Luciano's Garden of Delights

Where do you go to when nothing seems to be working in your life? What do you do when everything you do is criticized? How do you face the world when your very soul is aching with a longing that you cannot name? When Maggie goes for a night-time walk, just to get away from her disapproving husband, she is drawn to a small café. But the café holds mysteries that she could never have imagined.Where do you go to when nothing seems to be working in your life? What do you do when everything you do is criticized? How do you face the world when your very soul is aching with a longing that you cannot name? When Maggie goes for a night-time walk, just to get away from her disapproving husband, she is drawn to a small café. But the café holds mysteries that she could not possibly have imagined.Christina McCarthy, author of the best seller, 'The Druids' Daughter - Forbidden Magic' and the acclaimed 'Forbidden Magic - A Druid Born', takes us into a modern fantasy where nothing is as it seems to be and where reality really does meet with mythology - or are they one and the same?
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Book Three of The Chalcedony Chronicles A paranormal/time travel romance series. Mari’s past and present are all mixed together. To start she finds herself trapped in the past while her friends from the past are now all in the future. She wants to go home, but Logan Jones has different plans—which include Mari. He might say he wants her, but soon she realizes that there’s something more behind it. To save everyone in the future, Mari strikes a deal. She must give up Seth and agree to date Logan. In return, he’ll teach her to how help her friends and family. Only, letting go of Seth, and falling for Logan aren’t easy feats. If Mari can’t figure out how to do so, she might lose everyone she loves.
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Kingdoms of the Wall

It is a tremendous presence towering over the world—Kosa Saag, the Wall—a monstrous assemblage of cliffs, ravines, and mountains. At its Summit, on the highest peak of all, far above the clouds, live the gods themselves. Each year, from the village of Jespodar at the foot of the imposing Wall, twenty men and twenty women, selected and trained at arduous length, set forth on a Pilgrimage. Against overwhelming odds they will attempt to scale the Summit, meet with the gods, and gain new knowledge. A few Pilgrims will return as madmen. Most will never be seen again. For Poilar Crookleg, the Pilgrimage has been a lifelong dream. Years ago he and his childhood friend Traiben vowed that they would one day make the Pilgrimage together, converse with the gods, and return not as madmen but as teachers of wisdom. Now it is their year of selection, and the two young men set forth among the chosen forty, determined to succeed where so many before them have failed. Along the way, they must brave ghosts and ravenous Wall-hawks, traverse terrifying Kingdoms and blasted landscapes of heat and ice, and then face the greatest challenge of all…the temptation of eternal life in a paradise of pleasure. At the end, for the few who endure, lies the Summit itself, and with it the secret of the gods—a secret so strange and unsettling that it will shatter centuries of belief and change the world forever. In Kingdoms of the Wall, Robert Silverberg has crafted a masterpiece of the first order, an adventure filled with awesome mystery and disturbing revelation, a voyage to the heart of creation itself as the inhabitants of an alien world strive to learn the truth about themselves and their gods, a truth as harsh and unforgiving as the forbidding heights of Kosa Saag.
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Wes Parker: Monster Hunter (Volume One)

They hide in the dark, late at night. They wait eagerly to devour your flesh and savor every last bite. The world is a very dangerous place and you have no idea just how dangerous it really is. If my life hadn't changed when I was 11 then I might be just as naive as the rest of you. My name is Wes Parker and I have a very unique job. I hunt Monsters.In the dark, when you hear a rustling in the bushes outside your house, you wonder if it could possibly be a monster lurking outside your home. Guess what? It is. They do exist and they do want to eat you, savoring every last bite. Run if you wish. Hide if you can. You probably won’t escape. Unless I can get to them before they devour you. Day in and day out I search for, find and kill monsters of all shapes, sizes and breeds. Seems tough but not for me because I’m a paladin. Basically that means I’m strong and fast, and I have few other tricks up my sleeve. Plus I’m not a sniveling wimp. Read my stories if you dare. Seriously just read the book. Even a baby could handle it. You’re not wimpier than a baby, are you? This book is a collection of short stories that were originally posted on my blog. You can visit there for more hunting.
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Helium3 Episode 2

