Long Road to California

Caleb and Nina Byrnes, long married and struggling financially, travel from Texas to California, following the route Caleb's grandmother took when her family migrated from the Dust Bowl. As Nina chronicles the journey, they discover a secret in Grandma's past. Learning about Vera's hardships offers perspective into their own lives. And tracking down old friends may help Vera in her waning years.Caleb and Nina Byrnes, long married and struggling financially, travel from Texas to California, following the route Caleb's grandmother took when her family migrated from the Dust Bowl in the 1930s. As Nina, an amateur photographer, chronicles the journey, they discover a secret in Grandma Vera's past. Learning about Vera's hardships and perseverance offers perspective into their own lives. And tracking down old friends may just help Vera in her waning years.
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In the Fog

In the Fog by Richard Harding Davis
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The War of Wars

James Shinoman, a young Spaceflight Participant goes on a voyage with a team of space explorers. He finds love along the way, however, things get out of control and he is left to make sense of his experience during their mission.Tommy spends his days riding his bicycle on the dust-drifted streets of Woodward, Oklahoma, delivering the chemical compositions of his adoptive father Sal to the few customers that remain. The fields pull up little but dust and poison, and the majority of the citizens have departed for greener pastures in resurgent post-war California. On his last day as bicycle courier/drug mule, Tommy makes his rounds - but with one vital difference. 9th Street Blues originally won the top prize in Chapterfy's inaugural short story contest.
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A Summer in Amber

A young physicist is dispatched to a remote Scottish estate to secretly decipher the fragments of a manuscript that may hold the key to restoring the solar storm ravaged 21st century. Once there he finds whispers of a reincarnated wizard, strange forces linked to an eerie laboratory said to be a gate to the Otherworld, and a girl. A classic science fiction novel of adventure and romance.A Summer in Amber is set thirty-six years after the first of a series of powerful solar storms destroys the world's electrical grid – shorting out computers, and making radio, TV and mobile phones impossible. Within hours the world was thrust back into the 19th century. Those who survived the ensuing chaos gradually adopted to this new reality. This story takes place in an England and Scotland that have adopted to this new world using an eclectic mix of old and new technology. Steam engines pull carriages over lines once used by high speed trains. Electricity is generated locally using solar panels and windmills. The streets are filled with bicycles dodging horse drawn drays and pedestrians dressed like Victorians to protect their skin from the greatly increased ultraviolet light reaching the ground due to the solar storms' disruption of the earth's upper atmosphere. A Summer in Amber might be described as a "mirror image" steampunk novel. Instead of 21st century technology in a 19th century society, Edwardian technology had been adopted by a post-apocalyptic, late 21st century one, making for an out of the ordinary steampunk story. There are, for example, no zombies. Morlocks, yes, but no zombies, nor airships and air pirates. The story's steampunkness comes from a mix of Edwardian and 21st century technology and from its old-fashioned narrative style – a reflection of my fondness for the Scottish stories of John Buchan, and Compton Mackenzie. (And the 1959 movie remake of the 39 Steps starring Kenneth More.) Along with adventure, romance plays its part as well in A Summer in Amber. The story has been described in one review as a "Regency romance". I'm not sure what constitutes a Regency romance, but falling in love with a rather fey girl is certainly part of what makes this summer in the highlands so unforgettable for Sandy Say – a summer he hopes to keep forever preserved in the amber of memory.Current version 3.3 18 Sept 2016I have two other novels available wherever fine ebooks are sold. Some Day Days, a rather experimental romance novel set in this same never-never England, but before the storms. The Bright Black Sea, a long, sweeping, space opera of mystery and adventure set in the Nine Star Nebula.
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Bonjour Tristesse & a Certain Smile

Published when she was only nineteen, Françoise Sagan's astonishing first novel Bonjour Tristesse became an instant bestseller. It tells the story of Cécile, who leads a carefree life with her widowed father and his young mistresses until, one hot summer on the Riviera, he decides to remarry - with devastating consequences. In A Certain Smile Dominique, a young woman bored with her lover, begins an encounter with an older man that unfolds in unexpected and troubling ways. These two acerbically witty and delightfully amoral tales about the nature of love are shimmering masterpieces of cool-headed, brilliant observation.
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The Crossing

