Jingle Bell Rock Read online

Page 9

  As Logan lifted his glass and smirked triumphantly, Tate looked at his husband with a mixture of admiration and amusement. I could only imagine he leaned in to whisper in his ear that he was fucking crazy, because that was exactly what I’d be saying. But hey, it was for charity, so good on him.

  Everything after that ran smoothly, more money being raised than even I’d expected, but just as the last item went up for grabs, all hell broke loose.

  “Now for this final item,” Dylan said, “Ace has offered the highest bidder a walk-on role for one of his upcoming films. That means you could brag to all of your friends and family that you starred in a movie with Ace Locke.” Dylan waggled his brows at Ace. “I’m sure he’d even throw in one of his delicious bear hugs while you’re on set too. Let the bidding begin.”

  Our VIP guests, Solo and Panther, threw up their paddles immediately, as well as about a hundred others, but it was Slade from Fallen Angel running out to the stage that caught everyone’s attention.

  “It’s mine.” Slade was panting, like he’d had to haul ass running to catch the auction in time, and he gave an apologetic look to the audience. “Sorry, but this is too good to pass up.”

  “You can’t win without a bid, Slade,” Dylan said.

  “Oh, right.” Slade rubbed his jaw, his brow furrowed. “I guess twenty?”

  “Twenty thousand?”

  “Yeah. Is that enough?”

  Before Dylan could confirm it, a bid of twenty-two came from someone in the audience, and thus began another bidding war, Slade going head to head with the others vying for a chance to be in an Ace Locke picture.

  Just when it looked like Slade was going to win this round, the number already growing to obscene levels, another player entered the game.

  “Fifty thousand.” Jagger stepped out from backstage, giving Slade a shit-eating grin.

  Slade’s eyes widened. “You asshole. I told you this one was mine.”

  “Well, I decided I wanted it too. Besides, my face would look better onscreen.”

  The audience roared as the two Fallen Angel members went at it, throwing jabs at each other and upping the bid to levels no one in the audience dared match.

  Slade crossed his arms, looking intimidating as hell with his sky-high mohawk. “One hundred.”

  Jagger, unfazed, mimicked his pose across the stage. “One hundred one.”

  “One hundred two.”

  “One hundred ten.”

  “One hundred fifteen.”

  When Jagger opened his mouth to respond, Slade held up his hand. “Give it up, man. I’m not letting you win this.”

  “You don’t have to let me win anything. I’ll do it myself. One twenty.”

  Slade growled. “One twenty-five.”

  It was like we were all watching a tennis match, heads jerking back and forth, and it was so engrossing that none of us noticed when Killian walked out to stand beside Ace and Dylan.

  “One fifty,” he said, and as Slade and Jagger whipped their heads around, their jaws dropped, so surprised that they couldn’t get out a word as Dylan said, “Going once, twice, sold to Killian for one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.”

  If I’d thought Jagger had given a good shit-eating grin, it was nothing on the victorious smile Killian gave his fellow band members. It didn’t last long, though, because Slade and Jagger both lunged in his direction, and Killian hightailed it off the stage before they could get their hands on him.

  Part of me wondered if I needed to go back there and make sure they didn’t kill each other, but one of my staff came over the headset and assured me she was backstage getting them ready to go back on.

  Something told me she wasn’t telling me the truth, because I’d seen the way they desperately wanted that prize, but this was a moment I was more than happy to delegate to others.

  Ace was wrapping things up, and I was sure Dylan was grateful that he hadn’t had to strip down to his skivvies after all. Damn shame for the rest of us, but c’est la vie.

  “Thank you for being so generous tonight. You all still having a good time?” When the audience cheered their approval, Ace gave them a megawatt smile. “It’s only going to get better, because hitting the stage again now—if they’re not beating each other senseless after that bidding war—is Fallen Angel, with special guest Trent Knox!”



  “I’VE BEEN WAITING for this part of the show all night,” I whispered as Ace and I moved behind the curtain to the left of the stage.

