Age of War

The epic battle between humankind and their godlike rulers finally ignites in the masterful follow-up to Age of Myth and Age of Swords. The alliance of humans and renegade Fhrey is fragile—and about to be tested as never before. Persephone keeps the human clans from turning on one another through her iron will and a compassionate heart. The arrogant Fhrey are barely held in check by their leader, Nyphron, who seeks to advance his own nefarious agenda through a loveless marriage that will result in the betrayal of the person Persephone loves most: Raithe, the God Killer. As the Fhrey overlords marshal their army and sorcerers to crush the rebellion, old loyalties will be challenged while fresh conspiracies will threaten to undo all that Persephone has accomplished. In the darkest hour, when hope is all but lost, new heroes will rise . . . but at what terrible cost?Magic, fantasy, and mythology collide in Michael J. Sullivan's...
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At the Seat of Power: Goldenfields and the Dominion

It amounts to exile. Alec has left Goldenfields after false rumors destroy the life he has found there. Now he will reside in Oyster Bay, home of the king’s court and Ingenairii Hill, where Alec will be trained to master the ingenairii energies he has the potential to exercise. His clean start in Oyster Bay will be challenged by politics and jealousies and jockeying for power as the old order of the Dominion starts to crumble under an elderly king without an heir. Even when he tries to keep to himself, Alec will stumble into trouble among his fellow engenairii, and the nobility at the palace. The possibility of becoming a rare ingenairii who can master both healing and warrior powers beckons Alec, and his potential is great, if he stays focused on the lessons taught in the house of master warrior Rubicon. But Alec will reunite with an old acquaintance, and all hope for a peaceful stay in Oyster Bay will end in deadly results, and Alec's subsequent, impetuous reaction. Only his solace through miraculous healing can carry Alec until the call comes to return to Goldenfields, but will he be able to find peace serving in the court he was banished from, where memories of his past still haunt his relationships among the Guard? Promises of power, honor and romance tempt Alec as he learns that he has greater potential than he ever realized, if he can follow Aristotle’s advice.
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The Murderer

Рассказ вошёл в сборники: The Golden Apples of the Sun (Золотые яблоки солнца) The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И грянул гром: 100 рассказов)
Views: 53

The Hole Man

Science Fiction. 5147 words long. First published in Analog, January 1974 Hugo Award Winner
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Nominee for the 2010 Prometheus AwardIn the 22nd century people have spread into the Solar System. Born and raised in a twentieth of Earth's gravity on the asteroid Pallas, young skater Llyra Ngu is grimly determined to compete and win on mankind's homeworld—an ambition that many say will cripple or kill her. Her older brother Wilson is equally set on quitting his job as a surveyor's apprentice to become an asteroid hunter, a calling fraught with the promise of fabulous riches and the danger of sudden death. He will find a full share of romance and disappointment, love and loss, and pursue the asteroid hunter's holy grail, the legendary Diamond Rogue. Llyra's training will require years, and a journey that will take her to Ceres, at one tenth Earth's gravity, where her father bosses the Ceres Terraformation Project, to the one-sixth gravity of the Moon, to Mars and one third gravity, and finally to Earth. Along the way, she will survive jealous rivals, a hostile press, terrorist attacks, and the hijacking of a spaceliner in order to achieve her goal. In the end, Llyra and Wilson will hear the call of the stars, themselves
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A Scandal In the Making

Handsome, womanizing Lord Evan Haddington, the new Marquess of Berkshire, has only recently inherited his title from his deceased uncle.  With the title comes wealth, power, social standing, estates, jewels...and Cassandra, the very troublesome and not-exactly-young ward of his late uncle.  Saddled with a sharp-tongued woman that he must protect or risk losing his claim upon the marquisate, Evan is also faced with the rather pressing need to take a wife - one who most likely will not care for the rather bossy female already in his life.Miss Cassandra Grove has been called to London to claim her inheritance from her late aunt, the Marchioness of Berkshire.  Instead of finding a solicitor at the door, however, she is met by the obstinate new marquess who refuses to turn over a business that is rightfully Cassandra's by law.  Still, after a year of living under the same roof while the details are sorted out, she and Evan have finally reached an...
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