Desert Wind

Shevira and Marika's relationship is put to a test when Shevira's wish to become pregnant is fulfilled. Will their love for each other be strong enough to overcome the obstacles?Tierra Rodriquez, by most people’s standards is living the glamorous life. She is a successful business woman, who has worked her way up the male dominated ladder, at Baxwell Enterprisez, to land as head of the Marketing, Media and Entertainment Department, despite being haunted by ghosts from her past. But while she tries to juggle life, work, friendship, and a new love, Tierra finds her tightly wound web of secrets beginning to unravel for the first time in her life.From trying her hand at love, to estranged mother showing up at her door-step, to her best friend laying her own set of secrets in her lap and a confession from her boss that shatters all Tierra hold dear, she is tested to the brink of sanity and lands in the one place she swore never return seeking solace.After enduring the tragic death of the one he had searched so long for, Aquarian Skeene is hurt, confused and there is only one person on his mind, the Jelly to his Peanut Butter, his best friend-Tierra. Desiring to rekindle their lapsed friendship, and make good on a promise, he makes a phone call that’s seems to set off a series of events that takes them both down a path of unfamiliarity and uncertainty. As he tries to settle into his new career, and deal with his own set secrets he is thrown into a life and death fight that brings everyone in both of their lives face to face testing not only their endurance but their faith.With everything they know put on the chopping block on a daily basis, will these two get their act together and figure out what path they are destined to be on? Or will they continue to fall apart and remain victims of their own secrets and silent fears?
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One. Deux. Tre.

ONE. DEUX. TRE. is a short story collection that takes a look at three relationships, each at different stages and the issues that surround each stage of each relationship: trust, loyalty, and death.Comprised of three stories set in Galveston, Texas, ONE. DEUX. TRE. examines the issues that plague relationships at their various stages. In "All Along,: a young, could-be couple meets for the first time in a state of exhaustion and delirium after not having slept adequately in weeks. In order to finally rest, the two must put their trust in one another without really knowing one another at all. in "Show Me", Charlie Good is struck by a hit-and-run driver, while his boyfriend frantically searches to discover his whereabouts and whether or not his boyfriend is still alive. In "VItas Vit," an accident leaves a Annabelle Black a widow, though her grappling discontent with her husband causes the grieving process to be difficult.
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The Murder Seat

Dr. Herbert Marriott has a problem that only murder can solve. Luckily for him, the perfect weapon is locked away in his rundown museum, one too incredible for any court to accept. The cursed chair kills all who rest upon it. But will Herbert’s victim be so easily drawn to her fate?A four and half thousand word short story.THE HEALING PLACE Clare NonhebelSYNOPSISFranz Kane has invested time, money and energy into setting up The Healing Place, a state-of-the-art building with superb facilities, offering an impressive range of holistic therapies and mind-enriching courses to city-dwellers eager to escape the stresses of life.Running such an enterprise has stresses of its own, and not only lighter-hearted errors such as locating Primal Scream Therapy in the next room to Silent Meditation; some serious concerns are beginning to surface. Although Franz promotes inclusive acceptance of every person and every shade of belief, barring religion and obvious cults, there are few people he genuinely trusts. Now two of them - his girlfriend Ella and the psychic, Sharma, a mainstay of The Healing Place - have some challenging questions for Franz.Cracks are beginning to appear in the fabric of the building, and in the persona of Franz himself. He experiences first an outburst of rage against a local vicar, then fear of a sinister stranger who mirrors Franz's own dismissal of moral imperatives, and finally a near-violent impulse against Ella, newly pregnant with his baby.Despite Ella's and Sharma's warnings and encouragement, Franz clings to his image as 'the man with no yesterday,' avoiding every question about his past. But when Sharma takes time out from The Healing Place - in response to a request from local police to help find two kidnapped boys - circumstances begin to force Franz to face himself and his own history.When he makes a sudden decision to go to Ireland, he invites Ella to come with him, on the condition that she asks no questions of him. Trusting his integrity but struggling with fears for Franz and for the future of their unborn Ella begins to find some answers when they visit a convent nursing home where a frail and elderly Catholic priest is dying.But just as they both begin to uncover the past, the future is jeopardised: The Healing Place faces its own baptism of fire, apparently an arson attack by someone who wishes Franz harm.Sharma, who challenged Franz to stop pretending to accept every version of truth as equally valid and to confront his own beliefs and prejudices, is struggling to remain calm as he moves nearer to discovering what has happened to the abducted children. His own children, meanwhile, who had been taken abroad when their mother left him are returning home with an overwhelming need of their own - to be their father's main priority.Reviewing his own priorities, and more aware now of his motivation for founding The Healing Place, Franz has to confront the question of whether the remedies it offers are actually healing anyone.An unexpected source of enlightenment turns up in the form of childhood friend, Patrick, now working in London, who has been looking for Franz under his original name, and a young doctor, Jake. Their shared vision for a new project begins to absorb Franz as well, if he can learn to trust again and work with them as a team.Patrick, who grew up with Franz and knows his extraordinary history, and Ella who until recently only knew him in his recent role as director of The Healing Place, hold between them the key to Franz's own healing.But before they can all move forward, there are still two frightened children to be found, and in the process of standing in for Sharma in one of his classes, Franz begins to understand something of the strange path that Sharma himself has chosen and the hazards he is going through in tracing the abducted boys.At the same time, the vicar and the sinister figure both move into the spotlight and will each make their indelible imprint on the future of The Healing Place, on Franz and Ella and the generation to come.
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Love Only Once