"Volume Two of the Border Trilogy" Set on the south-western ranches in the years before the Second World War, "The Crossing" follows the fortunes of sixteen-year-old Billy and his younger brother Boyd. Fascinated by an elusive wolf that has been marauding his family's property, Billy captures the animal - but rather than kill it, sets out impulsively for the mountains of Mexico to return it to where it came from. When Billy comes back to his own home he finds himself and his world irrevocably changed. His loss of innocence has come at a price, and once again the border beckons with its desolate beauty and cruel promise.
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Life = Death - volume 6 - Poems on Life , Death

This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems , is actually volume 6 of the Book titled – Life = Death – Poems on Life , Death ( 1200 pages ) .This enigmatic collection of poems explores and equates the boundless possibilities of life and death and delves into each intricate inexplicability of survival. Parekh's roving philosophical eye brings the unconquerable richness of life to the fore and yet at the same time explicitly highlights the veracity of 'death' as the absolute certainty of every existence. The poet joyously celebrates the occasions of both life and death with equal panache in each poetic stanza sewn with the uncanny mysteries of this Universe. The poems within immortalize both life and death as the ultimate victories and the two most contrastingly amazing and divine sides of creation. Catapulting the reader to the threshold of ultimate ecstasy; they bring about an impromptu twist with the closure of breath and what lies beyond. This charismatically woven collection of poetic verse would equally enamor the narcissist as well as the simple humanitarian to the core.This book is a humble attempt to enlighten the readers with the equality of life and death-and to live in both of them to the most unparalleled fullest. Embracing only the religion of humanity, as the Lord has commanded every living being on earth. You cant die in life and cant live in death-each of these components are irrefutably equal in every respect and should be worshipped with due obeisance.
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The Illusion of Smoke: The Prequel

Smoke, drugs, chance encounters... The first of the Sonnclere Mysteries, THE ILLUSION OF SMOKE, is a fast-paced thriller with a twist. The heroine, Dr Neroli Sonnclere is a scientist born with an unusual sense of smell. Able to sniff out odours undetected by ordinary humans, she uses her gift, as well as scientific knowledge, to sift clues and solve problems unlike those she's ever faced before.A strange smoke … A genetically modified drug … A chance encounter …Scientist Dr Neroli Sonnclere stumbles into a mystery that will change the direction of her life. On the flight home to London from a Biomedical Engineering Conference in New York, Dr Sonnclere bumps into two people who have caught her attention. Indulging her natural curiosity, she follows them out of the airport. Little does she know that the trail would lead her right into a web of intrigue as well as a new discovery—of a genetically modified form of the most illegally consumed drug of abuse. Cannabis.As the prequel to the Sonnclere Mystery Series, The Illusion of Smoke introduces us to an unusual character—a young female scientist with a unique gift. Born with hyperosmia, or a heightened sense of smell, Dr Sonnclere possesses the ability to sniff out odours undetected by ordinary humans. When utilised in conjunction with her scientific knowledge, she discovers she can use her particular talent in ways reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes—by keenly observing her surroundings, swiftly arriving at a deduction and ultimately solving problems unlike those she’s ever faced before.
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The Enchanted Barn

Grace Livingston Hill was an American writer during the early 20th century who wrote a prodigious amount of Christian-themed works and romances. Her work still remains popular and widely read today.
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A Journal of the Plague Year

In 1665, the Great Plague swept through London, claiming nearly 100,000 lives. In A Journal of the Plague Year, Defoe vividly chronicles the progress of the epidemic. We follow his fictional narrator through a city transformed-the streets and alleyways deserted, the houses of death with crosses daubed on their doors, the dead-carts on their way to the pits-and encounter the horrified citizens of the city, as fear, isolation, and hysteria take hold. The shocking immediacy of Defoe's description of plague-racked London makes this one of the most convincing accounts of the Great Plague ever written.
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The Disneyland Quest

