Part 1: Mate's Lore

PART 1 BBW Vampire Serial Every hundred years tradition dictates that all eligible females in the town of Sweetwater assemble for the choosing ceremony. Two vampire kings have separate territories within the surrounding countryside. Both are eager to pick their future brides. What a waste of her freaking time. Tanya is among the many women at the choosing ceremony. As far as she’s concerned it’s an outdated, sexist event. It’s not important that the two males are ridiculously rich and handsome. Deep down she knows a plain Jane like her will never be picked by one of the kings anyway. Many of the women in the town square are stunningly beautiful with model figures. Most seem enthusiastic about being a queen even if it means being mated to a blood sucker, which suits her just fine. Imagine her surprise when King Brant sets his sights firmly on her. Once a vampire king has decided, there’s no going back. But her home is in Sweetwater. Being forced to live amongst the vampire species…big gulp…forced to mate with a vampire is not what she had in mind for herself. Maybe she can convince him to let her go, to pick again. If not, she’ll have to find a way to escape his - very muscular and rather delicious - clutches. Mates's Lore is Part 1 of a 6 part serial and is approximately 19,000 words/76 pages. The story contains strong sexual themes/language and is not intended for readers under the age of 18. PART 2: Torn Desires and PART 3: Love & War are available now on Pre-Order
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The Dragon's Shadow

A prequel novella to the DEMONSOULED series. Lucan Mandragon is the Dragon's Shadow, the most powerful wizard of the Grim Marches. His brother hates him, his father regards him as a weapon, and the nobles distrust him...but they all fear his magic. And when Lucan's lost love Tymaen falls ill, stricken by a deadly poison, there is no one else who can save her. But to save Tymaen, Lucan will have to plumb the secrets of a master necromancer...and face a trap that even his power cannot overcome. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Standing over six feet tall, Jonathan Moeller has the piercing blue eyes of a Conan of Cimmeria, the bronze-colored hair a Visigothic warrior-king, and the stern visage of a captain of men, none of which are useful in his career as a computer repairman, alas. He has written the DEMONSOULED series of sword-and-sorcery novels, and continues to write THE GHOSTS sequence about assassin and spy Caina Amalas, the COMPUTER BEGINNER'S GUIDE series of computer books, and numerous other works. Visit his website at:
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Maze Running and other Magical Missions

When Yann the centaur is stabbed through the heart by a unicorn horn, the life-threatening injury needs a magical remedy. Helen and her fabled-beast friends unite, with the help of the dragons, to find a magical token with the power to heal him. But they only have until tomorrow night. The friends split into teams: Lee, Helen and Sapphire search for King Arthur's scabbard; Catesby, Lavender and Sylvie search for hidden gems in a cliff face; Rona and Tangaroa wash a flower in seven waterfalls at sunrise. But will they complete their missions in time to save Yann? And with their arch-enemy, the power-crazed Master of the Maze, on the loose once more, danger is never far away. This is the fourth and final book in Lari Don's popular First Aid for Fairies series.
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Mags returns to the Collegium, but there are mixed feelings--his included--about him actually remaining there. No one doubts that he is and should be a Herald, but he is afraid that his mere presence is going to incite more danger right in the heart of Valdemar. The heads of the Collegia are afraid that coming back to his known haunt is going to give him less protection than if he went into hiding. Everyone decides that going elsewhere is the solution for now. So since he is going elsewhere--why not return to the place he was found in the first place and look for clues? And those who are closest to him, and might provide secondary targets, are going along. With Herald Jadrek, Herald Kylan (the Weaponsmaster's chosen successor), and his friends Bear, Lena, and Amily, they head for the Bastion, the hidden spot in the hills that had once been the headquarters of a powerful band of raiders that had held him and his parents prisoner. But what they find is not what anyone expected.**
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The Palace at Midnight: The Collected Work of Robert Silverberg, Volume Five