The exquisite niece of Lord Edward and Lady Charlotte Malory, Regina Ashton is outraged over her abduction by the arrogant, devilishly handsome Nicholas Eden - and is determined to make the rogue pay with his heart. A golden-haired seducer, Nicholas has been hardened by a painful secret in his past. And now that he has besmirched Reggie's good name, the hot-tempered lady has vowed to wed him. Her fiery beauty stirs Nicholas as no woman ever has - and the rake arouses Reggie's passion to an unendurable level. Such uncontrolled desires can lead only to dangerous misunderstandings and, perhaps, to a love that can live only once in a lifetime.
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Poetry Anatomy

A collection of amazing heart felt, positive, uplifting poems.This book also covers the basics of what you need to know in order to write amazing poetry.Sample: Beauty Abounding - Mind blowing awesomeness I see;A gorgeous construction created for me.Beauty abounding;So outstanding;Giving a sunset cost free.David and his father, Sam, are both trying to rebuild their lives after David's mother and Sam's wife died. After a failed attempt at the summit of Mount of the Holy Cross, Sam's last 14er to climb and David's first, both are eager to try to climb it again.But this climb is for more than just joy. This is about reviving a family and paying respect to others.What happens when the two reach the summit, however, will shape their lives forever.
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The Game

A hapless geek finds himself on the beta program for a revolutionary operating system - in a Faustian deal that grants him the perfect job and perfect life in exchange for simply giving his blessing to the program. As with most things that come so easy, he found this life less than fulfilling, and watches in horror as the program he endorsed rains chaos down on the world.Welcome to Fritesite! Prepare to be Disturbed... Some experimental treatments come at a great cost to both patients and innovators. As Lieutenant Cargill finds out the hard way by loosing his wife through innovations in a new treatment called "Teleportherapy". Enjoy this flagship story from the pages of the new horror/mystery series, Fritesite, coming to you from CE Publishing Group. Prepare for a wild ride suspense and horror direct from the mastermind of writer and illustrator Martin Malin.
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The Fifth Elemental - Shepisode 3 - Fifth

When Ethan Allen was first drawn into the world of The Elementals, he had no idea of the importance he played in their existence, now how different he truly was. Thrown in the middle of a civil war, a vital key to the stability and freedom of his kind, he fights not only for his survival, but for the survival of a world that has been seeking peace for thousands of years.Think living on the moon as a teen would mean an escape from cliques and teenage pranks? Think again. When Marci's longtime friend Jess joins the pop-crowd at school, Marci finds herself talked into participating in one of their initiation rites and questioning herself, her friendships, and her values in the process.This Luna Short Story includes a special excerpt from CONVERGENCE, a full-length novel by the same author.
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Being Me

** Due to mature sexual content, recommended for readers aged 18+ ** Mitsy Collins can handle herself with wit, but not with her weight. She’s content in her world of skinny coworkers and fulfilling the needs of her cat, Mr. Perkins, when their floor gets a new boss. The rumors of his physique don’t lie, and the whole floor is in combat mode to win his attention, and maybe his heart. Mitsy keeps out of the war, but becomes a casualty when Dunner ignores the bloodshed and takes aim at her. Is his intentions pure? Can Dunner really want her? Will Mr. Perkins be jealous?
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Wishing for Trouble

Ben and Tim have always been told to "be careful what you wish for", but they don't know what this really means until one day Tim discovers a magic wishing ring - and a whole lot of trouble! Before they know it, Ben and Tim and their cousins, Nick, Emmy and Lach, find themselves fighting for their lives - and a few other people's, too - in a besieged castle full of knights and swords and a rather bossy countess. But soon they realise that making wishes is not as easy as it sounds, and that they will have to be very clever indeed to get themselves out of this mess!
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The Eclective: The Celtic Collection

Six stories from the Eclective, six accounts of Celtic things. There's more than one way to go Green.Six stories from the Eclective, six accounts of Celtic things. There's more than one way to go Green.Irish Kiss by Shéa MacLeodMorgan Bailey, vampire Hunter, thought finding a Leprechaun's missing pot of gold would be easy. She couldn't have been more wrong.The Luck of the Irish Brigade by M. Edward McNallyThe Irish are fighting themselves, only because there are no other worthy opponents.Song of the Banshee by Heather Marie AdkinsBelinda has a job to do, but a dying man’s grandson may be a big problem. It’s a hard world for a lonely banshee.The Red Veil of Vengeance by Jack WallenVlad Kurvail is back and, as usual, he's pissed. This time his cold vengeance is served up to the Irish. Will their luck hold out?Zombies Eat Leprechauns by P.J. JonesWhen a zombie curse infects the Fairytale Kingdom, Lucky the Leprechaun needs the help of an idiot dragon slayer and a cross-dressing dragon to escape. Can he make it out with his pot of gold, or will Lucky's luck run out?Five Shamrocks by Alan NayesAfter her husband dies on St. Patrick's Day, life goes on for Mattie O'Malley.
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Beginnings: Five Heroic Fantasy Adventure Novels

