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WindSwept Narrows: #9 Guinevere Paddington Page 5
WindSwept Narrows: #9 Guinevere Paddington Read online
Page 5
A little girl’s room, he realized with a jolt.
Ethan faced the woman watching him and walked toward her, a satisfied look in his eyes when she hastily turned and went to the main room.
“You look nervous, Miss Paddington,” he remarked, making himself comfortable on the sofa. “It’s a new look for you,” he watched her pacing by the wide glass doors. “I’m going to take a guess it’s because you are far more aware of the rules surrounding this…most…eclectic family, than I am.”
“My parents are British…and very old fashioned in some respects,” Gwen said carefully. “Uncle Kris is one of his brothers.”
“And you are their only child of the eldest brother,” he saw her nod cautiously. “And you are also very diligent and quite somber even, when it comes to your family. Obedient might even be a word I’d use in some respects,” he almost laughed at the burst of fire he saw in those honey colored eyes.
“I think it’s time you left, Mr. Collier. I don’t know about you, but I have early mornings,” Gwen straightened her shoulders and moved toward the coat rack by the outer exit. “Here’s your coat. Down those stairs and to the right. The path will lead you to where you parked your vehicle.”
“I don’t plan on leaving, Geneviève.” This time he did laugh when she spun on him, lips pursed and eyes narrowed. He followed the long legs and shimmering pajamas as she stormed past him, down a short hall. She was back within a minute, dropping several blankets and a pillow on the sofa next to him.
“Good night, Mr. Collier.” Gwen left him sitting on the sofa, her door closed firmly behind her. Shoulders hit the door that were shaking, her head back and eyes closed. This had not been in the plan, she shouted inside her mind.
“Open the door, Geneviève, we need to talk,” Ethan leaned on the wall, arms crossed, waiting.
“It’s late and I’m tired. Go away.” She whispered with only a hint of a hiss in her words.
“It’s barely past ten and you’re pissed,” he corrected with a chuckle. “There’s a difference. Are you going to pace all night?”
The door was flung wide, a furious Gwen staring at him as he casually pushed away from the wall and walked into her bedroom like he owned it. He looked around, moving to sit in the large cushioned chair by the fireplace.
“Alright, talk,” she demanded.
“You look cold,” he commented, one corner of his mouth lifting, along with one eyebrow. “It’s a little distracting.”
“I am not…dis…” Gwen looked down in the direction he was staring, her eyes closed for a long silent minute. A lengthy breath was pushed between her lips before she moved to the bed, whipping a blanket off the bottom and wrapping it around her, knuckles white from holding it closed. “Better?”
“I wasn’t complaining, believe me. You pacing in those pajamas have given me an entirely new outlook,” he said honestly.
“What do you want, Mr. Collier?” Gwen asked tonelessly, standing with feet apart watching him.
“I told you what I wanted yesterday, Geneviève. Fortunately for me, you ignored my request,” he stated, his voice equally flat. “And with the new day, came a bright and shiny new opportunity. Several, if you think about it…”
“I was unaware that you possessed managerial skills,” Gwen commented warily.
“Not knowing the fine print isn’t my problem. It’s like losing at a game and complaining that you didn’t know the rules,” Ethan said casually.
“What do you want?” She repeated bluntly.
“Your co-operation.”
“In return for?”
“A manager and Zoe,” he saw the anger flaring in her eyes. “You’re right. Is that what you wanted to hear me say?” He demanded, emotions flat as he met the suspicion in her eyes. “I don’t know how to be a parent, especially of a little girl. I was raised in foster homes and believe me, parenting isn’t the reason the majority of them took in kids.” He watched some of the anger leave her stare.
“You can not be a manager of Paddington’s without being part of the family,” Gwen recited from memory. She helped draft the original documents.
“Which brings your co-operation into play,” he told her easily. “Your father pointed out that what would be best for Zoe, is that she have a happy home with a mother and father.”
