Second Chance, Baby

Except for one passion-filled night after his father's funeral, Ty and Felicia Braddock's marriage had been cold for years. Now Felicia was pregnant...and unwilling to bring a child into a home with a workaholic, absentee father. She wanted a divorce, but for their child's sake Ty demanded she give their vows a second chance. But the challenging vixen Felicia had become was nothing like the sweet-tempered, predictable woman he remembered. More and more the driven financial executive found himself wanting to spend less time at the office and more time making love to his oh-so-desirable wife....Felicia desperately wanted their marriage to work. But would their newfound desire be enough to make her husband the family man that she and their baby needed?
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LIAM (The Rylee Adamson Epilogues, Book 2)

From HiJinks Ink Publishing and Shannon Mayer comes the follow up Epilogue series to The USA Today Bestselling RYLEE ADAMSON NOVELS. With over 1 million books sold, Shannon Mayer proves once again she can dominate her genre right out of the gate. LIAM (The Rylee Adamson Epilogues, Book 2) is filled with heart and action just as you expect from Ms. Mayer.My name is Liam, and I was an FBI agent, until I stepped into the world of Rylee Adamson. Now, I'm a Guardian, a wolf shifter whose very design is to protect those around him at any cost.The battle against Orion is done, the demons banished. In their wake, there are so many innocents who have lost their lives, their families, and their way.Three of them our now ours to raise—the ogre triplets. Three boys I've come to love as if they were my own. And they are dying.In a race against time, I must do the impossible. Find a female ogre willing to help us save the boys. A female from a species we had believed was wiped out.There is one...
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Labyrinth of reflections lor-1

About the Author: Sergey Lukjanenko, 30, is one of the today's most popular Russian Sci-Fi writers. His first works were published in 1988. Currently his bibliography includes more than 40 titles of novels and short stories. The Author defines his genre as the «hard action science fiction», but all his works also have a very well defined philosophical aspect. The novel offered to your attention was written in 1997 and became the real 'cult book' of the Russian Internet. Sergey is married, he lives in Moscow. Email: [email protected] Homepage: (In Russian) THE NOVEL «LABYRINTH OF REFLECTIONS» IS COPYRIGHTED BY SERGEY LUKJANENKO, ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED BY THE AUTHOR. ANY COMMERCIAL USE OF THE NOVEL'S TEXT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Copyright Sergey Lukjanenko "Labyrinth of reflections" Homepage: (In Russian) Copyright translation by Yuri Kalmykov aka Mohatu , 1998 * Yuri Kalmykov. Translator's notes * Several notes for the reader: 1). My English sucks. So it was obviously way too presumptuous of me to try to make a translation like this. It was my love to this book only that made me to venture into this adventure. ;-) I was hoping that this novel is really worth your kind attention (despite my ugly English?). 2). Some opinions expressed in this book by the main or other characters, as well as some words/terms used, might be considered offensive to some Western readers. In fact, one such situation was even showed closer to the end of the novel itself. The concept of "PC" (aka 'Political Correctness') does not really exist in Russia which fact IMHO makes the life much easier and slightly reduces the amount of stupidity that inevitably presents in this life. Despite that, I definitely had to use the 'softened' terms in my translation in order not to outrage the people (not too much at least). But of course, something might have still leaked out. Please consider yourselves warned. 3). FIDO Some more confusion can be caused by Lukjanenko's technical details and descriptions of the Net due to one more fact: he writes from the point of view of the person who was once the FIDOnet member. Also it seems that Sergey himself was mostly affiliated with FIDO at the time of this book's writing. The principles of FIDO's system organization differ from the ones of the Internet. I never was FIDO member, so I know very little. In general, it's free, amateurs' network that allows its members to exchange emails and files. FIDO uses its own proprietary protocol. Special gateways are used to exchange emails with the Internet. Look at for more details… But be prepared to get back not the homepage, but some HTML code. { G } The guys have forgot to put the { HTML } tag into the code of their main page… OOPS. 4). The names. The same name in Russian usually can have several forms, reflecting the attitude of the one who pronounces the name to the one named. The number of these forms is as far as I can judge, much bigger than in English. That's why in my translation I preferred to retain the original rules of forming such names and to provide this note. Another important reason is that the Russian name changed according to the rules of doing so in English would sound ridiculous (maybe for me only, as I'm Russian… ;-) ), not mentioning that it's not always possible to do this with Russian names at all. Example: John – Johnny. Now try to do the same with, say, my name: Yuri. Yup… My point exactly. Below is the example of how the first name of the main character can be 'bent'. The same often happens to other names in the book. For inexperienced reader it might be confusing, so I apologize… Russia *is* confusing by definition, so bear with it. :-) Leonid – the complete name. Lenia (should be read roughly as Lyo-nee-aa; don't pronounce 'double lettered' sounds as too long ones though) – this is slightly diminutive, friendly form used by relatives and friends. Lenechka (Lyo-nee-chka) – a "pet-name" form, sometimes also used with sarcasm, depending on the context. Len'chik – "pet-name"/unceremonious address. Len'ka ( here ' means softening of the previous sound, 'n' in this name sounds like 'n' in the word 'change') – Unceremonious address, a bit slighting. Often used by close friends without any offensive context. … and so on. No more forms are used in the book, so I'd better not confuse you any more. Another trick is how the names are formed n general. In particular, the concept of the middle name in Russia. It is not 'given', but rather is the father's name. To be used as a middle name, special endings are attached: -ovich, -evich for man's middle name (yeah, they are gender specific!), -ovna, evna for female's middle name. Examples: Petrovich Alekseevich – men's Petrovna Alekseevna – women's. Also, the last names of the Russian origin are gender specific too. To women's form the ending -a is usually attached: Kalmykov for me becomes Kalmykova for my Mother, as opposed to her maiden name which is Cellarius – not originally Russian one and as such not gender specific. There's much more about Russian 'naming system', but I think it's enough said here in order to a). totally confuse an unaccustomed Western reader, and b). to explain the names in the novel for those who managed to overcome the confusion. { G } And the last thing: 5). Any feedback will be greatly appreciated! Any questions/opinions are welcome to [email protected]. Hate mail/flames will be ignored. Thank you! Yuri Kalmykov aka Mohatu, Waukegan, IL, February-November 1998.
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Master of the Mountain

