Cause for War (Reality Benders Book #7): LitRPG Series

The Army of Earth is being sent on its first tour of duty. Its fifty thousand proud and valiant troopers are the best of the best, full of hope for brilliant victories and spoils of war that can help Earth's humanity along in its development.There's just one little problem though. The operation's Geckho commanders view their human vassals as mere cannon fodder, good only for plugging up holes in their defensive line and shipping out to the space war's most punishing hotspots where the chance of surviving is practically nil.How should the Kung of Earth behave in this situation? Disobey the suzerains' orders, draw their ire and put his home planet under threat of complete annihilation? Or make a play for the freedom of humanity in a game of his own?Read all about it in the seventh book of the Reality Benders series!
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See How She Runs

Izzy was a normal girl living in Chicago as a bike messenger before that fateful day. She delivered one package and set into action a chain of events she never could have expected. Now she is running for her life from the Corporation, her best friend is not at all who he seemed, and to top it all off she keeps having visions. Will she survive to navigate the waters as a Seer?Izzy Boone thought about a lot of things while navigating the streets of Chicago as a bike messenger –What should I have for dinner? Don’t hit that tourist. Should I try online dating? Watch out for that car. Will this time of year ever get easier? Someone waited too long to throw that out.One thought that never crossed her mind, though, was just how much a single package could change her life and turn her world upside down.Looking back, she really wished she had considered it. With her well-documented overactive imagination, she just might be better prepared for the hostile new world before her. Instead, her best friend blindsides her with who he really is; she’s running for her life from an organization bent on destroying the world; and she’s having horrible visions offering more questions than answers.Suddenly thrown into a world that contradicts everything she’s ever known, Izzy must come to terms with her new reality – fast – as she joins the ranks of Seers and Guardians to fulfill her destiny in the fight to save the world.Book One: See How She RunsBook Two: See How She FightsBook Three: See How She FallsBook Four: See How She AwakensAlso available: The Chronicles of Izzy, The Complete Series
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Oberon's Children

An orphan girl named Mol wakes in the middle of the night to music. Enchanted, she follows the sound into the forest of Arden, where she is taken captive by a man known only as the Erlking; a man who rules a kingdom of monsters. Leaving her life as an urchin far behind, Mol becomes part of the Erlking's Bower for reasons she cannot understand, her only guarantee a future shrouded in mystery.An orphan girl named Mol wakes in the middle of the night to music. Enchanted, she follows the sound into the forest of Arden, where she is taken captive by a man known only as the Erlking; a man who rules a kingdom of monsters. Leaving her life as an urchin far behind, Mol becomes part of the Erlking's Bower, where she is among hundreds of other children just like her who are forced to follow the commands of the Ilyn that rule over them. But there is a deadly secret lurking behind the Bower, and with growing certainty Mol finds that she was taken for a reason - a reason that might kill her.
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Assassin's Bond (Chains of Honor, Book 3)

Yanko and his friends must escape a Turgonian prison and find passage back home before their enemies claim an advantage that could change the world. And not for the good of the Nurian people.But even more trouble awaits at home. Civil war has broken out, Yanko's family is in danger, and the man who sent him on his mission has disappeared.If Yanko can't find Prince Zirabo, he'll forever remain a criminal and be hunted down by his own people. Worse, his only chance to survive and redeem his honor may be to rely on the one person who's been trying to kill him since his adventure began.
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Oracle of Spirits #6

Enid’s adventures in the world of light and shadows is about to come to an end as all hell breaks loose. Literally. The trail of the missing mystics leads them to the Paranormal Society where they find skeletons hidden in the archives. Old foes make their reappearance and old allies come to the rescue as Enid faces who, and what she is, in order to win victory for the forces of light.
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The Emperor's Edge (a high fantasy mystery in an era of steam)

Imperial law enforcer Amaranthe Lokdon is good at her job: she can deter thieves and pacify thugs, if not with a blade, then by toppling an eight-foot pile of coffee canisters onto their heads. But when ravaged bodies show up on the waterfront, an arson covers up human sacrifices, and a powerful business coalition plots to kill the emperor, she feels a tad overwhelmed....Imperial law enforcer Amaranthe Lokdon is good at her job: she can deter thieves and pacify thugs, if not with a blade, then by toppling an eight-foot pile of coffee canisters onto their heads. But when ravaged bodies show up on the waterfront, an arson covers up human sacrifices, and a powerful business coalition plots to kill the emperor, she feels a tad overwhelmed.Worse, Sicarius, the empire's most notorious assassin is in town. He's tied in with the chaos somehow, but Amaranthe would be a fool to cross his path. Unfortunately, her superiors order her to hunt him down. Either they have an unprecedented belief in her skills... or someone wants her dead.
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The Mystwick School of Musicraft

Humor and heart shine in this middle-grade fantasy about a girl who attends a boarding school to learn how to use music to create magic, perfect for fans of Nevermoor and The School for Good and Evil series.Amelia Jones always dreamed of attending the Mystwick School of Musicraft, where the world's most promising musicians learn to create magic. So when Amelia botches her audition, she thinks her dream has met an abrupt and humiliating end—until the school agrees to give her a trial period. Amelia is determined to prove herself, vowing to do whatever it takes to become the perfect musician. Even if it means pretending to be someone she isn't. Meanwhile, a mysterious storm is brewing that no one, not even the maestros at Mystwick, is prepared to contain. Can Amelia find the courage to be true to herself in time to save her beloved school from certain destruction?
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Captain's Sacrifice

Captain Chatir of the mersoldier Third Brigade must overcome her years-long unrequited love and defend the merrealm of Zurolind against human attackers.Seeing ghosts is so passe anymore. A whole cottage industry of capturing and publishing them in a blizzard of mediums and outlets has exploded in popular culture. Even speaking to them has had the whole eerie mystery sucked right out of it by reality show mediums What if the dead desperately needed something other than communion with the living though? What if there were consequences for ignoring them? Deadly consequences. How much or who would you sacrifice to avoid their demands?
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The Coven

I am not who I thought I was. I am not a regular sixteen-year-old girl. I am a witch. A real, ancestral witch. My parents are not my biological parents. My sister and I share no blood. Even in the coven, I am too powerful now, too different to belong. I am alone except for Cal. Cal tells me he loves me, and I need to believe him.
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What Doesn't Kill You

A dark fantasy e-short of 4,500 words.‘What Doesn’t Kill You’ is one of the 11 short stories of science fiction, fantasy and horror collected in Transient Tales Volume 1.A dark fantasy e-short of 4,500 words.‘What Doesn’t Kill You’ is one of 11 short stories of science fiction, fantasy and horror collected in Transient Tales Volume 1.They evacuated people, in the the early days of the Blight. They sealed off the affected areas and posted guards. They provided protection, issued reassurances. They put their top scientists to work on finding a solution. They don’t do any of that anymore.But even if everyone else is giving up, Olivia’s determined to find a way to survive. To adapt.Because what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Or different, at least.
Views: 573