“Yesterday,” Gwen began very softly. “You would have taken Zoe and never looked back.”
“Very true and I realize I would have missed out on the proverbial golden opportunity had I acted out of anger,” he admitted with a resolute shrug.
“You’ve evolved very quickly, Mr. Collier,” she said carefully.
“I hear tell it’s the season of miracles, Miss Paddington,” he acknowledged with a slight tip of his head. “I’ve been looking for a different kind of position for awhile now,” Ethan told her honestly. “Nothing appealed. Until today. You’ve built a very lucrative business, Geneviève. I read through most of the quarterly reports while taking with your father.”
“And you’re willing to make a critical life change in a three hour span of time,” Gwen needed time to think.
“I’m a decisive kind of guy,” he watched her closely. It was almost possible to see her brain churning. “You have quietly been buying up the property as each successive attempt to build fell apart.”
“That isn’t in the financial reports,” she said softly.
“The one portion of Paddington’s that is thriving above all the others, is the pastries and cakes. You’ve got them in tins and on contract for half the high end businesses between here and Seattle. You’re working on Olympia next,” he kept his eyes on hers. “Only you have aspirations for something bigger. Something different for yourself, and to do that, you need a manager. Me.”
“You’ve been busy.”
“Your father showed me the design you had drawn up for the waterfront business district. All American, all local, no chains. Impressive, including renewed interest in manufacturing,” Ethan watched as she leaned against the large foot board of the bed and ease herself to the floor. Knees drawn to her chin as she returned his stare, chewing on her lower lip in thought. “Interesting bed. English?”
“Henry the Eighth,” she said. “A replica, of course. It doesn’t bother you to use not only me, but Zoe to get what you want out of this?”
“We’ll start with Zoe…believe it or not, I’ve thought of nothing else the last few days. I don’t see how it would be a bad thing for her to be surrounded by a family that is protective and loving, do you? Again, you were right. I don’t have what she needs but I am smart enough to know how to acquire it.”
Gwen didn’t allow her eyes to waiver. “Tell me more about this altruistic evolution you’re undergoing, Mr. Collier.”
“You don’t believe it’s possible for a man to admit he’s made a mistake?” Ethan held his voice level and low. “Hand me any kind of weapon and I can operate it efficiently within half an hour…throw a child at me…”
“And I’m supposed to believe you wanted to learn from this mistake before my father dangled a carrot in front of you…” Gwen arched an eye brow curiously, the light from the fireplace making the angles of his features all that more austere.
“I did a lot of research where you’re concerned. Yes, it was damned convenient to leave Zoe with you while I sorted through some issues, one of which was the nanny,” Ethan told her stiffly. “But if anything had come up in my research that said Zoe was in a place worse than she left, I would have had her out of your hands almost instantly. Don’t doubt that, Miss Paddington.”
“No one I spoke with told me you would ever intentionally harm a child, Mr. Collier. I don’t like the idea of being used so you can advance to CEO position. You do realize it does not come with a golden parachute or elevated salary?”
“I know exactly what it comes with, Miss Paddington. It’s been you’re intention all along to build on the premise that the resort picked up on, and that’s simple, old fashioned community,”
Ethan said, an edge of approval in his tone. “My research had me curious about a woman who began building this empire when she was fifteen,” he saw the surprise in her eyes. “I have very good sources, despite the road blocks I’ve run into. What I didn’t understand…were the hints – before I met your father – that you were looking for a manager to take your place. So I had to go back for some rechecking. I discovered a woman who learned several European languages so she could travel for months at a time in countries where things were less than stable. I discovered she was in places she shouldn’t have been…sometimes caught up in things she wasn’t meant to be involved in…all so she could personally speak to old women about their recipes.”
Gwen felt her teeth clank together, her arms tightening a little more around her knees.