  “I know. We’re lucky it’s even happening after that little power mishap.”

  “Little?” I slipped my arm through the crook of Ace’s elbow and cuddled into his side. “We almost blew out L.A.’s entire power grid.”

  Ace chuckled. “Paige really outdid herself.”

  “Right? I still can’t believe there wasn’t a mass exodus.”

  “Agreed. Thank God for Trent. That could’ve been ugly.”

  “Speaking of Trent…” I gestured to where he was walking onto the dark stage to take up his place next to his old band’s new frontman, Halo. It had to be weird, coming back to the group as an outsider, especially after all of the rumors that had swirled around his departure. But, selfishly, I couldn’t wait to see him up there with Halo. The two of them together were going to be unreal.

  Blue and white snowflake spotlights began to twinkle around the crowded arena as Jagger began the familiar keyboard intro to one of my all-time favorite Christmas songs, “Last Christmas.” Then Trent stepped up to the mic and began to croon into it as real snowflakes began to flutter from the ceiling.

  The smile on my face was so wide that I was positive it might slide right off it. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause and started to sing along with Trent. The classic rendition had always been my favorite, and I couldn’t have been happier they’d decided to honor it.

  Halo stepped forward to sing the first verse, reminiscing over being once bitten and twice shy, and holy wow, talk about a reception. It was clear the audience was as excited about seeing them both on that stage as I was.

  Back and forth they switched off, their voices unbelievably in sync. They played off one another in the best ways imaginable, and when Halo made his way over to Viper to tell him that this year he was going to give his heart to someone special—and then added a kiss just so everyone knew who that special someone was—the crowd went wild.

  “They’re really incredible,” Ace said by my ear, and I turned to look up at him and nodded.

  “They really are. I can’t believe how great they sound together. Hey, maybe they’ll get Trent to go on tour with them sometime?”

  Ace smirked and looked back to the stage. “I wouldn’t hold your breath, Daydream. Just because Halo and Trent are getting along doesn’t mean the rest of Fallen Angel is ready to welcome him back with open arms. Check out Viper.”

  I zeroed in on the devilishly good-looking guitarist, who was watching Trent with narrowed eyes. Yeah, okay, there was no love lost there, but it was nice to imagine—if you didn’t include the bloodshed that might follow.

  When the song came to a close, the applause that echoed around the arena was almost deafening. Halo waved at them all as both he and Trent gave each other a mock bow—to which, I noted, Viper rolled his eyes.

  Both men then turned back to their mics as a cozy fireplace appeared on each of the big screens flanking the stage. As the crackling of the wood sounded throughout the hushed arena, the scent of chestnut and pine seemed to fill the air, and I stood there in awe.

  How the hell Paige had managed half of the things she had tonight was beyond me. But I was so thankful to be here enjoying the experience—it was one I knew I’d never forget as Halo and Trent began to sing the classic “Christmas Song.”

  I turned in Ace’s arms and smiled at his handsome face. “Dance with me?”

  He drew me into his strong arms and wrapped them around me, as I clasped my hands behind his neck and hum
med along with the tune.

  “This is nice.”

  Ace lowered his forehead to mine and closed his eyes. “It’s perfect…”

  Yes, it was. But then again, there was rarely a moment that wasn’t perfect with my husband. Every day was better than the day before, and I knew this was just one more that we’d never forget.

  Ace moved his lips to my ear and sang along with the two on the stage.

  I grinned and pulled back. “Merry Christmas.”

  Ace lowered his mouth to mine, and as I melted in his embrace, we swayed with one another to the rest of the song. I couldn’t help but feel disappointed as it came to an end.

  I was about to tell Ace as much when the unmistakable sound of Viper playing the bluesy opening to “Run Rudolph Run” ripped through the air. Then Slade cut in on the drums and Killian and Jagger dove in headfirst.

  Talk about waking the crowd up. In seconds, people were singing and dancing in the audience like they’d all been given a shot of adrenaline. Trent opened the song, keeping perfect pitch and time with the fast beat, and as he approached the chorus, he made his way over to Viper, who was going to town on the guitar.

