Jingle Bell Rock Read online

Page 10

  With a snort, I shook my head. “Not me.”

  “Well, congrats, man. I’m happy for you.” Trent held his hand out toward me, and with the pressure off, I guessed I didn’t mind the guy so much at the moment. I shook his hand, expecting that to be it, but then he surprised the shit out of me by pulling me in for a hug. Well, as much as he could with me still being attached to Halo.

  As Trent clapped me on the back, he said, “I guess I kind of get you being an ass now.”

  “Me? An ass?” I pulled away from him and smirked. “Now that would be out of character.”

  “I just feel bad for Halo, being stuck with you.”

  “Happily stuck, you mean.” My guy—fiancé—leaned in and kissed my neck, and I suddenly wished we were anywhere other than surrounded by a shit-ton of people.

  “All right, are we done here? Nothing else we need to do, right?” I looked to Killian, who I knew would be on top of our schedule.

  He shook his head. “Just a quick photo op with some winners and then you two can head out.”

  “Thank fuck.” Those words out of Halo’s mouth instead of mine made everyone bust a gut, and as we followed the others backstage to wherever the photo op was going to take place, I held tight to my present and future.

  “I can’t believe you did that,” Halo said, holding on to me just as tight.


  “Uh, yeah. No wonder you were acting crazy this week.”

  “More than usual?”

  He laughed. “Oh yeah. But don’t worry. You’re forgiven.”

  With the others filing into a hallway up ahead, Halo moved us to a dark corner out of sight and pushed me up against the wall.

  “I hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into,” he murmured before taking my lips with his. I sank into him, the way I always did when we got our hands on each other. Sensual and eager, ready to get out of here and go somewhere alone. “No getting rid of me now.”

  If he thought that was a warning, he’d lost his mind. “So you’ll really marry me?”

  Halo moved back enough that even in the darkness I could make out the twinkle in his eyes, and it was a look I knew I’d never forget.

  “Yes,” he said, bringing his lips back to mine ever so lightly. “A thousand times yes, Viper. I’m yours.”



  TONIGHT HAD BEEN awesome. Beyond awesome. It had been fan-freaking-tastic. Meeting Ace Locke just now had been the cherry on top of the best sundae ever, and if the goofy grin on Panther’s usually serious face was anything to go by, he was feeling the exact same way.

  “Can you believe how nice he was?” I said as we stepped out of the lounge we’d just had our meet-and-greet in. Just like the rest of the place, it had been decorated like something out of a Hallmark Christmas movie. But unlike one of those flicks, the star of our show had been an A-grade Hollywood superstar.

  “I know. He was so easy to talk to, it felt like we’d known him for years.”

  “Dylan too. That story about the Horny Goat weed was hilarious. Maybe we should look it up.”

  I scoffed. “You trying to say I don’t have enough stamina?”

  “Hell no. Any more energy from you and I’d never been able to leave the bed. I just think it’d be funny to check out.”

  I took Panther’s hands in mine and pulled him to me. “Did you have fun tonight?”

  His mouth kicked up at the sides, and when he lowered his head to brush his lips over mine, my cock throbbed. “More fun than I ever imagined possible. Thank you again. This Christmas is going to be pretty tough to beat next year.”

  I wound my arms around his neck and parted my lips for him to taste, and when his tongue slipped inside, I groaned. “You know me, always up for a challenge.”

  “Hmm, more like always up.” Panther thrust his hips against mine, and what do you know, I wasn’t the only flyboy here who was enjoying the moment.

  “I can’t deny it. You put your hands, mouth, or body anywhere close to mine, and what can I say, the response is automatic.”

  One of the hands under discussion moved down to my ass and pulled me even closer. “Something I will never complain about. So how about I take you back to the hotel and thank you properly?”

  “Properly but not…proper, right?”

  Panther kissed his way up my jaw to my ear and whispered, “I promise, nothing I plan to do to you when I get you in our room will be proper.”

  I was about to tell him that was more than okay with me when I heard—

  “Grant? Mateo? Oh, thank God, I thought I missed you guys.”

  We pulled apart to see Paige running our way, and I was impressed that anyone could run around the way she did in those thigh-high boots—the heels were insane.

  “Sooo, how was it, how was it? Was Ace on his best behavior? Or perhaps his worst? Whatever floats your boat,” she said, then added a sassy wink.

  Panther moved to stand beside me and smiled. “He was fantastic. He’s so easygoing.”

  “He really is, isn’t he? Unless you side-eye or badmouth his Daydream, that is. Then he’ll go total Hulk on your ass.” She paused, seemed to think over her words, and then added, “Well, not your actual ass—but you get the point.”

  “We do, and seriously, this has been the best prize—and night—either of us have ever had.”

  A bright smile lit her beautiful face. “Now that makes me happy, and the fact that I can be happy after almost short-circuiting half of L.A. is saying something.”

  “Hey, you won’t hear us complaining. We got to hear Trent Knox sing a Queen song. That was some kickass bonus material right there.”

