrating with power and radiating light and vitality.

  When you are finished with the conscious breathing, you are finished with the exercise and ready to utilize the manifestation technique of your choice.

  You may also perform this exercise on a daily basis, regardless of whether you choose to implement a specific manifestation technique or not. Performing the following exercise will have you noticing your increased ability to manifest the little things (e.g. a desirable parking spot) while you also notice a boost in your intuitive faculty.

  This is a simple thing, but sometimes simple techniques help us the most.

  Chapter 5 - Emotion Control: How Feelings Impact Your Manifestations and How to Harness Them

  Many of the thoughts we have generate emotional reactions and responses within us. Some of those generated emotions may be very mild, while others may be quite strong.

  Thoughts charged with strong emotion are particularly powerful at attracting things to us, for better or worse. When you think and feel something, vital energy is used and vibrates on the inner plane of manifestation.

  Whatever is very similar to the quality of that vibration begins to resonate in sympathy with what you are thinking and feeling. That “sympathetic vibration” attracts those things on the inner plane. And those things eventually show up in your outer life in various forms.

  They might show up as a sudden change in circumstance, good or bad “luck”, opportunities or delays, good or poor health conditions, or the way other people treat you.

  It is crucial to learn to control your thoughts and emotions to generate the vibrations to attract the things you want and repel the things you don’t want.

  It should be obvious that if we allow ourselves to generate negative thoughts and emotions, we will attract the negative things that resonate with them. When we produce happy thoughts and feelings, we can expect desirable circumstances to manifest for us.

  Obviously, the key is to reduce the intensity and quantity of negative thoughts and feelings and to increase those beneficial ones. Being successful with this can take some work and introspection on your part.

  But the goal doesn’t have to be to turn you into someone who never gets upset or is always in a good mood. We are human after all, and we are going to have good and bad moments.

  It’s perfectly acceptable and wise to let yourself feel whatever it is you feel. Suppressing unpleasant emotions isn’t the answer because that could lead to a variety of mental and physical problems. And forcing yourself to be in a great mood when you’re not is pointless and exhausting.

  Instead, a more suitable goal is to notice your thoughts and emotions through mindfulness.

  Mindfulness is achieved by focusing your attention on the present moment, and acknowledging and accepting what you’re experiencing.

  Once you become aware of our own behavior, it becomes possible to provide yourself with some self-talk to gently control or oppose negativity and to cultivate positivity.

  Control Your Thoughts and Emotions with This Strategy

  One of the most helpful strategies I’ve found for dealing with my own thoughts and emotions is to stop directly identifying myself negatively with troubling thoughts and emotions. Instead, I take a step back and consider that my core and True Self is calm and unflappable. I do this by drawing a slow breath and silently saying to myself, “I am not my thoughts. I am not my emotions.”

  That way I see my thoughts and emotions as what I am experiencing rather than what defines me. After all, our thoughts and emotions are subject to change.

  Thoughts and emotions are not “fixed” states. It’s like being the rider of a chariot whose horses get spooked. The rider gets caught up in the mayhem and starts to panic, losing control of the chariot.

  To regain his control and manifest positive calm in his team of horses, the rider needs to quickly affirm that he is not the team of horses nor is he the chariot. He needs to use the reins and his calm, strong voice to steady the horses and get the chariot under control.

  Like the charioteer, we can use our minds to see our thoughts, our emotions and even our bodies as vehicles. When they are out of control or troubled, we have the ability to soothe, comfort and redirect them so that they take us in the right direction—toward the life and circumstances we truly want to manifest.

  As you become mindful of any negative thoughts and emotions as they happen, you can regain composure and control by repeating to yourself, “I am not these thoughts. I am not these emotions.”

  With a small bit of practice, you will become masterful at returning to a state of calm. And as a result, you will minimize unpleasant manifestations that may result.