  The two had a kind of standoff before Viper turned his back and leaned into his ex-frontman, then he threw himself headlong into a guitar solo. It was hard to believe a Christmas song could be so kickass, but when Halo took up the second section, added this growly thing to his voice, and leaned into his mic as though it were just another appendage, I was floored.

  Talk about stage presence. All six of these guys had it, and by the end of the song the crowd was beside themselves screaming out different songs they wanted to hear. Halo and Trent laughed at each other and feigned fatigue, Trent with a hand on his hip, Halo using his mic as support, then they grinned at each other and signaled Viper, who hit the guitar intro again at supersonic speed as the guys finished the night out with a final rapid-fire run through the chorus.

  I hooted and hollered from our place in the wings, and Ace threw in a couple of wolf whistles as the guys waved to the crowd and thanked them all. They all began to make their way off the stage toward Ace and me, but at the last second, Viper stopped behind the mic Halo had vacated and looked out into the crowd.

  “So, have you all had a good night tonight?”

  When the crowd responded with a resounding Yes! he chuckled into the mic and nodded.

  “I thought so. Me too. A night I’m not gonna forget anytime soon.”

  As the crowd nodded, Viper looked over to where the band was now watching him with confusion, and a smile curved his lips as he continued on.

  “Which is why I’m not quite done with it yet. But for the final Christmas act, I think I’m gonna need an angel.”

  The response to that was immediate. Viper pointed to Halo and crooked his finger. Slade, who was standing in front of me and Ace, leaned into Jagger and whispered, “What the hell is going on?”

  It seemed the only person who knew the answer to that was Viper, judging by Halo’s expression. But I guessed we’d soon find out, because his angel was now moving out to take center stage.




  “For my final Christmas act, I’m gonna need an angel.” I crooked my finger, motioning for Halo to come join me center stage, and even though I knew I was throwing off nothing but confidence, a bead of sweat trailed down my neck at what I was about to do.

  To say I’d been a ball of fuckin’ nerves for days now might’ve been an understatement, but at least I’d had Trent around to blame for my mood. It had thrown everyone off the scent, especially Halo, which was why he was looking at me now with a crinkled brow and confusion in his eyes.

  Oh, if he only knew. Which he would, in a matter of seconds.

  Fuck if that didn’t make my palms sweat to the point of needing to wipe them on my jeans.

  Why the hell had I decided right here and now was the best time to pull this off? Oh, right. Not only was Christmas Halo’s favorite holiday, but a big declaration like this told everyone who stared at him all dreamy-eyed to back the fuck off.

  Taken. Mine. All those possessive terms I thought were bullshit before I met Halo were all I could think and feel anymore. I’d waited long enough to make things official between us. I wasn’t wasting any more time.

  “Goddamn, he’s gorgeous, isn’t he?” I shook my head as I stared at my guy, who turned ten shades of red as the crowd answered with wolf whistles and applause. I loved that even though his confidence onstage had grown in leaps and bounds since his time with Fallen Angel, he still got embarrassed when attention was focused directly on him for any reason other than singing. It was endearing and cute as hell—the complete opposite to me, but hey, that was why we worked, right?

  I lifted the strap of my guitar over my head and handed it off to one of the stagehands, then did a quick swipe of my palms against my jeans. As I reached for Halo’s hands, the hoots in the audience grew louder, like they could anticipate what was about to happen. Or maybe it was that they could hear how hard my heart was battering my chest through the microphone in front of me.

  The last thing I’d expected was to be standing up here nervous as fuck. I’d thought about this moment for so long, but as the day drew closer, unfamiliar butterflies had begun to swarm in my stomach, and they were raging now.

  He’ll say yes, right? God, the thought of him turning me down hadn’t even entered my consciousness before, and no way was I going to consider that option now.

