Jaguar at the Portal

Ixchel is a lonely veterinarian fleeing from her past. Finn is a were-jaguar hunting for his future.It starts as a classic case of boy-meets-girl, boy-holds-girl-up-at-knife-point, boy-and-girl-fall-in-love. But what should be a honeymoon-like jaunt through the ruins of pre-Columbian Mexico turns into an action-packed chase through moonlit forests and across crumbling pyramids.In the end, each member of the unlikely pair must make a decision that will change their lives forever. And if the two don't learn to work together, they'll soon lose the game that has turned into a struggle for survival.
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Hometown Kelly and the Gizmo Team

It was Hell and always had been. He'd worked not to wish he'd died with his parents in the accident he'd been too young to remember. He was alive and they weren't. Because they weren't, he was so rich he was kept alive. As long as he was, others had control of the wealth and used it, in his name of course, to make more. But they didn't know he was there. No one did. He thought.
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Ensign Flandry

After the first flowering of the Terran Empire, which has grown increasingly decadent and corrupt, other civilizations in the galaxy threaten to take over the Terran's worlds. In this scenario steps the debonair, tough and pessimistic Dominic Flandry, half-Hans Solo, half-James Bond and a hero for the ages!
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Atlantic Island aic-1

For once, seventeen year old Theo Essex thought he could put aside his worries and just enjoy himself. A summer weekend at the shore. An evening with his friends. A beautiful girl in his arms. That was before the event. Now Theo finds himself stranded in a strange new world, surrounded by death and the sea, and trapped between rival forces determined to take control of survivors like him. Facing overwhelming odds, Theo must search for the strength to escape Atlantic Island. The critically acclaimed title from author Fredric Shernoff has garnered national attention by bringing sci-fi, action, adventure and romance to the popular locale of a Jersey Shore that is both sentimentally similar and eerily different from our own. Atlantic Island is the first book of a planned trilogy.
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In Search of Spice

In Search of Spice is an epic historical fantasy romance, set in a world very similar to our own 12th century Europe. 

Captain Larroche is the veteran master of the good ship Queen Rose, named after the beloved late Queen, the first carrack to be built in Harrhein. For Harrhein is trapped, unable to trade due to pirates cutting off the only trade route. In every other direction is endless ocean. Captain Larroche is charged with finding a new trade route, to the fabled land of Hind, and he proposes to sail over the edge of the world to find it. No wonder he has trouble finding crew.

The young people he assembles, strengthened by a squad of frontier veteran Royal Pathfinders, are more than a match for known enemies. How will they handle people of another colour, with strange habits, peculiar food, treacherous officials, different languages and customs that defy belief?

Climb aboard for a swashbuckling cruise into new lands and people, with strange animals and different ways of looking at the world. The pages ring with cultures clashing.
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