When Rebecca's boyfriend talks her into vacationing at a mountain lodge with his swing club, she quickly learns she's not cut out for playing musical beds. Now she has nowhere to sleep. Logan, the lodge owner, finds her freezing on the porch. After hauling her inside, he warms her in his own bed, and there the experienced Dom discovers that Rebecca might not be a swinger...but she is definitely a submissive.Rebecca knows that no one can love her plump, scarred body. To her shock, lodge owner Logan not only disagrees, but ties her up and shows her just how much he enjoys her curves. Under his skilled hands, Rebecca not only loses her inhibitions, but also her heart.Damaged from the war, Logan considers himself too dangerous to be around the enticing little sub. He sends her away for her own safety, not realizing she believes she has once again been rejected because of her size. As Logan's mountains echo with her voice long after she's gone, he realizes she's taken his heart with her. But when he arrives in the city to reclaim her, Rebecca's phone has been disconnected and her apartment is empty...Publisher's Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: Anal play/intercourse, BDSM theme and content, exhibitionism.
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Family tgitb-4

Just hours after finding Andromeda and crossing paths with her mother, Sienna Nealon finds herself back at the Directorate and up against a bigger threat than ever before. Omega, the organization that unleashed Wolfe and others upon her, has declared war on the Directorate and the first strikes have already landed. Facing the seemingly unstoppable forces of Omega and Sienna's own mother, the Directorate seems poised for defeat when a new threat rears its ugly head - a traitor in their midst, one that may mean the destruction of everything Sienna has come to care about.
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Nine gods ruled the world, until the ultimate betrayal resulted in their destruction. Now, the world is dying and only by restoring the Lost Gods can it be saved.Verde is ruled by the mortal reincarnations of their Lost Gods: the Faerie Queen, the Pegasus, and the Unicorn, slain nine centuries ago at the base of their Sacred Oak. Every one hundred years, the tragedy repeats itself, plunging Verde ever deeper into despair.Now, the Tragedy of the Oak draws near and Gael, the Unicorn, grows increasingly afraid because of a dark secret kept by the Three: If he cannot find a way to break the tragic cycle, the Twelve White Beasts and his secret lover are cursed to die right alongside him.
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Whisper Kiss

For millennia, the shape-shifting dragon warriors known as the Pyr have commanded the four elements and guarded the earth's treasures. But now the final reckoning between the Pyr and the dreaded Slayers is about to begin... Niall Talbot has volunteered to hunt down and destroy all the remaining shadow dragons before they can wreak more havoc. But fate has placed him in the hands of Rox, an unconventional tattoo artist who doesn't even flinch when a shape-shifting dragon warrior suddenly appears on her doorstep. And as a woman who follows her heart in matters of passion, she makes the perfect mate for a firestorm with Niall...
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