  Paige nodded and let out a sigh. “You’re right about that. He sure did save the night. Well, your limo is waiting for you where it dropped you earlier, and if you have any other questions about tonight—or want to write a glowing review on how awesome I was—you can find my website here on my card.”

  She took a business card from her clipboard and handed it to Panther.

  “It was a pleasure meeting you two. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go and down every leftover drink at the bar before crawling into bed and passing out for two weeks straight.”

  “Thanks again, Paige. We’ll never forget this.” I watched as she turned and headed back inside the venue, then I took Panther’s hand in mine and grinned. “Ready to head out?”

  “You bet. I have someone to thank over and over again.”


  “GO ON, YOU can say it…”

  “I’m sorry.” Logan gestured to his ear as the crowd began to disperse. “Can you speak up a little? I think I might be deaf.”

  I took his hand as we moved with the rest of the people leaving the VIP area. “You had a good time. Admit it.”

  Logan glanced at me out of the corner of his eye and shrugged. “I mean, it wasn’t bad.”

  “Bullshit. You had a great time. I wish it was more because you were there with me than checking out the blond on stage, but…”

  “You know better than that.”

  “Do I?” I did, of course. Logan wouldn’t look twice at another man. Hell, he’d even spent fifteen thousand dollars to rent out JULIEN back in Chicago for a private dinner with me. But it was too much fun playing with him this way. “You were looking at him pretty hard.”

  “He was the lead singer.”

  “Of a band. Or did you miss the other people on stage with him?”

  Logan looked at me as though I’d lost my mind.

  “Are you really trying to tell me you’re upset I was watching the band?”

  “Watching them? No. But I thought you might cry when Viper proposed to Halo.”

  When Logan realized I was kidding, his eyes narrowed on me.

  “If it’ll make you feel better, I could dye my hair blond when we get back to Chicago.”

  “Don’t you fucking dare.”


  “Not if you want to sleep in my
bed at night.”

  I slipped an arm around his waist. “Oh, I definitely want to be there at night. During the day, too.”

  Logan groaned and grabbed the edges of my leather jacket. “Good answer.”



  “And you really don’t want the young blond over me?”

  Logan’s smile was downright wicked. “The only thing I want over you is me. So let’s get the hell out of here.”

  “Logan! Tate!”

  We turned to see Robbie, Julien, and Priest making their way toward us. They’d been in a different section than the two of us tonight, but as we got outside the main doors, we waited for them to exit with the rest of the crowd.

  When they finally reached us, Julien smiled and looked between the two of us. “Bonsoir. Did you two enjoy the show?”

  I smirked and side-eyed my husband, who said, “Parts of it.”

  “Parts of it?” Robbie frowned. “It was unreal.”

  “Yeah, well, a certain blond with curls made tonight particularly enjoyable for Logan.”

  “Ah. Got a crush on Halo, huh?”

  “He did…until he got engaged.”

  Priest chuckled as he pulled Robbie in under his arm. “Well, don’t let that stop you. Maybe you could become a foursome? Just think, Tate, another couple of people would help take him off your hands occasionally.”

  Logan glared at his work partner and friend. “Tate likes his hands just fine on me, thank you very much. I was just admiring the lead singer. He was very…talented.”

  That made me laugh, because the last thing that had captured Logan’s attention was the music Halo had been playing. But deciding to give him a break, I switched subjects. “Did the three of you catch up with Ace and Dylan?”

  “We looked for them but were told they were doing a meet-and-greet.”

  Logan rolled his eyes. “Typical Ace. Always acting like he’s famous or something.”

  Julien chuckled but shook his head. “I saw them while I was setting up, but that was it, other than on the stage. We’ll have to give them a call when we get home. Let them know to visit next time they’re in town.”

  “He said something about summer. So maybe then.”


  As we made our way up the main thoroughfare, I noticed several people still skating around the makeshift ice rink, and as we passed by, Robbie asked, “Did you get to ice-skate tonight? Priest and I did.”


  “You did?” Julien said.

  “Mhmm, earlier. When you were getting things ready.”

  We all stopped dead in our tracks, and Julien turned to face his husbands. “You talked Priest into ice skating? I don’t believe it.”

  Robbie’s eyes lit up with glee as he fished his phone out of his pocket. “I have proof!”

  “Robert, we talked about this.” Priest’s tone was downright serious, but the no-nonsense expression had little to no effect on Robbie.

  “No, you threatened me, and I’m choosing to believe you love me too much to actually kill me if I show them.”

  “I want to see,” Julien said, holding out his hand.

  “I swear, Robert. If you hand that phone over—”

  A second later, Julien had the phone. The delighted laugh that followed told us that Priest was indeed caught on film ice-skating, and whatever else was there was so out of place it was making the usually serious lawyer bristle.

  “Give it back, Julien.”

  “Non, this is too cute, Joel. Look at you.”

  “Oh, this I’ve got to see.” Logan stepped forward, but Priest quickly blocked him.

  “Not on your life.”

  “Okay, how about on his?” Logan said, pointing at Robbie. “I mean, you did already threaten it.”