  Five Emotions That Fuel Unfortunate Manifestations

  There are several emotions that can manifest a great deal of havoc in our lives if left unchecked. Every attempt should be made to become mindful of them as they occur, and to take steps to change them. Below are five emotions which can become particularly troublesome:

  1. Self Pity. This may be the most insidious one. When we feel sorry for ourselves—when we have the “poor me” attitude—we carry around the thoughts that the Universe (or God, or Life) is against us and has given us an unfair deal. This victim mentality has the effect of attracting people and circumstances that confirm our belief in that victimhood.

  You can counter that self pity by repeating statements like:

  “The challenges of life make me stronger.”

  “The Universe is on my side despite the appearance of setbacks.”

  “I have a lot to feel good about in my life.”

  2. Perpetual Anger. Sometimes there are good reasons to get angry and express it. But that is very different from walking around in a state of perpetual anger or losing your temper at the slightest inconvenience.

  People who are angry all the time harbor resentment toward other people, institutions, or even to God or the Universe.
This puts up a metaphysical, invisible barrier of spikes and drives people and favorable situations away from you.

  You can counter that anger by repeating affirmations like:

  “I forgive all who I feel have wronged me, and I return to a state of peace.”

  “I release anger so I may direct my energy toward manifesting happiness and love.”

  3. Fear. While fear is something that can save our lives when we sense danger, prolonged fear puts our bodies in a fight-or-flight stress response and actually draws to us the very thing we are afraid of. That’s because we are continuously generating an image of the thing we fear. So we inadvertently charge the image with a powerful emotion which has the unfortunate effect of manifesting that fearsome thing.

  You can address fear with statements like:

  “I relax and face each day as it comes.”

  “I handle all that comes my way with strength and intelligence.”

  4. Doubt. When it comes to using manifestation techniques, doubt is detrimental. It sometimes takes the form of trying too hard to attract what you want. Those who feel the need to push their subconscious to manifest their desires get no results—or they might even attract the reverse.

  The best way to dissolve doubt is to learn all you can about manifestation and the law of attraction, and begin with small experiments that will cultivate confidence in your ability to manifest.

  5. Guilt. Guilt is not simply remorse. It carries with it the idea that there is a debt to be paid or a punishment because of some perceived transgression against a person or a Deity. Release this emotion by asking for forgiveness (if possible) to whomever you feel the debt is owed. If that is impossible, confess your remorse to a person in the clergy or to the Divine and perform an act of charity to make up for your transgression.

  Six Positive Emotions for Manifesting and How to Generate Them

  There are several emotions that are very beneficial to manifest pleasurable conditions and circumstances. The more time you can spend generating and perpetuating these six positive emotion states, the better. Here they are:

  1. Love. This emotion is multi-faceted and has tremendous power to attract good things. It is essentially having a feeling of deep consideration and caring for someone or something. It can be deeply personal, such as the love for a mate or family. Or it can take on a more transpersonal quality such as the love for humanity, nature or the Divine. Love is so powerful that it can even ease bad karma. That’s one reason why the Bible says that “Love covers a multitude of sins.” Simply put, the more love you feel and radiate, the more love you will get back.

  2. Appreciation. When we appreciate something, we hold it in high regard and we are grateful for our interaction with it. This can be an appreciation for a person, a favorable circumstance or a kind deed, or even an appreciation for the beauty we notice in the world around us. This is a particularly valuable emotion for manifestation purposes.

  When you imagine what your desire is going to look like when it comes, allow yourself to appreciate it in your mind. Not only will this help to attract what you want, but it can ensure that when it does manifest it will be everything you hoped for and bring you satisfaction.

  3. Enthusiasm. This is an internal excitement about life or whatever subject or object is at hand. It leads to action and is the opposite of apathy. It vibrates at a very high rate on the inner planes. It has a powerful magnetic quality that brings what we want to us quickly. Think of the last time you were really excited about something and transfer that enthusiasm to whatever it is you are currently attempting to manifest.

  4. Wonder. This emotion is the feeling of awe and curiosity about something. It can inspire and hold attention like no other emotion. That’s why it is a potent emotion for manifestation purposes.

  5. Joy. The feeling of joy often fills you with great pleasure and makes you very happy. It can include an aspect of excitement or it can be smoothly and quietly satisfying. Either way, it vibrates at a very high rate on the inner planes and attracts abundance and naturally repels negativity.