“I spoke to people she learned martial arts skills from. I discovered how she came by a few members of her extended family in her travels,” Ethan watched the keen wariness in her eyes. “I learned there are some who believe she came by the mass of property through magical means,” he laughed at the rolled eyes. “You have an interesting reputation, Miss Paddington.”
“And your point, Mr. Collier?”
“My point…I know what you want, Miss Paddington. Leaving Zoe out of the middle, there is something of value in this partnership for us both.” Ethan watched her, the tip of her tongue out to moisten her lips. He knew she was weighing the odds that he actually knew something.
“It was very convenient that my father invite you to have a drink in his study.”
“I will admit to orchestrating that one,” he said with a shrug. “I somehow had this notion that you would be less than forth coming with accurate information regarding the position.”
“And exactly what do you believe I want, Mr. Collier?”
“I spoke with Mia.” He was positive you could hear the proverbial pin drop. He had to give her credit. Not a muscle on her face moved, but he saw her fingers shaking before she tightened them around the blanket.
“You are the only one she’s spoken with who has passed approval by the other owners,” Ethan complimented quietly. “But we both know Mia has set a deadline of sorts for herself.”
“It’s difficult to maintain a family and a high powered career. So much to try and fit into a circle. Two restaurants…” Gwen closed her eyes and laid her head on her knees. “Please leave, Mr. Collier.”
“From the age of fifteen, you and your cousin, have catered to every dream and wish and whimsy that your family members could come up with in regards to their own passions,” Ethan leaned over, his elbows on his knees and hands clasp between them. “You made certain Thomas went to vo-tech to further his interest in mechanical repairs. You sent Zora to a botanical school because she wanted to make lotions and oils. Should I continue? And yet…you won’t indulge your own, Miss Paddington. Why?”
“Good night, Mr. Collier,” Gwen pushed against the floor and opened the door, striding into the living area.
“You know the instant I tell your father what you want to do, you’ll have no rest,” Ethan took up a position on the sofa, kicking his shoes off and laying back, hands up behind his head. “Each and every one of your rescues will swear they can manage the company so you can go off and follow your passion.”
“Exactly what do you want, Mr. Collier?”
“I told you…your co-operation. I want your position. To achieve that, we have to present a united front,” Ethan watched as she slowly turned from the window. “I know you aren’t involved with anyone, Geneviève. I am not involved with anyone. To get us both want we want, we can be not involved with anyone, together.”
“When I first saw you, I seriously questioned your sanity,” Gwen shook her head in amazement, hoping she’d wake up any time now. She closed her eyes, screwed them shut very tightly and ignored the deep laughter from the man on her sofa. “I need sleep. Good night.” She left him lying there, her door left partly open in case she heard Zoe.
Gwen lay in bed for a long time staring at her ceiling. It had all seemed so simple, were the last thoughts she had, a tired sigh easing free as she drifted off to sleep. What had she started?
Chapter Seven
Ethan felt his neck protesting the sofa he was sleeping on. Dark lashes rose slowly, dawn nowhere to be seen on this December day. Not at this time of the morning, he groaned.
“Hi, Uncle Ethan,” Zoe stood beside the soda, dark curls neatly bound into two tiny tails hanging over each ear.
“It’s morning,” he said gruffly, clearing his throat and trying again. “Hi…”
“Want some juice?”
Ethan closed one eye. “Coffee?”
He watched Zoe look up over the back of the sofa, a direction he knew faced the kitchen.
“We don’t have any. Juice or milk or water,” Zoe parroted carefully, leaning her hip against the cushion. “How are you today?”
“Been better,” he answered honestly, groaning as he pushed himself to sit up, the smell of toast reaching his stomach.
“You could sleep in my bed,” Zoe offered watching him stretch.
“Thanks…it’s a little too girly for me,” Ethan rubbed his neck and looked at the little girl giggling at his comment.
“We put clean towels and a new toothbrush in the bathroom for you,” she left him and climbed onto the chair by the counter, digging into her little pancakes.