When her island home is invaded by enemy soldiers, her family captured, and the town enslaved, Taylina must find a way to fight back and free her people. But their enemies have powerful warships, sorcerers, and dragons. Her simple people are no match. Her only hope is to venture onto the forbidden half of the island and seek the one individual powerful enough to battle their enemies, a dragon known for eating humans rather than helping them. Find out what happens to Taylina and meet the dragon who thinks he’s a god in Dragon Rider, a prequel to Lindsay’s USA Today bestselling Dragon Blood series. In addition to Dragon Rider, Beginnings features four previously published fantasy adventure novels, all with new introductions from the author: Encrypted The Emperor’s Edge Balanced on the Blade’s Edge Warrior Mage
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The Mystery of Margorie Walker

In 1820,a series of mysterious and unsolved deaths occurred in a small,old English town. Everything began when Earl Beaumont attempted to summon a demon during an occasional cult and was found dead with his wife the next day. From then on,more and more people in the town claimed to have encountered a bizarre lady dressed in black. They all said she shared the same appearance as Margorie Walker....In 1820, a series of mysterious and unsolved deaths occurred in a small, old English town.Everything began when Earl Beaumont attempted to summon a demon during an occasional cult and was found dead with his wife the next day. From then on, more and more people in the town claimed to have encountered a bizarre lady dressed in black. They all said she shared the same appearance as Margorie Walker, a girl who was supposed to have died two years ago after a false accusation of witchcraft and a brutal burning execution.While increasing number of puzzling and supernatural deaths was causing panic in the town, Hanzel Nelson, Margorie’s lover, was out there searching for his long-lost love desperately. After meeting Margorie’s shadow one night and noticing the extraordinary pattern of the unusual murdering, he vowed to seek the truth and to stop the demonic girl from carrying on with her evil tasks.
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Stefans Diaries: Origins

during the Civil War, against a backdrop of grand estates, unimaginable riches, and deadly secrets, three teenagers in Mystic Falls, Virginia enter a torrid love triangle that will span eternity. Brothers Stefan and Damon Salvatore are inseparable until they meet Katherine, a stunning, mysterious woman who turns their world upside down. Siblings turned rivals, the Salvatores compete for Katherine's affection, only to discover that her sumptuous silk dresses and glittering gems hide a terrible secret: Katherine is a vampire. And she is intent on turning them into vampires so they can live together-forever.
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The Feeding Season

After spending 17 years of his life in intense training, suffering malnutrition and all kinds of adversity, Bars Ibis has 24 hours to construct his Shell before facing the lethal challenges of the Old Earth. He and his coevals have only one mission – to survive the Feeding Season.The Fortress – the only haven for humanity is falling apart. The destructive storms that have been roaring across the surface of the planet for centuries have caused irreparable damage to the ancient structure. Now the population of the Fortress is living in misery and deprivation. With the ever-present danger of overpopulation and with the occurrence of an epidemic a few centuries ago, a special law was introduced for all the 17 year-old boys. Since then, every year at the beginning of the Feeding Season, the Descent happens, which main goal is to decrease the general population of the Fortress.Now it’s Bars turn along with his mates to leave the safety of their only home and roam about the dangerous surface of the Earth, fighting for their life, crammed into survival suits constructed of useless garbage. If they survive long enough, they have a chance of returning to the Fortress as Heroes, but their way back to is fraught with unexpected challenges and trials that aren't even mentioned in the ancient books.
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The Rose Man

It’s 1987. Dane Morrison, a middle-aged ad agency sales rep, meets an enigmatic street rose salesman during a hot summer in Houston, Texas. As Dane learns more about the Rose Man, Dane’s dreams and reality become a hellish playground for the unearthly vagabond.And as Dane soon discovers, where love and hope are found, the Rose Man walks…It’s 1987. Dane Morrison, a middle-aged ad agency sales rep, meets an enigmatic street rose salesman during a hot summer in Houston, Texas. As Dane learns more about the Rose Man, Dane’s dreams and reality become a hellish playground for the unearthly vagabond. And as Dane soon discovers, where love and hope are found, the Rose Man walks…The Rose Man is an early, award-winning story from critically-acclaimed horror author, Terry M. West. Thought lost until it was found on a recovered computer drive, The Rose Man presents one of Terry M. West's most unique horror characters. This story is presented with an introduction from the author as well as story notes.
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