A once in a lifetime treasure hunt called The Disneyland Quest. The clues are hidden in plain site as thousands of competitors try to solve the riddles and unlock the vault on Main Street, USA. 15 year-old Dizzy Walker knows more about Disneyland than anyone, but can he solve the clues in time? Follow Dizzy as he leads his family and friends on an adventure of a lifetime in The Disneyland Quest.15 year-old Dizzy Walker and his 6 year-old sister Ana are about to meet their mom's new boyfriend, Steve, and his son, Travis, for the first time. To make the introduction go smoothly, Steve brings Dizzy and his family to his favorite place in the world-- Disneyland. When they arrive at Disneyland, they learn about a once in a lifetime treasure hunt called The Disneyland Quest. Clues are hidden throughout the theme park, leading the Quest participants to the combination of the vault set up on Main Street and the $250,000 prize inside. Dizzy, Ana, and Travis must work together in a race against the clock, thousands of opponents, and the mysterious man in red who follows them throughout the Quest. Friendship, perseverance, and trust are all put to the test in The Disneyland Quest.
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The Inheritance

Sam Harman has just inherited three billion dollars, thrusting him into a dangerous world of money, power, intrigue and murder. How will Sam and his family survive?Sam Harman is a decent guy, working hard and raising a family. One day he learns that his recently-deceased biological father was one of the richest men in America. Now Sam is a billionaire and part owner of a huge corporation. The quick trip to Easy Street becomes a deadly journey into a world of money, power, intrigue and murder. Who are his enemies? Who are his friends? Will he survive? What will happen to him becuase of 'The Inheritance?'
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Samuel the Sliding Sausage - Boodles HooHa House Origins

From the original writer of the late 1970's children’s cult TV series ‘Chorlton and the Wheelies’ and ‘Jamie and the Magic Torch’. ‘Samuel the Sliding Sausage’ – a classic 70's origin of HooHa House – has been made available as a FREE download (Various distributors) in the hope and that you, or your child, likes the story enough to buy the Boodle Books ‘Origins’ box set.‘Queenie the Quivering Quilt’ also part of this box set is also being made available as a FREE download.The 'Boodle HooHa House Origins’ box set includes the following stories and costs around £1.99 ($2.99) depending in region.1. Samuel the Sliding Sausage2. Wally the Wobbling Wellington3. Percy the Peeping Pot Plant4. Maurice the Messy Mop5. Queenie the Quivering Quilt6. Terrence the Terrible TapCharming, funny and beautifully written and illustrated Boodle Books are all about imagination. The notion of inanimate things coming to life is hardly original – which is precisely why the author gave it credence – because a child’s imagination has no bounds and there simply isn’t a child who hasn’t at some point taken a spoon or a daffodil and given it a name and a story.These delightful Boodle Books belong to children, to help inspire adult imagination too.Based on these original stories, the new HooHa House series runs to 26 titles covering every letter of the alphabet.
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Hopes and Impediments: Selected Essays 1965-87

One of the most provocative and original voices in contemporary literature, Chinua Achebe here considers the place of literature and art in our society in a collection of essays spanning his best writing and lectures from the last twenty-three years. For Achebe, overcoming goes hand in hand with eradicating the destructive effects of racism and injustice in Western society. He reveals the impediments that still stand in the way of open, equal dialogue between Africans and Europeans, between blacks and whites, but also instills us with hope that they will soon be overcome.From the Trade Paperback edition.
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Poetry Anatomy

A collection of amazing heart felt, positive, uplifting poems.This book also covers the basics of what you need to know in order to write amazing poetry.Sample: Beauty Abounding - Mind blowing awesomeness I see;A gorgeous construction created for me.Beauty abounding;So outstanding;Giving a sunset cost free.David and his father, Sam, are both trying to rebuild their lives after David's mother and Sam's wife died. After a failed attempt at the summit of Mount of the Holy Cross, Sam's last 14er to climb and David's first, both are eager to try to climb it again.But this climb is for more than just joy. This is about reviving a family and paying respect to others.What happens when the two reach the summit, however, will shape their lives forever.
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