Gwen watched him move off down the hall, biting thoughtfully into the apple she had spread with cream cheese. They could make it work, she thought. A platonic business relationship. She cleaned off Zoe and set her free, staring at Ethan as he ambled toward the kitchen. A dark shadow added to the black clothing, an over all effect that would scare anyone, Halloween or not, she mused.
“Does a platonic relationship mean we have to be friends?”
“Geneviève…” He drawled her name very slowly. “Negotiating with me when I haven’t had any coffee is a bad idea,” he accepted the large glass of juice.
“People are partners in business all the time. There is no reason why two civilized, intelligent adults can’t make this work to the mutual benefit of us all,” Gwen waited while he drained the entire glass and set it down, turning and going to sit on the sofa to pull on his boots.
Zoe and Gwen watched him shrug into his coat and go to the outer exit, the door slamming behind him.
“I’m thinking he’s not a morning person,” Gwen commented, cleaning up the kitchen and getting Zoe ready to go to work with her.
“Time to play!” She announced happily, letting herself be buttoned into her jacket before gathering her little backpack and waiting for Gwen.
Half way to his apartment, her words echoed in his brain.
“What the hell does she think platonic means?” Ethan growled, pulling into a coffee shop and finding a large black coffee before continuing to his apartment. Shaving, shower, more coffee and a simple resignation letter.
He wrote another letter, put her name on the bottom, folded it and slid it into an unsealed envelope. Several errands later, he stepped from the SUV and walked to the resort, heading toward the kitchen.
The dining room was empty but he saw Mia through the heavy swinging doors. “Good morning, Mia.”
“Ethan…this is a surprise,” she wiped her hands and kissed his cheek.
“I come bearing gifts,” he held out the envelope, watched her peer inside, dark eyes wide and her smile beaming.
“This is fantastic! I am so looking forward to working with Gwen!” She hugged him, looped her arm in his and guided him to her office. “There is only the legal paperwork. I will let Logan know we have agreed and it is settled. He worries…I think becoming a father is almost as nerve wracking as planning the resort was,” she said with a hurried chuckle.
“Is it something in the water around here?” He asked, shoving his hands into his pockets and shaking his head.
“It is part of life, Ethan,” she said softly. “And it is
n’t such a bad path to follow. I’ve spoken with many of our friends…the community we’re trying to create…a safer, saner place for the children of tomorrow,” she shrugged but smiled. “All any of us can do is try. Thank you for delivering this. I didn’t think you and Gwen were…how shall I say…on terms…”
“Terms are still in the negotiation stage, Mia,” he answered with a shake of his head. “I can’t blame her for her reaction to Zoe…if I’d used my head and…come to you or someone with a kid…”
“You can’t blame yourself for what you didn’t know, Ethan. Be grateful that you met with Gwen and she was able to help,” Mia put the envelope into the top drawer of her desk. “Why did it not occur to you to simply ask for help?”
“Good question…hell if I know…I don’t think I needed help. That’s what the nanny was for. I was searching for a good pre-school for her…putting money away for her college…” Ethan frowned at the rolling laughter that broke free.
“She is barely three, Ethan! I believe you have time. What she needs most in the world right now, is you,” Mia got up and came around the desk, sitting on the edge. “Perhaps you should have a night out with Noah and Lucas. Get in-sight into being a father.”
“If someone had told me six months ago that I’d even care…” He got up and hugged her. “Thanks for listening…”
“It’s what friends are for,” Mia told him, walking with him into the kitchen, her hand up with a little wave before she went back to her instructions.
It was a little after five when Zoe burst into the house, skidding to a stop with a frown.
“What’s all this junk?”
“Learn a new word, did you?” Gwen asked, peering around at the various cartons strewn around the large open living area.
“I was helping Thomas clean a closet by the carousel,” Zoe told her. “He has a lot of junk.”
“I’ll have to thank him for not choosing a more specific word,” Gwen murmured with a chuckle.