A Hero's Tale

In Book II, Tamras moved from her home into the lands beyond its border. In Book three, the stage widens further: she deals with the struggles of whole peoples. Caught up in intrigues that would once have been far above her, the heroine risks everything unless she can not only learn to swim in treacherous waters, but to master them. The heroine 's inner journey continues to match her outer one. She must confront the meaning not only of personal love, but the love that extends beyond oneself and those we hold dear. Catherine Wilson 's skill at tackling the big issues of love, meaning, and humanity is so deft that it all seemed, to me at least, to flow naturally from her narrative in a way I found technically quite breathtaking. "--from a review by Charles Ferguson on the Goodreads website "Being the third and last volume in a series I enjoyed immensely, I knew that I could expect this last book to deliver a happy and satisfying ending. What I didn t expect was the intricate and daring storyline of this last volume. It is bigger and broader than what has come before, and it is spectacular. this time the story unfolds on to a whole new level. More characters, more intrigue, greater losses, wonderful reunions. There 's no taking the easy road here the story opened up into unimagined dimensions to tell a tale that really is that of a hero." When Women Were Warriors manages to blend mythic storytelling with characters who feel so real you could imagine stepping into the pages and having a conversation with them. A Hero 's Tale skilfully weaves the questions of love, faith and fairness into a dramatic story; not only of a relationship between the main characters, but of a quest so much bigger it takes the breath away. There is everything you could wish for here power struggles, forces for good and evil, dramatic tests of faith, daring rescues, fatal rivalry, but it is managed with such a deft hand that in the end it is all one beautiful story. What else is there to say? This is not just lesbian fiction, but a story about being human. It 's not to be missed.--from a review by Kate Genet on the website, Kissed By Venus In Book III of the trilogy, Tamras must make her own hero 's journey. She ventures into the unknown and encounters a more formidable enemy than any she has ever faced. Character is destiny, and the destiny of Tamras and all her people will depend upon choices that come less from the skills she has been taught than from the person she has become, from her own heart.
Views: 443

Murder Under a New Moon

Robert Farley is now a bonafide duke, and solicitors from the Duchy of Brynelleth have come to negotiate his marriage contract to Mona Moon. When the three solicitors demand that Mona relinquish Moon Enterprises and live in England full time, she threatens to give Robert back his engagement ring and call off the wedding. She says quite frankly, "I'm not going to give up one of the largest mining conglomerates in the world just so I can host dinner parties at Brynelleth for your snotty friends." Robert, caught between the responsibilities demanded by Brynelleth and his deep love for Mona, is furious with his solicitors for not being more diplomatic. However, the matter resolves itself when the three English solicitors are caught visiting the notorious bawdy house of Belle Brezing, the most famous madam in the South. Ooops! Events are made worse when one of them turns up dead in the bed of a lady-of-the-evening. Now Mona and Robert must find the...
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Love at the End of the World

Three short stories, showing that different kinds of love can still shine through, even when the world is about to end.Three short stories, showing that different kinds of love can still shine through, even when the world is about to endIn "Angel wars" Ariel leads a group of angels against her former lover Michael, who wants to destroy humanity. "The Wiccan tree" tells of Tia's quest to save the world from darkness and black magic, and she faces a difficult decision in the process."Bite me" tells of what happens when the government messes with things they shouldn't, resulting in a vampire outbreak and humans who survive the experiments, developing special abilities. All three stories prove that the world is only worth saving it we have someone to fight for, but that doesn't mean we're all guaranteed a happy ever after.
Views: 443

Wild Fire

Hidden by wards from the human eye Dawn and the others begin their life with those that are outcasted and marked for death by the Queen's Army. When the fourh is found Dawn is faced with a new challenge. With two Warden's seemingly against her she must fight to maintain the balance.Hidden by wards from the human eye Dawn and the others begin their life with those that are outcasted and marked for death by the Queen's Army. When the fourh is found Dawn is face with a new challenge. With two Warden's seemingly against her she must fight to maintain the balance. When Wesley sends news of his location it is up to Dawn to take on a new form and infiltrate the enemy camp in order to release him from Miranda's grasp. The empending war has begun and now she must do everything in her power to make sure that the Allies win.
Views: 443

Nyx (NINE Series, Book #4)

The Arazura ship has been stolen. The Sava crime syndicate has dissolved into a battle for leadership, and the survivors of the original NINE study are at the forefront. As violence erupts across the continent of Osha, Phaira, Renzo, Cohen and Sydel find themselves forced to choose sides in the explosive finale of the NINE Series.
Views: 443

Long Odds

A Detailed Biography Also Included at the Start.The subjects and historical periods that British action-adventure writer H. Rider Haggard tackled in his vast body of work ranged considerably, but one element remains a constant thread that unites his entire oeuvre: heart-racing adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat. If you\'re looking for an engaging and entertaining read, try Haggard\'s Long Odds.
Views: 443

Collector's Item

Collector\'s Item By Evelyn E. Smith
Views: 443


My name is Rose MacEwan. The year is 1682. It is a hard time to be a witch. And an even harder time to be Wodebayne. Now that I've found my soul mate, I feel almost safe. I will do anything to keep him. Pity the witch who comes between me and my true love.
Views: 443

The Adventurous Time Adventures of Doctor When

The Adventurous Time Adventures of Doctor When: A Steampunk Time Drama in Eight Acts will delight and divert discerning readers. Prepare to journey hence with Doctor When through space-time on a Very Important Mission to save the world from untold chronological havoc!Doctor When has a Time Machine and a Very Important Mission. In order to save the world from untold chronological havoc, the esteemed Chrononaut requires the assistance of some very peculiar associates: one dangerous dwarf and the deadly Spaghetti Sisters. Together, they will need to find Ingeborg. But what exactly is Ingeborg in the first place? Why are there dinosaurs in the South of France? And which Thursday is this, exactly? All these questions answered, and more, in The Adventurous Time Adventures of Doctor When.
Views: 443