Somehow, for all my outward pretense of cold-eyed professionalism, all my insistence that writing is simply a job like any other, I've discovered to my surprise and chagrin that there's more than that going on around here, that I write as much out of karmic necessity and some inescapable inner need to rededicate my own skills constantly to my--what? My craft? My art? My profession? I wrote these stories because the only way of earning a living I have ever had has been by writing, but mainly, I have to admit, I wrote these stories because I couldn't not write them. Well, so be it. They involved me in a lot of hard work, but for me, at least, the results justify the toil. I'm glad I wrote them. Writing them, it turns out, was important for me, and even pleasurable, in a curiously complex after-the-fact kind of way. May they give you pleasure now too. --Robert Silverberg, from his Introduction
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[i]A NOBLE DAUGHTER.A FORMER SLAVE.SCORCHED EARTH AND DANGEROUS GAMES.[/i]“Jura imagined it sounded like rain.”Juggling death is nothing new for seventeen-year-old Jura, daughter of the First of the Thirteen, successive rulers of the Republic of the Sand Sea. However, when a blood chain ensnares her father, she is thrust into the seat of power and forced to rule her elders.“To Tylak, water had never tasted sweeter.”Jura must track down her father’s assassin and balance a country on the verge of collapse. To find the Prince of Shadows and uncover the truth, Jura puts her trust in Tylak, a former slave accused of stealing from the Everflame—a man she once condemned to death.In a world where water is currency and enemies lurk around every corner, Jura will use her wits or risk igniting a world war.
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Blood & Steel

Product DescriptionChapter 1Chapter 1 Fleeing in terror wasn’t something Elyn Castel did. People usually ran from her, not the other way around. Besides, after she'd spent fifty years as the slave of a sadistic sociopath, there wasn't much anyone could do to inspire terror in her. But Elyn ran now, and she ran hard. She darted down the concourse in long bounds that made the humans gape, leaping over tables filled with diners, spinning around astonished space station security guards, ducking the angry claw swipe of a huge A’vi warrior. Her sensors revealed Jarl “Blade” Bladin was still behind her, matching her stride for impossible stride. But when the ill-tempered A’vi tried for him, one swing of an armored fist sent the massive alien down with a crunch, and a startled, agonized “Chik!” The pursuing security guards had to stop to help the injured A’vi. Never piss off a guy named Blade. Her own master could have told the A’vi that, had Blade left the vicious fuck alive. Elyn had heard that Blade did a very thorough job on Kruz. She would have thanked him for that, if only he hadn’t targeted her next. Just that instant, Elyn’s cyplant whispered, and she shot in the direction it indicated, a service corridor that snaked out to one of the station’s ten huge cargo holds. She could lose Blade there if she got lucky, or kill him if she had to. Or die if she failed. Odd. A few months ago, Elyn would have viewed the prospect of dying as a relief. But Kruz still trapped her then, vicious blight that he was. Now, she had no interest in dying. She was curious about what life would be like as something other than a vampire’s slave. Elyn might not deserve to live, but she wanted to give freedom a try. As she ran for the service corridor, she was acutely aware of the distance between her and her target. Cold, star-flecked blackness lay beyond the towering transparent walls of the Kring Station concourse, along with the elegant white shapes of the great passenger liners and cargo vessels that orbited alongside the space station. Beyond the ships lay the vast blue arc of the planet Cameron, with its landmasses in a hundred shades of green and brown. A thoroughly beautiful view had she not been running for her life. Elyn had always been fast. She reached the service corridor and plunged into it like a bucktor diving into its burrow. She knew that Blade was much bigger, since he’d been engineered for heavy combat, which made him slower and a fraction less agile. Still, no human and damned few aliens would have had a prayer against him. Elyn, however, was not human, and could run him into the ground. She'd already proven that. In the months he'd been pursuing her, Elyn had always outrun him. Unfortunately, now there was nowhere to run to. Her ship didn’t board for hours yet, and she’d have to shuttle over to it. Blade would be on her long before then. She had to either lose him or fight. Elyn really didn’t want to fight. He’d kill her. And he’d do it bloodily, as the newsies said he’d killed Kruz. If the reporters were right, if Blade really was powerful enough to slay such a monster, Elyn had no chance whatsoever. So she listened to the ring of boots on the corridor behind her with dread in her heart. The nanotekker made no other noise, said nothing, barely seemed to breathe hard, while Elyn sucked air in desperate gulps. It was like being pursued by a hunting cat, with a beast’s utter focus and lethal determination. Blood and Steel 7 Reasoning with a man like that wasn’t possible. She could only get the hell away from him. If she could. The corridor’s gray walls blurred past, and with each gazelle spring, her armored boots banged furiously on the deck in a drumroll of terror. Her heart kept time with the beat, pounding desperation in her ears. At last the great double doors of the cargo hold loomed, locked against anyone who did not have the entry code. In seconds, Elyn’s cyplant electronically hacked the code, and the doors slipped soundless
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