  I blew out a breath, getting myself back under control and focused on the man in front of me. From the first time I’d seen Halo, all sweet innocence and golden curls, I’d been lost to him. At the time, I’d assumed whatever happened between us would be a casual thing, but then I’d caught feelings, and nothing had been the same since.

  “Halo,” I said, grinning like a fool already. I rubbed my thumbs along the top of his hands, and he swallowed hard, like he knew something big was coming. He didn’t look out at whoever was watching us, only stared at me, waiting patiently.

  “Hands down, you are the best fucking thing that’s ever happened to me. I knew I was in trouble when I met you—I just didn’t realize how much my life would change.”

  A shy smile lit up Halo’s face, and he squeezed my fingers.

  “I know I’m a selfish bastard, and I don’t plan to stop being that way, because I want you with me every day, every night, every second. I want everyone to know you’re mine, and I want a ring on your finger that you flash every time someone so much as looks your way.”

  Halo’s eyes went wide as gasps rang out around the arena, and just like that, the secret was out.

  I dropped down to one knee, only letting go of one of his hands so I could reach for the ring in my pocket. Halo’s mouth parted as he got a good look at the platinum band gleaming under the stage lights, and then his eyes met mine.

  “Yes,” he whispered, nodding, and dammit, I couldn’t stop my huge smile.

  “Angel, I have to ask you first.”

  “Oh, right. Yes in advance, then.”

  Even though I’d blocked everyone else out, I could hear the laughter and cheers at Halo’s exuberance, and all those butterflies left my stomach permanently.

  I brushed a kiss along Halo’s knuckles and looked up at him. He even looked like an angel standing there staring down at me, the lights above him shining down to give him a halo around those curls. I’d never seen a more beautiful sight. He was perfect, and more than that, he was mine for the rest of our lives.

  If I could manage to get the words out.

  “Angel,” I said, as a calm washed over me, and for the first time tonight, my voice was sure and steady. “It’s no secret I want you to be mine forever. You make me a better man, which I know the rest of the guys are grateful for.” I cracked a smile as Halo beamed. “But more than wanting you, I need you. Say you’ll put me out of my misery and marry me.”

  I’d nev
er seen a bigger smile on Halo’s face as he nodded again and said, “Of course I’ll marry you.”

  I was on my feet in half a second as the arena exploded into thunderous applause and cheers, and as I wrapped my arms around Halo, he grabbed my face and kissed the breath out of me. I didn’t know how long we stayed tangled together, but when we finally broke apart, my head was spinning, my feet no longer touching the ground, or at least it felt that way.

  Halo reached for my hand, the one still holding his ring. “You have to put that on me, you know.”

  Hell yes I did. I slid the band onto his left ring finger and kissed it for good measure before turning to the crowd.

  “Officially off the market,” I said, wrapping my arm around Halo’s waist and pulling him tight to me. It was wild to see the look on everyone’s faces: a mixture of shock, excitement, and, for some, crushing disappointment, I was sure.

  Too. Damn. Bad.

  Halo waved at the crowd as the rest of the band came running out on stage toward us, and right on cue, the curtain closed, blocking us all from view.

  “Holy shit, why didn’t you tell us?” Slade said. “Or did you all know?”

  “I didn’t know,” Jagger said.

  When Killian only smiled and didn’t say anything, Slade glared his way.

  “You knew?”

  Killian rolled his eyes. “You think Viper could pick out a ring by himself? Come on.”

  “Speaking of rings,” Jagger, ever the jewelry connoisseur, said. “Give us a look at the goods.”

  Halo held his hand out, proudly showing off the band that, yes, Killian had helped me pick out. In my defense, I knew it was the one when I saw it. I just wanted a second opinion.

  Jagger whistled. “Now that’s a nice ring, Viper. You did good.”

  “Only the best for my angel.” I hugged Halo in even closer, not letting him go for a second.

  “Viper engaged. Who would’ve ever thought it?” A new voice entered our circle, and I looked up to see Trent and his Herculean-sized boyfriend Shaw giving us amused smiles.