  When Priest merely glared, Logan shrugged. “Eh, that’s okay.” He then turned and leaned into Robbie. “How about you just sit near me on the way back tomorrow? Distract me from my fear of flying.”

  Robbie laughed. “Deal.”

  We continued on to the main road, and I took Logan’s hand in an effort to keep him out of trouble. When we got to the curb, we quickly spotted our car, and Priest said, “There’s no way in hell you’re going to see that video, Mitchell.”

  “Wanna make a bet?”

  “You’re not funny, you know that?”

  “I know. But I bet you are on ice skates. See you three tomorrow.”

  I opened the car door and ushered Logan inside. “Get in there, would you, troublemaker.”

  Robbie and Julien waved at Logan while Priest scowled, and as I said my goodbyes and slid into the back seat with Logan, I shook my head.

  “You had way too much fun with that.”

  Logan took my face in his hands and kissed me until I’d forgotten what I was talking about. “I did, but come on, Priest on ice skates? That’s too much to pass up.”

  “Admit it, you enjoyed this weekend, didn’t you?”

  Logan nipped at my lower lip and nodded. “I did. I’m going to enjoy it even more when I get you back to the hotel room.”

  “Hmm. I like the sound of that.” I kissed him again, a little harder this time. “Merry Christmas, Mr. Mitchell.”

  “And a merry Christmas to you, Mr. Mitchell.”


  ACE PULLED HIS Lamborghini into the drive, and as the gates shut behind us, I reached across the console and took his hand in mine.

  Tonight had been a huge success, millions of dollars had been raised, and by this time next week, many of those who were in desperate need of help would be getting some of the assistance they needed. It wouldn’t take care of all of the problems these organizations faced, but knowing we’d helped contribute in some way made me feel a sense of purpose—especially at this time of the year.

  I rested my head back against the car seat and looked over at my handsome husband. Ace was one of the most generous people I knew. Not only with his money, but with his time, his life, himself in general. People wanted so much from the man they knew on the screen, and every time he made someone’s day by smiling their way, I fell in love with him a little more.

  “This weekend was wonderful,” I said into the dark interior.

  Ace pulled the car to a stop and turned to face me. “It was, wasn’t it?”

  “Mhmm. Great to catch up with friends and then do something fun that will help people who really need it.”

  “Agreed. And even though it was touch and go there for a while, I thought it all came together well in the end.”

  I smiled, thinking of the blackout and then what had followed. “I think it’s safe to say it worked out better than well in the end. I don’t think there’s been such a public engagement of celebrities since you.”

  Ace lifted my hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to the back of my knuckles. “Since us, you mean.”

  “We did make a statement, didn’t we?”

  “We sure did, Daydream. I like to think that maybe we somehow gave Viper a hand tonight. You know, to be able to put it all out there in front of the world.”

  I liked that thought too. “I’m happy for them. It’s clear they’re mad about one another. I thought their bandmates were going to pass out in shock. Viper was quite the player before Halo came along.”

  “So was Logan before Tate. It’s amazing what the right man can do to you.”

  I turned Ace’s hand over and rubbed my thumb over the back of his hand. “Want to know what this man is going to do to you?”

  “Hell yes I do.”

  I reached over and pressed the release on Ace’s seatbelt, and when it retracted, I placed my hand on his chest and brushed my lips over his. “I’m going to take you inside…”


  “Lay you out in bed…”

  “Oh, I like this.”

  I grinned and moved my lips up by his ear. “And suck your big candy cane.”

  Ace started to laugh, a rumble of joy vibrati
ng out of him as his wide shoulders shook.

  “My candy cane, huh? That’s what we’re going to call it from now on?”

  I sat back on my side of the car and reached for the handle. “Would you rather Santa’s pole?”

  Ace’s mouth fell open, and I couldn’t stop laughing as I pushed open the door and climbed out. Then I turned around and leaned down to see him sitting exactly where I’d left him.

  “Whatcha waiting for, Hotshot? This boy’s got a sweet tooth, so get your fine ass out of this car and upstairs.”

  Ace’s smile was packed full of sex, and when he finally walked around the front of the car and we headed toward the front door, he said, “You are definitely going on the naughty list this year.”

  I chuckled and kissed Ace’s cheek. “As long as you’re there with me, I don’t much care.”

  “Then let’s go. I’ve got a big candy cane with your name on it, and I really want to give it to you.”

  Laughing, we made our way inside and up to our room hand in hand. There, we fell into each other’s arms and reconnected in a way that was made extra special at this time of the year.

  Love, laughter, friendship, and cheer—this weekend had been full of all of those things, and tonight in an arena full of strangers, we’d shared a moment in time that would help the less fortunate. I couldn’t think of anything more fitting for this time of the year than reaching out and giving to my fellow man.

  And speaking of my fellow man, it was time I got to work and landed the both of us firmly on that naughty list.

  Thank You

  Thank you so much for reading Jingle Bell Rock. We hope you enjoyed reconnecting with some of our most beloved characters.

  If you’d like to catch up with their individual stories you can find them at the links below!

  Logan & Tate (Temptation Series)

  Ace & Dylan (Preslocke Series)