  6. Peace. When you feel at peace, the mind is clear of anxieties, conflict and other negative emotions. In fact, it is an ideal state to access first so other beneficial emotions are more easily generated.

  The Technique to Generate Positive Emotions

  We have all felt each of the emotions mentioned above many times. You can easily generate them by sitting down for a few minutes and bringing to your mind those times and circumstances where you felt those positive emotions.

  For instance, you might recall a situation where you felt a strong love for a person or a pet or an object. And as you remember it fully, you will notice a change in your mind and body because you will vibrate at the frequency of Love. Concentrate on this memory for several minutes. The vibration of Love will linger long after you finish this exercise.

  You can use this technique on a daily basis to manifest harmonious circumstances. Or you can generate one or more of them whenever you use other manifestation techniques to provide added power.

  Control Your Words to Control Your Manifestations

  While it is true that our thoughts and emotions are powerful alone, when we express them aloud with words they exponentially increase in power.

  Ultimately, we should all aim to discipline our thoughts so that everything we think is in alignment with what we intend to manifest. This can take a very long time to master though.

  But what you can do starting right now is to begin to control the words you speak out loud because spoken words have tremendous power to affect reality, especially those words which have negative emotion behind them.

  Here’s how you start to control the words you use:

  * When you hear yourself say something negative that is accompanied by a corresponding emotion, say out loud with emotion the word, “Cancel!”

  * Say it with the clear intention that you wish to preempt the manifestation that would have resulted from your emotionally charged expression. Note: if you are in a situation where you cannot say it out loud, do it silently.

  There are several categories of emotionalized speech that may be responsible for manifesting disharmony in your life. The sooner you control them, the sooner you will stop the chaos.

  Here are the top three forms of negative speaking:

  1. Complaining. When people complain about their bodies, their jobs, the government, the weather, etc, they are actually perpetuating the very experiences they are complaining about. For example, I have a buddy who constantly complains about bad servers in restaurants. And whenever I am with him, sure enough, we get bad service. It’s actually a bit humorous to watch this happen again and again. He’s clearly attracting this experience. Certainly there is a time and place for making an authentic complaint, but complaining on a daily basis pollutes your magnetic field (aka your aura). The best way to counter this type of negative speech is to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and acceptance for what is. Focus on what is going right instead of what you perceive is going wrong.

  2. Gossiping. When people gossip about others, they may not realize that the whole Universe is listening. The subconscious of the person you gossip about can hear you. Their conscious mind may not register it, but their subconscious does and this creates dissention. The manifestation can sometimes appear in the form of “bad luck”. There's an old saying that definitely applies here: “If you don’t have anything nice to say about someone, don’t say anything at all.”

  3. Cursing or “cussing”. When someone uses four-letter words or uses various names for the Divine attached to negative emotions, they are creating tremendous turmoil. Curse words have images attached to them. Whenever you say one, you conjure and charge the image with whatever emotion and force you put into it. While you may not manifest literally what you’ve put out there, there will be an unfortunate karmic repercussion of some kind.

  For instance, if you call a woman the ‘B’ word, you may find yourself attracting women to yo
ur life who match that description. Likewise, if you use the Divine’s name to condemn something and attach anger or hatred to it, you are actually cursing them. You will affect them with your curse whether you know it or not! When you do that there is a karmic rebound that you will experience at some point in your future, very often a severe one such as a health impairment. So it’s wise to remove all cussing from your vocabulary immediately.

  Stay Silent to Protect Your Manifesting Efforts

  One of the biggest mistakes people make in their Law of Attraction and Manifestation efforts is that they fail to observe the rule of Silence.

  When you have set a manifestation goal, it is very important that you tell no one. Not me, not your law of attraction group on Facebook, not your wife or your husband. Nobody else.

  Keep your desires a secret from other people.

  Yes, there may be times when you need to contact certain people who have something to do with your manifestation goals. But that’s very different from walking around and telling people that you have decided to manifest something.