Someone has destroyed Starlight, the mining asteroid Mervyn Bright calls home. He suspects scheming Lord De Monsero, but how can he prove it? Together with his friends from the Space Academy, he follows a trail of clues through the gritty underbelly of the galaxy to an explosive secret.At the center of our galaxy, right now, lives a most extraordinary species - Humans. Snatched from earth, generations ago, by alien slave traders, they are beginning to make their presence felt in the chaotic conflicts of the galaxy. This is the sequel to Helium3 Episode 1, second in the Helium3 trilogy. Someone has destroyed Starlight, the mining asteroid Mervyn Bright calls home. He suspects scheming Lord De Monsero, but how can he prove it? Together with his three close friends from the Space Academy, he follows a trail of clues through the gritty underbelly of the galaxy to an explosive secret. Thank you for your interest. Nick Travers
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Tournament of Losers

All Rath wants is a quiet, peaceful life. Unfortunately, his father brings him too much trouble—and too many debts to pay—for that to ever be possible. When the local crime lord drags Rath out of bed and tells him he has three days to pay his father's latest debt, Rath doesn't know what to do. There's no way to come up with so much money in so little time.Then a friend poses an idea just ridiculous enough to work: enter the Tournament of Losers, where every seventy-five years, peasants compete for the chance to marry into the noble and royal houses. All competitors are given a stipend to live on for the duration of the tournament—funds enough to cover his father's debt.All he has to do is win the first few rounds, collect his stipend, and then it's back to trying to live a quiet life...
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Be Careful What You Wish For: A Short Story

When David Patzpowski takes his breakfast at a motorway diner, he discovers the clientele to be a little on the strange side.Morph, My Story, is a short story about a girl from Oklahoma. On a trip to the Florida Keys sponsored by Make a Wish, she gets the chance to swim with dolphins, both wild and captured. It's a week of new experiences for a girl that never saw the ocean before, and the start of a whole new life that nobody imagined (except for maybe her surprisingly wise grandma). The story is told from the point of view of Kara, a teenager facing more challenges than the typical girl. A disease has hardened and deformed her skin making her the subject of unwanted stares when in public. As she competes against her increasingly inflexible exterior the simple act of smiling hurts. She lives her life within a very real shell and in the Florida Keys she gets the chance to break out in a fantastic way.
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Collected Tales

Scanned, converted, re-formatted, custom title page, custom book cover and eBook creation by Jerry.
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Captured Words and Deeds

Answering machines facilitate the relationship between guitarist Phil Gideon and writer Julia Penn, but more binding are the premature deaths of their famous parents. Stumbling through adulthood, Phil and Julia learn brutal truths about their families, shattering long-held myths. Becoming parents, they face ghosts from the past while chasing their artistic dreams.Budding guitarist Phil Gideon and fledgling novelist Julia Penn are bound by more than just their artistic endeavors. His father and her mother died before their children could remember them, and were famous for the talents their offspring have inherited. While Phil enjoys early success in the music business, Julia flounders while trying to write, but their private lives are more tumultuous, bringing Phil and Julia even closer, except within the bedroom.While answering machines keep the duo in touch, Phil can’t escape the parallels to his late father. Julia battles her maternal grandparents, who believe her dad caused their daughter’s death. Parenthood offers a measure of relief to Phil, but it strains Julia’s relationship with her long-time boyfriend Ray. Then an unexpected admission rocks everyone, leaving all uncertain about the future.
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Call of the Flame (Knights of the Flaming Blade #1)

When Kyric meets a lunatic criminal named Aiyan, he is told of an immortal man with the blood of a dragon, a man commanding a web of minions with ancient powers who can control the will of others. Aiyan also claims to belong to a secret order of knights that opposes these men. If this is true Kyric will be plunged into a a hidden world and a deadly plot over a stolen map of incalculable value.The Knights of the Flaming Blade were mystic swordsmen who served the Council of Sages, but hundreds of years have passed since the Long Winter destroyed the old kingdoms. In a new world of invention and reason, the deeds of warriors with flaming swords are now thought to be only mythic tales. One night Kyric meets a lunatic criminal named Aiyan. In his ravings, Aiyan tells him about an immortal man who lived before the Long Winter, whose veins run with the blood of a dragon, a man at the center of a web of minions, all with the power to control the will of others. He also claims to belong to a secret order of knights that opposes these men. If this is true, and Aiyan has really stolen a priceless map from the men of the dragon's blood, it will plunge Kyric into a deadly plot he is not prepared for, involving warriors with the hidden powers of the old world. But does Aiyan speak the truth, or is he simply a madman?
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